Anda di halaman 1dari 15


1. Proposed position : Senior Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence

2. a!e : I "ede Pra!ud#a Ananta
$. %ate of &irt' : August 25, 1963
(. ationalit# : Indonesian
). Education : Ed.D. in Information Technolog in Education
and Training, !acult of Education, the
"ni#ersit of $ollongong, %&$, Australia
+.&c. in ,om-uter &ciences, &chool of
+athematics, .hsics, ,om-uting, and
Electronics, the +ac/uarie "ni#ersit, %&$,
Australia '1995*.
0.&c. '1on*. in +athematics Education and
+athematics, !acult of Teacher Training and
Education, the "daana "ni#ersit and Institut
Te2nologi 0andung, Indonesia '1933, 1991*.
*. +t'er training : Educational E#aluation Training, "%4A+5
+ataram, 1933 'trainee*6
In5&er#ice Training 7e#el III, "%4A+5
+ataram, 1939 'trainee*6
+icrocom-uter and 0A&I, Training, .I8&I
IT050andung, 199( 'trainee*6
0asic &ciences 0ridging .rogram I9, Institut
Te2nologi 0andung, 0andung '1991* 'trainee*6
English for Academic .ur-oses .rogram, IA7!5
:a2arta, 1991 'trainee*6
Training for Educati#e &taffs for .;&D
.rogram, "%4A+5+ataram, 1991 'trainee*6
A--lied &tatistics and ,om-uting &hort ,ourse,
IAE".5+ataram, 1992 'trainee*6
+aster <ualifing .rogram, the +ac/uarie
"ni#ersit, %&$, Australia '1993*.
English for Academic .ur-oses .rogram, IA7!5
Den-asar, 199= 'trainee*6
!irst Aid Training .rogram for &enior >fficers,
$ollongong, %&$, 1999 'trainee*6
,onflict 4esolution Training .rogram,
$ollongong, %&$, 1999 'trainee*6
&uicide Inter#ention Training .rogram,
$ollongong, %&$, 1999 'trainee*6
$or2sho- on &emi <"E 9 .ro-osal
De#elo-ment, Den-asar 2((2 '-artici-ant*6
%ational &eminar on Dissemination of %ational
Tracer &tud, ?oga2arta, 2((2 '-artici-ant*6
Training for %ational Tracer &tud
+ethodolog, +a2assar, 2((2 '-artici-ant*6
%ational &eminar on Im-lementation of
&emester ,redit &stem in &enior 1igh
&chools, +ataram, 2((2 '-artici-ant*6
%ational $or2sho- for De#elo-ment of &I.
T.&D.5AD0 @atch 3, 0andung 2((3.
%ational &eminar on Electronic ;o#ernment 'E5
;o#* for $est %usa Tenggara, +ataram, 2((3
%ational $or2sho- for Im-lementation &u@
.roAect .ro-osal 0atch III T.&D.5AD0,
+a2assar, :anuar 2(() '-artici-ant*6
&eminar on 4esearch Ti-s, an Initiation for
,olla@oration @etBeen "ni#ersiti "tara
+alasia5&T+I8 0umigora +ataram,
+ataram, +arch 2(() 'moderator*6
%ational $or2sho- for Teaching ;rant .ro-osal
4e#ieB T.&D.5AD0, :a2arta, Decem@er 2(()
%ational $or2sho- for T.&D. Audit and
4e#ieB, +a2assar, +arch 2((5 '-artici-ant*6
%ational &eminar for 4esearch and &tudies
T.&D.5AD0 7oan 1=925I%>, ?oga2arta, :ul
2((5 's-ea2er*6
%ational &eminar a@out the &ocialiCation of
%ational &trategies and .olicies on
Im-lementation of E5;o#ernment, +ataram,
&e-tem@er 2((5 'moderator*6
%ational $or2sho- on De#elo-ment of .olicies
for .enili2 .endidi2an 7uar &e2olah '%on5
!ormal Education &u-er#isors* of De-artment
of %ational Education, +ataram, %o#em@er
2((5 'trainer*6
$or2sho- for De#elo-ment of Teaching5
7earning .rocesses E#aluation for 7ecturers in
the 7aB !acult of +ataram "ni#ersit,
+ataram, Decem@er 2((5 's-ea2er*6
%ational &eminar and $or2sho- of
,ommunit50ased 0asic Education for the .oor
,0E.5:!.4: dissemination and sustaina@ilit,

+ataram, +arch 2((6 'moderator and
$or2sho- for ,ommunit50ased Education,
DecentraliCed 0asic Education .roAect 'D0E.*,
0ima, :ul 2((6 '-artici-ant*6
$or2sho- and Training for &chool
De#elo-ment .lan De#elo-ment D0E.,
TaliBang, &e-tem@er 2((6 's-ea2er and
$or2sho- for De#elo-ment of ,once-ts and
&trategies for 4emote and Disad#antaged
Education, TaliBang, >cto@er 2((6 's-ea2er*6
$or2sho- for Im-ro#ement of 0asic Education
Teachers in De#elo-ment of &trategies in
Teaching +athematics, TaliBang, %o#em@er
2((6 's-ea2er*6
$or2sho- for De#elo-ing $e@50ased 7earning
En#ironment in 1igher Education, +ataram,
%o#em@er 2((6 's-ea2er*.
$or2sho- for .re-aration of &chool
De#elo-ment !und Dis@ursement for 0asic
Education .rinci-als, TaliBang 2((= 's-ea2er*6
$or2sho- for &chool De#elo-ment .lan
De#elo-ment of non5&D! &chools, TaliBang
2((= 's-ea2er*
$or2sho- for Esta@lishment of !orums of
&chool ,ommittee ,ommunication in
&um@aBa 0arat District, TaliBang 2((=
$or2sho- for 0adan 7aanan "mum
Document .re-aration, &amarinda 2((3
$or2sho- for .ening2atan .engelolaan .%0.
dan .ersia-an .enera-an .engelolaan 07"
.erguruan Tinggi %egeri, Den-asar 2((3
$or2sho- on >-en ,urriculum 4esources
,urri2i, :a2arta 2((3, '-artici-ant*
$or2sho- on De#elo-ing $e@50ased
Interacti#e +ultimedia for 7ecturers, +ataram
2((3 's-ea2er*
$or2sho- for E#aluation of :A4DI8%A& and
I%1E4E%T, :a2arta 2((3, '-artici-ant*
Training for the Assessment of %ational
EDamination for &+AE+A, :a2arta 2((9
Training for Information and ,ommunication
Technolog TeDt@oo2 4e#ieBing, :a2arta 2((9

$or2sho- for E#aluation of %ational
EDamination for &+AE+A, +ataram 2((9
$or2sho- for 4intisan &e2olah 0ertaraf
Internasional, :a2arta 2((9 '-artici-ant*6
Training for .18I 'Institution50ased
,om-etiti#e ;rant .roAect* 4e#ieBers,
?oga2arta 2((9 '-artici-ant*6
$or2sho- on the A--lication of 7earning
+anagement &stem in Teaching and 7earning,
+ela2a5+alasia, A-ril 2(1( '-artici-ant*6
,ourse on an A--roach of >utcome50ased
Education, +ela2a5+alasia, +a 2(1(
$or2sho- on A--ling 4esearch !und !4;&,
+ela2a5+alasia, +a 2(1( '-artici-ant*6
$or2sho- on &tudent Acti#e 7earning, +ela2a5
+alasia, :une 2(1( '-artici-ant*6
International ,onference on Intellectual
.ro-ert +onetiCation 2(1(, 8uala 7um-ur F
+alasia, :une 2(1( '-artici-ant*6
International ,onference on 1I& 2(11, +ela2a5
+alasia, Decem@er 2(11 '-resenter and chair*6
%ational ,onference on %,A7 2(11, +ela2a5
+alasia, Decem@er 2(11 '-resenter*6
$or2sho- on >0E, +ela2aF+alasia, :anuar
2(12 '-artici-ant*6
$or2sho- on Academic .u@lishing and Thesis
$riting Bith 7aTEG, .enang5+alasia,
!e@ruar 2(12 '-artici-ant*6
$or2sho- on "sing >0E &stem, +ela2a5
+alasia, +arch 2(12 '-artici-ant*6
$or2sho- on Ado@e ,a-ti#e, +ela2a5+alasia,
A-ril 2(12 '-artici-ant*6
Information &ession on ,loud ,om-uting,
:anuar 2(13 '-artici-ant*6
Information &ession on Information &stem
Architecture, :anuar 2(13 '-artici-ant*
$or2sho- on 4>0>TI,& I% +A7A?&IA H
T1E +?4> .4>:E,T, :anuar 2(13
$or2sho- on AD9A%,ED +?4>
4>0>TI,& T4AI%I%; &E4IE&, A-ril 2(13
$or2sho- on &tatistics: an Introduction "sing
4, A-ril 2(13 'trainer*6
,>77><"I"+ >% A,TI9E 7EA4%I%;
',A7 2(13*, +a 2(13 '-resenter*6

$or2sho- on .4>;4A+ T4A%&!>4+A&I
DI4I 7A%;8A1 0I:A8 .E%&?A4A1
&".E4&TA4, :ul 2(13 '-ratici-ant*.
,. Personal %etails +ffice Addresses
De-artment of Industrial ,om-uting,
!acult of Information and ,ommunication
Technolog '!T+8*, "ni#ersiti Te2ni2al
+alasia +ela2a, 1ang Tuah :aa =61((
Durian Tunggal +ela2a, +alasia
-o!e Address
%o.29 :alan T" 2), Taman Tasi2 "tama,
Aer 8eroh =5)(, +ela2a +alasia
E!ail addresses
0. Language 1 degree of
: !luent 0ahasa 0ali
EDcellent 0ahasa Indonesia
EDcellent English
2. Me!&ers'ip of
professional societies
: Accounta@ilit Team for "ni#ersit of +ataram
4esearch .ro-osal Assessment Team "%4A+
ED-ert +em@er of I,T !orum of $est %usa
+em@er of Education 7egislation 0oard of
+ataram "ni#ersit
&ecretar of Esta@lishment of 0adan 7aanan
"mum Team of +ataram "ni#ersit
+em@er of Editors of De#elo-mental Thoughts
for +ataram "ni#ersit
+em@er of the ,ommittee of &+AE+A
TeDt@oo2 4e#ieBers
+em@er of .18I 'Institution50ased
,om-etiti#e ;rant .roAect*5DI8TI
+em@er of 0I>,>4E 5 0I>+EDI,A7
,>+."TI%; A%D E%;I%EE4I%;
TE,1%>7>;IE& 4esearch ;rou-, +alasia
+em@er of ,om-utational Intelligence
Technolog 4esearch ;rou-, +alasia
.rogramme ,ommittee +em@er The 13th
International ,onference on 1@rid Intelligent
&stems '1I& I13*5IEEE.
13. Countries of 4or5 : Indonesia, Australia, and +alasia

11. E!plo#!ent record
Date !rom !e@ruar 2(1( to date
Em-loer : "ni#ersiti Te2ni2al +alasia +ela2a '"Te+*
.osition held : Senior Lecturer
Descri-tion of duties : Teaching undergraduate courses in +athematics
su@Aects, such as 7inear Alge@ra, ,alculus,
Discrete +athematics, and %umerical +ethods6
Teaching -ostgraduate course in Theor of
,onducting research in ,om-uter &ciences and
I,T in Education6
"ndergraduate and .ostgraduate &tudentsI
4esearch &u-er#ision
,onducting communit ser#ices in the area.
Date !rom 1939 to :anuar 2(1(
Em-loer : +ataram "ni#ersit
.osition held : Senior Lecturer
Descri-tion of duties : Teaching undergraduate '&1* courses at the
+athematics Education &tud .rogram and
.;&D, !acult of Education and Teacher
Training, +ataram "ni#ersit, in +athematics
su@Aects, such as Alge@ra, A@stract Alge@ra,
7inear Alge@ra, 4eal Analsis, Discrete
+athematics, 7inear .rogramming, ,om-uter
.rogramming, Transformation ;eometr and
+athematics Education6
Teaching -ostgraduate '&2* course: +anagement
Information &stem
,onducting research in mathematics education
and teaching6
,onducting communit ser#ices in the area.
Date !rom 1992 to 2(1(
Em-loer : ,ollege of Informatics +anagement and ,om-uter
'&T+I8* 0umigora, +ataram
.osition held : Senior Lecturer
Descri-tion of duties : Teaching undergraduate su@Aects, such as
,alculus, Discrete +athematics, .ascal, , and
,JJ 7anguages6
,onducting research in com-uter science area6
,onducting communit ser#ices in the area.
Date !rom 25 +arch 1993 to 2) A-ril 1993
Em-loer : .rofessor Don +c%eil, De-artment of &tatistics
+ac/uarie "ni#ersit Australia

.osition held : Tutor in Applied Statistics
Descri-tion of duties !acilitating learning A--lied &tatistic for
7ecturers from %usa ,endana "ni#ersit
Assessing the learning -rocess6
4e-orting the assessment to the em-loer.
Date !rom +arch 1993 to +arch 199)
Em-loer : The Association of Indonesian &tudents in Australia
.osition held : -ead of Uni7ersit# of Mac8uarie Uni7ersit#
Descri-tion of duties : ,oordinating -lan, im-lementation, and
e#aluation of the ..IA -rogram /uarterl6
7iaising the association Bith the +ac/uarie
Date !rom +arch 199) to !e@ruar 1995
Em-loer : The Association of Indonesian &tudents in Australia
.osition held :Vice President of PPIA for Coordination Affair for
e4 Sout' ;ales :ranc'
Descri-tion of duties : Assisting the -resident of ..IA in im-ro#ing
the coordination of -lanning, im-lementation,
and e#aluation of ..IA -rogram /uarterl6
7iaising the -resident Bith heads of su@5@ranch
..IA around the state.
Date !rom +a 1993 to :une 1993
Em-loer : Dr. Ted 0ooth and Dr. +ichael $ilson of &chool of
Education, $ollongong "ni#ersit
.osition held : Researc' and Statistics Assistant
Descri-tion of duties : ,oding and ta@ulating /ualitati#e and
/uantitati#e data of a &A;4I, -roAect in !iAi
0uilding data@ase for the data6
AnalCing the data set and hel-ing the
inter-retation of the results.
Date !rom August1993 to &e-tem@er 1993
Em-loer : .rofessor 0arr 1ar-er of &chool of Education,
$ollongong "ni#ersit
.osition held : ;e& Aut'or
Descri-tion of duties : Designing a -rotot-e for Be@5@ased
information or home-age for some schools or
de-artments in Australian uni#ersities.
Date !rom +a1993 to +a 1999
Em-loer : The Association of Indonesian &tudents in Australia

.osition held : -ead of Uni7ersit# of ;ollongong Su&9:ranc'
Descri-tion of duties : ,oordinating -lan, im-lementation, and
e#aluation of the ..IA -rogram /uarterl6
7iaising the association Bith the +ac/uarie
Date !rom Decem@er 1999 to Decem@er 2((1
Em-loer : 4o@n $il2es, 1ead of 1alls, "ni#ersit of
.osition 1eld : "raduate -ouse Senior Resident
Descri-tion of duties : 7iaising ;raduate &tudents in the 1ouse Bith
the "ni#ersit6
4e-resenting the 1ead of 1alls in the 1ouse6
,oordinating social5cultural acti#ities in the
1el-ing the graduate students to co-e Bith the
-ro@lems concerning Bith social and cultural
Date !rom +a 2((2 to A-ril 2((3
Em-loer : ,ollege of Informatics +anagement and ,om-uter
'&T+I8* 0umigora, +ataram
.osition held : -ead of Infor!atics Engineering %epart!ent
Descri-tion of duties : ,oordinating academic -rograms in the
.lanning and im-lementing education, research
and communit ser#ices -rograms in the
.re-aring staff de#elo-ment -rograms6
.lanning and im-lementing coo-eration in
education, research and communit ser#ices
-rograms in the de-artment6
.re-aring neB educational -rograms in all fields
of stud, academic as Bell as -rofessional
.re-aring data @ase on education, research and
communit ser#ices.
Date !rom :une 2((2 to A-ril 2((3
Em-loer : ,ollege of Informatics +anagement and ,om-uter
'&T+I8* 0umigora, +ataram
.osition held : Vice Rector on Student Affairs
Descri-tion of duties : ,oordinating student su--ort -rograms in the
&u-er#ising the im-lementation of student
-rogram, student5@ased organiCation in the
,oordinating and su-er#ising the li@rar

ser#ices in the school.
Date !rom >cto@er 2((2 to A-ril 2((3
Em-loer : ,ollege of Informatics +anagement and ,om-uter
'&T+I8* 0umigora, +ataram
.osition 1eld : -ead of Tas5 <orces for Se!i =UE V and ISS
Descri-tion of duties : ,oordinating the de#elo-ment of &emi <"E 9
.ro-osal for the De-artment of Informatics
As the editor of the draft of the -ro-osal6
,oordinating the de#elo-ment of I&& -ro-osal
for the 7i@rar and English 7a@orator6
As the editor of the draft of the -ro-osal.
Date !rom A-ril 2((3 to August 2((6
Em-loer : ,ollege of Informatics +anagement and ,om-uter
'&T+I8* 0umigora, +ataram
.osition 1eld : %irector of Su&9Pro>ect Manage!ent Unit
TPS%P9A%: STMI? :u!igora
Descri-tion of duties : ,oordinating -lanning, im-lementation and
e#aluation of the -roAect for &trengthening
Informatics Engineering &tud .rogram,
&trengthening ,entral 7i@rar, and Esta@lishing
$omen &tud ,enter monthl, /uarterl, half5
earl, and annuall 6
$ith the ,entral .roAect +anagement "nit
',.+"* of Directorate of 1igher Education,
%ational Education De-artment, liaising the
management of the school and the donor, Asian
De#elo-ment 0an2 'AD0*6
+anaging the res-onsi@ilit of the o#erall
im-lementation of the -roAect.
Date !rom Decem@er 2((3 to August 2((6
Em-loer : ,entral .roAect +anagement "nit T.&D.
.osition 1eld : Secretar# of t'e Consultant Selection Co!!ittee
Descri-tion of duties Bith the chair of the committee, is res-onsi@le
for coordination of -lan, im-lementation, and
e#aluation of academic consultant -rocurement
@ids for the area of @asic sciences, agriculture,
and engineering for the -roAects grantees in
@atch I and II6
$ith the chair, is res-onsi@le for all re-orts of
the -rocesses of the -rocurement at the end of
the e#aluation or selection.
Date !rom +a 2(() to Decem@er 2(()
Em-loer : The ;o#ernor of $est %usa Tenggara .ro#ince

.osition : E6pert Me!&er of Re7ie4 Tea!
socialiCing the -rogram of KTe2nologi Te-at
;unaL to the communit6
-re-aring the mechanism and scheme for the
re#ieBing the -ro-osals and -roducts of the
re-orting the re#ieB to the go#ernor.
Date !rom August 2(() to +a 2((5
Em-loer : &A;4I, International in colla@oration Bith !8I.
.osition 1eld : Education Manage!ent Specialist Consultant
Descri-tion of duties :
!acilitating im-ro#ement ca-acit @uilding of
the management in the le#el of su@5district
'2ecamatan* in 8ecamatan .e2at, Dom-u5%T0
for communit5@ased @asic education -roAect of
:a-anese !und for .o#ert 4eduction F Asian
De#elo-ment 0an2 ':!.45AD0* -roAect 6
.ro#iding academic5strategic related and
-rogram management assistance to the !ield
!acilitator Team and other related teams for the
education /ualit im-ro#ement -rogram
-ro-osed @ targeted schools in 8ecamatan
.e2at in the :!.45AD0 -roAect6
.ro#iding monthl -rogress re-orts to the
sta2eholders of the -roAect.
Date !rom :ul 2((6 F >cto@er 2((=
Em-loer : .T +itra 7ing2ungan Dutaconsult
.osition 1eld : %istrict Manager
Descri-tion of duties : !acilitating district sta2eholders of D0E.5AD0
in $est &um@aBa District, such as the targeted
schools, district -roAect management in
-lanning, im-lementing, monitoring internall,
and e#aluating the -erformance of the -roAect6
.ro#iding academic5strategic related and
-rogram management assistance to the !ield
!acilitator Team and other related teams for the
education /ualit im-ro#ement -rogram
-ro-osed @ targeted schools in the district in
im-lementing school5@ased management6
.ro#iding monthl -rogress re-orts to the
sta2eholders of the -roAect.
Date !rom !e@ruar 2((3 F :anuar 2(1(
Em-loer +ataram "ni#ersit
.osition 1eld Secretar# of :LU Tas5force
Descri-tion of duties
Ela@orating re/uirements of @eing 07" for

the uni#ersit6
!acilitating the other team mem@er for the
-re-aration documents of 07"66
Assisting the chairman to schedule all
meetings for all mem@ers and meetings Bith
the eDecuti#es6
,om-iling 07" documents -re-ared @
other team mem@ers.
Date !rom +a 2((3 5 :anuar 2(1(
Em-loer De-artment of %ational Education
.osition 1eld -ead of %ata and Infor!ation %i7ision of
,ommittee of Teacher ,ertification of "ni#ersitas
+ataram 4aon
Descri-tion of duties .re-aring all forms and the floB of data and
information in the committee6
,oordinating data and information floB
Bithin the committee6
,ollecting and analCing data of
,larifing the a#aila@le data from the
.re-aring final re-ort of the certification
Date !rom %o#em@er 2((3 F :anuar 2(1(
Em-loer +ataram "ni#ersit
.osition 1eld -ead of t'e Center of Infor!ation and
Co!!unication Tec'nolog#, +ataram "ni#ersit
Descri-tion of duties 7eading the a--lication and the use of I,T in
educational and training settings6
Esta@lishing coordination Bith the uni#ersit
leaders in order to de#elo- online cam-us
Im-ro#ing learning ser#ices or su--ort to
uni#ersit students.
Date !rom +arch 2((95 :anuar 2(1(
Em-loer ;o#ernor of $est %usa Tenggara .ro#ince
.osition 1eld Coordinator of Scan %i7ision of ational
E6a!ination Co!!ittee
Descri-tion of Duties De#ising a -lan, im-lementation, assessment,
and e#aluation for scanning of %ational
EDamination AnsBer &heets6
,oordinating the scanning6
De#elo-ing a data@ase for further scoring and
4e-orting the -rocesses to the go#ernor and the

Date !rom :ul 2((9 F:anuar 2(1(
Em-loer +ataram "ni#ersit
.osition 1eld Coordinator of %IA9:ERMUTU Proposal
%e7elop!ent Tea!
Descri-tion of Duties ,oordinating the de#elo-ment of DIA5
0E4+"T" -ro-osals for the +athematics
Education &tud .rogram of the !acult of
Teacher Training and Education6
As the editor of the draft of the -ro-osal.
Date !rom &e-tem@er 2((95:anuar 2(1(
Em-loer +ataram "ni#ersit
.osition 1eld Coordinator of IM-ERE Proposal %e7elop!ent
Descri-tion of Duties ,oordinating the de#elo-ment of I+1E4E
-ro-osals for the +ataram "ni#ersit
As the editor of the draft of the -ro-osal.
12. Researc' and Pu&lications

4educing Distri@uted "47s ,raBling Time: a
,om-arison of ;"ID& and ID&. Journal of
Theoretical and Applied
Information Technology, vol. 67 2014
The A--lication of +ulti57aer !eed !orBard
Artificial %eural %etBor2 for 7earning &tle
Identification. Advanced cience !etter, 20 "7#, July
Effecti#eness of a .artici-ator Action >riented
Training Inter#ention A--roach among 1ar#esters
in >il .alm .lantation. American Journal of
Applied cience$, 11 "4#. pp. 6%1&6'(. I) 1*46&
"7"75I7+ : The Design of $e@50ased Ada-ti#e
Educational 1-ermedia &stem 0ased on
7earning &tle. In+ 1(th International ,onference
on Intelligent y$tem$ -e$ign and Application$
"I-A#, %&10 201(, /uala !umpur.
,once-tualiCing Autonomous Engagement in
.artici-ator &ensing Design: A De-loment for
$eight57oss &elf +onitoring ,am-aign. In+ 201(
I000 ,onference on e&!earning, e&1anagement
and e&ervice$, 2 & 4, 201(, era2a3.
>-inion +ining of +o#ie 4e#ieB using 1@rid
+ethod of &u--ort 9ector +achine and .article

&Barm >-timiCation. 4rocedia 0ngineering "*(#.
pp. 4*(&462. I) 1%77&70*%.
>ccu-ational Ergonomics InAuries and Deseases of
Agricultural $or2ers in +alasia, 541&657
6e$earch 7rant 2012, 1alay$ia.
ED-loration of the "se of &erious ;ame to ,onduct
ED-erimental Testing on Autism ,ogniti#e 7e#el
Identification Assessment, 5Te1&067 6e$earch
7rant 2012, 1alay$ia.
"sing Ada-ti#e %a#igation &u--ort +ethods for
Intelligent $e@50ased 7earning &stems, 5Te1&
4J4 6e$earch 7rant 2012, 1alay$ia.
4eflection Decom-osition in &ingle Images "sing
an >-timum Thresholding5@ased +ethod, Journal
of Advanced ,omputer cience and Technology
+ethods for Ada-ti#it in Intelligent $e@50ased
7earning &stems, I,A! 4roceeding 2011,
Intelligent 0iometric Detection &stem for Disa@le
.eo-le, a -a-er in 4roceeding of I000&8I 2011,
"sing an Ada-ti#e $e@50ased 7earning for
,once-tual and .rocedural 8noBledge
,onstruction, a -a-er in 4roceeding of ),A! 2011,
2(1( A &tud of +ulti ED-onential Analsis +ethods,
hort Term 6e$earch 7rant, 5niver$iti Te3ni3al
1alay$ia 1ela3a, 1alay$ia.
2((3 "sing Instructional &trategies in Interacti#e
+ultimedia De#elo-ment, 4egional $or2sho-,
+ataram, %o#em@er 2((3, Indonesia.
2((3 Introducing the "se of $e@50ased 7earning
En#ironment for +athematics and &ciences
7earning '.oster*, %ational &eminar, +ataram,
2((= De#elo-ing a ,om-uter50ased Assessment &stem
for DecentraliCed 0asic Education .roAect F &chool
De#elo-ment !und Targeted &chools in &um@aBa
0arat District, August 2((=, +ataram, Indonesia.
2((5 "sing .ro@lem50ased 7earning for <ualit
Im-ro#ement of &tudent 7earning in %umerical
+ethods ,ourse, a teaching grant in &T+I8
0umigora +ataram funded @ T.&D.5AD0 7oan
1=925I%>, !e@ruar 2((5, +ataram, Indonesia.
2(() E5;o# in $est %usa Tenggara: issues in
im-lementing Information and ,ommunication
Technolog in education sector, a hand out in
,oordination +eeting of ,hairs of IT &ection in
$est %usa Tenggara, August 2((), +ataram,

2((3 Im-ro#ing Teaching Affecti#it using +ultimedia
Authoring Tools, a handout on Training for
Im-ro#ement of Affecti#it of Teaching .rocesses
in !acult of Agriculture "%4A+, 3 %o#em@er
2((3, +ataram, . Indonesia
2((3 &earching Information on the Internet for $riting
7ecture %otes, a handout on $riting 7ecture %otes
of !8I. "%4A+, >cto@er 2((3, +ataram,
2((3 Assessment of +athematics Teaching, a -a-er on
the $or2sho- of De#elo-ment of +adrasah Aliah
.roAect, August 3
, 2((3, +ataram, Indonesia.
2((3 ,a-ita &electa on ,om@inatorial +athematics, a
hand out on +athematics >lm-iad $or2sho- for
&enior 1igh &chool Teachers of %T0, 1
2((3, +ataram, Indonesia.
2((2 Discussion a@out ED-ertise #ia the Internet: "sing
E5mail +ailing 7ist, a hand out on $or2sho- a@out
the Internet for ED-ertise %etBor2ing, Decem@er
, 2((2, +ataram, Indonesia.
2((2 "sing ,om-uter50ased 7earning En#ironments, a
.a-er in $or2sho- on KIm-ro#ing the <ualit of
&cientific Information in order to Im-ro#e the
<ualit of 4esearch and 7earningL, %o#em@er 23
2((2, +ataram, Indonesia.
2((2 ,om-uter50ased 7earning En#ironments, a .a-er
in the &eminar on $e@ Design and "se, &e-tem@er
2((2, +ataram, Indonesia.
2((2 An Ada-ti#e $e@50ased 7earning En#ironment for
Im-ro#ing ,once-tual and .rocedural 8noBledge,
"n-u@lished Doctoral Dissertation, "ni#ersit of
$ollongong, %&$, Australia.
1995 4efreshment of &et ,once-t and Its 7earning
&trateg in the &tate .rimar &chools of ;erung
',ommunit &er#ices*, +ataram,Indonesia.
1995 Esta@lishing +athematics ,once-ts Bith the "se of
7a@orator and $or2sho- +ethods ',ommunit
&er#ices*, +ataram,Indonesia.
1995 A +ethod for AnalCing +ulti5ED-onential
.rocesses, an Article in ;ema 4inAani 26H2=
, -.
11(, +ataram, Indonesia.
1995 An >#er#ieB of +ethods for +ulti ED-onential
.rocesses, "n-u@lished +.&c. Thesis, +ac/uarie
"ni#ersit, %&$, Australia.
1993 The 4ele#ance of the ,urriculum of +athematics
De-artment, !8I.5"%4A+ Bith the +athematics
,urriculum in &enior 1igh &chools, +ataram,
1993 Im-ro#ing &tudentsI Attitudes toBards

+athematics, an Article in ;ema 4inAani 16
, -. 13,
+ataram, Indonesia.
1992 A &tud a@out +ethods for Deli#ering +athematics
,once-ts: ED-ositor and ,ard +ethods, +ataram,
193= The Differences of Achie#ement of &+.
.eguangan &tudents, "n-u@lished 0.&c. '1ons.*
Thesis, "daana "ni#ersit, &ingaraAa,Indonesia.
1$. Certification
I, the undersigned, certif that to the @est of m 2noBledge and @elief, this @iodata
correctl descri@es mself, m /ualifications, and m eD-eriences. I understand that
an Billful, misstatement descri@ed herein ma lead to m dis/ualification or dismissal,
if engaged.
I ha#e @een em-loed @ "ni#ersitas +ataram continuousl since 1939 as regular full
time staff.
?es %o
&I;%AT"4E :
DATE >! .4>.>&I%; : (=E(3E2(1)


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