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Strategy Name Strategy #: 5 .

Word Study: Developing Content Vocabulary

Brief Description (in your own words):
A word study is a way to support reading and writing in content classes. It is a type
of graphic organizer that helps students learn new vocabulary words necessary for
understanding the chapter reading. You can customize the amount of vocabulary words
used, however, three or four is optimal. You first give a brief description of how the
vocabulary words are similar. Then you list how they are each different. Lastly, you discuss
how you will remember the words.

How you plan to use this strategy in your Practicum, Internship, Student
Teaching, or in your own classroom:
I really like this technique because it places an emphasis on vocabulary words,
which are essential in fully understanding science content. I also liked how the students are
required to find similarities and differences. I think that this will force the students to do
more than mindlessly define words. It will allow them to make connections, engaging
higher thought processes. It also causes them to reflect on how they will make an effort to
remember these words. This makes them accountable for not only doing, but also learning
material. I also like that it is flexible, giving you the opportunity to use a variety of
vocabulary words. I will definitely use this in my future science classes. I think when I
implement this technique I will stick to three or four vocabulary words. I dont think
students should be required to learn more because they will remember them for the test
but not truly learn them. By assigning fewer words and requiring more thought and
connection making, students will be able to better learn the vocabulary words.

Word Study Example:

What we have in common: These are all
mechanisms that organisms utilize in
order to obtain energy and food supply.
Heterotrophs Autotrophs
Get energy from
dead organisms
(EX: Fungi)
Get energy from
other organisms
(EX: Humans)
Get energy from
the environment
(EX: Plants)
How Ill Remember: I will remember the relationship
between how organisms obtain energy and food
supply by reviewing this worksheet every other day
and developing new examples for each word.

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