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Year 9 Focus Areas

Focus 1:
The monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) have divergent understandings
of God. Three foundational beliefs of Christianity; the Incarnation, Resurrection and
Ascension of Jesus, are significant in the lives of believers. Lay people witness to Jesus Christ
by participating in his priestly, prophetic and kingly roles, including prayer, worship and the
celebration of Eucharist.
Strands: BETR12, BEWR10, CHPG10
Mandated texts: Jesus foretold by the prophets Romans 1:1-7, Raised from death: 1 Corinthians
15:1-11, Promise of Spirit, Ascension of Jesus Acts 1-12, Man Born Blind John 9:1-39
Supplementary texts: (Old Testament) Promise to Abram/Abraham and Sarai/Sarah
Genesis 17:1-8, 15-1, 21-22 Passover Exodus 13:1-16 (New Testament) "And the Word became flesh,
and dwelt amongst us", Resurrection of Jesus
Luke 1-12, Road to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35, Appears to disciples in Jerusalem Luke 24:36-49,
Ascension of Jesus Luke 24:50-53

Focus 2:
Over time Christians have evolved an understanding of how biblical texts can be interpreted
and used. Biblical criticism helps the reader understand, interpret and use Old Testament
and New Testament texts. Four sources combined to form the Pentateuch, and key themes
of the Pentateuch include creation, sin, covenant, law and promise, worship, and Chosen
People. The miracle stories and parables have historical and cultural settings, as well as
defined structures. The intention of the human author is important in determining the
nature of the truth revealed in the text.
Strands: STOT14, STNT19
Mandated texts: (Old Testament) Creation Genesis 1:1-2:4, The flood Genesis 6:10-22; 7:11-16a, 18-
21, 24,, 8:1-5, 7, 13a, 14-19, Call of Abraham Genesis 15:1-21, Passover Exodus 12:1-30, Exodus from
Egypt Exodus 13:17-14:31
(New Testament) Cure of paralysed man Mark 2:1-12, The Weeds Among the Wheat Matthew
13:24-30, 36-43, Last Judgement/Sheep and Goats Matthew 25:31-36
Supplementary texts: Miracles: Cure of the paralysed man Matthew 9:1-8/Luke 5:17-26,
Man by pool at Bethesda John 5:5-18, Wedding at Cana John 2:1-11, Multiplication of the Loaves
John 6:1-15, Crippled woman Luke 13:10-16, Parables The Rich Fool Luke 12:13-34
The Lost Sheep, Matthew 18:10-13, The Lost Coin Luke 15:8-10, The Sower Matthew 13:1-9, 18-
23/Mark 4:1-9, 13-20/Luke 8:4-8, 11-15

Focus 3:
Good and evil have co-existed throughout human history and the experience of sin points to
the presence of good and evil in an imperfect world. Catholic social teaching reflects the
concept of respect for each person, as created in the image of God and as a reflection of
God. Events and developments within the Church from 1750 to 1918 reflected times of
great challenge and change in the world, and the Church responded to internal and external
threats. Various religious and lay leaders responded to emerging moral questions within the
Christian Church.
Strands: STCW10, BEHE9, CLMF13, CHCH8, CLMJ10

Focus 4:
The Sacraments of Healing, Penance and Anointing of the Sick, are significant in the lives of
believers past and present. Through the Sacraments of Healing, the Christian community
continues Jesus healing, care and compassion. Celebration of the Sacrament of Penance has
changed over the centuries but has retained the same basic elements. Believers pray for
forgiveness and healing, including the Penitential Act. Meditative prayer uses silence and
stillness to assist believers to listen and talk to God.
Strands: CHLS14, CLPS22, CLPS23
Mandated texts: Jesus heals many at Simon's house Mark 1:29-41, Jesus cleanses a leper Mark
1:40-45, Luke 5:12-16
Supplementary texts: Jesus' healing ministry Mark 1:29-31, Luke 4:38-39, Mark 1:40-50, Luke
5:12-16, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26, Mark 3:1-6, Luke 6:6-11,Healing ministry of the early Church
James 5:14-15

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