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Language A English: Language and Literature (SL) DP1

Tips for a Successful Textual Analysis

You hae li!ely already "ritten a textual analysis# You "ill need to do this again in DP for
Paper 1 and your exa$(s)# %se this to refresh your $e$ory and help you "ith your "riting#
STEP #1: &ead 'oth pieces seeral ti$es until you !no" "hat each is a'out (uite "ell#
)hoose the text that you "ill "rite a'out# As $entioned in class* $ar! up the pages* la'eling
the literary deices and "hat stands out for you as the reader# +a!e a note of the text,s
purpose, audience, tone, point o !ie", diction, s#nta$, i%a&er# and ti%e period
"ritten' Your texts should 'e coered in "riting* underlining and colors-
STEP #(: +a!e detailed notes a'out the $ain ideas you "ill focus on* and "hat eidence
(direct (uotations or paraphrasing) fro$ the text "ill 'e used to support these points# You "ill
still hae a thesis for a textual analysis that "ill 'e your $ain point of analysis# Thin! of a
thesis 'ased on your rough notes and the $ain the$e or idea that is presented in the piece#
.ere are so$e things to focus on for the textual analysis:
)ontent and Purpose* Tal! a'out the the$e and $eaning in the piece# Are they i$plicit
(hidden) or explicit (clear)/ 0t is i$portant to state the purpose of the piece* such as to
entertain* to infor$* or it could hae a co$$ercial purpose in the case of adertise$ents or
trael logs# 1ho is the intended audience/ Also* say "hether it is o'2ectie or su'2ectie* "ith
2ustification such as a (uote sho"ing that the "riter includes her or his personal opinions#
1hen "as the piece "ritten/
Point o !ie"* 0t is necessary to deter$ine "hether the "riter is the narrator of the piece*
then deter$ine her3his relationship to the reader# The author could ta!e up a superior*
distance stance or a $ore inti$ate relationship* 'ut re$e$'er to explain "hy (e#g# 4to stir the
reader5s e$otions 'y getting close to the$4)# And don5t forget a (uotation to sho" "hat you5re
tal!ing a'out# You can also $ention "hether it is first6person or third6person* "hether the
"riter is o$niscient* and if "e can trust the$#
Tone* &ead the pieces "ell to deter$ine the tone (acri$onious* 2oyous* sardonic* po$pous*
pensie* etc)# %se (uotes to sho" your conclusion# Explain "hat effect this has on you as the
reader# Does the tone change/
+iction* Are there actie or passie er's* superlaties* lots of ad2ecties/ Explain "hy the
"riter $ight hae chosen this sort of diction# Technical pieces usually hae 2argon e#g# a
sports article* a set of instructions# Are there any diction $otifs/ 7or instance: a diction $otif
of hell can 'e sho"n 'y "ords li!e fire* fla$e* and torturous heat#
Space* .o" is the space used on the page/ 1hat is the focus/ 1hat is not/ 1.Y/
Adapted fro$: 8A9 )o$paratie )o$$entary#: +apage# 1e'# 9;;<#
Language A English: Language and Literature (SL) DP1
Tips for a Successful Textual Analysis
I%a&er#* Pic! out figuratie deices in the piece# =r perhaps it has none* and only displays
literal i$ages li!e 8the 'lac! cat leaped onto the sofa:# 1hy is this/ 0$agery can 'e useful in
persuasie pieces to appeal to the audience* 'y for$ulating i$ages in their $inds#
S#nta$* Does the "riter use short sentences or long extended ones/ 1hat is the "riter5s
intention 'y doing this/ )onsider if the sentences hae su'ordinate clauses> these $ay $a!e
sentences cu$'erso$e or a"!"ard* or een dra"n out and $editatie# .o" could this help
the "riter achiee her3his purpose/
)onc,usion' Did the "riter achiee her3his purpose "ell/ 0nclude a personal opinion such as
40 feel the "riter of the text succeeded in entertaining the audience using heightened tone*
lots of i$agery* and dierse syntax#4
STEP #-* 1rite your introduction# The introduction should 'e 'rief ? no $ore than 1;;
"ords# State "hat the text is and its genre (article* poe$* etc)# State "hat the $ain point of
the text is ? this "ill 'e your thesis# Then state "hat you "ill 'e analy@ing throughout your
co$$entary (your argu$ent3thesis) 7or instance: 4The (text na$e3type) fro$ (contextual info)
D=ES A (purpose3E77E)T of the text) through a* '* and c: (i#e#: tone* diction* i$agery*
syntax* structure*###)#
STEP #.: 1rite the 'ody of your textual analysis# You should hae at least B or C 'ody
paragraphs# &e$e$'er to focus of not only the literary and figuratie deices used* 'ut "hy
the author uses the$ ? for "hat purpose/ This is the $ain purpose of the textual analysis#
Each 'ody paragraph should include eidence# A good "ay to ensure that each paragraph is
co$plete is to follo" the for$at of State%ent / E!idence 0speciic- ro% t1e te$t2-
E$p,anation 0SEE2
Exa$ple 'ody paragraph: The author conveys the idea of fear and terror when he refers to
the house as "desperately dark" and this use of alliteration emphasizes the main character's
feelings as he enters the house.
STEP #3* 1rite your conclusion# 1hen you hae $entioned all your !ey points* you need to
end "ith a short conclusion# Did you find the text effectie/ 1hat "as the $essage of the
text/ 1as it effectiely coneyed to you* the audience/ 0nclude your personal opinion of the
text here#
Post-Writin& Steps
STEP #4* E+IT, E+IT, E+IT# 0f this is a su$$atie assess$ent* you should 'e "riting at
least one draft# 0f it,s exa$* leae ti$e to chec! for errors and clarity#
STEP #5: &elax- You are done-
Adapted fro$: 8A9 )o$paratie )o$$entary#: +apage# 1e'# 9;;<#

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