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La Tongko-Tongko : Folklore From South Sulawesi

There was a very stupid man. His name was La Tongko-Tongko. He lived with his mother. One
day, La Tongko-Tongko told his mother that he wanted to get married. If you want to get
married, you have to find a girls first. Then ask her to marry you. La Tongko-Tongko listened to
his mother. So, he started to find a girl. And while he was looking around, he met a girl. She was
carrying some potatoes in her bag Hey, girl I want to get married. Do you want to be my wife?
The girl was angry! She thought La Tongko-Tongko was mocking her. She threw the potatoes at
him. La Tongko-Tongko ran away!
At home, La Tongko- Tongko told his mother about girl he met today. Oh, you are so stupid La
Tongko- Tongko. You cannot ask a girl to get married like that. You and the girl have to love
each other then you can get married, explained his mother. La Tongko-Tongko immediately
went out. He still remembered his mothers advice. While he was looking around, a girl was
walking and she was carrying some fire woods. La Tongko-Tongko approached her and talked to
her. Hey, girl I love you. Do you love me? If you do, lets get married. The girl was angry! She
threw some woods at him. La Tongko-Tongko ran away! again, La Tongko- Tongko told his
mother about the girl he met. Oh, no. Youre so stupid. You cannot do that. Love takes time.
Besides that you have to talk nicely and gently, explained his mother. La Tongko- Tongko
walked around. Finally, he arrived in the jungle. He saw a girl was lying on the ground under a
big tree. He did not know that the girl was dead. He approached the girl and talked to her.
Hi, beautiful girl. I really love you. How about you? Do you love me? Of course the girl did not
After all she was dead already. However, La Tongko- Tongko thought that girl needed time to
respond. He remembered his mothers advice. He repeated his question again. And when she kept
quiet, La Tongko- Tongko thought the girl was shy. Finally, he asked the final question.
Do you want to marry me? If you keep quiet, I will think you say yes. And because the girl did
not say anything and did not move at all, La Tongko- Tongko held her and brought her home.
At home, La Tongko- Tongko put her in his bed room. He told his mother that he had already
found a wife. The mother was happy. She wanted to meet the girl. And when she saw a dead
body in the bed room, she screamed! La Tongko- Tongko, why did you bring a dead body to our
Dead body? How did you know she is dead? asked La Tongko- Tongko. Cant you smell the
stink from her body? Bury her body now! La Tongko- Tongko then buried the girls body. He
felt that he just learned something. And after finished burying the body, he went back home.
Before he went to bed, he broke wind. It smelled so bad. La Tongko-Tongko thought that he was
dead. He dug a hole and buried his body. And when his mother saw him, she was really angry.
What are you doing? Im dead, mother. I broke wind and it smells so stink. The mother could not
do and say anything. She just left La Tongko-Tongko alone. And after several hours, La Tongko-
Tongko could not hold it anymore. He freed himself and went back to his home.
Legenda Rakyat Sulawesi Tenggara Anawangguluri dan Oheo

Dahulu, ada seorang pemuda bernama Oheo. Pekerjaannya sehari-hari adalah bertani. Pada suatu
hari Oheo membuka kebun di hutan. Kebun itu ditanami tebu yang tumbuh dengan subur.
Pada saat tanaman tebunya tua, banyak burung nuri yang turun mandi di sungai dekat kebun itu.
Sebelum mandi, burung-burung itu lebih dahulu makan tebu. Sehingga ampas tebu berhamburan
di tepi sungai. Melihat kejadian itu Oheo sangat kesal dan jengkel pada burung-burung itu.
Suatu ketika Oheo pergi mengintip burung-burung itu. Namun apa yang dilihatnya sungguh
membuatnya tercengang. Ia melihat tujuh orang bidadari cantik sedang mandi. Bidadari-bidadari
itu turun dari khayangan. Pakaian mereka diletakkan di pinggir sungai.
Dengan hati berdebar-debar, Oheo merayap menuju ke tempat pakaian-pakaian itu. Dengan
cepat Oheo mengambil sebuah pakaian bidadari itu. Kemudian ia segera pulang. Disimpannya
pakaian itu dalam ujung kasau bambu dekat jendela. Sesudah itu, Oheo kembali mengintip
perilaku para bidadari yang sedang mandi.
Usai mandi, para bidadari bergegas mengenakan pakaian mereka masing-masing. Yang sudah
selesai berpakaian langsung terbang tanpa menunggu yang lainnya.
Satu demi satu mereka terbang. Tinggallah seorang bidadari yang mondarmandir mencari
pakaiannya. Tentu saja tidak tertemukan. Tidak berapa lama muncullah Oheo, si biang keladi
yang menyebabkan sang bidadari terus berendam di dalam air.
Sambil tetap berendam dalam air karena malu, Anawangguri nama bidadari itu bertanya kepada
Oheo. Apakah engkau melihat pakaianku disini?
Tidak, jawab Oheo.
Anawangguluri semakin sedih. Tolonglah aku, Oheo. Kasihanilah daku. Kakak-kakakku sudah
terbang semua, tutur Anawangguluri.
Lama-kelamaan Oheo merasa iba kepadanya. Aku akan memberikan pakaianmu, asal kau mau
kawin denganku, tuturnya.
Anawangguluri menerima permintaan itu. Namun, Anawangguluri minta kepada Oheo, Bila di
kemudian hari kita mempunyai anak, maka kaulah yang membersihkan kotoran anak kita, tutur
Oheo pun menerima permintaannya. Maka kawinlah mereka. Sejak saat itu hidup mereka aman
dan bahagia.
Pada suatu ketika lahirlah anak mereka. Seperti dalam perjanjian semula bahwa, setiap anaknya
buang air besar maka Oheolah yang membersihkannya. Begitulah seterusnya.
Sekali waktu, Oheo sedang mengayam atap di halaman rumah. Sementara itu anak mereka buang
air besar lagi. Maka Anawangguluri memanggil suaminya. Namun, kali ini dia menolak
panggilan istrinya. Berkali-kali istrinya memanggil, tetapi tetap ditolaknya, bahkan Oheo
berkeras dan menyuruh istrinya untuk membersihkan kotoran itu. Anawangguluri sempat
berkata, Apakah kamu telah melupakan janjimu dahulu sebelum kita kawin?
Oheo menjawabnya dengan nada keras, Tak usah mengingat lagi yang lama. Anawangguluri
bertambah sedih.
Sambil berderai air matanya, ia membersihkan kotoran anaknya itu. Kemudian Anawangguluri
berdiri ke depan jendela sambil menyaksikan pemandangan alam. Pandangan matanya
dilemparkan kesana kemari, melihat ke angkasa. Tiba-tiba terlihat olehnya pakaiannya diujung
kasau bambu itu. Dengan tangan yang gemetar, perlahan-lahan ia menarik pakaian itu.
Kiranya pakaian itu masih utuh. Alangkah senang hatinya ia duduk kembali menggendong
anaknya sambil mencumbuinya. Diciumi anaknya, sesudah itu diletakkannya kembali di lantai
seraya memanggil suaminya.
Oheo, jagalah anakmu ini, aku akan kembali ke kayangan.
Mula-mula dia tidak percaya akan hal itu. Setelah dua kali dipanggilnya, Oheo beranjak dari
duduknya halaman rumah. Sampai di dalam rumah, Anawangguluri telah terbang lagi dan
hinggap di pohon pinang. Oheo mengejarnya terus, tetapi sia-sia. Anawangguluri terbang terus
dan hinggap lagi di pohon kelapa. Akhirnya, ia terbang ke angkasa kembali ke kayangan.
Oheo merasa sedih, menyesali perbuatannya. Ia merasa bingung karena ditinggali anak kecil.
Bagaimana cara merawat anak kecil, ia sendiri bingung. Itu sebabnya, ia berusaha berkeliling
minta bantuan kepada siapa saja yang mau mengantarkannya ke angkasa. Berhari-hari ia keliling,
tetapi belum ada yang mengaku bisa mengantarnya ke angkasa.
Pada suatu ketika ada sejenis tumbuhan bernama Ue-Wai mengaku mau mengantarkan Oheo
ke khayangan. Tetapi dengan syarat Oheo harus membuatkan Ue-Wai cincin untuk dipasang
pada setiap tangkai daun.
Permintaan Ue-Wai itu dipenuhinya. Ue-Wai menyuruh Oheo duduk di tangkainya kemudian
menggendong anaknya erat-erat. Sebelum tumbuhan itu menjulang ke angkasa, lebih dahulu, Ue-
Wai memberikan petunjuk kepada Oheo. Setelah kita berada di angkasa, kita akan
mendengarkan bunyi keras. Bunyi pertama, tutup matamu erat-erat. Bunyi kedua bukalah
Petunjuk itu harus diikutinya. Benar juga, setelah berada diangkasa, bunyi keras meledak. Mata
Oheo ditutupnya erat-erat. Bunyi kedua, membuka mata. Alangkah kagetnya ketika itu sudah
berada di halaman istana raja khayangan. Sementara itu, putri-putri raja sedang berjalan-jalan
disekitar istana. Salah seorang dari putri itu, melihat Oheo sedang duduk di halaman. Kejadian
itu segera dilaporkan kepada ayahnya, Tuan Raja. Coba perhatikan manusia itu, jangan-jangan
Oheo bersama anaknya, titah Raja.
Setelah diperhatikan ternyata benar, bahwa yang datang itu adalah manusia dari bumi bernama
Oheo, yang sedang mencari istrinya. Oheo tidak diperkenankan bertemu dengan istrinya,
Anawangguluri, kecuali kalau lulus dalams ujian berat. Ujian itu adalah Oheo harus mampu
menumbangkan batu besar, sebesar istana, kemudian harus memungut bibit padi yang dihambur
di padang rumput tanpa sisa dan masih ada ujian berat lainnya. Ujian pertama lulus dengan
dibantu oleh tikus, burung dan hewan lain. Ujian yang terberat lagi, yaitu harus dapat bertemu
dengan istrinya dalam sebuah tempat tidur di waktu malam gelap gulita. Sementara itu tempat
tidur sama bentuknya.
Ia diperintahkan oleh raja. Ia harus menemukan istrinya. Kalau tidak dapat, jiwanya akan
terancam. Disaat itulah ia merasa tidak mampu memecahkan masalah. Sementara ia termenung,
datanglah kunang-kunang seraya bertanya kepada Oheo. Apa gerangan yang membuat engkau
Aku mempunyai masalah berat. Sulit rasanya mencari istriku di dalam gelap gulita ini,
sementara bentuk tempat tidur sama, muka istriku dengan saudara-saudaranya yang lain itu sama
Jangan khawatir, ikutilah aku. Aku terbang, dimana aku hinggap disitulah istrimu.
Hati Oheo sungguh gembira sekali mendengar petunjuk itu. Ia memperhatikan kunang-kunang
Tiba-tiba kunang-kunang itu hinggap pada sebuah tempat tidur. Dengan hati gemetar, Oheo
masuk ketempat tidur itu. Ternyata, memang benar disitulah istrinya. Anaknya pun merasa
bahagia dapat tidur bersama ibunya lagi.
Keesokan harinya sang raja memerintahkan mereka untuk segera turun ke bumi. Anawangguluri
merasa sedih hati ketika mendengar perintah ayahnya itu. Sebaliknya, Oheo merasa gembira
sekali. Mereka segera mempersiapkan peralatan secukupnya untuk segera turun ke bumi. Setelah
dipersiapkan segala sesuatunya, turunlah mereka ke bumi dengan tali. Dalam sekejap saja
mereka telah sampai di bumi dengan selamat.
Sampai dibumi, Oheo bersama keluarganya mulai membentuk kembali keluarga baru. Oheo
mulai membuka kebun baru. Kebun itu ditanami dengan padi dan tanaman lainnya. Dengan hasil
kebun itu, Oheo bersama keluarganya hidup sejahtera dan bahagia.
Cerita ini erat kaitannya dengan lingkungan hidup. Ketika Oheo dalam kesulitan ia ditolong oleh
tanaman, hewan dan serangga hingga sampai di khayangan. Ini disebabkan Oheo memang akrab
dengan lingkungan hidup dan selalu menjaga alam sekitar dan melestarikannya.


Folk Legend of Southeast Sulawesi Anawangguluri and Oheo

Once ago, there was a young man named Oheo. He worked as a farmer. One day, Oheo
established a plantation in the woods. It was planted with sugar cane that grew productively.
When the cane got ripe, lots of parrots alighted down to bathe in the river nearby his garden.
Before bathing, those birds ate the cane first. So that the bagasse scattered on the river bank.
Seeing what had happened, Oheo got pissed at the birds.
On one occasion, Oheo went peeping the birds. But what he saw made him stunned. He saw
seven beautiful angels were bathing. Those angels came down from heaven. Their clothes were
placed in the river bank.
With a pounding heart, Oheo crept toward where the clothes were placed. Oheo quickly take an
angels outfit. Then he promptly returned to home. He kept the clothes in the end of bamboo
rafters near the window. After that, Oheo returned to watch the angels bathing.
After bathing, the angels put their clothes back on swiftly. After finishing dressing, each of the
angels flight back to heaven without waiting for the others.
They flight to the sky one by one. One angel was left confusedly searching for her clothes. Of
course, she did not find it. Soon, Oheo showed himself, the trouble maker who caused the angel
could not fly back to heaven.
While still soaking in water because of her embarrassment, Anawangguri the name of the angel
asked Oheo. "Have you seen my clothes here?"
"No," replied Oheo.
Anawangguluri was getting sad. "Help me, Oheo. Have mercy on me. All my sisters had flown
back to heaven, "said Anawangguluri.
Eventually Oheo felt pity to her. "I'll give you your clothes, if you want to live with me," he said.
Anawangguluri accepted the request. However, Anawangguluri asked Oheo, "If in the future we
have a child, then you are the one who must clean the dirt of our child," said Anawangguluri.
Oheo accepted the request. So they got married. Since then, they lived in peace and happiness.
One day their child was born. As in the promise that every time their child defecated, Oheo
should clean it. So it went on.
Once upon a time, Oheo was weaving the roof in the yard. Meanwhile, their children defecated
again. Anawangguluri then called her husband. However, this time he refused his wifes call. His
wife called him many times, but he still refused it, even Oheo insisted and told her to clean it.
Anawangguluri had said, "Have you forgotten your promise before we got married?"
Oheo answered it in loud tones, "Do not remind me of that old stuff." Anawangguluri grew sad.
As the tears streamed down her face, she cleaned up her son. Then Anawangguluri stood up
facing the window and watched the scenery. Her eyes stared the sky. Suddenly she saw the tip of
her clothes in the bamboo rafters. With trembling hands, she slowly pulled the clothes.
The clothes was still perfect. What a happy soul, she sat back holding her son while cuddling
him. She kissed her son, then she put him back on the floor as she called her husband.
"Oheo, please keep your son, I will go back to heaven."
At first he did not believe it. After he was called twice, Oheo moved in from his yard. By the
time he arrived at the house, Anawangguluri had flown over and alighted in a nut tree. Oheo kept
on chasing her, but hopeless. Anawangguluri flew on and alighted again in a coconut tree.
Finally, she flew back to heaven.
Oheo felt sad, regretting what he had done. He felt confused because he was left a child. How to
take care of a child, he was mixed up. That's why he tried to find someone around for help to fly
him to the sky. For days he had searched, but no one said they could take him to heaven.
At one time there was a kind of plant named "Ue-Wai" claimed could take Oheo to heaven. But
in one condition, Oheo should make Ue-Wai ring to be installed on each leaf stalk.
Ue-Wai's demand had been fulfilled. Ue-Wai told Oheo to sit on the stem and hold his son
tightly. Before the plant was soaring into the sky, first, Ue-Wai gave instructions to Oheo. "Once
we have been in the air, we will hear a resounding thud. The first sound, close your eyes tightly.
The next sound, open your eyes! "
The instructions must be followed. Sure enough, after soaring to sky, the loud noise heard. Oheo
closed his eyes tightly. The second sound, he opened his eyes. What a surprise when he realized
that he had already in the king heavens palace yard. Meanwhile, the princess were walking
around the palace. One of the princess saw Oheo was sitting in the yard. The incident was
immediately reported to his father, the King. "Look at that man, could it be Oheo with his son?,"
the word of the King.
After investigation, that it was true a man who came from earth named Oheo, who was looking
for his wife. Oheo was not allowed to meet with his wife, Anawangguluri, unless he could pass a
severe test. In the exam, Oheo must is to be able to split a large stone as huge as the palace into
two, and must pick spread rice seeds in the meadow without leaving even one seed and had
another tough tests. He passed the first test with the assistance of mice, birds and other animals.
The tougher test that he should be able to meet his wife in a very dark bedroom with a lot of
same beds.
He was ordered by the king. He had to find his wife. If he failed, his soul would be endangered.
That's when he was not able to solve the problem. While he mused, a firefly came to ask him.
"What on earth makes you confused?"
"I have a severe problem. It was difficult to find my wife in the dark, while the beds have the
same shape, and my wife's face is almost the same as her sisters. "
"Do not worry, just follow me. I will fly, where I alight on, therein your wife. "
Oheo felt really glad to hear that direction. He watched the fireflys flight.
Suddenly the firefly alighted on a bed. With a trembling heart, Oheo went to the bed. Apparently,
that was where his wife placed. His son was also happy to be able tosleep with his mother again.
The next day the king ordered them to go down into the earth. Anawangguluri felt grieved when
she heard his father's command. Instead, Oheo felt overjoyed. They immediately prepared
enough equipment to go down to earth. Having prepared everything, they came down to earth
with a rope. In a moment they had reached Earth safely.
On earth, Oheo with his family began to reform a new family. Oheo began to open up a new
plantation. The garden was planted with rice and other crops. With the harvest of the garden,
Oheo with his family lived in prosperous and happiness.
This story is closely related to the environment. When Oheo was in trouble he was helped by the
plants, animals and insects to arrive in heaven. This caused Oheo was familiar with the
environment and always maintained and preserved the environment.

La Dana and His Buffalo
Folklore from South Sulawesi
IN Toraja, South Sulawesi, lived a young man. His name was La Dana. Everybody knew him.
He was known for his clever ideas. He always tricked bad people. Thats why the villagers loved

In Toraja, there was always a ceremony when someone passed away. In the ceremony, the guests
could get buffalo meat from the host of the ceremony. La Dana went to the ceremony. Before he
went home, the host gave him buffalo legs.
On the way home, La Dana met Pak Kikir. He brought the whole body parts of the buffalo
except the legs. Pak Kikir was a very stingy man. Nobody liked him. La Dana then had an idea to
trick him.
Pak Kikir, you have all parts of the buffalo except the legs. And I only have the legs. Why dont
we put them together and gave them back to the host. We ask him to exchange it with a living
buffalo. We raise the buffalo until it is big. Do you agree?
That is a good idea. Lets meet the host, said Pak Kikir.
Together they went back to the ceremony. The host agreed with one condition. He would
exchange with a young buffalo.
After they got the young buffalo, Pak Kikir and La Dana went home.
La Dana, let me raise the buffalo, said Pak Kikir.
He wanted to raise it by himself because he was afraid that La Dana would steal it.
I agree, but let me visit the buffalo every day, said La Dana.
He was happy, his idea was running well so far. On the following day, La Dana came to Pak
Kikirs house.
Hey! Look! The buffalo is getting fatter, said La Dana.
The buffalo has just been here for a day. How can you say he is getting fatter?

Look at the buffalo carefully. It is getting fatter. Pak Kikir, I want the legs now. They are mine,
right? said La Dana.
Pak Kikir was silent. He knew if the legs were cut, the buffalo would die.
Dont take the legs now. Wait for another time, said Pak Kikir.
On the following day, La Dana again came to Pak Kikirs house and asked for the legs. Pak Kikir
said the same thing, he asked La Dana to wait.
Then La Dana came and came again. Every time he visited the buffalo, he always asked Pak
Kikir to give him legs.
Finally, Pak Kikir could not hold it anymore.
Its enough La Dana! If you cut the legs, the buffalo would die. The buffalo is still young. We
will not get a lot of meat. If you want to get the legs, here take this buffalo with you! said Pak
He gave the buffalo to La Dana. La Dana was happy. His plan worked! He got a living buffalo
and brought it home.

La Dana dan Kerbaunya
Konon pada dahulu kala di Tanah Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan, ada seorang anak petani yang
bernama La Dana. La Dana merupakan anak yang pintar dan cerdik. Masyarakat sekitar kurang
begitu menyukainya, karena La Dana kadang kala menggunakan kecerdikannya untuk
memperdaya orang lain.
Pada suatu ketika ada orang toraja yang meninggal dunia. Sesuai tradisi di Tanah Toraja, jika ada
orang yang meninggal maka pihak keluarga yang ditinggalkan akan mengadakan pesta kematian
dengan memotong hewan kerbau. La Dana bersama temannya diundang untuk menghadiri
kematian tersebut.
La Dana, mari kita menghadiri pesta kematian tetangga kita. ujar temannya pada La Dana.
Iya teman. Mari kita kesana. La Dana mengiyakan.
Setelah menghadiri pesta kematian tersebut, sesuai tradisi, diadakan pembagian daging hewan
kerbau oleh pihak keluarga pada para pelayat. La Dana dan temannya pun mendapat bagian. La
Dana mendapatkan bagian kaki belakang kerbau sementara temannya mendapatkan bagian yang
lebih besar yaitu seluruh badan kerbau kecuali bagian kaki belakang.
Masa aku hanya dapat kaki kerbau sementara temanku dapat seluruh badan kerbau. Ini tidak
adil. Aku harus mencari akal. kata La Dana dalam hati.
Hai teman, aku punya ide. Bagaimana kalau bagian kerbau milik kita berdua kita tukar dengan
kerbau yang masih hidup. Jadi kita bisa merawat kerbau tersebut sampai gemuk. Setelah gemuk
barulah kita potong. kata La Dana pada temannya.
Idemu sangat bagus La Dana. Engkau memang anak pintar. Baiklah mari kita tukarkan pada
orang yang punya kerbau hidup. kata teman La Dana.
Mereka berdua kemudian mencari orang yang mau menukarkan kerbau hidup miliknya dengan
daging kerbau milik mereka berdua. Akhirnya mereka menemukan orang yang mau menukar
kerbaunya. Meskipun kerbau hidup yang mereka terima lebih kecil, tapi mereka senang.
Singkat kata La Dana dan temannya merawat kerbau miliki mereka berdua. Setelah beberapa
lama, La Dana mendatangi temannya dan membujuk temannya agar memotong kerbau tersebut
dengan alasan sudah tidak sabar ingin memakan dagingnya.
Teman, ayo kita potong saja kerbau ini. kata La Dana.
Jangan dulu. Tunggulah dulu sampai kerbau itu gemuk. jawab temannya.
Begini saja, kita potong saja bagianku, kaki belakang kerbau itu. La Dana tidak kehilangan
Ah kamu ini ada-ada saja La Dana. Kalau dipotong kaki belakangnya, kerbau itu pasti mati.
Sabarlah sampai kerbau ini gemuk La Dana. Nanti kuberi kau kaki depan kerbau itu. temannya
menjawab sedikit kesal.
La Dana gembira temannya tersebut mau memberikan kaki depan kerbaunya. Jadi kini ia
memiliki bagian kaki depan dan kaki belakang kerbau.
Beberapa hari kemudian, La Dana kembali datang ke rumah temannya dan meminta temannya
memotong kerbau tersebut. Temannya tetap menolak namun berjanji akan memberikan bagian
badan kerbau asalkan La Dana mau bersabar.
Tidak lama kemudian La Dana datang kembali membujuk temannya agar mau memotong
kerbau. La Dana tidak bosan-bosannya bolak-balik ke rumah temannya hingga membuat
temannya kesal.
Bagaimana teman? sudah terlalu lama aku menunggu untuk memakan daging kerbau ini.
Ayolah kita potong saja kerbau ini. bujuk La Dana.
Bagaimana sih kamu ini La Dana? Tidak bisakah kau sabar menunggu kerbau ini gemuk?
Sudahlah kau ambil saja kerbau ini dan jangan coba-coba ganggu aku lagi! temannya sudah
tidak tahan mendengar bujukan La Dana sehingga ia memberikan kerbau tersebut pada La Dana.
La Dana gembira bukan main dan pulang kerumahnya dengan membawa kerbau hidup yang
utuh. Begitulah sifat buruk La Dana, suka menggunakan kecerdikannya untuk memperdaya
teman sendiri.

The Naughty Monkey
A Folktale from Southeast Sulawesi.
A hen and her children are eating. While they are enjoying the food, a monkey comes. The
monkey is the hen's friend.
"Hmm yummy. May I have some?" asks the monkey. He is very hungry.
The hen feels sorry for the monkey. So, she gives some of her food to the monkey.
The monkey immediately eats the food. He is thinking himself.
"Wow, this food is delicious. Too bad I only can get some?"
The monkey then is planning to steal the entire hen's food. He has an idea.
"Hey, look at the sky. An eagle is coming. He wants to take your children," screams the monkey.
The hen is shocked! She immediately protects her children. While the hen is protecting her
children, the monkey steals her food. After that the monkey runs away.
The hen realizes that the monkey just tricked her. He goes to her another friend, the crab. The
hen tells all the problems to the crab.
"Don't worry, my friend. I have an idea to give him a lesson." says the crab.
On the following day, the hen meets the monkey. She says, "Let's go to the island over there.
There is so much food in that island."
"But I cannot swim," says the monkey.
"Don't worry. I have a boat. You and I can use it to cross the sea," says the hen.
Later, they are in the boat. The monkey does not know that the crab is hiding and making a hole
in the boat. Slowly the boat is full of water and drowning. The crab swims and the hen flies.
Soon they arrive in the land. They see the monkey is very scared.
He screams, "Help! Help! I can't swim!"
The hen shout, "I will help you, but promise you will never do bad things again."
"OK. I promise. I'll never do bad things again," says the monkey.
After that the hen and the crab help the monkey.

I Tuing-tuing
Folklore from West Sulawesi
THERE were a husband and a wife lived in Mandar, West Sulawesi. The husband was a
sherman. They had been married for many years but they had no any children yet. Everyday
they prayed to God. They never gave up asking God to give them a child.
Dear God, please give us a child even though he looks like a tuing-tuing sh, prayed the
Tuing-tuing is a flying fish found in that area.
And finally, God answered their pray, the wife was pregnant. And when the baby was born, they
were surprised. The baby looked like a sh. The skin had scales, just like the body of a sh. They
remembered their pray. But still they were very happy. They took care of the baby with
great love. They named him as I Tuing-Tuing. I Tuing-Tuing grew as a great boy. He was
diligent and obedient to his parents.
Soon I Tuing-Tuing grew as a young man. It was time for him to get married. He asked his
parents to nd him a girl. The parents knew it was not easy to nd a wife for their child. They
thought no girls wanted to marry him. However, they did not want to make him sad. So the
parents went to the villagers houses, proposing any single girl to be their daughter-in-law.
And it happened as they thought. All the girls they met always rejected their marriage proposal.
There was one last house they hadnt visited yet. It was the merchants house.
The merchant lived in a very big house. He had six daughters. All the daughters looked very
happy. Actually, the third daughter, Rukiah, was not happy. She was the most beautiful daughter
and her sisters were very jealous to her. Therefore, they put charcoal dust on her body. Her white
skin turned into dark.
In the meantime, I Tuing-Tuings parents arrived at the merchants house. After they explained
the purpose of their visit, the merchant asked all his daughters to answer. All the daughters
rejected! They also insulted I Tuing-Tuing as a sh.
Suddenly, Rukiah answered, Yes, I will marry I Tuing-Tuing.
All of his sisters were laughing. They said that Rukiah was crazy. They did not know that Rukiah
did not want to live with them anymore.
I Tuing-Tuing was very happy. Finally, there was a girl who was willing to be his wife. He did
not care although Rukiahs skin was very dark. And after they got married, they lived in their
own house. I Tuing-Tuing worked as a sherman and Rukiah stayed at home. Rukiah had lot of
time washing her skin. Later, it was completely clean. She got her beauty back.
While she was waiting for her husband, a man knocked the door. Rukiah opened it and saw a
handsome man in front of the door.
Who are you? asked Rukiah.
My name is I Tuing-Tuing. Where is my wife? he asked.
You are lying. I Tuing-Tuing has sh scales in his body.
It is true. But after I got married, Im cured.
My skin has changed into normal. By the way, who are you? asked I Tuing-Tuing. He also did
not recognize his wife.
Im Rukiah. My sisters have done a terrible thing to me. They put charcoal dust in my body.
But I have completely washed and cleaned my skin, said Rukiah.
And they were very happy. They were not ugly anymore. All the villagers really admired their
great looks. And Rukiahs sisters were even more jealous to her.

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