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A mother left her two young sons alone in the hut while she went to

market. When she away, robbers attacked the village and carried the
boys off into slavery. The boys are sold to different master but
promised each other that whoever finds freedom first will buy the
other. The first son is lucky: he gets a good master and learns a
trade. Eventually, he buys his freedom. The second is sold to a bad
master. He becomes ill, and at last becomes his own brothers slave.
His brother does not recogni!e him, and ill"treat him. The slave make
friends with his brothers little daughter. #he brings him food from her
own plate. He tell her his story. The first brother notices his daughter
slipping away to the slaves $uarters.
%after & The Two 'rother (tete and )ore, in *olk Tales and *ables, ed. +. ,tayemi - +.
0( W(12# 1((T W(12# W(12
)EA0, 0.
smal l , si mpl e
bui l di ng wi t h
onl y one or
t wo r ooms
#4A8E19 0(60
The syst em
of havi ng
sl ave
The act i vi t y
buyi ng, sel l i n
g or
e;changi ng
goods wi t hi n
a count r y or
bet ween
count r y
*1EE2() *1EE2()
The r i ght t o
do what you
want wi t hout
bei ng
cont r ol l ed by
>6A1TE1# >6A1TE1#
A house or
r ooms wher e
you can l i ve
0( W(12# #E0TE03E#
5 H6T The ol d man l i ves i n a wooden
hut at my vi l l age.
7 #4A8E19 The ki ds wi l l sent t o sl aver y
t oni ght
: T1A2E
Ther e has been a mar ked
i ncr ease i n t r ade bet ween East
and West
The pr ot est i s about t he
i nf r i ngement of our democr at i c
f r eedoms.
Al l ar my i n t hat camp l i ve i n
st af f $uarters
The boys are sold to
different master
+romised each other that
whoever finds freedom first
will buy the other
The first son gets a good
master and learns a trade.
He buys his freedom.
The second is sold to a
bad master, at last
becomes his own
brothers slave
A mother left her two young
sons alone in the hut
1obbers attacked the
village and carried the boys
into slavery.
The slave make friends
with his brothers little
The first brother notices his
daughter slipping away to
the slaves $uarters.

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