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Abraham Maslow

A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write,
if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he
must be. He must be true to his own nature. This need we may call

Paper Written by: Jamie Hoedel

Jamie Hoedel
Professor Ofeimu
ECD 1404
20 November 2013

Abraham Maslow
One of the greatest founders of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow is best known
for his theory of human motivation centered on self-actualization and the well-known phrase
hierarchy of needs (Morrison 138). His theory is based on the satisfaction of human needs and
he identified self-fulfillment as the highest human need. Children and adults cant achieve self-
fulfillment until other basic needs are met. Needs that must be met before self-fulfillment are as
followed: Life essentials, such as food and water; safety and security; belonging and love;
achievement and prestige; and aesthetic needs.
Maslow was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1908. He was the first born out of seven
children. Maslows parents were Jewish and had emigrated from Russia. Maslows described his
early childhood life as unhappy and lonely. He spent much of his time in the library immersed in
books. Maslow initially studied law in college, but quickly switched to psychology. On
December 31
, 1928, Abraham Maslow married his longtime sweetheart and first cousin Bertha
Goodman. The couple had two daughters, Ann and Ellen. Maslow stated that his marriage to
Bertha was the true beginning of his life. In the year 1934 he earned his Ph.D. from the
University of Wisconsin.
Abraham Maslow began teaching at Brooklyn College in 1937. He continued to work as
a member of the schools faculty until 1951. He was heavily influenced by Gestalt psychologist
Max Wertheimer and anthropologist Ruth Benedict during his time teaching. Maslow believed
they were such extraordinary people that he began to analyze and take notes on their behavior.
This study served as the beginning for his theories and research on human potential. Maslow
passed away on June 8th 1970.
Maslow became one of the founders and motivating forces behind the school of thought
known as humanistic psychology. His theories including the hierarchy of needs, self-
actualization and top experiences became major subjects in the humanistic movement.
During a time when most psychologists focused on aspects of human nature that were
considered abnormal, Maslow focused on the positive sides. Abraham Maslows interest in
human potential, seeking peak experiences and improving mental health by finding personal
growth had a lasting influence on psychology.
Maslow wanted to understand what motivates people. He believed that individuals
possess a set of motivation systems unrelated to rewards or unconscious desires. Maslow
believed that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and when one need is fulfilled a
person seeks to conquer the next one, and so on.
Maslows hierarchy of needs consists of five motivational needs. The five stage model
can be divided into basic needs and growth needs. The first stage consists of biological and
physiological needs: air, food, water, shelter, warmth, sex, and sleep. The second stage is safety
needs: protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, and stability. The third stage is
social needs: belongingness and love; work group, family, affection, and relationships. The
fourth stage is esteem needs: self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status,
dominance, prestige, and responsibility (McLeod 1). One must satisfy theses basic needs before
progressing on to meet higher level needs. Once these needs have been fully met, one may be
able to reach the highest level called self-actualization. Self-Actualization needs are realizing
personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.
Unfortunately, sometimes progress is often disrupted by failure to meet lower level needs.
Experiences in life that involve anything negative may cause an individual to alter between
levels of the hierarchy.
Maslow noted only one in a hundred people become fully self-actualized because our
society rewards motivation primarily based on esteem, love and other social needs (Pillage 1)
A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at
peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be. He must be true to his own nature. This need
we may call self-actualization. (Valiunas 1). Maslow describes the human need that demands to
be satisfied after just the basic needs for food, safety, shelter, sex, love, and self-esteem.
Maslows hierarchy of needs captivates me because it allows me to understand a sense of
what goes on in mine and others lives. We as humans are constantly striving towards success.
We repeatedly put so much pressure upon ourselves to reach the top. Everyone wants to touch
self-actualization and maximize ones potential.
Maslows hierarchy of needs breaks down our wants and needs. I believe that food, water
and air are lifes essentials. While working with children providing them snacks and giving them
water throughout the day is so important. Focusing on the importance of healthy meals will give
a child the nutrition they need to survive each day. Eating well and drinking lots of water allows
children to learn better. Safety and security gives adults and children stability and freedom from
fear. Teachers need to provide a friendly, happy, caring environment. While working with
children I create an environment that is structured and safe. I strongly believe that love,
acceptance and affection are so important in everyones lives. Working with a child I believe
giving love and kindness is significant in their life. Making a child feel loved allows them to put
trust into you. Creating a special bond will allow children to always be able to talk through
problems or whatever life throws at them. Giving children the attention they deserve,
understanding their emotions, giving constant feedback and giving strong support to children are
all so important to reach belonging and love. Giving children approval, recognition and self-
esteem gives children the courage to be successful and help them to learn. Encouraging children
to do well inspires achievement. I believe that allowing children to have aesthetic needs allows
them to become creative and enjoy beauty. Keeping a classroom physically attractive, pleasant
and organized is important.
I believe that when teachers and parents do all they can to support childrens basic needs,
they promote self-actualization. Meeting all of these needs gives children a sense of satisfaction
and enthusiasm. This allows children to become excited to go to school and learn new things
each day. I will continue my early childhood education and use Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to
allow children to reach self-actualization. I strongly believe that it is so important for children to
have confidence in themselves and reach all of Maslows stages. I believe Abraham Maslow is a
huge inspiration to early childhood teachers. You will either step forward into growth or you
will step back into safety. Maslows words are inspiring and will be for years to come

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