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Functions of the Conception

The Conception Vessel
Tonifes the KI
Tonifes KI Jing
Tonifes KI Qi
Tonifes KI Yin
Tonifes KI Yang
Removes Damp in the Lower Burner
Moves Stanant !i
of the HT, LU and breasts
of the LR, SP and ST
In uterus and lower iao
Reulates the "motions
!al"s fear
#is$erses grief
Relie%es de$ression
Reulates female repro#uctive c$cle an#
associate# ps$choloical chanes
Summar$ of %oint &ctions
Treatin #isor#ers of their local area
&ll lower !' $oints treat disorders of urination and defe(ation,
genital diseases, stagnation in the lower iao and uterine and
"enstrual diseases) !' * and + treat disorders of the
intestines and abdo"en) !' ,- and u$ treat stagnation and
rebellion of ST .i, e%en when their lo(ation is high on the
(hest) !' ,/ and u$ treat disorders of the Heart, and !' ,0
and u$ treat disorders of the Lung and (hest)
&larm points
Lo(ated on the soft, 1ielding and 1in anterior surfa(e of the
bod1, !' $oints allow dire(t a((ess to the 2angfu) Si3 of the
alar" $oints are therefore lo(ated on this (hannel)
Tonif$in an# 'ourishin
Functions of the Conception
The lower abdo"en in the dantien 4(innabar feld5, the
residen(e of the dee$est energies of the bod1) !' 0 and 6 are
therefore a"ong the "ost i"$ortant tonif1ing and nourishing
$oints of the bod1) &long with !' * the1 are able to res(ue
1ang and restore (ons(iousness in (ases of 1ang (olla$se)
The Conception Vessel Channel
The Main Channel
,) The (hannel starts
at a dee$ le%el in
the uterus in
wo"en ad in the
lower abdo"en
4!' /5 in "en)
7) It e"erges in the
(enter of the
$erineu" at !' ,
and tra%els
su$erf(iall1 u$ the
anterior "edian
line of the torso to
!' 70 in the
"iddle of the (hin,
where bilateral
dee$ bran(hes
tra%el around the
angle of the "outh
to the gu"s under
the u$$er li$ 48'
/) It then as(ends
the (hee9s to the
o$ti( fora"en
where the1 "eet
ST ,)
0) & se(ond bran(h is
said to originate in
the $el%i( (a%it1, enter the s$ine, and as(end the ba(9)
Luo Channel
This lea%es the !on(e$tion %essel at the inferior border of the
sternu" at !' ,: and s$reads o%er the abdo"en
CV ( Meetin of )in
"ntr$ point* First &i# point* Reunion point
(+ ,
-host point* Chon Mo* Ren Mo
Location In the (enter of the $erineu"
Midway between the anus and the scrotum (in men)
Or the anus and the posterior labial commissure (in
Needling +- insertion, ):<, (un
'ote. &ccor#in to the -reat Compen#ium of
&cupuncture an# Mo/i0ustion* this
point is contrain#icate# to nee#lin
1 Contrain#icate# in prenanc$ 1
Function 2 "ntr$ point
2 Reunion. CV* -V* Chon Mo
2 First &i#. resuscitation* #rownin
2 3ne of the (4 -host points
= !al"s the S$irit
= #rains #a"$ Heat
= !lears #a"$ and (lears Heat
= ?enefts ing
= Regulates the anterior 1in 4genitals5 and $osterior 1in
= @ourishes 1in
= Regulates !hong "o and !'
= Resus(itates A re%i%es drowning
= Strengthens the lu"bus A boosts the KI
Name Meetin of )in
5ui. "eeting, (on%ergen(e
)in. 1in, the (o"$le"ent of 1ang
&lternate 'ames. S(reen, Blat S(reen,
Lower C3tre"e, >etal 8ate, Seabed,
8host Store,
Lower Yin #i%ergen(e
LJ !' , re$resents the sour(e of 1in in the hu"an being)
This is a 9e1 $oint for treating the ter"inal se$aration of
1in and 1ang) This $oint is fre.uentl1 indi(ated for se3ual
abuse) If the $ulse of both hands ha%e (olla$sed and the
$atient e%iden(es the D.i<wildE $attern des(ribed 4all
$ulse $ositions e%iden(e a su$erf(ial $ounding) ) ) there is
no de$th to the entire $ulse, indi(ating that the $ounding
that is felt is the dis$ersion of the $atientFs fnal store of
1ang<.i) ) ) 1in and 1ang are at their fnal $oint of
CV ( Meetin of )in
se$aration) &t this $oint, with the true 1in e3hausted, the
$atientFs 1ang energ1 Goats to the to$ of the $ulse) @ow
one is trul1 9no(9ing at the door of death)5 then a
diHerent thera$euti( strateg1 4than an HI;5 "ust be
(hosen) In su(h a (ase, the 1in of the whole being "ust
be tonifed in order to root that 1ang) !' ,, na"ed
>eeting of Yin, re$resents the sour(e of 1in in the hu"an
being) 8' 7-, Hundred >eetings, is the gathering $oint of
the 1ang<.i) Together, these two $oints
CV ( Meetin of )in
re$resent the (entral a3is of hea%en and earth as it o((urs
in the hu"an being) Treating the" together (an hel$
restore balan(e of the $ri"ordial 1in and 1ang and
$ro%ide a((ess to a reser%e of this energ1) Interestingl1,
an alternate na"e for !' , is in "en or "etal gate) This
re(alls the entran(e to the 9ingdo" of the Queen >other)
"1tholog1, the $ri"ordial brother and sister resurre(t the
hu"an ra(e after riding the (rest of the Good through the
8olden 8ate 4the gate of the Queen >other5) Si"ilarl1, a
9e1 fun(tion of !' , is for re%i%al after drowning) The @ei
Jing states that the !on(e$tion 'essel originates in the
uterus and, as in "1th, it is the "etal gate that $ro%ides a
$assagewa1 into and out of the wo"b of #ao)
Use when the $ersonFs s$irit is drowning) This is a
$oint of resurre(tion of the s$irit)
This $oint is used onl1 when all the oJ(ials need
su$$ort) Birst use KI 7,then go to !',) Use when the
s$irit is a(tuall1 o%er(o"e)
& blo(9 "a1 be (reated here after gi%ing birth)
This $oint aHe(ts the balan(e between 1in and 1ang
and all un(tion $oints)
J8K This is the beginning of all 1in energ1L it stabili2es,
holds, absorbs) ItFs a frst aid $oint for drowning in an1
sense 4e"otionall1, s$irituall15) Use it when there is
not enough %ital essen(e to su$$ort life, when there is
no foundation) It allows a $erson to sin9 into their own
(enter of gra%it1) It $ro%ides stru(ture and an(horing) It
inGuen(es se3ualit1 and is good for e3haustion after
CV 6 Croo7e# Bone
Reunion point* Ren Mo 8 9
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
: &!I inferior to the u"bili(us
Just su$erior to the su$erior edge of the $ubi( s1"$h1sis
Needling +- insertion, ):<, (un
1 Deep insertion will penetrate a full 0la##er* which
shoul# 0e emptie# 0efore t/:
Function 2 Reunion. CV an# Liver
= ?enefts urination
= Regulates the lower iao
= ;ar"s and in%igorates the KI
su$$le"ents the KI
= Regulates the "enses and sto$s %aginal dis(harge
= Stabili2es Jing
= Regulates the bladder
= !ontains the ?lood
Name/ER Curve# Bone
!u. (ur%ed, bent
-u. bone
&lternate 'ames. !roo9ed ?one, !ur%ed
?oneFs Cnd, Return ?one, Urinar1 ?L,
>arrow shu
?one refers to $ubi( s1"$h1sis, a 9ind of bowl) This is a
su$$ort for this "o%e"ent of 1in inside bod1 4the
"eridian "o%ing u$ward5) Su$$orts the Yang rising u$)
This $oint (an do all that !' , (an do e3(e$t for
resus(itation) It hel$s all water diJ(ulties,
$ers$iration, internal se(retions, water retention, in
(ontinen(e, la(9 of %irilit1)
Use lo(all1 for the genitals, uterus, bladder, es$e(iall1
when there is (old)
J8K This $oint stabili2es, sin9s, holds, absorbs) Thin9 of
an eagle ta9ing oH to G1Nthis is a balan(e of weight
and substan(e %s) lift and G1)
#!K This $oint has a broader eHe(t than !' ,) ItFs good
for (old in the genitals, uterus or bladder) It war"s
1ang and su$$lies the Kidne1s, regulates "enses and
sto$s %aginal dis(harge)
CV ; First -ate
BL &larm* Reunion point* First &i# point* Ren Mo
< 8=(8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
0 &!I inferior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, ):<, (un
1 Deep insertion will penetrate a full 0la##er* which
shoul# 0e emptie# 0efore t/:
Function 2 Bla##er &larm point
2 Reunion. CV* S%* LR* KI* BL >=BL acc: to D?
2 First &i#. @rine retention
= ?enefts the ?ladder, regulates .i transfor"ation and
drains da"$<heat
= #isinhibits the ?ladder
= #rains da"$ness and treats leu(orrhoea
= #is$els stagnation and benefts the lower iao
= !lears Heat
= ?enefts the uterus and regulates "enstruation
= Bortifes the Kidne1s
= ;ar"s the $ala(e of Cssen(e
Name/ER Central %ole
Ahon. !enter, (entral
Bi. $ole
&lternate 'ames. Qi Sour(e, Qi Bish, Jade
S$ring, ?ladder >u*
Here is the beginning of life before se$aration of 1in and
1ang) It is a $oint of origin) ?etween the two $oles of
hea%en and earth there are all $ossible hu"an a(ti%ities
di%ided into two 9inds, 1in and 1ang) &nd this is the
i"age of the tree, the woodNthe ridge $ole whi(h s$ans
both sides) It i"$lies the unit1 and origin of the (entral
$ole fro" whi(h 1in and 1ang originate)
#o not use when there is "aor i"balan(eNwhen
so"e of the $ulses are u$ and so"e are down)
This is a (lassi( reunion $oint, the ut"ost "iddle of the
?od1, >ind and S$irit and a "eeting $oint of all
&n alternati%e na"e, !entral Pole, (o"es fro"
astrolog1 whi(h identifed a (entral $ole star around
whi(h three others re%ol%ed) This is rele%ant to this
$oint as it is a reunion for !' with KI, SP and LR)
CV 4 @tmost )in
ItFs used for $roble"s with the ?ladder and to hel$ the
$la(enta se$arate)
!' / to !'6 ha%e a strong eHe(t on the endo(rine
s1ste"s) The1 sti"ulate the testes and se3 hor"ones)
ItFs a grounding $ointNit $ulls things down into the
lower iao) ItFs useful when a $atient is sha91)
Use lo(all1 for the genitals, uterus, bladder, es$e(iall1
when there is (old)
&lternate 'ames. Sour(e Pass,
!innabar Bield, Tri$le
Interse(tion, Mrigin of Huang,
Lower Huang, Lower
Regulator, 8reat Sea, 8reat
Reser%oir, 8reat !entral Pole,
InfantFs #oor, InfantFs Pala(e,
InfantFs Intestine, Bifth !it1,
Se(ond 8ate, ?lood
CV ; First -ate
SI &larm* Reunion point* Ren Mo
(+=(8 9=(8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
/ &!I inferior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, ):<, (un or 0: insertion dire(ted inferiorl1, ,<,):
1 Deep insertion will penetrate a full 0la##er* which
shoul# 0e emptie# 0efore t/: 1
Function 2 Small Intestine &larm point
2 Reunion. CV* S%* LR* KI* ST* SI >=ST* SI acc: to D?
= Bortifes Yuan .i
and benefts Jing
= Tonifes and nourishes the Kidne1s
and se(ures the root
= ?enefts the uterus and assists (on(e$tion
war"s and
regulates the uterus
and the $ala(e of essen(e
= #is$els (old da"$ and eli"inates (old in the genitals
= Regulates the lower iao and benefts the ?ladder
= Regulates SI .i
= Se$arates the (lear and turbid
= Restores (olla$se
= Su$$le"ents .i and returns 1ang
= ;ar"s and
fortifes the S$leen
= #issi$ates $athogens
L safeguards health and $re%ents
= @ourishes ?lood and 1in
= Strengthens Yang
= !al"s the S$irit
= Roots the Hun
Name 3riin %ass
-uan. Pass, $assagewa1, gateL (riti(al
un(tureL to lo(9 in
)uan. origin, original, sour(e
#e$ending on whi(h
"eaning of the (hara(ter
guan is (onsidered, !' 0
is a D$assagewa1 of
original .iE, Dthe (riti(al
un(ture of original 1ang
and original 1in,E or the
$la(e where Doriginal .i
is stored 4lo(9ed in5)E The $lethora of alternate na"es for this
$oint are a result of it being the site of the uterus , the dan tien,
and the life gate fre
&s the entran(e into the Lower #an Tien, the lower !innabar
Bield, the lower energ1 %orte3, this $oint is a %er1 $owerful
energ1 sour(e whi(h strengthens the whole s1ste")
This is the frst gate through whi(h energ1 $asses) It "ust
be 9e$t well oiled and o$en)
ItFs a good $oint for i"$oten(e and relie%es h1$ertension)
CV ; First -ate
This $oint "entall1 brings $ea(e of "ind, (al" and order)
It roots the hun when troubled at night 4e)g), lea%ing the
This $oint is dire(tl1 (on(erned with the fun(tion of the SI
and $roble"s with sorting)
Shen and (hing energies "i3 here) ItFs used to war" the
lower iao, so"eti"es with wo"en who want to (on(ei%e)
J8K This $oint (reates an o$ening in the $resen(e of
stu(9ness) It en(ourages arousal, se3ual energ1, and desire
in life) @e%er (lose those gates) It resol%es se3ual hesitation
or (onfusion, as it is the gate to the lower $art of oursel%es)
It allows a $erson to ste$ into (larit1) DI a" not feeling a lot
of se3ualit1 and I would li9e to feel "ore)E
CV 8 Stone -ate
T" &larm* Reunion point* Ren Mo
9=< 9=(8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
7 &!I inferior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, )*<,): (un
'ote. &ccor#in to several classical te/ts* this point is
contrain#icate# #urin prenanc$ 1
1 Deep nee#lin ma$ penetrate the peritoneal cavit$ 1
Function 2 Triple "neriCer &larm point >whole oDcial?
2 Reunion. T"* CV
= >o%es and benefts the water $assages
= Pro"otes the transfor"ation and e3(retion of Guids in the
Lower ?urner
= Regulates the uterus
= Regulates the "enses and treats %aginal dis(harge
= ;ar"s the KI and in%igorates 1ang
= Strengthens Yuan .i
= Regulates .i and alle%iates $ain
Name/ER Stone -ate
Shi. Stone
Men. 8ate, door
&lternate 'ames. !innabar Bield,
#isinhibitor, Life 8ate, Shu 8ate,
Infertilit1, Cssential #ew, TC >u
M%erall, the na"e indi(ates so"ething hea%1, blo(9ed, "assed)
Infertilit1) ;here there is a Dstone bell1E nothing grows) &lso
gi%es us the i"age of the ri(hness of the "inerals of the Carth)
Su$$orts the Yin)
This $oint is a "ain (enter of energ1) ItFs the frst gate where
energ1 is li9el1 to be blo(9ed) If, after * or + treat"ents,
there is still no energ1, do !' 0 and : together)
ItFs also good for bowels, $roble"s with "enses)
Use for a la(9 of energ1, la(9 of %italit1, la(9 of war"th,
wea9ness and fatigue)
This $oint is li9e an &CP for the TC, es$e(iall1 for a (old
lower iao) Use lots of "o3a for lifelessness, inertial)
ItFs a good $oint for stabili2ing the TC and "aintaining a
good $ulse)
DStoneE refers to the !innabar stone, that $re(ious stone) &t
the le%el of the u"bili(us 1ou ha%e a balan(e between 1in
and 1ang, so 1ou get a lot of $i%otal $oints) The !innabar
feld is the beginning of that balan(e) Stone (an also refer to
barren and infertilit1) &T ti"es its $ut on the forbidden list as
it has a big eHe(t on the uterus and wo"b, es$e(iall1 when
there is (old and a la(9 of %italit1)
CV 8 Stone -ate
J8K ;hen a $atient (anFt fnd the strength to "o%e $ast the
stu(9ness, this $oint (reates a big a3e, tou(hes the real" of
$assion generated b1 the gate of %italit1, and o%er(o"es
la(9 of desire) ItFs a good $oint if things ha%e been shut
down for a while)
CV E Sea of !i
Ren Mo < 9=(8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
,O &!I inferior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, )*<,): (un
1 Deep nee#lin ma$ penetrate the peritoneal
cavit$ 1
Function = Bosters Yuan Qi
= Tonifes the KI

= Tonifes .i
= Bortifes 1ang
= Regulates .i and har"oni2es blood
= Treats "enstrual disorders and %aginal dis(harge
= ;ar"s the lower burner
= Resol%es da"$ness
dis$els da"$ turbidit1
= Res(ues (olla$se of 1ang
Name Sea of !i
!i. .i, breath
5ai. sea
&lternate 'ames. Lower Sea
of .i, Lower
Huang, Huang Mrigin, @a%el,
S"all @a%el
This area ser%es as a reser%oir of .i for the whole bod1) It
is the $la(e fro" whi(h .i e"anates and to whi(h it
returns and is thus the Sea of Qi) In Taoist "editation
$ra(ti(es the breath is brought to this area and the .i is
stored there) The delineation between .i and breath is
un(lear in !hinese, an a"biguit1 $reser%ed b1 the na"e
Sea of Qi)
This $oint is used a lot in (hroni( diseaseIdebilitation)
Use it when the $erson is bogged down in negati%it1,
s$irituall1, "entall1 e3hausted, andIor de$ressed)
It has a far rea(hing eHe(t in bringing %italit1 to the
lower iao) Use for a (old lower iao, abdo"inal $ain,
9idne1 $ain, or a fre.uent urge to $ass urine) It (an
bring war"th to s$read energ1 fro" the sea into the
strea", "ind, et()
Bor infertilit1, "o3a (an distribute %ital .i into the
genital area) You (ould use it for so"eone with good
$ulses, but s$irituall1 resigned or dead inside) There
"a1 be a la(9 of .ualit1 in energ1, though there "a1
CV E Sea of !i
be .uantit1) You (an dis$erse it if the $ulses are all
o%er the $la(e and the $erson is e3hausted fro" too
"u(h stor"iness)
Use "o3a ++P of the ti"e, though 1ou (an dis$erse it
for h1$ertension)
J8K This $oint restores u$right .i) ItFs good for long
ter" or serious (hroni( illness) Use it when the
"eridians arenFt $ro%iding enough) It wor9s the sa"e
wa1 on the s$irit le%el<-Nuse it when the s$irit is
9no(9ed out) ItFs also good for intestinal issues su(h as
irritable bowel)
CV 9 )in Crossin
T" &larm point* Reunion point* Chon Mo* Ren Mo
< 9
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
, &!I inferior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, )*<,): (un
1 Deep nee#lin ma$ penetrate the peritoneal
cavit$ 1
Function 2 T" &larm point >lower Fiao?
2 Reunion. CV* Chon Mo* KI* %C* T" >= %C* T"*
Chon mo acc: to D?
= @ourishes 1in
= Regulates the uterus
= Regulates "enstruation
and blood
= ?enefts the lower abdo"en and genitals
= ;ar"s and su$$le"ents KI 1ang
Name/ER )in Intersection
)in. 1in, the (o"$le"ent of 1ang
Biao. interse(tion
&lternate 'ames. S"all Pass,
S(ar(e Pass,
!innabar Bield, Hori2ontal #oor
The e3$ression of the (rossing of 1in and 1ang, whi(h is
e3$ressed indi%iduall1 in !' : and !' 6)
This $oint is good for $roble"s of the lower iao) It
$ro%ides stabilit1 of "ind and an an(hor) ItFs good for
sui(idal tenden(ies, frustration, de$ression, la(9 of
lo%e, withdrawal, and instabilit1)
It aHe(ts 1in and blood, fertilit1 and se3ualit1, se3
hor"ones, i"$oten(e 4T?K the "ost $otent $oint for
i"$oten(e $er JR;5, $re"ature ea(ulation, s(ant1
$eriods, an inabilit1 to holdI(ontain)
This $oint nourishes and har"oni2es the energ1 in the
lower iao) ?1 war"ing and raising the fun(tion to its
$ro$er le%el, it brings the $ower of the heart and
o1fulness into this area) Use for de$ression fro" a
(old lower iao, a la(9 of abilit1 to lo%e and e3$ress
CV G Hater Division
Ren Mo , 4=4+ >on salt?
Location In the (enter of the u"bili(us
Needling @eedling is (ontraindi(ated) Treat with "o3a or "assage)
Function = ;ar"s 1ang and res(ues 1ang fro" (olla$se
= Tonifes Yuan .i
and frees the origin
= M$ens the $ortals and restores (ons(iousness
= ;ar"s and har"oni2es the intestines
= >o%es
gastrointestinal .i
= Strengthens the S$leen
= Transfor"s (old<da"$
a((u"ulating stagnations
Name/ER Spirit -ate
Shen. s$irit
!ue. a wat(h tower on either side
of a
$ala(e gate, a gateL a $ala(e
&lternate 'ames. Life Ste", Qi Union, Qi &bode, !enter of the
The (hara(ter .ue is a s1"bol for an e"$t1 s$a(e that ser%es
as a gateL it is (onsidered inter(hangeable with .ue, "eaning
ga$) The s$irit enters and lea%es through !' *, the S$irit 8ate)
The na%el is said to be the residen(e of the su$re"e Unit1, the
sour(e of life) Mriginall1, the na"e of !' * was Qi &bode, whi(h
"a1 ha%e been (hosen on the basis of the state"ent in the
Taoist Storehouse, that Dthe .i of later hea%en resides at the
na%el)E Its na"e was later (hanged to a%oid (onfusion with ST
The (hara(ter Que re$resents the loo9<out tower abo%e a gate,
a (it1 gate) &n i"$erial (it1) & hiatus, a def(ien(1, a faultL
wantingL to o"itL to be reser%ed) Defcienc$ is not a oo#
translation of this point name: ?1 def(ien(1, it "eans the
s$a(e in a wall of a (it1 where 1ou $ut a wat(h tower) ;at(h
tower is a "u(h better translation) ;hen 1ou ha%e a gate, 1ou
need a wat(h tower to guard it)
This $oint $re$ares the wa1, $ro%iding $rote(tion and nurturing
for the $resen(e of the s$iritsL the ho"e of the s$irits) &llows
onl1 the "ost $ure essen(es for the nurturing of the s$irits)
This $oint gi%es heat and war"th to the s$irit) Use for a
reall1 def(ient s$irit, utter de$letion) ItFs a useful $oint for
so"eone worn down o%er a long ti"eL use when the %ital
energ1 see"s low)
You "a1 get a $erson whoFs better $h1si(all1 but the1 donFt
feel better in the"sel%esNa dee$er le%el of treat"ent is
CV < -reat Defcienc$
needed) Use if the $atient is resigned, (olla$sing, with a %oid
in their (enter)
ItFs good for birth trau"a)
S$irit Pala(e 8ate refers to the idea of a wat(htower on
either side of a $ala(e gate) These are $rote(ti%e towers
where the s$irit enters A lea%es the bod1 at birth and death)
ItFs es$e(iall1 good for $eo$le addi(ted to drugs)
>o3a enhan(es, en(ourages, nourishes and gets the s$irit
"o%ing) You (an reall1 use unli"ited a"ounts of "o3a on
this $oint) Salt is used as a le%eler 4saltQ"etal5) >o3a
war"s the salt, hen(e war"ing the "etal within the "etal)
Mnl1 tonif1 this $ointL itFs fore%er forbidden to needle)
Reunion point* Ren Mo 8 8=(8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
, &!I su$erior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, )*<,): (un
'ote. &ccor#in to several classics* this point is
contrain#icate# to nee#lin if there
is Iwater illnessJ an# plentiful mo/a shoul# 0e use#
instea#: Mo/a is contrain#icate#
#urin prenanc$:
1 In thin patients* #eep nee#lin ma$ penetrate the
peritoneal cavit$ 1
Function 2 Reunion. CV* L@ >not in D?
= Regulates the water $assages

= Treats ede"a
= Pro"otes the transfor"ation of Guids
= >o%es SPICarth and disinhibits water<da"$
= Har"oni2es the intestines and dis$els a((u"ulation
Name Hater Divi#e
Shui. ;ater
Fen. #i%ide, $art, se$arate
&lternate 'ames. #i%ided
!entral 8uard
This $oint is lo(ated in the region of lower o$ening of the s"all
intestine, whi(h fun(tions in se$arating the (lear and the
turbid, drawing oH Guid fro" the digesta and sending it to the
bladder, lea%ing the solid waste to be (on%e1ed b1 the large
intestine) !' + is e"$lo1ed in the treat"ent of water swelling)
Bor both of these reasons, !' + is (alled ;ater #i%ide)

This $oint is good to hel$ gi%e balan(e with all se(retions,
Guids, hor"ones, et() #o not li"it to water, ede"a, et() It
balan(es se(retions at all le%els) HM;C'CR, if there is
alread1 (haos, "ore turbulen(e is (reated)
CV G Hater Division
ItFs a big $oint for ede"a in the lower e3tre"ities, an9les
and sweating) ItFs good for $eo$le with e3(ess or def(ient
$ers$iration, an inabilit1 to urinate) Peo$le running on high
and unable to slow) C1es dr1 or (ontinuall1 watering) C1e
"u(us or lots of (atarrh 4R5
Use this $oint after wor9ing with the ?ladder and Kidne1 for
so"e ti"e but so"ehow 1ou still (anFt get the $atient
ItFs for Guidit1 of the "ind and bod1) ItFs a un(tion $oint for
the whole bod1 "ind and s$irit)
This $oint sits o%er the s"all intestine) ;ater #i%ision
(onne(ts with the fun(tion of the s"all intestine to se$arate
$ure fro" i"$ure and Guids fro" solid "atter)
J8K Use when ha%ing trouble on the "eridian le%el balan(ing
Guids) ItFs good for ede"a in the abdo"en and oints,
"aldistribution of Guids, balan(ing ?L and KI in a water !B
or fullness fro" water swelling in the abdo"en)
CV (+ Lower Duct
Reunion point* Ren Mo < 9=(8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
7 &!I su$erior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, )*<,): (un
1 In thin patients* #eep nee#lin ma$ penetrate the
peritoneal cavit$ 1
'ote. &ccor#in to the Illustrate# Supplement to
the Classic of Cateories* mo/a
is contrain#icate# in prenanc$:
Function 2 Reunion. CV* S%
= #is$erses digestate a((u"ulations and .i stagnation
= Har"oni2es the sto"a(h and regulates .i
= Pro"otes the des(ending of ST .i
= &ssists "o%e"ent and transfor"ation in the sto"a(h
and intestines
= Tonifes the S$leen
Name/ER Lower Venter
,ia. Lower
Han. 'enter
&lternate 'ames. Lower #u(t,
#ar9 8ate
The Clu(idation of !hara(ters sa1s, D'enter "eans the
sto"a(h bowel,E while "odern !hinese "edi(al
di(tionaries defne the word as "eaning the $h1si(al
as$e(t of the sto"a(h, in(luding the lower $ortion of the
eso$hagus and the u$$er $art of the duodenu") The
%enter is di%ided into three se(tionsK u$$er, "iddle and
lower) !' ,- is lo(ated at the lower border of the sto"a(h
and is thus (alled Lower 'enter)
This $oint has al"ost the sa"e na"e as !' ,7 A ,/) It
re$resents the wor9 of the Sto"a(h to nourish life) Lower
!a%it1K fun(tion of the $oint is to des(end .i)
This $oint is "ore (on(erned with the sto"a(h itself)
ItFs "ostl1 used when fnding $h1si(al $roble"s with
digestion, (anFt absorb or "o%e food along)
It (an also be used for "ental indigestion, when a
$erson (anFt absorb on a "ental le%el)
CV (( "sta0lishe# Mile
Reunion point* Ren Mo 8=< 8=(8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
/ &!I su$erior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, )*<,): (un
1 In thin patients* #eep nee#lin ma$ penetrate the
peritoneal cavit$ 1
Function 2 Reunion. CV* L@* ST* S%* SI >not in D?
= Har"oni2es the sto"a(h and dis$erses a((u"ulation
= Pro"otes the rottening and ri$ening of the Sto"a(h
= Sti"ulates the des(ending "o%e"ent of ST .i
= Har"oni2es the "iddle iao and regulates .i
= >o%es the s$leen and re(tifes .i
= Transfor"s da"$ and loosens the (enter
Name/ER Interior Strenthenin
Bian. to establish, to ere(tL to stand
Li. a "easure of distan(eL a
s"all ha"let
This area is the (enter of $osterior hea%en 4the "iddle
burner (ontrols the $rodu(tion of .i5) The ideogra"s
i"$l1 the idea of so"ething fr"l1 established that will
last, a basi( stru(ture) This re%eals a dee$ organi2ation of
lifeK the sto"a(h re(ei%ing the essen(es to "aintain life)
This $oint i"$lies the foundation of $ower for the
Sto"a(h oJ(ial) It gi%es fr"ness to the S$leen and
Sto"a(h) This $oint $ro%ides the foundation for !' ,-,
,,, ,7, the foundation of this tri$le e3$ression of Posterior
Hea%en) It is lin9ed with ST /6, where this basi( stru(ture
is e3$ressed in the nu"ber three, as all of the e3$ressions
of Qi in the bod1, and in life 4Leg Three >iles5)
This $oint is the foundation of 1in in the bod1 whi(h relies
on the wor9 of the ST) This $oint gi%es solidit1Ifr"ness to
the "iddle iao) Pro%ides the foundation of $ro$er
(ir(ulation of the SP A ST 4as(endingIdes(ending
This $oint (an be used with !' + or SP +, es$e(iall1 if
there is ede"a in the abdo"en)
&lternate na"es for this $oint are ?uild ;ithin and
Interior Strengthener) This $oint has to do with getting
CV (( "sta0lishe# Mile
the essen(e of nourish"ent fro" food) ItFs $h1si(all1
and "entall1 used to build strength) ItFs good for
internal strengthening and all digesti%e fun(tions)
#onFt tonif1 this $oint if the $atient has bad sto"a(h
CV (6 Mi##le Duct
ST K Mi##le Biao &larm* Reunion* InLuential* Ren Mo
4=< 9=(8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
0 &!I su$erior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, )*<,): (un
1 In thin patients* #eep nee#lin ma$ penetrate the
peritoneal cavit$ 1
Function 2 Stomach K Mi##le Biao &larm point
2 InLuential point. )an orans
2 Reunion. SI* BL* T"* -B* LI* ST* %C* L@* CV >ST* SI* T"*
CV acc: to D?
2 3ne of the G nee#les for returnin )an
= Tonifes the ST and SP
= Har"oni2es the ST A downbears
= Resol%es #a"$ness
= Har"oni2es the "iddle iao
= Regulates ST .i
= Regulates .i and alle%iates $ain
Name/ER Central Venter
Ahon. !enter, (entral, "iddle
Han. %enter
&lternate 'ames. !entral #u(t,
U$$er Regulator, Su$re"e 8ranar1
This na"e identifes the "iddle (a%it1, the "iddle heater) The
fun(tion is related to the e3$ression of essen(es) This area is
the (enter of the ST, the (enter of the "iddle burner, the
(orres$onding area of the Carth ele"entL it is where the .i of
the (enter is renewed)
This is also the starting $oint of the Lung "eridian) It is related
to TH, SI, ST, SP) It is the reunion of the Bu and the >u $oint of
the ST and "iddle heater) This $oint brings fr"ness) It has to
do with "a9ing essen(es and nourishingNnutrition)
This $oint lies in the "iddle of the "iddle iao and it is the
alar" $oint for the sto"a(h) ItFs a (enter of energ1,
asse"bling or "eeting $oint of the 1ang oJ(ials)
Tou(hing this $oint tou(hes all of the wor9sho$ organs)
Use it for e%er1 $ossible t1$e of sto"a(h indigestionK
$h1si(all1, "entall1 and s$irituall1)
&n alternati%e na"e for this $oint is Su$re"e 8ranar1, it is
about har"oni2ing the earth in our (enter, the $i%otal $oint
within us) It regulates the des(ending "o%e"ent of the
sto"a(h and as(ending "o%e"ent of the s$leen so that
there is no rebellious .i)
CV (6 Mi##le Duct
?e aware of relationshi$ $roble"s aHe(ting the a$$etite
4lo%esi(95) There is an interesting inGuen(e on Carth when
weFre e3(ited 1et unsettled, un(ertain)
This $oint hel$s to get a better res$onse fro" Carth,
es$e(iall1 on a "ental A s$irit le%el)
It gi%es a .ualit1 (hange in $ulses)
This $oint (an be used earl1 on in treat"ent)
The ST /6 of the !', this $oint ta9es the 9inds out of
lifest1le i)e) li%ing high one "o"ent and wanting to die the
J8K This $oint is about (o"ing ho"e into oneFs self) It
reunites the : 1ang, LU, and P!) Li9e a ro(9ing (hair, it holds
u$ and "o%es at the sa"e ti"e) DI donFt ta9e (are of "1self
well enough)E ItFs good for those o%er<in%ol%ed with others)
ItFs good for Carth when losing oneFs (enter) Use when a
$erson isnFt able to be inside their own self) It sto$s worr1
and brings the $erson inside)
CV (4 @pper Duct
Reunion point* Ren Mo 8=< 9=(8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
: &!I su$erior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, )*<,): (un
1 In thin patients* #eep nee#lin ma$ penetrate the
peritoneal cavit$ 1
Function 2 Reunion. CV* ST* SI* L@ >=L@ acc: to D?
= #es(ends rebellion and alle%iates %o"iting
= Har"oni2es the ST and regulates .i
= Re(tifes the SP and the ST
= Transfor"s $hleg" turbidit1
= !ourses .i
= Regulates the Heart
= Stabili2es the s$irit<dis$osition
Name @pper Venter
Shan. &bo%e, u$$er
Han. %enter
&lternate 'ames. U$$er #u(t,
Regulator, 'enter, Sto"a(h
This $oint sits at the to$e end of the sto"a(h where
we see $roble"s with food not going down into the
sto"a(h) & $er son (anFt Dsto"a(hE their food)
ItFs good for hiatial hernias, bur$ing, (ardia( $ain due
to indigestion)
!' ,/ is the lin9 between the "iddle and u$$er iao
CV (; -reat Tower -ate
5T &larm* Reunion point* First &i# point* Ren Mo E
Location Mn the anterior "edian line, 6 &!I su$erior to the u"bili(us
Needling +- insertion, ):<, (un, or 0: insertion dire(ted inferiorl1 ,<,):
1 In thin patients* #eep nee#lin ma$ #amae the left
lo0e of the liver or the heart if
either is enlare#: 1 ;8 superior insertion towar#s the
heart is contrain#icate# in all cases1
Function 2 5eart &larm point 2 Reunion. 5T* CV >not in D?
2 First &i#. sea sic7ness* travel sic7ness
= !lears the Heart
and stabili2es the s$irit
= Regulates the Heart and alle%iates $ain
= Transfor"s $hleg"
, dis$erses (ongealed $hleg" in the
(hest A dia$hrag"
= Har"oni2es the sto"a(h and des(ends rebellion
and frees
the (enter
= Transfor"s da"$ stagnation in the "iddle burner
= #es(ends LU .i and unbinds the (hest
Name/ER -reat Tower -ate
Bu. 8reat, 8iganti( 4this (hara(ter is often found in
Yang >ing $oints 4STILI55
!ue. 8ate towerL a $ala(e
&lternate 'ames. 8reat Tower 8ate, 8reat Pala(e, Heart >u,
&s in !' *, the (hara(ter Que re$resents the loo9<out tower
abo%e a gate, a (it1 gate) &n i"$erial (it1) & hiatus, a
def(ien(1, a faultL wantingL to o"itL to be reser%ed)
Defcienc$ is not a oo# translation of this point name:
?1 def(ien(1, it "eans the s$a(e in a wall of a (it1 where 1ou
$ut a wat(h tower) ;at(h tower is a "u(h better translation)
;hen 1ou ha%e a gate, 1ou need a wat(h tower to guard it)
Together these two (hara(ters 4Ju Que5 refer to the na"e of a
sword that gets rid of trouble"a9ers 4the turbid5) It also refers
to the i"age of the sternu" as a swordL it is also the na"e of a
needle) This swordIneedle (an go dee$ in the (hest in order to
get rid of whatFs wrong) It also "eans a (ar$enterFs s.uareK
the abilit1 to build so"ething solid, big, strong)
Use this $oint to go to a dee$er, stronger le%el on the Heart
oJ(ial 4also thin9 of HT , and ?L ,:5) This $oint is si"ilar to
HT :) This $oint su$$lies energ1 to the whole ?od1,
Use if (on(erned with a s$iritual def(ien(1, if the Heart
la(9s s$irit and the $atient see"ed doo"ed) #o it after !' *
in this (onte3t)
CV (8 Dovetail
Use when thereFs tre"endous (onfusion, heart ra(ing, la(9
of %italit1, "ental disorders, addi(ts) This $oint $uts the
Su$re"e !ontroller ba(9 in (ontrol)
If so"eone is ha%ing a heart atta(9 and the Su$re"e
!ontroller is gone, go straight to !' ,0 to gi%e the heart
#is$erse this $oint onl1 is C'CRYTHI@8 is out of (ontrol)
J8K This $oint resurre(ts the s$irit that ne%er showed itself,
the $atient re"e"bers e"$tiness alwa1s) Use when the
s$irit of lo%e is absent, lea%ing a great def(ien(1) This is for
an e%en greater def(ien(1 than !' *Nthis $erson (anFt get
an1 rise of s$irit) The heart for life is wea9) ;hen the sense
of $ur$ose and greater (onne(tion to the whole is not
$resent, use "o3a)
CV (; -reat Tower -ate
%ericar#ium &larm* Ren Mo Luo* Reunion* "D point
4=8 4=8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
S &!I su$erior to the u"bili(us (or at the tip of the xiphoid
Note: To quote from the Locations of Acupoints !since the
len"th of the xiphoid
process #aries$ %en &' can be located & cun below the
xiphisternal synchondrosis$
& cun from %en &($ or ) cun abo#e the center of the umbilicus.*
Needling 0: insertion, dire(ted inferiorl1 ):<, (un
'ote. In several classics* this point is contrain#icate# for
1 Deep insertion* especiall$ in thin patients* ma$ #amae
the left lo0e of the liver or
heart if either is enlare#1 1 ;8 superior insertion
towar#s the heart is contrain#icate#
in all cases 1
Function 2 %ericar#ium &larm point = !lears heat and
e3tinguishes wind
2 Reunion. CV* %C >not in D? = Har"oni2es the ST
and downbears (ounterGow
2 Luo point for CV
>Lin Shu an# "R?
2 "D point >M% (M;J 0elow CV(8?
2 Source point for the 8 $in orans
= Regulates the heart and (al"s the s$irit
= Unbinds the (hest
= #es(ends LU .i
= Transfor"s $hleg" and su$$resses (ough
= ?enefts Yuan .i
Name/ER Turtle#ove Tail
Bui. Turtledo%e
Hei. Tail
&lternate 'ames. Tail S(reen,
S$irit >ansion,
&nterior ?reast
;ith the i"age of the (hest and ribs as a turtledo%e, the head
of the do%e is at the throat) The sternu" is the tail of the bird
and the ribs are the wings) This $oint is at the li"it between
the u$$er and "iddle iaos) It flters an1thing (o"ing u$ 4does
not let turbid u$5 to guard the Heart) It 9ee$s the $ro$er
o$enings) It is the Luo $oint for !') It relates, along with !' 6,
to "e"branes and tissues, s$e(if(all1 those su$$orting the
Heart) ;arningK Borbidden to "o3a be(ause it wea9ens the
Heart) So"eti"es forbidden to needle bI( it is a deli(ate $la(e
A there are te(hni(al issues)
CV (8 Dovetail
This $oint is used "ore with Bire !Bs) Use it when the
$ersonFs Bire is threatened) The $erson "a1 feel an3iet1 and
$ani( but it hasnFt 1et gotten through to the Su$re"e
!ontroller) This $oint brings stabilit1)
&s the alar" $oint for ', it has its own $athwa1, Ds$irit
treasur1,E for $ain in the heart be(ause of loss of a lo%ed
J8K This $oint nourishes all of the 1in organs) ItFs a ui(1,
flling $oint whi(h soothes and (al"s the >ind) It tou(hes
the s$irit of the $eri(ardiu" when itFs feeling shattered or
bro9en 4use on an1 !BNfullness (an de%elo$ there, too
fragile or full5) ItFs good for slee$lessness, asth"a or
e"otional agitation) ItFs %er1 (al"ing)
CV (E Mi##le 5all
Ren Mo 4 8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
* &!I su$erior to the u"bili(us
&t the 3i$histernal oint
Needling - insertion, dire(ted su$eriorl1 or inferiorl1 ): (un
Function = Unbinds the (hest
= Regulates the sto"a(h
and (enter
and des(ends
Name Center %alace
Ahon. !enter, (entral, "iddle
Tin. (ourt, (ourt1ardL $ala(e
The (hest is the abode of the heartL the heart is the
so%ereign organ) The sternu" and rib (age are li9e a
$ala(e that surrounds and $rote(ts the e"$eror) &T the
(enter of this area is !' ,6, the !enter Pala(e)
& Taoist te3t, !anon of the Yellow !ourt, na"es the
(entral (innabar feld 4or heart feld5 the (entral $ala(eK
DThe three felds are the u$$er 4or5 (elestial feld, the
(entral 4or5 heart feld, and the lower 4or5 (innabar feld)
The u$$er $ala(e re(ei%es the essential .i fro" below, the
(entral $ala(e re(ei%es essential .i fro" abo%e, and the
lower $ala(e re(ei%es essential .i fro" the (enter)E !' ,6
is the region of the (entral (innabar feld and is thus
na"ed !entral Pala(e)
;ithin the $ala(e of the rib (age is the Jade Hall 4!' ,*5L
!' ,6 is li9e a (ourt1ard in front of the that hall) The word
(entral (an refer to both the "idline lo(ation and a (entral
$osition in the u$$er burner) The na"e (ould thus be
rendered as !entral !ourt1ard in 9ee$ing with these
The S$irit !ourt1ard 4!' 705 is abo%e 4on the head5 and
the Inner !ourt1ard 4ST 005 is below 4on the foot5) !' ,6
is then the !entral !ourt1ard)
This $oint is a te"$le in its own right) Cnergeti(all1 it
aHe(ts the Heart)
!' ,6 and ,S are in the "iddle !innabar Bield, "iddle
iao, where the Su$re"e !ontroller resides)
CV (E Mi##le 5all
These $oints all go dire(tl1 to the Su$re"e !ontroller,
but if 1ou use the" and there is not "u(h res$onse it
is be(ause 1ou ha%e not done enough s$ade wor9 with
the oJ(ials)
CV (9 Center of the Breasts
Reunion* @pper Biao &larm* Sea of !i* InLuential* Ren
Mo , 4
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
&t the le%el of the 0
inter(ostal s$a(e
Needling 4,5 - insertion, dire(ted su$eriorl1 or inferiorl1 ):<, (un
475 - insertion dire(ted laterall1 towards the breasts, ,<,): (un
for breast disorders)
'ote. &ccor#in to several classical te/ts* this point is
contrain#icate# for nee#lin:
Function 2 Reunion. CV* 5T* SI* %C* T"* L@ >or CV* S%* KI* SI* T" acc:
to D?
2 @pper Biao &larm point* %ericar#ium &larm point >TCM?
2 Sea of !i
2 InLuential point. !i
= Regulates .i
= Tonifes .i
= Unbinds the (hest
and disinhibits the dia$hrag"
= #is$els fullness fro" the (hest
= ?enefts Tong .i
= #es(ends rebellious ST and LU .i
= !lears the LU and transfor"s $hleg"
= ?enefts the breasts and $ro"otes la(tation
Name/ER Chest Center
Dan. the (entral area of the (hest
Ahon. !enter, "iddle
&lternate 'ames. !hest Hall,
U$$er Sea of
.i, The Sour(e, Mriginal !hild
!' ,S relates to Qi) !' ,* relates to Guids) !' ,+ relates to the
"a9ing of ?lood)
The Sea of Qi in the "iddle of the (hest is the gathering of
essen(esIsubstan(es to "a9e and distribute .i) The idea that
there is a $la(e in "1 bod1 that is well<$rote(ted and needs
onl1 the "ost $ure essen(es) This is a $la(e where 1ou should
re(ei%e onl1 the $ure, not li.uidsIessen(es of bad .ualit1)
#an is the sa"e (hara(ter as altar, e3(e$t re$la(e the Gesh
radi(al with the (hara(ter for Carth) Just as 1ou (lean and $urif1
for a ritual altar and $re$are 1ourself, so is this the role of the
(enter of the (hest in a((e$ting onl1 the $ure essen(es in order
to bring all the bene%olent inGuen(es fro" abo%e) Tan Thong is
often (o"$ared to the Borbidden !it1) It $rote(ts the HT fro"
intruders) It deter"ines who sees the C"$eror)
This $oint $ro%ides the (ir(ulation of Qi, ?lood, Cssen(es) It is
the Hai 4Reunion5 $t for Lung and the 8reat Luo $t of Sto"a(h)
The .i of the ST (o"es u$ through the dia$hrag" and gathers
CV (9 Center of the Breasts
together with the Hea%enl1 Qi 4fro" res$iration5 to for"
&n(estral Qi 48athering Qi5) This $oint (onne(ts with SI and LR
whi(h are nearb1 4in so"e te3ts5) This is the "eeting $oint of
Ren >ai with KI) &ll the .i and all the inGuen(es "eet hereL all
that (o"es fro" SP A ST to nourish the Sea of Qi and all the
res$iration fro" Hea%en) The role is the ser%ant of the HT<<for
.i $rodu(tionI(ir(ulation and (ir(ulation of Uue and Bluids)
8athering and uniting of all of the Qi fro" all originsK digestion,
res$iration, et() This $oint is reall1 a dee$ fun(tion of the bod1)
This $oint is on Ren >ai 4with !' 65 be(ause this 1in "eridian is
the base fro" whi(h the 1ang energ1 s$ring) There is a dee$
(onne(tion between !' ,S and P!) The1 ha%e the sa"e na"e
in the Su ;en)
LJ &s a reunion $oint where the $eri(ardiu" and lung oJ(ials
"eet, !' ,S is uni.uel1 able to e"$ower the s1n(hroni2ation of
the lung and heart rh1th") The state of the infant has been
(o"$ared to the $ri"ordial nature of the eternal #ao) Hen(e
the fun(tion of the $eri(ardiu" is to guard the essential, (hild<
li9e nature of the heart)
This is the $la(e where the heart resides, the I"$erial
Pala(e) Here there is a sense of feeding and (ontain"ent)
This is the te"$le of hea%en within our bod1, where energ1
(an be gathered and trans"itted) ItFs a se(ret $la(e full of
$ower whi(h allows (o""uni(ation to radiate out fro" the
Su$re"e !ontroller to the whole of the bod1 and the rest of
the world)
This is a sea of energ1 whi(h rein%igorates the lungs and the
Use for a (old u$$er iao, $eo$le with labored breathing,
angina, abnor"alities of the breath, tightening or band
around the (hest)
;hen all of the seas are worn out, the $atient is tired,
frustrated, then restore the !') 8et the shen to "o%e and
the $atient will feel better)
!onsider !' ,S when 1ou are stu(9 and 1ou (anFt balan(e
and (enter %ia the (o""and $oints)
CV (< Ba#e Court
Ren Mo 4 8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
&t the le%el of the /
inter(ostal s$a(e
Needling - insertion, dire(ted su$eriorl1 or inferiorl1 ):<, (un
Function = Unbinds the (hest
= Regulates and des(ends .i
= Su$$resses (ough and dis$els $hleg"

= Regulates ?od1 Bluids
Name/ER Ba#e 5all
)u. Jade
Tan. HallL $ala(eL a hall within
a $ala(e, >eeting hall, (entral
roo" in $ala(e, "ost
(entral and i"$ortant roo" in $ala(e where i"$ortant
things are done) Tang (an be the (entral roo" in the
$ala(e where an(estors are worshi$$edL or where the
King dis$enses usti(e) It (an also be used for "eetings,
It is a roo" for the re(e$tion of JadeNthe $urest essen(es
of Carth 4Perfe(tion5) This $oint is lin9ed with the HT,
whi(h is the e"bodi"ent of the $erfe(t) Jade also alludes
to the so%ereign, the HT) &nother $oint with the (hara(ter
Tang is Shen Tang, III /+, at the le%el of the ?a(9 Shu $oint
for the Heart) So Tang is lin9ed with the Heart in both the
front and rear of the bod1)
!' ,S relates to Qi) !' ,* relates to Guids) !' ,+ related
to "a9ing of ?lood)
Jade re$resents the $ure and ri(h (ondensation of
essen(es to "a9e lifeNthe %ital GuidsNthe blood of the
heart) This refers to the fun(tion of Ren >ai of 9ee$ing all
the ri(h and $ure Guids 41in5 for the HT to "a9e blood)
Jade is used together with i"age for >etal to re$resent
ri(h and %ital Guids) &t the le%el of the Heart, Ren >ai
9ee$s Guids $ure that are oHered to the Heart to "a9e
?lood) Pure ?lood and $ure S$irits (reate the $ure Life of
the rest of the bod1) The .ualit1 of the ?lood aHe(ts who
1ou are)
CV (< Ba#e Court
!' ,* V 7, are regal, ro1al $ala(es) The e"bod1 all of
the fnest .ualities) The1 are %er1, %er1 strong s$irit
The enri(h and reinfor(e and gi%e stabilit1 to the
&((ording to Taoist $hiloso$h1 the1 (o"$rise an
i"$erial lands(a$e)
CV (G %urple %alace
Ren Mo 4 8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
&t the le%el of the 7
inter(ostal s$a(e
Needling - insertion, dire(ted su$eriorl1 or inferiorl1 ):<, (un
Function = Unbinds the (hest
= Regulates and des(ends .i
= Su$$resses (ough and disinhibits the throat

= Regulates ?lood
Name/ER %urple %alace
Ai. (olor $ur$le) Sil9 (hara(ter a$$ears for
(olors that are not found in nature but are
obtained b1 d1eing) Pur$le has to do with the
Heart and the ?lood)
-on. The (entral $ala(e) !an also be used to re$resent
an ordinar1 building) ;hen 8ong is the frst note of the
$entagoni( s(ale, it is the referen(e $oint for the
establish"ent of other notes)
!' ,S relates to Qi) !' ,* relates to Guids) !' ,+ related
to "a9ing of ?lood)
M%erall this $oint na"e has the sta"$ of the s$irits,
be(ause it has $assed through the Heart) In !hinese
literature, Ti 8ong is the na"e of a grou$ of stars) The1
are (lose to the @orth Star 4i)e) a $ole fro" where all
hea%enl1 (ir(ulation is organi2ed5) The $olar star is a
ridge<$oleL the ulti"ate referen(e $oint) So this is the
$ala(e that organi2es all of the (ir(ulation around it) It
re$li(ates the (elestial order) U$$er !' has se%eral $oints
that allude to hea%enl1 for"ation, the bod1 reGe(ting
what is seen in Hea%en)
Pur$le is the (olor of the $ole star, guide in the s91
& fusion of aura of (olors gi%es $ur$le)
The heart doesnFt do an1thing, it ust IS) Pur$le was
worn b1 the e"$erors)
The Pur$le Pala(e is a hea%enl1 $ala(e) The e"$hasis
here is on the LU as well as the Heart)
ItFs good for $roble"s with the breastsNtenderness
before or after "enstruation, swelling abs(esses,
"astitis, (an(er) ?C !&RCBUL
CV 6+ Flui# Canop$
Ren Mo 4 4
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
,)6 &!I su$erior to UIII ,+
&t the le%el of the ,
inter(ostal s$a(e, le%el with KI 76
Needling - insertion, dire(ted su$eriorl1 or inferiorl1 ):<, (un
Function = Unbinds the (hest
= Regulates and des(ends .i
= #isinhibits the dia$hrag"
= !lears the LU and sto$s (ough

Name/ER Flori# Canop$
5ua. (hara(ters for transfor"ation,
&bo%eNall $ossible Gowering,
glor1, radiant,
s$lendid 4the best $ossible result of
the %ital
for(es5) ?est de%elo$"ent of natural for(es) &ll that is (o"ing
fro" a so(iet1 that is
wor9ing well) Radiant blosso"ing in s(ien(e, art, (ulture, et()
-ai. C3$ression for e1ebrows) !ano$1, (o%er) Idea of (o%ering
li9e a roof "ade with straw) !ano$1 or u"brella o%er a (hariot)
?eautifulL also "anifests the beaut1 of the for(es that are
$resent) Li9e the (ano$1 o%er the (arriage of the C"$eror, not
onl1 $rote(ts, but "anifests the %ital for(es of the C"$eror)
This dis$la1 will attra(t S$irit and further build the %ital for(es)
So it "anifests and attra(ts beaut1 at the sa"e ti"e)
So, this (ano$1 $rote(ts the (hest, and attra(ts S$irits and good
%ital for(es to us) The Lung is attra(ting the Qi of the bod1 at
this le%el) >an1 boo9s sa1 that this $oint is where the best
essen(es of the : Tang rise u$ to "eet with the Lung in the
"orning 4or that this is a(tuall1 the fun(tion of this $oint, to
assist in this "o%e"ent5) The fun(tion of this $oint is to $rote(t
and to be a "anifestation of the great %ital for(es within) If
there are strong %ital for(es, the $erson will attra(t good, strong
s$irits, .i, $ositi%e for(es) !' 7- is at the to$ of the (hest, at
the to$ of the trun9 whi(h (ontains the Tang Bu and there
(reates an ar(h to attra(t .i)
Hua 8ai (an "ean the whole fun(tion of the Lung and (hest) It
is also a (onstellation of se%en stars in !assio$eia, D(o%ering of
the throne of the Lord))E &t the le%el of !' 7-, there is a
gatheringI"anifestation of the %italit1 of the $ure essen(es) &t
le%el of !' 7,, there is the feeling of dire(ting the "o%e"ent of
the (ir(ulation of .i) This na"e also "eans the Gat hat of the
an(ient !hinese intelligentsiaK a (o%ering that also dis$la1s
CV 6+ Flower Coverin
The Lung is des(ribed as an u"brella for the f%e %is(era)
This $oint refers to the LU and (an be used for all the
diHerent disorders of the LU where 1ou need to go to a
dee$er le%el and where the bod1 is in trouble be(ause of the
"ind and s$irit)
You "ight use !' 7, and 77 for an asth"a atta(9 where the
$erson is flling u$ and the1 need to be hel$ed to o$en for a
release of $hleg", et() Mtherwise, (onsider ?L ,/)
This is an anti<s"o9ing $oint) It hel$s with withdrawal
s1"$to"s, though it doesnFt ta9e awa1 the desire to s"o9e)
ItFs also good for inso"nia(s who ha%e been on drugs and
drug addi(tion in general)
CV 6( %earl Ba#e
Ren Mo 4 8
Location Mn the anterior "edian line in the su$rasternal not(h
At the center of the sternal manubrium
Le#el with the articulation of the &
rib$ & cun below C+ ,,
Note: the ori"in of the exact locations of C+ ,&-,. "i#en in
Meridians and /oints by 0.%. 1orsley are un2nown. 3owe#er$
they seem to resemble the nec2 and shoulder dia"ram in 4r. 0.
La#ier5s boo2. 4r. 1u 1ei-/5in" has sli"htly di6erent locations7
C+ ,& abo#e the superior ed"e of the suprasternal notch$ C+ ,,
at one pouce six fen abo#e the superior ed"e of the
suprasternal notch$ C+ ,. at the le#el of the hyoid bone. C+ ,,
in Leon Chaitow5s boo2 is "i#en as &.' AC8 proximal to the
superior ed"e of the suprasternal notch. %oyston Low "i#es a
!non meridial* point midway between C+ ,, and ,..
Needling - insertion, dire(ted inferiorl1 ):<, (un
Function = Unbinds the (hest and des(ends LU .i
= #es(ends ST .i and dis$els food a((u"ulation
= ?enefts the throat
Name/ER Ba#e %ivot
Xuan: Ideogra"s for Jade and to
rotate, the
inGuen(e that (o"es fro" rotation)
"ade with Jade is $re(ious and
Bi. Ideogra"s of Jade and the %er1 subtle "e(hanis" of
so"ething) The i"$er(e$tible starting $oint of e%er1thing) &
$earl whi(h is not e3a(tl1 round) & ring with $earls around it)
!an re$resent the "o%e"ent of $lanets or all the hea%ensL an
Dar"illar1 s$here,E whi(h is an an(ient astrono"i(al instru"ent)
So, this $oint is $re(ious and re$resents an ar"illar1 s$here) In
one of the f%e an(ient te3ts, the ar"illar1 s$here is said to
ha%e been built b1 one of the legendar1 C"$erors) It
re$resents the whole rotating "o%e"ent of energ1) This $oint
na"e reGe(ts the idea of the whole distribution of the
inGuen(es of Hea%enl1 bodies rotating in their organi2ation)
The1 show us how to organi2e our Qi) This is "ore on the side
of the "o%e"ent of Qi 4as o$$osed to other u$$er !' and lower
!' $oints that "ore reGe(t the idea of ri(hnessIessen(esIfor"5)
Ji gi%es the idea of no resting, no (ounter<(urrent, no wearing
out) Cternal, fri(tionless) This is a dee$ referen(e to the (entral
$ole 4$olar star5 and the (entral a3is) So"eti"es 1ou see the
na"e of this $oint without the (hara(ter for Jade) So the "ost
i"$ortant as$e(t of this na"e is this idea of an a3is, of
CV 6( %earl Ba#e
Use with !' 6 for $antingIblo(9age in whole abdo"en
Use with !' ,: for $antingIblo(9age in (hest
Use with KI 7: for blo(9age in (hest and stiHness of ne(9)
This $oint is also (alled shi""ering Pearl and Jade Pi%ot)
Jade $i%ot refers to an anato"i(al des(ri$tion of the (la%i(le
and sternu", referring in turn to an an(ient astrono"1
instru"ent whi(h turned on a ade $i%ot) This is here the
ne(9 starts to turn)
Thin9 about the ne(9, wind<food $i$e, (ongestion and wind
blo(9ages with this $oint)
CV 66 5eaven Rushin 3ut
Hin#ow of the S7$* Reunion* )in Hei Mo* Ren Mo 4
Location Mn the anterior "edian line, ,)6 &!I su$erior to UIII 7,
Inferior to the (ri(oid (artilage
.' cun superior to the suprasternal notch$ 8n the center of the
suprasternal fossa
Note: see C+ ,& for more information.
Needling 4,5 +- insertion )/ (un
475 ;ith the ne(9 e3tended, needle frst +- )7<)/ (un and then
dire(t the needle
inferior along the $osterior border of the "anubriu" ):<, (un
Function 2 Hin#ow of the S7$
2 Reunion. CV an# )in Hei Mo
= #es(ends rebellious .i and alle%iates (ough and whee2ing
= #iHuses the lung and transfor"s $hleg"
= ?enefts the throat and %oi(e
= #isinhibits the
$har1n3 and restores the %oi(e
= !lears Heat
= Soothes asth"a
Name/ER Celestial Chimne$
Tian: Hea%en
Tu: & 9ind of %er1 i"$etuous
"otion) The rush of
wind u$ a (hi"ne1 when 1ou ignite
a fre) The fre
"ust not be to high or low) This ha$$ens in the ne(9NQi rises
fro" the trun9 to nourish the head) Tu is found also in ST ,-
and LI ,*)
!' 77 is about the "o%e"ent of Qi) Hea%en i"$lies the
relationshi$ to Yang) Mther te3ts (all !' 77 Yu Hu Jade #oor,
whi(h is "ore earth<related and therefore "ore 1in) It is often
true that when 1ou ha%e alternati%e na"es for a $oint, one is
1in and the other 1ang) It is a re"inder not to forget the other
side) So !' 77 is an o$ening for the rising of Qi and a door for
essential Guids) The $oint has to do with the throat and also the
(hest) ;hat the head is to the bod1, the (hest is to the trun9)
This is a $owerful $oint and used often) &((ording to one te3t
there are four stages of eHe(t in needling this $ointK
,) eHe(t is at le%el of ST and SP, 7) eHe(t goes dee$er in
abdo"en, /) water goes to the ?ladder 0) $atient feels Qi
Gowing in loins 4around 8' 7 or /5
This $oint has a sense of "o%e"ent, an o$ening) The ne(9
"a9es the transition between earth and hea%en) ItFs the
$la(e where s$irits enter and lea%e, there are a lot of
i"ages of this) The ne(9 is the (hi"ne1 of the u$$er burner)
It is asso(iated with s$ee(h and (reati%e self e3$ression)
CV 66 5eaven Rushin 3ut
This $oint is good for $eo$le li%ing under a (ontinual dar9
(loud, li%ing in a (age with $ain, hunger and frustration)
The1 "a1 feel (ut oH and de$ressed)
This $oint is greater and faster than other windows)
Ph1si(al indi(ationsK when a $erson is sub"erged in $hleg",
blo(9ed, are the1 (lear enough there to throw out the
rubbish of an asth"a atta(9R
This is a $la(e that enables seeingL this area is %ital for
getting o31gen to the brain)
You "ight thin9 about this $oint and (losing the window if
so"eone (o"es to 1ou (o"$letel1 s$a(ed out and da22led
b1 hea%en)
CV 64 &nle Sprin
Reunion* )in Hei Mo* Chon Mo* Ren Mo 4 4=
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
#ire(tl1 inferior to the h1oid bone
8n the depression at the superior border of the hyoid bone
Note: see C+ ,& for more information)
Needling 0: insertion in the dire(tion of 8' 7-, ):<,)7 (un
'ote. accor#in to several mo#ern te/ts* this point
is contrain#icate# to mo/a
Function 2 Reunion. CV* Chon Mo an# )in Hei Mo
= #isinhibits the throat and eli"inates $hleg"
= !lears Bire and downbears (ounterGow
= #es(ends .i and alle%iates (ough
= #is$els interior wind
= ?enefts the tongue
= Pro"otes S$ee(h
Name Ri#e Sprin
Lian. RidgeL (ornerL as$e(t
!uan. s$ring 4as a "ountain
&lternate 'ames. Tongue
Root, Root Pool,
Lar1n3 !enter

The Ds$ringE in this $oint na"e refers to the s$ring of
sali%a, ust under the tongue)
Use this $oint for thirst or la(9 of sali%a)
This $oint also relates to s$ee(h $roble"s, throat,
(oughs, (atarrh and asth"a)
CV 6; Receivin Flui#
6 5eaven Rushin 3ut
"/it point* Reunion point* -host point* Ren Mo
(=4 4=9
Location Mn the anterior "edian line
In the de$ression between the $oint of the (hin and the
lower li$
8n the middle of the mentalabial "roo#e
4irectly superior to the mental shelf
At the inferior border of the orbicularis oris muscle
Needling 4,5 7- insertion dire(ted su$eriorl1 )7<)/ (un
475 - insertion along the lower li$ to oin with ST 0
Function 2 "/it point
2 Reunion. CV* ST* -V >CV* -V* LI* ST acc: to D?
2 3ne of the (4 -host points
= C3tinguishes wind

= ?enefts the fa(e
= Regulates !'
= Relie%es $ain and settles tetan1
= #is$erses swelling
Name Sauce Receptacle
Chen. To re(ei%eL to su$$ort
Bian. Sau(e, ui(e, ri(h Guid
&lternate 'ames. Hea%1
Sau(e, Sus$ended
Sau(e, !elestial Pool, 8host

This $oint has a %er1 strong s$irit (onnotation) ItFs a
tre"endous $oint to use outside of a !' ' blo(9) Bor
e3a"$le, a ;ater !B (an use it to wash awa1
i"$urities and stagnation)
ItFs good for $roble"s with "outh $aral1sis, la(9 of
(oordination and du"bness)
You (an do this $oint if !' is stu(9 or trau"ati2ed)
It (an be used for a lot of fears, where the fears are
ItFs good for $atients who are "entall1 or s$irituall1
Bor the bod1I"ind this $oint brings in the Guid and
se(retions for the $erson to Gow freel1)
It enhan(es the s$irit and "ind, bathing and (leansing)
CV 6; Receivin Flui#
J8K This $oint (reates an o$ening and allows the
$atient to drin9 fro" the Guid of life) ItFs about letting
life in and dissol%ing barriers)

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