Anda di halaman 1dari 9

Age Marital Status

Group Age % Marital Status % Educational qualification

Below 30 178 30.017 Married 313 52.782
30 to 45 267 45.025 Unmarried 280 47.218
45 to 60 148 24.958 593 100
593 100 593
If yes
Whether training is imparted?
Educational qualification Educational qualification % Family Members Family Members%
Professional 115 19.393 One 81 13.659
Post Graduate 70 11.804 Two 113 19.056
Graduate 205 34.57 Three 219 36.931
HSC 143 24.115 Four 163 27.487
Below HSC 30 5.059 Above Six 17 2.8668
Others 30 5.059 593 100
593 100 593
If yes
Whether training is imparted?
Designation Designation %
Executive 119 20.067454
Supervisor 230 38.785835
Worker 244 41.146712
593 100
If yes
Whether training is imparted?
Department Department % Nature of Job Response
Mining 122 20.57336 Production 100
E & M 113 19.05565 Safety 113
Human Resource 138 23.2715 Maintenance 125
Finance 187 31.53457
Office work
and 210
Other 33 5.564924 Other 45
593 100 593
593 593
If yes
Whether training is imparted?
% Whether there is any use of technology earlier?
16.8634 Response %
19.0556 Yes 379 63.9123
21.0793 No 214 36.0877
35.4132 593 100
If no
How your job profile has change after induction of technology?
Response %
Better change 78 36.4486
Worst change 56 26.1682
No change. 80 37.3832
214 100
If yes
Whether training is imparted?
Response %
Yes 233 61.4776
No 146 38.5224
379 100
What is the stress level faced during phase of changing technology?
Response %
High stress 190 32.0405
Moderate stress 243 40.9781
Low stress 110 18.5497
oNo stress 50 8.4317
593 100
How your job profile has change after induction of technology?
Change in working condition after induction of technology
Improved Deteriorated No change
Temperature And Humidity 123 234 236
Cleanness And Tidiness 230 240 123
Ventilation And Working Place 100 230 263
Lightening Arrangement 164 233 196
Possibility of promotion after induction of technology
Total Response %
593 593 High probability 279 47.0489
593 593 Moderate probability 145 24.4519
593 593 Low Probability 169 28.4992
593 593 593 100
What is the change in safety measures ?
Response %
Improved 288 48.5666
Deteriorated 251 42.3272
No change 54 9.10624
593 100

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