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Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.

Copyright 2012

Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Contents! "age!
Co#er 1
Inde 2
Introduction $ to %
&hat is Aromatherapy '
(istory o) Aromatherapy * to +
&hat are Essential Oils , to 10
-ethods o) .se 11 to1$
/ene)its 1%
"ure0 1001 2atural Oils 1' to 1+
"opular Oils 1, to22
Carrier Oils
3toring Oils
3a)ety and 4is5s
2$ to 2%
2' to 2*
2+ to $2
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
&elcome to our aromatherapy essential oil guide.
&hether you are just 6eginning your journey to ancient
healing wisdom0 or you are already )amiliar with the power
o) nature0 we hope this will enlighten you with all the
5nowledge o) aromatherapy and essential oils.
7nowledge to learn includes !

Eploring traditional methods )or healing0 relaation and enhancing

your spirit and mind.

8earn what essential oils are and the 6ene)its to your 6ody.

(ow essential oils di))er )rom commercial )ragrances.

9he sa)ety elements in#ol#ed and 6eing sa)e.

3torage o) essential oils and much more.

9his is the )irst in a series o) )ree e:6oo5s0 so please li5e us on ;ace6oo5 or
)ollow us on 9witter and we will 5eep you updated on the net )ree download.
;eel )ree to share with any o) your )riends.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
<ou may not ha#e realised it0 6ut we may all encounter essential oils in our
e#eryday li)e0 in one )orm or another. (a#e you e#er smelled a la#ender 6ush or
scented )lower as you wal5ed past on the way to wor50 or in the par5= 9hese
smells are the essential oil o) the plant. It>s the same scent which attracts 6ees to
)lowers and )ills the air with those wonder)ul aromas.
;ragrances o) 2ature will ma5e you 6reathe in0 sigh and rela. 9his is an actual
reaction to the plant>s essential oil0 which is a precious li?uid that can 6e
etracted and then used in aromatherapy.
9his e:6oo5 will start you on your way0 demonstrating the wonder)ul #ersatility
and e))ects o) aromatherapy and the essential oils.
<ou will disco#er how to choose your essential oils0 how to store them and how
to use them sa)ely and e))ecti#ely )or your own well 6eing0 spirit and mind.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Aromatherapy is the speci)ic use o) the natural )ragrances o) the essential oils in
aromatic plants to enhance physical0 mental and emotional well 6eing.
It is 6ecoming increasingly popular in the media and through the pu6lic>s interest
as a )orm o) alternati#e healing. Aromatherapy can 6e #iewed as humans )irst
medicine and we in modern society are starting to 6ecome more aware o) its
potential )or good.
-ethods can 6e !

Aerial in)usions.

@irect inhalations.

9opical applications.
9he main production techni?ue )or essential oils is distillation. 9his techni?ue is
at least hundred o) years old0 emerging in Europe with help )rom Ara6
Essential oils 6ring a deep sense o) calm and aromatherapy gi#es us a >time out>
during which we can allow the 6ody to reco#er )rom stress and in time )eel
energiAed. 9his o) course has a 6ene)it )or our o#erall well 6eing.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Aromatherapy originates
)rom ancient times including
Egyptian0 Gree5s0 4oman0
"ersian0 Chinese and
Indian culture0 alongside
indigenous people o)
#aried tri6es across the
world. 9he use o) her6s
and other plant deri#ed
medicines dates 6ac5 e#en
)urther to pre:historic
times. Aromatherapy can
6e #iewed as a progression to these traditional healing methods.
@i))erent )orms o) aromatherapy ha#e 6een 5nown with re)erences in the /i6le0
such as ;ran5incense0 -yrrh0 4osemary0 (yssop and 3pi5enard.
Aromatherapy has come a long way )rom its hum6le roots in ancient cultures.
9he art o) BdistillationC where oils are etracted )rom source materials0 has
e#idence coming )rom Ara6 countries as early as the 10
9his techni?ue slowly spread throughout &estern Europe and records
suggest that per)umery adopted these methods around the 1*
German scientist (ieronymus #on /raunschweig wrote BEau de CologneC.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Essential oils continued to 6e used success)ully )or hundreds o) <ears in
Germany0 Italy and ;rance. Also in the late 1D
Century0 they were used as
early anti6iotics.
9he word BAromatherapyC as a therapeutic practice emerges in the 1D$0>s0 6y
one o) its )athers0 chemist 4ene -aurice Gate)osse. (e was a )amous
per)umer )rom ;rance and coined the term a)ter treating a 6urn to his hand with
@uring the )irst &orld &ar0 4osemary and 9ea 9ree oils were also used
therapeutically in hospitals as wound healers and antiseptic.
In modern times in parts o) &estern Europe and especially in ;rance0
aromatherapy is 6lended into scienti)ic methods o) medicine including antiseptic0
anti#iral0 anti6acterial and anti )ungal properties )or healing.
In ;rance0 some essential oils are e#en regulated as prescription drugs0 needing
a @octor>s signature to 6e prescri6ed )or #arious conditions.
It is well 5nown that e#en in modern times pharmaceutical company>s spend
millions in researching and testing plant and organic deri#ed medicines. 9hey
)ocus on isolating the chemical compounds0 to 6egin researching and conducting
trials0 so ultimately they can patent the chemicals in#ol#ed and sell them )or a
pro)it. Aromatherapy gi#es people a chance to use traditional and natural
therapies as an alternati#e to con#entional medicine.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Essential oils are the potent li?uids that are etracted
)rom internal plant structures0 including their respecti#e
parts such as seeds0 6ar50 lea#es0 stems0 roots0 )lowers and
)ruit. 9his di))ers )rom her6al medicines which are
concentrated )orms0 commonly used in homoeopathy )or
In certain parts o) these plants0 special microscopic sacs gradually )ill up with the
oil as the plant matures.
9he sacs o) essential oil appear in di))erent parts o) di))erent plants0 li5e petals0
lea#es and e#en wood.
-ost essential oils are colourless li?uids. <arrow and German Chamomile
howe#er are 6right 6lue. 9he reason )or this is that these oils contain a deep
6lue aromatic compound called aAulene.
Another coloured essential oil is Eeti#er0 which comes )rom the root o) the plant
and is dar5 6rown and stic5y. 3pi5enard is green and is also )rom its plants
A6solutes0 such as 4ose or Fasmine0 which are produced 6y a chemical process0
are normally deep yellow or orange. 9hey contain traces o) the plant pigments
that ga#e the original petals their colour.
Coloured essential oils will ne#er colour your s5in. &hen essential oils are
6lended with 6ase oils0 the actual colour disappears in the 6lend.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
One o) the major )actors that determine the purity and therapeutic #alue o) an
essential oil is its chemical constituents. 9hese constituents can 6e a))ected 6y
a #ast num6er o) #aria6les.
Including !
9he partGsH o) the plant )rom which the oil was produced.
3oil condition0 )ertiliAer Gorganic or chemicalH.
Geographical region0 climate and altitude.
(ar#est season and methods.
@istillation or etraction process.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
I) we loo5 at common 9hyme0 or 9hyme
Eulgaris0 it produces a chemical called
car#acrol Ga phenol which inhi6its some
6acteria strains growthH. @epending on the
conditions o) its growth0 climate0 and altitude0
the car#acrol can range 6etween '1:+'1.
"roduction le#els will #ary depending on the
time o) year it is distilled.
@istillation during 3ummer or Autumn0 will a))ect the properties o) the essential
oil. 8ow pressure and low temperature are also 5eys to maintaining the purity0
the ultimate )ragrance and the therapeutic #alue o) the oil.
A nice way to loo5 at essential oil production0 is #ery similar to wine and grape
culti#ation. &ith #aried outcomes dependant on multiple en#ironmental
-any modern medicines are deri#ed )rom plant constituents0 which ha#e 6een
isolated and then chemically reproduce the single component. 2atural essential
oils ha#e multiple comple components0 which when wor5ing in synergy can
produce healing e))ects which are not possi6le with single components.
One o) the main reasons that medical plants )ell out o) use with the traditional
medical and scienti)ic world in the late 1D
century0 was the )act that they were
natural. &hich at times can yield di))erences in essential oils ?uality and
e))ecti#eness. 9he idea was to isolate and reproduce consistent results on the
5nown chemically pro#en results. &ith no need to loo5 into therapeutic
properties o) the whole.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Essential oils can 6e used in a num6er o) ways!
Aerial di))usion: the oils e#aporate into the air. 9he aim is to gi#e the
air a speci)ic )ragrance or to disin)ect it. <ou can inhale some oils G)or
eample 3innus oils )or colds and )luH or add them to an aromatherapy
oil 6urner or di))user. 9he steam containing the oil spreads through
the air in the room.
Inhaling essential oils stimulates your ol)actory system Gthe part o)
your 6rain that is connected to smellH. A signal is trans)erred to your
6rain>s lim6ic system that controls emotions0 it then stores and retrie#es
learned memories. 9riggering chemicals to 6e released0 with di))erent
e))ects0 including )eeling relaed or stimulated. Gentle massage will
stimulate your 6ody and senses0 increasing 6lood )low and a sense o)
well 6eing.
@irect inhalation: the person 6reaths the e#aporating oils straight in.
9his is commonly used )or respiratory disin)ection0 de:congestion0 as
well as )or psychological 6ene)its.
9opical applications: applied onto the s5in. Commonly used )or
massage0 6aths0 and therapeutic s5in care. Oils can 6e 6lended in a
carrier oil and massaged into your s5in. <ou can add a )ew drops o) oil
to warm 6ath water. Oils can 6e 6lended into creams or lotions.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
9here are 6ene)its o) each particular method !
-assage ! -assaging in a 6lend made up o) carrier oil
and a com6ination o) speci)ic essential oils0 helps to
nourish the s5in. 3mooth long massage stro5es help
reduce 6lood pressure and ease stress. -ore power)ul
massage can help impro#e the circulation0 ease muscular
spasm and soothes aches and pains.
/aths ! /y adding a )ew drops o) a particular essential oil to the 6ath0 it can
help ease pro6lems such as stress and aniety. Aromatherapy 6aths are
recommended at night to rela your mind0 6ody and soul and prepare you )or a
good night sleep.
Inhalation ! 9his method will help to un6loc5 your
respiratory passages and ease your 6reathing. It
is #ery 6ene)icial i) you ha#e a )lu0 cold0 sinusitis or
e#en hay )e#er. Inhalation is done 6y adding a )ew
drops o) essential oil to hot water to create a
steam0 then lean o#er the steam with a towel
draped o#er your head and 6owl. -a5e sure you
let some cool air in )rom time to time 6y li)ting the
towel so you don>t )eel uncom)orta6le.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Oil /urner!9his is done 6y adding a )ew
drops o) essential oil to an oil 6urner0 which is
heated 6y a candle. 9here are also electric
#aporiAers a#aila6le. A #aporiAer releases the
aroma o) essential oils into a room. <ou can
use it simply to create a lo#ely atmosphere or
to ease symptoms such as respiratory
pro6lems0 aid concentration or to calm yoursel)
and ease stress and aniety.
Compresses ! Compresses0 hot or cold containing essential oil can help
disin)ect wounds. Compresses are also good )or a minor injury0 such as a sprain
or strain.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Our immune system alone must deal with )ighting a #irus such as )lu 6ecause anti:
6iotics can not aid our immune system. 9his is 6ecause the #irus is a li#ing thing
and will change and e#ol#e to o#ercome anti: 6iotics.
3ome essential oils are e))ecti#e against se#eral )ungal in)ections0 others are
good #asodilators0 which means they can help lower your 6lood pressure 6y
widening the #essels. I) you ta5e medication )or any medical condition0 always
consult your doctor 6e)ore you 6egin any complementary treatment0 in case it
inter)eres with your medication.
Aromatherapy can 6e used )or multiple things li5e reco#ering )rom a cold or
relie#ing pain0 whether it is muscle pain0 a headache or e#en emotional tension
Getting the 6est out o) essential oils means choosing the most suita6le way )or
you and your 6ody0 depending upon your treatment needs and pre)erence.
&hile certain remedies and recipes will 6e a good starting point to any 6udding
aromatherapist0 just li5e coo5ing0 e#ery6ody could ha#e their own ta5e on this.
Aromatherapy is used )or many conditions including!
aniety pain relie)
depression headaches
stress digesti#e pro6lems
menstrual or menopausal
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
9he #ast majority o) all oils produced in the world0 are used 6y the per)ume
industry. 9hese oils are 6eing purchased solely )or their aromatic ?ualities and
produced with high pressure0 high temperatures0 rapid processing and the use o)
chemical sol#ents. Eery di))erent in the distillation process than pure0 1001
natural oils.
9he reason amounts to money0 greater ?uantity o) oil can 6e produced at a
)aster rate0 which results in higher pro)its. 9hese oils may smell just as good and
cost much less than therapeutic grade oils. 8ac5ing most0 i) not all0 o) the
chemical constituents necessary to produce the epected therapeutic results.
"roducing pure 1001 natural oils can 6e costly and there is a large di))erence in
the ?uality o) the oil due to many en#ironmental )actors needed )or the growing
process. 9here are also di))erences in the ?uality o) natural oils 6eing produced
and this has an impact on the prices.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
/ene)its o) "ure01001 Oils!
9hey are the regenerating0 oygenating0 and immune de)ence
properties o) plants. Chemical processing can strip the oils o) these
8ipid solu6le0 capa6le o) penetrating cell walls0 e#en i) they ha#e
hardened 6ecause o) an oygen de)iciency. Essential oils can a))ect
e#ery cell o) the 6ody within 20 minutes and are then meta6olised li5e
other nutrients.
Essential oils contain oygen molecules which help with the
transportation o) nutrients to cells. 2utritional de)iciency is lin5ed to
oygen de)iciency0 disease 6egins when the cells lac5 the oygen )or
proper nutrient assimilation. /y pro#iding the needed oygen0
essential oils also wor5 to stimulate the immune system.
"ower)ul antioidants0 which create an un)riendly en#ironment )or )ree
radicals. 9hey pre#ent all mutations0 wor5 as )ree radical sca#engers0
pre#ent )ungus0 and pre#ent oidation in the cells.
Anti:6acterial 0 anti:cancerous0 anti:)ungal0 anti:in)ectious0 anti:
micro6ial0 anti:tumour0 anti:parasitic0 anti:#iral0 and antiseptic.
Essential oils ha#e 6een shown to destroy some tested 6acteria
strains and #iruses while simultaneously restoring 6alance to the 6ody.
@etoi)y the cells and 6lood in the 6ody.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
&hen di))used0 they pro#ide air puri)ication 6y!
4emo#ing metallic particles and toins )rom the air.
Increasing negati#e ions in the air0 which inhi6its 6acterial growth.
@estroys odours )rom mould0 cigarettes0 and animals.
;illing the air with a )resh aromatic scent.
"romote emotional0 physical0 and spiritual healing.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
9he most popular and )re?uent used essential oils are !
9ea 9ree.
<lang I <lang.
Clary 3age.
Fasmine @ilute.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
8a#ender ! this essential oil has a re)reshing
aroma0 the stems and lea#es gi#e camphoraceous
notes that are so)tened 6y )loral sweetness )rom
the )lowers. 8a#ender is non: toic0 non: irritating
and non: sensitiAing0 so it>s sa)e )or all s5in types.
It is o)ten used to 6ring deep relaation0 it
encourages compassion
and gentleness towards
others. In general it is soothing0 calming and reassuring.
9ea 9ree ! 9his oil has power)ul anti micro6ial and anti
)ungal e))ects. Its aroma is )resh0 pungent and medicinal0
with sweeter woody notes as it e#aporates. 9ea 9ree is
non: toic and non: irritant. 9his oil is a mild sensitiAer0
so a#oid i) you ha#e sensiti#e or allergy: prone s5in. It
restores )eelings o) optimism and renews energy le#els. In general it>s 6racing0
youth)ul and power)ul.
Eucalyptus ! 9he essential oil itsel) contains a6out
+01 eucalyptol0 ma5ing it an e))ecti#e remedy )or
chesty coughs. 9he oil has a clean0 medicinal and
penetrating aroma0 with lo#ely )resh notes. .sed on
the s5in0 this oil is non: toic0 non: irritant and non:
sensitiAing0 so it is sa)e )or all s5in types.
Eucalyptus oil dissol#es )eelings o) melancholy and
it restores positi#e energy. It>s clean0 )resh and
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
"eppermint ! 9he essential oil has a cooling0 pungent
menthol aroma0 with clean0 sweet top notes.
"eppermint is non: toic. 9he oil is a moderate s5in
sensitiAer0 a#oid it in 6aths or massage i) you ha#e
sensiti#e s5in. "eppermint re#i#es depleted energy
and enhances positi#ity.
4osemary ! One o) the most )resh and pungent oils. Its
aroma is instantly youth)ul and deliciously her6aceous.
4osemary oil is non: toic0 non: irritating and non:
sensitiAing0 so it is sa)e )or all s5in types.
A#oid 4osemary i) you su))er )rom epilepsy0 as its high
camphor content could cause seiAures. 4osemary will
awa5en the )ire o) creati#ity in your heart0 encouraging
inspiration. 9his oil will )ire your passion )or li)e and
gi#e you the #ision to )ollow your path 6ra#ely. @o not
use in pregnancyJ
<lang: <lang ! -eaning >)lowers o) )lowers> has a
#ery sweet0 longlasting0 mus5y aroma0 with sharp top
notes. <lang: <lang is non: toic0 non: irritant and
non: sensitiAing0 so it is sa)e )or all s5in types. I) you
are prone to headaches0 this oil may trigger an attac5
as it has such a strong aroma. 9his oil helps to
heighten your senses0 de#elops the inner )eminine and sense o) creati#ity.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Clary 3age ! 9his oil is mus5y0 nutty and woody: sweet and
is one o) the most #alua6le oils )or menstrual pro6lems0
child6irth and menopause. Clary 3age is non: toic0 non:
irritant and non: sensitiAing0 so it is sa)e )or all s5in types.
A#oid during pregnancy0 6ut can 6e used during la6our. 9his
oil impro#es a woman>s eperience o) the transitions in her li)e0
li5e pu6erty0 motherhood etc. It sym6oliAes >sacred )eminine>.
Geranium ! 9his oil has a so)t0 richly sweet aroma
and is non: toic0 non: irritating and non:
sensitiAing0 so it is sa)e )or all s5in types.
Geranium nurtures and soothes the >inner child>0
promoting a sense o) inner peace. 9his oil li)ts
the spirit and soothes away stress.
3andalwood ! 9he Australian 3andalwood is
light0 so)t and sweet with woody notes and it is
non: toic0 non: irritating and non: sensitiAing so
is sa)e )or all s5in types. 9his oil warms and
en#elops the heart0 lessening )eelings o)
#ulnera6ility. It also )orti)ies an inner resol#e to
perse#ere through emotional challenges.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
"atchouli ! 9his oil is deep0 earthy0 sensual and
#ery power)ul. "atchouli is non: toic0 non:
irritating and non: sensitiAing so it is sa)e )or all
s5in types. 9his oil helps to 6uild a 6alanced
connection 6etween 6ody0 mind and spirit and
also grounds and centres spiritual awareness in
the 6ody.
Fasmine A6solute! 9he aroma o) this oil is
rich0 )loral0 #ery heady and sweet. It is non:
toic0 6ut it is a potential s5in irritant and
sensitiAer0 so a#oid it in 6aths or massage i)
you ha#e sensiti#e s5in. I) you are prone to
headaches0 this oil>s aroma may trigger an
attac5. Fasmine 6oosts and restores seual
#itality and it aids in the epression o)
intimate )eelings.
@o not use in pregnancy0 howe#er it is sa)e during la6our.
8emon ! 9he aroma is )ruity0 citrusy0 Aesty and )resh0 with
wonder)ul light0 )iAAy top notes. 9his oil is non: toic and
non: sensitiAing. 9he oil can 6e a mild irritant0 so a#oid in
6aths or massage i) you ha#e sensiti#e s5in. 8emon is
phototoic0 so also a#oid using it on your s5in i) you are
going out in the sun. 8emon oil li)ts dar5 moods0 renewing
Aest )or li)e and restores )ocus0 aiding pro6lem: sol#ing.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Carrier oils are a natural #egeta6le oil that e#en on their own0 gi#e wonder)ul
nourishment to the s5in. 9hey are made up o) chains o) )atty acids Gmolecules
with s5in:so)tening traitsH0 as well as #itamins and minerals and can 6e thought o)
as B)ood )or the s5inC.
Carrier oils are a6sor6ed 6y the upper layers o) the s5in0 lea#ing a so)t sil5y
)inish. <ou can use carrier oils on its own or 6lended with a )ew drops o)
essential oils o) your choice.
-ay6e you are wondering why you can>t use an oil li5e 6a6y oil instead= In
theory you can0 its just not recommended )or aromatherapy. 9he reason )or this
is0 6a6y oil is a mineral oil0 which means it>s a synthetic petroleum 6y:product0
that merely acts as a slippery 6arrier o#er the s5in. 9he molecules o) these oils
can not 6e a6sor6ed into the s5in due to their siAe0 unli5e natural deri#ed oils.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
Carrier oils on the other hand are made out o) #egeta6le oil and are readily
a6sor6ed 6y the s5in 6ecause they ha#e smaller molecules0 ma5ing them closer to
the s5ins own natural oil called se6um.
9here are 6asic carrier oils and specialist carrier oils also 5nown as s5in )oods.
/asic oils !
Apricot 7ernel0 Grapeseed0 3un)lower and 3weet Almond.
9hese can 6e used )or )ull 6ody aromatherapy massage treatments0 as they
pro#ide good s5in lu6rication so that massage mo#ements )low easily. 9hey are
also well a6sor6ed 6y the s5in.
35in )oods !
A#ocado0 /orage 3eed0 Camelia0 E#ening "rimrose0 Fojo6a0 7u5ui 2ut0
-academia 2ut and Aloe Eera Etract.
9hese specialist carrier oils are sometimes added to the 6asic carrier oils to
enrich them. 9hey are especially good )or dry s5in0 as the oils ha#e particular
s5in nourishing properties and care )or the s5in at a deep le#el0 helping cell:
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
9he colder the temperature0 the longer
you can 5eep your essential oils. 9hin5
o) it as a )ood i) you will.
<ou can loo5 at the signs )or indication
when your oils are perishing0 some oils
might go cloudy or stic5y in the 6ottle0
some lose the intensity o) their )ragrance
and some might smell sour.
I) any oil is le)t a)ter the epiry date you can still use it as a room )ragrance in a
#aporiAer or oil 6urner. @o not use them anymore )or your 6ath or s5in as older
essential oils are more li5ely to cause an allergic reaction.
In the re)rigerator ! Once opened0 citrus oils li5e Orange0 8emon0 -andarin0
9angerine and /ergamot0 6ut also 9ea 9ree oil will last )or one year. All other
essential oils will last )or two years )rom opening.
At cool room temperature G10CK'';H ! Once opened0 citrus oils and 9ea
9ree oils will last )or * months. All other essential oils will last )or one year.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
3ome tips to 5eep your oils as long as possi6le are !
7eep the oils in dar5:glass 6ottles and in a dar5 place0 as the .E
rays in sunlight ma5e them degrade )aster. Fust li5e any other organic
matter in nature.
7eep your oils at cool temperature Gma 10CK'';H as heat ma5es
them perish more ?uic5ly.
I) you 5eep them in the re)rigerator0 use a tightly closed 6o to
pre#ent the oils aroma>s )rom a))ecting your )ood.
/uy oils in screw:cap 6ottles and 5eep the caps screwed on tight
during storage. 9he oygen in the air will degrade the oils i) it gets in0 a
process 5nown as oidation.
&rite down the date o) when you opened the 6ottle on a stic5y la6el
and calculate the epiry date which you will ha#e to note down too.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
As essential oils are #ery power)ul su6stances0 it is important that you ne#er
eceed the stated num6er o) drops and that you always read the sa)ety
guidelines )or e#ery essential oil in e#ery 6lend.
4emem6er that many essential oils are used today )or medicinal purposes0 just
li5e hundreds o) years ago. <ou would ne#er ta5e a con#entional medicine
without ta5ing the dosage and contraindications in account to ma5e sure you are
using it sa)ely. I) in dou6t see5 pro)essional medical ad#ise. 9hey must 6e
treated in the same way as medication0 e#en though they are 1001 natural.
;ollow some 6asic guidelines !
@on>t e#er ta5e essential oils internally0 as they are highly
concentrated and potent su6stances. 9hey can attac5 the delicate
linings o) the mouth and digesti#e tract. In large doses0 swallowing
essential oils may cause poisoning reactions in the 6ody.
7eep out o) reach o) childrenJ I) howe#er they ha#e swallowed some
essential oil0 always see5 medical attention straight away. In this case
ta5e the 6ottle with you so you will get the right treatment.
9o a#oid s5in irritation0 dilute essential oils in 6lends with a carrier oil.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
9here are two eceptions where the neat essential oil can 6e used on the s5in !
8a#enderL as )irst aid )or 6urns0 cuts and insect 6ites G2 drops on a
cotton 6ud is sa)e )or children and adultsH.
9ea 9reeL to help treat pimples0 cuts0 insect 6ites and warts G2
drops on a cotton 6udH.
It is impossi6le to predict when or i) people will react to essential oils as e#eryone
is di))erent. I) you ha#e a reaction to an essential oil0 wash it o)) with
un)ragranced soap and apply a plain carrier oil such as Grapeseed to calm the
35in "atch 9esting !9o test an essential oil on your s5in0 put $ drops in 10 ml
G2tspH carrier oil and massage this on your s5in o) the inside o) your arm. Co#er
the area with a hypo: allergenic plaster and lea#e it o#ernight. &hen you remo#e
it in the morning and your s5in loo5s normal0 it is sa)e )or you to use.
/e Aware that!
Aromatherapy does sometimes ha#e side e))ects. (owe#er0 they tend to 6e #ery
mild and do not last long. 9hey may include nausea0 headaches and some allergic
reactions0 i) the symptoms persist0 see5 medical ad#ise immediately.
Essential oils deri#ed )rom citrus may cause the s5in to 6ecome more sensiti#e to
ultra#iolet light0 ma5ing the person more suscepti6le to sun6urn.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
3a)ety during pregnancy0 6a6ies and children !
@o not use any massage 6lends with essential oils or any oils in your
6ath until a)ter your )irst three months o) pregnancy.
-assage oils in pregnancy should contain hal) the num6ers o) drops
o) essential oils in any normal 6lend.
A#oid ! 4osemary0 3panish 3age0 <arrow0 -yrrh0 8aurel 8ea)0
;ennel0 Funiper /erry0 Agnus Castus0 3weet /asil0 9ulsi0 @amiana0
Angelica 4oot0 8o#age 4oot and Fasmine A6solute. 9hey ha#e
strong puri)ying e))ects0 so are too intense to 6e used sa)ely.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
3oothing and relaing0 ideal a)ter the )irst three months o) pregnancy !
4oman Chamomile0 Orange 8ea)0 8a#ender0 Geranium0 8emon0
Australian 3andalwood0 3weet Orange0 2eroli0 -andarin and 4ose
2e#er use essential oils on 6a6ies younger than three months old0
once a)ter the three month stage0 you can use 1 drop o) just one
essential oil diluted in 20 mlK% tsp carrier oil per massage application or
6a6y 6ath.
Only 4oman Chamomile Gto heal a sore 6ottomH0 8a#ender Gto aid
sleep and soothe the s5inH0 2eroli Gto calm )ret)ulnessH and 4ose Otto
Gto moisturise the s5inH are sa)e )or 6a6ies and toddlers.
;or children ages 2:10 yrs old !
2e#er com6ine more than 2 drops each o) two essential oils in a
massage 6lend intended )or children. 3o that means ne#er ha#e more
than % drops o) essential oils in total in 20 mlK%tsp carrier oil.
2e#er com6ine more than 2 drops each o) two essential oils in a
massage 6lend intended )or children. 3o that means ne#er ha#e more
than % drops o) essential oils in total in 20 mlK%tsp carrier oil.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
3a)ety in the sun !3ome oils0 mainly )rom the peel o) certain citrus )ruits0 contain
6iochemical ingredients that can cause a s5in reaction under eposure to the
.E rays o) strong sunlight0 or sun6eds. 9hese oils are 5nown as photo:toic
and the reaction on your s5in is photo:sensiti#ity0 which causes irregular patches
o) dar5 tanning or in se#ere cases actual 6urns.
"hoto:sensiti#ity is an issue only when you apply photo:toic oils to your s5in #ia
massage 6lends. It does not apply when you use these oils in the 6ath or in a
shower gel0 6ecause you wash it o)) again0 nor does this apply to #aporiAers and
"hoto:toic essential oils are !
/ergamot0 8emon0 Angelica 4oot0 Grape)ruit0 8o#age 4oot and 8ime.
I) you still want to use these oils in the summer or alongside your usual sun6ed
routine0 apply them diluted in massage 6lends0 with a carrier oil as normal0 6ut
then lea#e a minimum o) 12 hours 6e)ore eposing your s5in to .E rays0 to gi#e
your 6ody time to process the oils.
It is important to )ollow the manu)acturers product instructions care)ully 6e)ore
using any essential oils. Concentrated products may 6e poisonous 6e)ore
dilution and should 6e handled with etreme care. I) you ha#e any o) the )ollowing
conditions you should 6e etra care)ul and cautious a6out aromatherapy0 i) in
dou6t please consult pro)essional medical ad#ise.
Copyright 2012
Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.
A list o) things to loo5 out )or i) you!
ha#e an allergy0 or allergies to any 5nown su6stances.
su))er )rom hay )e#er.
su))er )rom asthma or any 6reathing di))iculties.
ha#e s5in conditions0 such as ecAema or psoriasis.
/e etremely cautious i) you!
su))er )rom epilepsy.
su))er )rom hypertension Ghigh 6lood pressureH.
ha#e @E9 Gdeep #ein throm6osisH.
are 6reast)eeding or pregnant.
I) you enjoyed this guide and would li5e to continue to get more )ree e:6oo5s in
the series0 please Bli5eC us on )ace6oo5 or B)ollowC us on twitter. Alternati#ely
#isit us on our we6site and download it )rom there.
All lin5s 6uttons are at the 6ottom o) le)t hand corner.
2et in the series! BAromatherapy Essential Oil 4ecipesC.
Copyright 2012

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