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School Local Offer - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Heversham St Peters CE Primary School is an inclusive school and may offer the following range of
provision to support children with SEND. This is not an exhaustive list and every effort will be made
to help all children achieve their full potential in our school.

Social Skills programmes/support including strategies to enhance self-esteem:
Pupils are supported in short, small group sessions or 1-to-1 situations depending on
their identified need to discuss strategies to develop self-esteem
Our marking policy identifies that marking celebrates achievements as well as pointing
out next steps to enhance esteem.
We have weekly Celebration Assemblies to reward effort, achievement, being a good
citizen or sportsperson etc.
We use SEAL materials/Christian Values in assemblies
Childline workshops with older children help them voice worries and feel safer
We have Buddies at playtime who are older, trained pupils who will play games with
less confident children
Each class has representation on the school council and ECO Team
Access to a supportive environment IT facilities/equipment/resources (inc. preparation):
We have Clicker 6 available throughout the school and teaching staff have had recent
training in using Clicker 6 (summer 2014)
Access to computers/ ipads
Headphones and microphone equipment to use suitable support software (e.g.
Education City)
All children have free, unlimited home access to Education City which contains many
useful number and phonics games suitable for children with SEN
Devices for additional recording eg. Cameras, ipads, voice recorders
Audio books for group readers
Strategies/programmes to support speech and language
Staff, following appropriate training, deliver programmes provided by Speech and
Language Therapists, in partnership with support provided by the childs parents at
home in a 1-to-1 or individual setting as required.
Younger pupils and those with SEND are supported in show and tell activities, drama, etc
and encouraged to take part
Time to Talk is used in Key Stage 1 to support children with communication difficulties
Mentoring activities
If necessary, pupils may be mentored by a key member of staff to help with e.g. personal
organisation; behaviour at breaks and lunchtimes
Older pupils will mentor younger children and ensure they are included in play
Talking partners and reading partners used in class
Access to strategies/programmes to support Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy needs
Staff will deliver therapy programmes, following appropriate training and in conjunction
with parents, as advised by an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist for individual
pupils as part of their Individual Education Plan. An example of this might be by using
the Speed-Up or Write from the Start handwriting programmes.
The school will provide some small items such as writing slopes, triangular pencils or
pencil grips as required.

Strategies to reduce anxiety/promote emotional wellbeing (including communication with
We provide meet and greet for younger or anxious pupils
We have Buddies at lunchtime
We have an open door policy for anxious parents or parents of anxious pupils.
We work with our School Nurse to support pupils with emotional needs
Extra transition visits are routinely arranged to the new secondary school for targeted
children and secondary staff are invited to meetings early in Year 6.
We provide photobooks of the new teacher/ classroom etc. for certain pupils who need
a visual prompt.
Social stories are used for children who become anxious in different situations (e.g. prior
to a school trip or transition to a new class/teacher)

Strategies to support/develop literacy inc. reading
Small group/ individual support for example with additional guided reading or phonics
Access to Wave 2 or 3 strategies and personalised intervention progammes
Additional guided reading/ comprehension practice, including 1 - 1
Booster classes where appropriate in Y6, for children who are on the cusp of the next
National Curriculum level, to enhance progress to this level.
Interventions for those with specific difficulties or learning needs.
Opportunities for alternative ways of recording, other than writing (e.g. laptops, video)

Strategies to support or modify behaviour
Positive behaviour strategies (in line with our Behaviour & Rewards Policy)

Strategies to support/develop numeracy
Small group/ individual support for example with additional practice for number bonds
or tables
Use of intervention materials for individuals
Use of small visual apparatus to support kinaesthetic learners
Booster classes where appropriate in Y6, for children who are on the cusp of the next
National Curriculum level, to enhance progress to this level.
Provision to facilitate/support access to the curriculum
Access to appropriate apparatus for example for counting in Maths, number squares etc.
Personalised activities as appropriate
Strategies/support to develop independent learning
Vocabulary displayed in classrooms
Word mats/walls/personal word books
Seating arrangements to allow a working buddy
Personalised activities/lessons
Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day including personal care
Buddies available to organise play with younger children at lunch time, under the
supervision of a Teaching Assistant.
Reminding pupils to visit the toilet frequently.
Allowing certain pupils with medical needs quick access to use the toilet at any time
Reminders to drink water frequently for certain pupils
Buddies play with younger children at lunchtime

Planning and assessment
Teachers plan daily lessons to meet the needs of all pupils in their classes
Teachers and TAs/HLTA also plan additional provision for small groups and individuals
to support learning needs.
Teachers write Individual Education Plans for some pupils who are not making adequate
Teachers assess pupils daily to see how they are accessing their learning. For pupils with
SEND they apply the criteria for access arrangement for pupils taking externally marked
or moderated tests.
Liaison/Communication with Professionals/Parents, attendance at meetings and preparation
of reports
All parents receive a full school report each year. If parents require a separate copy
this can be arranged via the school office
There are termly opportunities for all parents to review their childs progress at Parents
Consultation Evenings or Open Afternoons
There is an open door policy and parents may speak to staff members at the start or end
of school or make an appointment to discuss more lengthy or private matters.
For pupils with Individual Education Plans the class teacher will contact parents termly
to review progress and discuss new targets.
For pupils working with outside agencies such as Speech and Language Therapist,
Educational Psychologist etc. parents will be invited into school to meet with these
outside professionals
We contact parents as necessary to offer support to those whose children have poor
attendance or any other barriers to learning
We operate with the CAF system and have frequent Team Around the Child or Family
meetings (TAC or TAF meeting)for some families as necessary

Access to Medical Interventions
The majority of staff are trained in basic first aid and undertake specialist training as
necessary for children who have specific medical needs.
We make all reasonable adjustments, in accordance with a pupils Healthcare Plan from
their GP/Specialist Nurse, to support pupils with medical needs(for example, those with
Type 1 diabetes, cystic fibrosis, etc)

For children with complex SEND, the frequency of such provision may result in the school applying
for additional funding to support a child, known as Exceptional Needs Funding.

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