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Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6


Module 9
Developer: Allen Todd
Lesson Title: Video Development and Production
Grade Level: Undergraduate Students
Content Area: Biomedical Informatics
Duration: Two Weeks
Tool: Digital Video Camera !diting Software "nline viewer and editor
Overvie o! t"e Module
Creating instructional video programs is an important skill t#at $ou s#ould find useful in man$
wa$s% In t#is lesson $ou will learn a&out video production for educational applications% As an
instructional tec#nolog$ specialist $ou will need to &e a&le to produce instructional materials
eit#er for $our own teac#ing or for clients% Up to t#is point in class we #ave worked
individuall$ &ut for t#is lesson plan we will come toget#er in groups of four as a team to create a
video presentation t#at will focus on t#e importance of media as an instructional tool and present
a summar$ of w#at $ou #ave learned t#roug#out t#is semester%
O#$e%tives o! t"e Module
B$ t#e end of t#is lesson plan learners will &e a&le to'
( Identif$ t#e advantages)disadvantages of group)teamwork interaction
( Descri&e t#e video production process from conception to completion of a finis#ed
( Use Adobe Premiere Windows Live Movie Maker, or anot#er video editing s$stem to
create a completed video pro*ect from created video footage
( Create video grap#ics w#ic# compl$ wit# accepted norms%
( +ist and descri&e important features of video editing software
( Plan and create an original video program for instructional use%
Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6
Pri&ar' (esour%es
)ideo editin* so!tare:
Ado&e ( #ttp'))www%ado&e%com)cfusion)tdrc)inde,%cfm-product.premiere/pro 0free trial version1
Various editing software' #ttp'))download%cnet%com)windows)video(editing(software)
S"are and Edit )ideo site:
Instru%tional &aterial %on%ernin* video produ%tion:
Additional Supple&ental (esour%es
Smaldino +owt#er 2 3ussel 045641% Instructional technology and media for learning
(1 ed!"! Prentice(7all%
!,cerpts from aforementioned &ook'
Video is useful to provide demonstrations to #elp personali8e teac#ing and to #elp
incorporate a multimedia approac# to instruction% In t#is unit we will e,plore video as a
medium for instruction and learn to plan and produce video programs for instructional
use% 9ou will &ecome &ot# a planner and a producer of video as $ou complete t#e
assignments for t#is unit% Video production can generall$ &e divided into t#ree &road
p#ases(preproduction production and post production% Preprodu%tion is t#e planning
stage% In a ma*or production man$ factors are considered(&udget talent location etc% In
local video production for instruction t#e first step is to decide on a topic and t#en
develop o&*ectives and activities muc# like developing a lesson plan% T#e video program
is furt#er refined &$ developing a stor$&oard or script% T#e produ%tion sta*e is w#ere
t#e actual s#ooting takes place following t#e stor$&oard% As a producer t#ink in terms of
s#ooting a series of s#ort video segments t#at will &e tied toget#er later in t#e
postproduction stage% T#e video t#at $ou s#oot #ere is sometimes called ra !oota*e%
Scenes will often need to &e retaken several times% Producers sometimes find it
convenient to la&el t#ese as Scene 6( Take 6 Scene 6(Take 4 and so fort#% :or
Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6
convenience scenes ma$ also &e taken in a different se;uence t#at t#e$ will appear in t#e
finis#ed program% In t#e postprodu%tion sta*e t#e raw footage is edited toget#er
transitions and grap#ics are added and sometimes music or narration is added%
7ere is an overview of t#e steps t#at $ou will follow in producing $our video program'
6% Select a program topic%
4% Decide on t#e audience learning o&*ectives and content of t#e program%
<% =ake plans for e;uipment needs talent location etc%
>% Develop a stor$&oard wit# grap#ics video transitions narration etc%
?% Develop a script for $our video program%

6% S#oot t#e video and log $our video footage as t#is is done%
4% C#eck all video and retake an$ scenes as necessar$%
<% Create drafts of video grap#ics needed &$ sketc#ing or t$ping t#em%
Post Produ%tion
6% !dit raw footage wit# a digital editing s$stem%
4% Add grap#ics%
<% Add transitions%
>% 3ecord finis#ed program to disc tape or video file%

Preparin* a )ideo S%ript or Stor'#oard
A stor'#oard is to a video program as a lesson plan is to a classroom lesson% "ne
doesn@t produce a wort#w#ile video program &$ gra&&ing a camera and #eading out t#e
door wit# a vague idea in mind% 9ou s#ould &e familiar wit# stor$&oardsA t#e Cannon
commercial e,ercise involved completing a stor$&oard of t#e commercial% :or t#e
Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6
purpose of $our video pro*ect for t#is unit I suggest t#at $ou make a two column
stor$&oard using $our word processor% Use a two column format wit# t#e visual on t#e
left and t#e sound or narration on t#e rig#t% T#e rig#t #and column s#ould &e larger
&ecause it usuall$ takes more space for t#e narration t#an for t#e visuals% T#e te,t
descri&es t#e use of drawings or still pictures for t#e visuals% T#is is fine &ut $ou can also
*ust use te,t descriptions of t#e visuals% !ac# visual will represent a scene and ma$
include &ot# t#e t$pe and content of t#e s#ot%
Co&&on Pro#le&s in Edu%ator Produ%ed )ideo Pro*ra&s

6, Poor Sound =ualit'% Since t#is unit is all a&out video some students tend to
concentrate on t#e visual aspect of our video programs and forget a&out t#e sound ;ualit$%
T#is is a serious mistake% !ven a video program t#at #as e,cellent video will &e of little
use if t#e sound ;ualit$ is poor% T#e &uilt in microp#ones t#at come wit# video cameras
do not work well for most educational applications% T#e$ are of poor ;ualit$ and are
t#eir placement on t#e video camera often keeps t#em too far from t#e su&*ect to pick up
a strong sound signal% :or e,ample it would not &e appropriate to place a su&*ect on t#e
opposite side of a room from a camcorder using a &uilt in camera mike% T#e sound signal
will &e weak and it will pick up an$ e,traneous sounds suc# as doors opening and
closing air conditioning e;uipment and people moving a&out%

It is a good idea to &u$ or &orrow an e,tension microp#one% T#ese are ine,pensive and
are readil$ availa&le from electronics dealers suc# as 3adio S#ack% All camcorders will
#ave a *ack to plug in an e,tension microp#one% T#is will allow t#e videograp#er to
place a microp#one near t#e person speaking or w#atever t#e source of sound is% "ne
t$pe of ver$ useful microp#one is t#e lavaliere w#ic# is a small microp#one t#at is
clipped to a s#irt or &louse% W#en $ou watc# t#e TV news $ou will notice t#at reporters
and t#eir guests often use t#ese% A lavaliere mike wit# an e,tension ca&le can &e
purc#ased for around B65(B<?% Wireless microp#ones are a little more e,pensive &ut t#e$
eliminate t#e need for an e,tension ca&le for t#e mike%

., 8er:' Ca&era Move&ents% T#e videograp#er@s most &asic tool is t#e tripod% If t#e
camera is unsta&le t#e video will &e *erk$ and unprofessional in appearance% It is
difficult to s#oot smoot# professional video wit#out &racing t#e camera% If a #and #eld
camera is used ever$ effort s#ould &e made to see t#at it is #eld stead$% It ma$ &e #elpful
for t#e videograp#er to &race #imself against a &uilding a wall a lamp post or w#atever
solid o&*ect is #and$ w#ile s#ooting%

<% Over (elian%e on Editin*% Don@t make t#e mistake of t#inking t#at poor ;ualit$
video can &e made &etter in t#e editing process% Pro&lems suc# as poor sound *erk$
Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6
camera movements and poor lig#ting are not fi,a&le% If $ou see a serious pro&lem wit# a
video segment it is &est to res#oot it% Don@t e,pect to &e a&le to fi, it in t#e editing

>% Too Mu%" Tal:in* 7a%e% Video is a visual media% Video of lectures or of someone
talking are &oring% =ost of t#is t$pe of information could &e presented *ust as well wit#
audio alone instead of video% Scenes of someone talking s#ould &e kept to a minimum%
If lectures and demonstrations are t#e su&*ect of a video program grap#ics p#otograp#s
and video clips s#ould &e included to illustrate t#e information &eing presented%

0, (apid or e>%essive %a&era &ove&ents, =odern camcorders #ave 8oom lenses and
are eas$ to move% =an$ armature videograp#ers make t#e mistake of overusing t#ese
features% Sometimes t#e person #olding t#e camera feels t#at t#e$ must &e doing
somet#ing all t#e time so t#e$ are constantl$ 8ooming in or out or moving t#e camera%
T#is is a &ad idea &ecause it makes for poor video% Use camera movements w#en t#e$
are needed to en#ance t#e scene% "t#erwise leave t#e camera alone% W#en camera
movements are needed to follow t#e action in t#e scene or to &etter s#ow close ups
movements s#ould &e slow and smoot#%

Tips !or ?etter )ideos
6% Plan $our video carefull$ &efore &eginning to s#oot% CDown and dirt$D video
production is not likel$ to produce wort#w#ile results% As wit# all instructional materials
knowing t#e audience esta&lis#ing t#e o&*ectives in advance and planning a se;uence of
instruction to accomplis# t#e o&*ective is essential to producing effective instructional
4% If t#e su&*ect must &e furt#er t#an a&out 65 feet from t#e camera use an e,tension
<% Brace t#e camera% Use a tripod or &race #and#eld cameras against an$ solid o&*ect
t#at is #and$%
>% Use lots of grap#ics still pictures and &rief video clips wit# narrated segments%
?% 3emem&er to use good composition as $ou set up eac# scene%

E% 3eview eac# segment immediatel$ after $ou s#oot it% If $ou are not satisfied wit#
t#e results do anot#er take%

Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6
Instru%tional A%tivities
A%tivities Ti&eline+Due dates
<, Preparation sta*e
( +earners will review t#e Additional
supplemental section for Steps and Tips to
&egin video production%
( +earners will download editing software
t#en meet wit# professor as a group via
Sk$pe 0availa&le &etween ? and Fpm1 on
&ecoming familiar wit# program functions%
( On*oin*: Learners ill report via
#la%:#oard dail' pro*ress notes to
/, Dis%ussin* topi%
( +earners will meet as a group to specif$
group participation and assignments% !ac#
team mem&er will c#oose one form of
instruction media 0PowerPoint We& Blogs
etc%1 t#at t#e$ want to discuss on t#e movie
and work on t#at portion individuall$
presenting t#e final pro*ect online for group
feed&ack% In ot#er words ever$one will
contri&ute &$ s#ooting five minutes of video
footage eac# editing t#at footage and
su&mitting it to a designated we&site for
scrutin$ from team mem&ersA #owever a
group leader will &e designated to com&ine
and edit all videos into a final movie
( +earners will sign up for !mpressr a video
editing and s#aring site w#ere group
mem&ers can view eac# team mem&ers
su&mission and provide feed&ack%
( On*oin*: Learners ill report via
Begin' =onda$ Govem&er
4Et# &etween ?(F pm
Tuesda$ Govem&er 4F &$
66'?H P= !ST
Wednesda$ Govem&er 4I
&$ 66'?H P= !ST%
+earners will #ave
assignments and &egin
process of s#ooting
Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6
#la%:#oard dail' pro*ress notes to
4, ?e*in 7il&in*
( +earners will film and edit assigned footage
( +earners will su&mit individual pro*ects to
online site for viewing and feed&ack from
ot#er students
( On*oin*: Learners ill report via
#la%:#oard dail' pro*ress notes to
0, Evaluation and !eed#a%:
( !valuate eac# team mem&er and provide
feed&ack% 9ou will write at least a one
paragrap# evaluation for eac# of $our team
mem&ers% Include as muc# detail as possi&le
&ecause t#eir final grade will count in part
on $our input%
( +earners will make an$ corrections &ased
upon peer feed&ack and su&mit presentation
to group leader via online site%
( Jroup leader will download all videos and
make t#e final edit%
( Jroup leader will post final presentation on
We& site and team mem&ers will accept or
re*ect pro*ect and &eing finali8ed or in need
of furt#er editing%
(e@uire&ent !or )ideo:
( S#oot t#e video and log $our video footage
( C#eck all video and retake an$ scenes as
( !dit raw footage
T#ursda$ Govem&er 4H
Dec% 4
% Su&mission and
dail$ notes due &$ 66'?H
P= Dec% 4
:rida$ Dec% < &$ 66'?H
P= !ST
=onda$ Dec% E &$ 66'?H
P= !ST
Tuesda$ Dec% F &$ 66'?H
P= !ST
T#ursda$ Dec% H
&$ 66'?H
P= !ST
Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6
( Provide feed&ack for team mem&ers
( Provide dail$ progress reports to professor
via &lack&oard
=onda$ Dec 6<
presentation is due &$
66'?H P= !ST
Assess&ent + Gradin*
Assi*n&ents Grade
Video Production and ;ualit$ >5 points
Section participation 0Based on discussion
<5 points
Peer :eed&ack evaluation 0postings online1 <5 points
O#$e%tive+Criteria Per!or&an%e Indi%ators A)ideo Produ%tionB
)ideo Produ%tion
05 points1
Does not visit
discussion &oard%
0? Points1
=eets ?5L of
065 Points1
=eets F?L of
045 points1
=eets all deadlines
=ualit' o!
05 points1
Video not
0? points1
Video is not edited
in a seamless
manner and)or
contains audio
065 points1
Video and audio
contains some
transition errors
045 points1
Video transitions
are seamless and
audio is #ig#
Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6
O#$e%tive+Criteria Per!or&an%e Indi%ators A)ideo Produ%tionB
O#$e%tive+Criteria Per!or&an%e Indi%ators ASe%tion Parti%ipationB
7re@uen%' o!
Dis%ussion ?oard
05 points1
Does not visit
06? points1
Visits discussion &oard
dail$ to report on
=ualit' o!
05 points1
information t#at
is off topic 0e%g%
incorrect or
irrelevant1 ill(
mannered or
offensive to
ot#er students%
0? points1
Posts information
t#at does not add
information to
065 points1
Posts information
t#at t#at descri&es
process &ut lacks
06? points1
Posts information t#at
descri&es in detail t#e
progress of t#e
Meet E>pe%tations
Peer 7eed#a%:
05 points1
Does not
06? points1
Provides feed&ack for eac# group
=ualit' o! Contri#ution
05 points1
t#at is off topic
0e%g% incorrect
or irrelevant1
or offensive to
ot#er students%
06? points1
Provides meaningful constructive
Instru%tor In!or&ation
T#e course instructor is Allen Todd w#o #as worked in t#e computer field for 65 $ears
and trained over ?55 people on t#e use of &asic and advanced computer functions
including multiple software programs and applications s$stems #tml aut#oring we&site
Todd, Edit 5370 Module 6
creation programming and anal$sis% Allen Todd #as a BA in !nglis#)Ps$c#olog$ and a
=aster of Science in Clinical Practice =anagement and is currentl$ working on a
=aster in Instructional Tec#nolog$% Contact information is availa&le &$ wa$ of =SG
messenger 0searc# user name Tristan<<1 or &$ email at allen%todd56Mgmail%com%

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