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Gout- a form of arthritis that happens when uric acid build up in the blood which causes inflammation of

the joints. It causes sharp pain in the feet, specifically, big toe. It can also occur in the ankles, knees, or
joints in the hand. This occurs the most in middle aged, obese, white males. The joint becomes warm
and red. It becomes very sensitive and will last for a few days. The pain wont come again usually until 6-
12 months later. Painkillers such as codeine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone are prescribed.
Osteoarthritis- Joint disorder that causes pain. It starts because of aging and the excessive use of that
joint. The cartilage wears away so there is no more cushion between the bones. The bones then start
rubbing against each other, causing pain, rigidness, and inflammation. Men and women get this at the
same rate before age 55 but after women get it more. Obese people are more likely to get it in their feet
and ankles due to the increased pressure. Also secretary jobs and physical demanding jobs, their
workers tend to get it more. There is no cure but it can be controlled with medications.
Osteoporosis- This is the weakening of bones. The bones lose density and are more likely to fracture.
They are less dense because there is a deficiency of minerals and calcium in the bone. This is a genetic
disease or it can be caused by a lack of calcium and minerals. There are no obvious symptoms so most
people do not know they have it until they break their bone. Treatment includes increased calcium and
vitamin D intake.
Rhabdomyolysis- breakdown of muscle fibers that then releases myoglobin into the bloodstream. This
causes kidney damage. It is prevalent in college kids the most because they overwork and dont get
enough sleep. They dont take care of themselves properly and then fall ill to it. To treat it you need to
drink lots of liquids and stay on IV for a couple of days.
Fibromyalgia- disease that causes long term pain all around the body. It causes pain and tenderness in
muscles, tendons, and joints, along with other soft tissues. It can also cause anxiety, depression, and
fatigue. There are no known causes but it can be triggered by physical or emotional trauma. Treatment
is to relieve pain with physical therapy and stress relief methods.
Muscular dystrophy- inherited disease that causes muscle weakness that progressively gets worse as
time goes by. This disease can occur as early as childhood or as late as adulthood. The worse the case,
the earlier it occurs. Patients lose motor skills, problems walking, and overall muscle weakness. There is
no cure, treatment focuses on controlling the symptoms already present. The patient should keep
exercising so they do not lose movement too soon. Depending on severity you can live with it or it will
gradually kill you.
Tetanus- This is an infection of bacteria that ca be very lethal if left untreated. This infection can enter
your body through an open wound. This bacteria blocks nerve cells which then causes muscle spasms.
These spasms can be so severe that it fractures the spinal cord. Fever, uncontrolled voiding, along with
irritability are all symptoms of tetanus. Treatment is antibiotics, bed rest, and surgery.
Fracture- A simple or closed fracture is when the bone is broken but it does not open a wound on the
skin. A greenstick fracture in when the bone is bent but not broken and it occurs the most in children. A
transverse fracture is when the bone makes a 90 degree angle with the axis. A stress or hairline fracture
is a bunch of tiny cracks in a bone. It can be unnoticeable at first but progressively worsens. An oblique
fracture is when a bone breaks to an angle of the axis. A comminuted fracture is when the bone breaks
into multiple pieces. An impact or buckle fracture is when ends are driven into each other.
Scoliosis- this is the abnormal curving of the spine. The spine can look like a C or S depending on the
severity. You are born with it and most cases there is no reason on why they have it. Along with the
curved spine people have uneven shoulders and hips. Treatment can be just wearing a brace or drilling
rods in to gradually straighten the spine.
Rickets- This is the softening of bones due to a deficiency in Vitamin D, Calcium, or Phosphate. It occurs
most in infants who breastfeed because many people dont realize that milk doesnt have vitamin D. The
odds of having this disease are increased if a family member has had it because it can be hereditary.
Bones can become tender and hurt, you can have deformities in the mouth and skeletal regions. Also
increased fractured bones are common along with stunted growth. Treatment includes increased
Calcium, Vitamin D, or phosphate intake in a diet. Then the disease will go away.

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