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Social Studies Graphic Organizer

The passage 1 enduring issue is

Passage 2 relates to the enduring issue in passage 1 by

First way passage 2 relates to passage 1

Evidence from text

My knowledge of the issue

Second way passage 2 relates to passage 1

Evidence from text

My knowledge of the issue

Conclusion Summarize main points

Writing Frames Social Studies

_______________________________________________________ states the enduring principle of
(explains, supports, criticizes, gives an example of ) the enduring principle by __________________
The first way __________________ (explains, supports, criticizes, gives an example of ) the enduring
principle is by ____________________________________________________________________
The evidence for this is ____________________________________________________________
My knowledge of this issue is ________________________________________________________
The second way ___________________ (explains, supports, criticizes, gives an example of ) the
enduring principle is by _____________________________________________________________
The evidence for this is _____________________________________________________________
In conclusion, ____________________________________________________________________

Editing Checklist: Social Studies

Read your response again to make sure you:

created a thesis about how the ideas expressed by the author of the passage are related
to the enduring issue

defended your thesis with multiple pieces of evidence from the enduring issue and other

put in your own knowledge about the topics background and historical context
stayed focused on the enduring issue and other passage
defended your thesis with multiple pieces of evidence from the passage
built each main point thoroughly
put your main points in logical order
tied details to your main points
organized the response to consider your audience, message, and purpose
used transitional words and phrases to connect sentences, paragraphs, and ideas
chose words carefully to express your ideas clearly
varied your sentence structure to enhance the flow and clarity of your response
corrected errors in grammar, usage, or punctuation

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