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Installation Procedure for OpenStaad Macro Driver:

1. Close AFES and Staad.Pro program from your computer. Be sure these programs are
not running otherwise OpenStaad macro program can not be installed.

2. Access directory of AFES driver default location is:
EX) C:\Program Files\GS_AFES\AFES 2.5\Driver\OpenSTAAD_patch

3. Double click OpenSTaadSet.exe.


A message window appears as:

If Registered path: box is blank, it can not be installed Staad.Pro or OpenStaad macro
driver. In that case, type OpenSTAAD path directory.
EX) C:\Program Files\OpenStaad

4. Select Ver. 2004 or Ver. 2005 button.
Note: Ver. 2004 and Ver. 2005 are versions for OpenStaad macro not Staad.Pro.

Preferred is Ver. 2004 as it installs OpenStaad micro driver. Besides, from our experience
Ver. 2004 is more compatible to AFES than Ver. 2005.
Note: AFES is using OpenStaad macro function supported by Bentley Inc. and can be used
regardless of Staad.Pro version.

5. Please Click Ver. 2004 button.
A warning message displays as:

6. Click OK button. It means installation is completed.

7. Click on Test button to try if it is functioning.

A table as below will display if proper installation is completed.

You can also use Other file button to access existing files for trial.

Access any .std file from your computer (not .anl file) then click Open button. This file is
available only after running analysis of the structure using Staad.Pro program.

Note: First the selected *.Std file has to be analyzed in order to execute Other file button

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