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Chase Smolik

Agricultural Natural Resource Policy Internship Journal

M - Day 1 - 5/21/2012
Today I left Houston for Washington D.C. Not only was this my first flight, but the first time I would be
north of Colorado! The flight was great and I met some awesome Catholics who live in D.C. We
exchanged business cards, and they will be able to get me a tour of the Basilica! After landing, Thomas
and I hopped in a taxi to our apartment, The Buchanan. The apartment is twice the size of my apartment
in College Station, furnished and clean. I picked up my boxes at the front desk and brought it all upstairs
to get moved in. We met up with a few other interns and went to Chick-fil-a for the 'Monday Special,' a
free chicken sandwich with college student ID. Afterwards a few of the interns went to pick up some
necessities at Target and I returned to the apartment to get settled in. Later that evening a few other
interns arrived and came up to our apartment to hang around and talk.

Front Door of the Buchanan Apartments, home for the next two months!

Right outside the Buchanan! The city is a bit bigger than Needville!
Chase Smolik

The long hallway to our room! Master Bedroom!

After adding my Aggie bedding to my room!
T - Day 2 - 5/22/2012
After the first night, waking up was unexpectedly easy. I woke up around 8am EST. Which is 7am back at
home! I grabbed a breakfast bar, went down to the leasing office to pick up my keys and check out the
lobby, great room, and workout area. After this Thomas and I went to CVS to pick-up our metro
Chase Smolik
SmartCards. Then we called Comcast to get our internet/cable setup for the apartment. The next
adventure would be to find the comcast office in Arlington and pick up our modem and cable boxes. This
was my first experience with the Metro in D.C. Trip Finder made it extremely easy and we were able to
get to the office in about an hour's time. After we took the subway back to the apartment, we wrestled
with comcast to get both internet/cable working. Next, we took the metro to find the location of our
offices. Instead of going directly home, we went to the Arlington National Cemetery and explored. It was
a remarkable sight. I have seen pictures, but no picture can provide a complete understanding of what
the landmark represents. After the cemetery, we returned home and Richard, Thomas, and I ordered
pizza delivery. We watched TV and got to know each other better until Kasey arrived, then went to bed.

First experience on the Metro!
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Congressman Olson's office, my work for the
next two months!
View from Arlington National
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Robert E. Lee House

Kennedy Graves/Robert E. Lee House
W - Day 3 - 5/23/2012
Today was my first day of work on the Hill. Once I got off the metro I went through the metal detector
and of course trying to move in a hurry, I dropped my ring, while picking it up I dropped my keys, next
was my wallet. It made for a fun start to the first day. I arrived at my office around 8:35am and the office
didn't open until 9am. So I read a little while waiting. Once the office opened I filled out a little
Chase Smolik
paperwork and went to apply for my Staff ID card. Typically people wait up to a few hours in line, but I
got there just the right time and only waited five minutes. (DMV of the D.C. world) After that, my
computer wasn't setup yet so I met with the other interns and was given a Scavenger Hunt to work on
with Ryan Sweezey, a fellow intern. This took majority of the day and brought us all through the capitol,
senate side and house. Once we finished that we returned to the office to answer a few phone calls and
I drafted my first response paper to a constituent.

Hallway to my Office.
Chase Smolik

Chase Smolik
Sam Houston, one of the two Texas statues displayed in the Capitol!

R - Day 4 - 5/24/2012
As an intern, you are the lowest rank on the totem pole of the Hill Staffers. If you keep this in mind, and
do not try to boss anyone around...Your staffers will appreciate you. My fellow interns were political
science majors and tried to correct staffers from time to time. I wouldn't suggest that if you would like
to enjoy time with your coworkers. This day I was given the opportunity to 'reserve a field' for the
Congressional Softball League which some of my coworkers were involved in. For this, I was allowed to
leave right around lunch time to go sit on the National Mall and hold a field for the game, which wasn't
until 6:30. This was actually really awesome, it was only 75 outside, and I was sitting on National Mall
directly between the U.S. Capitol building and the Washington Monument.
F - Day 5 - 5/25/2012
Today at work I was sent to my first hearing on the hill for our Defense and Foreign Affairs Legislative
Assistant. At the hearing a free lunch was provided and it concerned the further development of drones
for survey and national security. It was an interesting hearing, and was the first time I realized how
much I could learn about Government while interning on the hill. When I returned, I got to sit at the
front desk and greet visitors while working on our basic assignments. An awesome day overall! That
evening we, as roommates, decided to walk the monuments at night. Each and every monument was an
impressive sight, but my absolute favorite was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's memorial. Spreading nearly 5
acres, it commemorated his presidential terms and used the element of water to explain the rough
times he faced.
Chase Smolik

Sat - Day 6 - 5/26/2012
First Saturday in Washington D.C., we decided to go to Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate.
After we returned to the apartment, we made the long hike to Target and Shopper's for some essentials,
from groceries to pillows!
Chase Smolik

That night we went to Dinner at Chili's and got to talk about our first weeks with some of the other
Sun - Day 7 - 5/27/2012
Our first day to find a church to attend, we chose one a few metro stops away, and this was the
beginning of our several week adventure of finding the perfect one to attend. Thomas went to the Air
and Space Museum, and we stayed at home and made one of our first homemade meals.
M - Day 8 - 5/28/2012
Memorial Day: Everyone was off of work, and most of us went to Arlington National Cemetery to see
President Obama in the laying of the wreath ceremony and give his speech. There were tons of people
and each gravesite had a rose and an American flag. An impressive sight, and showed so much pride in
our Country and our fallen war heroes which fought for our Freedom!
Chase Smolik
Chase Smolik

T - Day 9 - 5/29/2012
My office allowed each of us interns one day off a week. Today was my day off, so I went to the gym in
our apartment and worked out, then went to the pool to cool off. After that, I cleaned the apartment
and made dinner for everyone. Beef Stroganoff, Peas, and Mashed Potatoes. We all talked about our
days, then watched the movie Colombia.
W - Day 10 - 5/30/2012
My first day in session, I enjoyed wearing a suit to work. It was a fun trip on the metro, and our day was
relatively laid back for being in session, except that we stayed at work until 6pm. I attended a hearing on
soil erosion in the Chesapeake Bay. While interesting, it wasn't easy to follow, and we all learned how
critical a good presentation can be when trying to get increased funding.
R - Day 11 - 5/31/2012
Chase Smolik
My second day in session, Congressman Olson arrived and I got to meet him for the first time. He talked
with us for quite a while until he had to run off for the first round of votes. The afternoon was taken up
completely by tour training which lasted about five hours. We were given a tour by the guides, and then
we had to walk the guide back through the tour and each intern talked about a room as practice. I can't
wait to give my first tour!
F - Day 12 - 6/1/2012
Today was pretty relaxed in the office. No tours were scheduled, and there was little work to do. In the
afternoon there was a tornado warning so everyone was sent home early, and we all decided to go eat
at 'We The Pizza,' a little restaurant owned by Good Stuff. As soon as we left there it was pouring down
rain and we had a blast trying to get back to the Metro, all four of us under the same tiny umbrella!
Sat - Day 13 - 6/2/2012
This morning we woke up and went to Eastern Market to have the 'legendary blueberry buckeye
pancakes, and see the flea market! After this we went to the National Museum of Natural History!
Sun - Day 14 - 6/3/2012
Katie and I went to Starbucks, and I worked on nursing school applications. Worked out in the
apartment, and went to the store for a few more groceries.
M - Day 15 - 6/4/2012
Today was a typical day at work clearing CRM, (a program we used to sort constituent emails), then had
a Capitol tour, and answered phone calls. Today I got to see the cage, our storage unit for the office!
T - Day 16 - 6/5/2012
Thomas made tacos for dinner, Katie, Luke, and I ran to Target and back. We were all busy talking today
on the metro and missed our stop.
W - Day 17 - 6/6/2012
Another day at work doing basic intern duties! Afterwards we went to a reception for NOAA which
included all types of seafood from all over the nation!
R - Day 18 - 6/7/2012
Typical day at work with CRM, mail, answering constituent phone calls, and taking a Capitol tour!
F - Day 19 - 6/8/2012
Friday! WHOOP! I had today off, so I went ahead and cleaned the entire apartment, worked out and
went to the pool. The days off are nice, but since I didn't know D.C. that well, I didn't want to get lost.
Met the gang for an event called 'Truckaroo,' where all the food trucks in D.C. meet up and there is a big
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concert. It was a lot of fun, and there was excellent food! Skyped with some friends from home for a
couple hours.

Sat - Day 20 - 6/9/2012
Today we left in the morning and rented kayaks on the Potomac River. This was the most fun I've had,
and made me appreciate what undeveloped land in Texas we do have. It was an awesome feeling, being
in the center of a huge city, but still feeling free on the river!
Chase Smolik

Sun - Day 21 - 6/10/2012
Chase Smolik
Today we all went to another church, and then came back and all went grocery shopping. After that, we
came back to the hotel and enjoyed the pool. We relaxed and prepared for Monday by watching a
movie together!
M - Day 22 - 6/11/2012 through F - Day 26 - 6/15/2012
Typical days at work! Nothing too exciting going on, finally comfortable with the metro. Attended
several different receptions after work. Nearly one per day, all of us keep in contact during the day and
invite each other to any reception we hear about. Free dinner for one full week: SUCCESS!!!
Sat - Day 27 - 6/16/2012
Another day at the museums! We went to Smithsonian art museums and some of the gardens on
National Mall.
Sun - Day 28 - 6/17/2012
A relaxing day at the apartment. Work out, pool, dinner, and a movie to prepare for the next week! I
planned out some of the things I wanted to do with my family when they arrive!
M - Day 29 - 6/18/2012
Day before my parents come to D.C. and I couldn't be more excited. Today was another typical day at
work out of session, just CRM, phones, and tours! Attended a briefing on Entomology and its effects on
society. There was a BEE there!

Chase Smolik
T - Day 30 - 6/19/2012
Today my parents arrived in D.C. for their vacation! They checked into their hotel and after I got off work
I went straight there to see them! Nothing exciting happened at work today, sorted CRM, answered
phone calls and took a Capitol Tour.
W - Day 31 - 6/20/2012
Another day at work, my commute was shorter from my parents' hotel. Same old thing, CRM, phone
calls, mail, and tours! After work we went and walked the monuments!
R - Day 32 - 6/21/2012
White House tour at 8am! Had the day off to spend with my Family! We spent some time at the
museums, and even did a Segway tour through D.C. Had a great time, and we finished it up with dinner
at Old Ebbitt Grill!

F - Day 33 - 6/22/2012
Chase Smolik
Went into work, ultimately to get sent home so I could spend more time with my family! We went
shopping through Georgetown and got to eat on a restaurant on the Potomac River.
Sat - Day 34 - 6/23/2012
Sun - Day 35 - 6/24/2012
Church with the family, then we went out to eat for lunch and spent some time at the pool! Called in
pizza and watched a movie at the hotel!
M - Day 36 - 6/25/2012
Another day off spent with my family, we used this day to relax and walked around the town. Went to
the National Zoo and through Adam's Morgan. After finishing the museums, they were exhausted. It was
a fun time!

T - Day 37 - 6/26/2012
Rented a car using Hertz On-demand Car share program to drive my parents back to the airport and
drop them off. Already miss Texas some. Traffic was crazy, but I enjoyed every second of it.

Chase Smolik
M - Day 43 - 7/2/2012
A really quiet and slow day at work out of session. Since we were off on Wednesday, it was basically
going to be two, two-day weeks!
T - Day 44 - 7/3/2012
Felt like Friday all day at work. No tours and very little constituent correspondence, so we basically just
worked on our own projects today.
W - Day 45 - 7/4/2012
July 4th we had a grillout with other apartments then went to a Pent House Suite to watch the fireworks
on the Hill. It was an impressive sight!

R - Day 46 - 7/5/2012
Another start of the two day week, and most of our office staff was not in, so the day went by extremely
F - Day 47 - 7/6/2012
Every day this week felt like Friday, today it was friday. There was one tour, and we cleared CRM.
F - Day 54 - 7/13/2012
Today we all took off of work and left for New York on Megabus at 5:45 am. We had taxis take us to
Union Station to pick up the bus, and we made it to NYC at 9:45. We dropped our stuff off at the hotel
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and went to go walk through Times Square. After the short walk, we went to see the 9/11 memorial,
and also see the Statue of Liberty. Afterwards we went to a Yankee's game in the evening and we
walked around the city. We then went back to the hotel to be ready for the next day.
Chase Smolik
Chase Smolik

Sat - Day 55 - 7/14/2012
Day 2 in NYC, we bought tickets in the morning for Mama Mia - a Broadway Show, and walked through
several shops for souvieners. The broadway show was incredible, and so was F.A.O. Schwartz, the
largest toy store in NYC. I spent some time in Central Park as well.
Sun - Day 56 - 7/15/2012
Chase Smolik
Our last day in NYC, we went to Dylan's Candy Bar and Grand Central Station, both were awesome to
see in person after hearing about them in the media. Then we returned to the bus and took MegaBus
back to D.C., where we barely made it in time for the last metro to get back to the apartment.
M - Day 57 - 7/16/2012
Today was just a typical day in the office, except everyone was exhausted from getting home so late
from NYC. Since it was Luke's birthday, I worked with my roommates to plan a way to surprise him. So
they made a cake and decorated the apartment, and even ordered pizza. We went and got ice cream at
chick-fil-a and hung out together at the apartment.

Chase Smolik
T - Day 58 - 7/17/2012
Basic day in session at the office, attended a Health Hearing for our L.D.
W - Day 59 - 7/18/2012
Typical office day today, got to attend a banquet on behalf of one of the Texas Congressman.
R - Day 60 - 7/19/2012
Another day in the office, last day in session this week!
F - Day 61 - 7/20/2012
Took off of work today so that Luke, Aubrey, and I could leave for Dover, Delaware for Firefly Music
Festival! We signed up as volunteers to attend the three day concert for only fifteen dollars!
Sat - Day 62 - 7/21/2012
A few bands went on today, and I got to meet up with an old friend from Dover. Great day, closing band
was The Killers! Looking forward to my birthday.
Sun - Day 63 - 7/22/2012
Last day in Dover. We packed up the Tent saw Death Cab for Cutie, then left for D.C. We stopped at
Sonic on the way back for food, since there isn't one in D.C. Got back home around 11pm and got ready
for Monday!
Chase Smolik

M - Day 64 - 7/23/2012
My birthday! At work we celebrated with cupcakes, and then after work the Desperados (our
apartment) went to Chili's to celebrate!
Chase Smolik

T - Day 65 - 7/24/2012
Day after my birthday, we were in session and busy. I sat at the front desk and greeted people, today I
had to give two tours since two of the interns were out.
W - Day 66 - 7/25/2012 - F - Day 68 - 7/27/2012
Normal rest of the week. Light work load besides normal duties of intern.
Sat - Day 69 - 7/28/2012
Today was my sister's birthday, I bought her gifts from NYC and had them shipped directly to her. They
arrived today. I got to skype her to watch her open them. Really looking forward to going home!
Sun - Day 70 - 7/29/2012
Went to church on the hill and explored National Mall by myself. An extremely relaxing day at the
Botanical Gardens, and exploring the air and Space museum! Finishing the tourist-y stuff in D.C.
Chase Smolik

M - Day 71 - 7/30/2012
Our last day out of session for the internship. While I thought today would be pretty relaxed, it was
today I realized that this last week would be extremely busy. Typically out of session days are much
more laid back, but as we prepared for the final week in session before August recess, it became a very
intense working environment in our office. Since we lost two interns last Friday, it was down to Brett,
Diana, and me. Diana actually showed up several hours late, ultimately to attend two back to back
hearings which resulted in her only being in the office for about an hour before she left early to go
home. Brett left for a three hour briefing without informing the Staff, and I was left alone to man the
front desk, give the tour of the day, answer phones, complete CRM, sort newspapers, greet visitors, and
complete a health-related research project for Sarah. The only advantage of today was that I was at the
Chase Smolik
front desk and had a faster computer with Windows 7. This increased my productivity, but also showed
me the essential role of interns in the House Offices. Without our help, the staff would not be able to
complete near the amount of work they need to do each and every day. The craziest point today was
while on the phone for nearly an hour listening to a constituent, a tour group arrived, a lobbyist who
'supposedly' had a meeting walked in, and an intern from another office was requesting a signature on
behalf of their Congressman. At this point it was pretty stressful but I managed to handle the traffic in
our office well and got everyone on their way. The evening was a little more relaxing as I met up with my
roommates and went to Old Ebbitt Grill on 15th and Pennsylvania Ave. This was the third time to go to
the restaurant, but it definitely is one of the best in D.C. After this we went home, and I began to pack
my boxes to be shipped home. My favorite box to pack was my USPS Flat Rate Large Box. With no
weight limit so long as you did not modify the box, I was able to fill it with all of my souvineirs and send
it home for $15. Pretty good deal for a 35lb box half way across the Country.

Thank you USPS.
T - Day 72 - 7/31/2012
After my long Monday, I knew today would be hectic. Diana did not come in to work, and Brett again
disappeared to random hearings without telling anyone. While less busy as far as traffic into the office, I
did have to take two capitol tours back to back, and didn't have a chance to grab lunch. Once I returned
to the office I had the last two hours of the day to complete CRM. I ended up staying thirty minutes after
to complete it. Although, after a long day of work I got to go with my roommates to Chinatown to enjoy
one of our last family dinners.
Chase Smolik

Last dinner in Chinatown: Jacky Diner
W - Day 73 - 8/1/2012
Another busy day on the hill. I took a tour of 14 people through the Capitol, this tour lasted nearly four
hours due to overcrowding in the Capitol. Although, everyone who went along, enjoyed it. I continued
to work on assigned projects and dealt with a few crazy constituent calls. That night the Desperados and
Lone Ranger went to Chick-fil-A for National support chick-fil-a day. The line was nearly 60 people long.
R - Day 74 - 8/2/2012
This was the last of my crazy days in session on the Hill. Again, I was left to complete the last tour and
man the front desk. A little flustered without time for lunch, it was still one of the best tours as I got to
sit with the constituents to watch the House vote in person. As I lead them through all the rooms of the
Capitol Building, it was surreal to realize that this would be the last of my days seeing the Capitol
Rotunda on a daily basis. After finishing the tour, Congressman Olson actually thanked me in person for
the excellent job I've done on tours, and I was able to thank him for the awesome opportunity. After
work we went to 'Ethiopic' an Ethiopian restaurant downtown D.C.
I had never had Ethiopian food, so it was an interesting experience, and I'm glad I got to share it
with my Aggie Roommates! After the Ethiopian food, we all went to Chick-fil-A to enjoy our last time
Chase Smolik
getting Ice Dream together, which was our way of making any day great!

F - Day 75 - 8/3/2012
My last day of work was the day I will always remember. Since our L.C. was still out of the office, I was
told to sit at the front desk of our office. This is really exciting, because not only do you get to greet
everyone when they come into the office, but you are the only desk in the front room and can work in
peace. I completed as much work as I could as I was asked to reformat over fifteen different August
Recess briefing reports and check for any grammar mistakes. I felt this was a huge responsibility but was
honored to do so, as the other interns did not receive any special assignments. After completing this, I
was sent to receive signatures for a letter from other Texas Representatives. It was at this time I was
informed my tour coordinator was able to schedule a Capitol Dome Tour. This tour was something I had
heard and longed to experience. We climbed over 350 stairs and had the chance to go to the top of the
rotunda of the Capitol. Ten feet from the Apotheosis of George Washington and Over 170 feet from the
ground, I was awe-struck. The last part of the tour was being able to walk outside onto a deck 15 feet
from the Statue of Freedom which sits atop the Capitol Building. We were able to see the city from one
of the highest points, and the views were breathtaking. After we finished the Dome Tour, Luke, Richard,
Katie, and myself headed to Library of Congress where George, one of the rare books curators gave us a
V.I.P. presentation of some of the artifacts that the Library has to offer. It was by chance that we were
able to attend this presentation as it is normally reserved for V.I.P.s such as Members or Senators. After
the two-hour presentation I returned to my office where my staff had a small going-away party. They
each personally signed and left a comment on a card for me, and purchased a space pen (which can
write underwater, in any direction, and without the use of gravity) which had the seal of the U.S. House
of Representatives. The significance of the Space pen was for Congressman Olson's strong support of
NASA. They also provided me a small book with each of their business cards and proceeded to inform
me that if I were to need anything, or ever wanted to return to the Hill that they would like to be the
first to know. I truly enjoyed working with my staff, not only were they helpful in anything I needed,
they've taught me more than I originally anticipated and helped me to build my professional network.
Not only were they coworkers, they all became close friends of mine, and I hope to see them one day in
the future.
Chase Smolik

George, Rare Books Curator of Library of Congress who provided us with the VIP Presentation!

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Never Judge a book by its cover.

Holding President Woodrow Wilson's Nobel Peace Prize, solid gold.

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Holding Charles Dickens' Original walking cane, with real ivory and the sculpted dog on the handle.

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Main reading room of the Library of Congress.
Chase Smolik

Chase Smolik
Atop the Capitol building. National Mall and Washington Monument in the background.
Chase Smolik
Just a few feet away from the Apotheosis of Washington!
Sat - Day 76 - 8/4/2012
Last Saturday in D.C., today the Desperados slowly dissipated. Thomas left around 8am to head to the
airport. Kasey left around 11am, and Richard left around 3:30pm. It was sad to see our
roommates/second family leave throughout the day. After Kasey left, we first went to eat at Good Stuff
Eatery (home of amazing burgers)and then to the pool to enjoy the D.C. sun and awesome weather.
With a high of 80, it is something I will definitely miss. After we said our goodbyes to Richard, Katie went
to Old Town Alexandria to explore the shops, and Luke and I set off towards Union Station to find
someone who could make an inexpensive key copy for those that he lost. After a long search and many
failed attempts to find someone who actually had the key, we ended up using Hertz On-Demand and
rented a Fiat 500 to head to Home Depot. We picked up Katie in Alexandria and proceeded to the store.
We had a little fun on the way, and took pictures in our 'fancy car.'

Good Stuff, that it is.
Chase Smolik

Buchanan Rooftop Pool, you will be missed.

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It took a total of 9 gallons, when it grows up I think it will be an SUV.

I felt like a Washingtonian.
Sun - Day 77 - 8/5/2012
Last Sunday in Washington D.C., after spending some time in the morning preparing a large breakfast
with Luke and Katie, (the remaining two fellow Desperados) we each went our separate ways to finish
last things we wanted to do. Luke headed to outdoor church service in Anacostia, Katie to Eastern
Market for another last trip through the massive flea market, and I went to the F.D.R. Memorial to sit by
the waterfalls as I completed my final assignment for Texas A&M and Entomology 484.

M - Day 78 - 8/6/2012

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