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Mari Degirmenci

Martin Luther King Jr.

1.0 Lesson Plan Details
Day: 7
Expected Duration: 45 minutes
Concept: Civil Rights
Vocabulary: segregation, boycott, protest, and civil rights
!ills: Reading to "ind in"ormation, and completing research#
1.1 Integration of Learning Outcomes/Objectives
tudents $ill be able to identi"y $ho %artin &uther 'ing (r# $as and the
important role he played in the segregated outh by completing an online
scavenger hunt#
1. !tan"ar"s P# $ivics% &istor'% (conomics% )eogra*h' + ,$!! -hemes I./ 0ith

1.1.1.$2 Describe the principles and ideals shaping local state, and national government.
Libert' / 3ree"om
)C#*#*+#a ###assist learners to understand the origins and interpret the
continuing in"luence o" !ey ideals o" the democratic republican "orm o"
government, such as individual human dignity, liberty, ,ustice, e-uality, and the
rule o" la$.
)C#*#*+#b ###guide learner e""orts to identi"y, analy/e, interpret, and evaluate
sources and examples o" citi/ens0 rights and responsibilities.
1.5 #ntici*ator' !et2 1oday $e $ill be continuing our studies on the outh Eastern
region o" the states#
2egin lesson by sho$ing students a 5 minute online 3ou1ube video# 4istory o" Civil
Rights %ovement http:55$$$#youtube#com5$atch6v7oy8yR)+DVl%

1.6 Proce"ures
9s a $hole class as! students about the video
1eacher: :n the beginning o" the video it mentioned 1he Emancipation
;roclamation# Does anyone !no$ $ho issued that proclamation and $hat it stood
o %a!e sure the students understand that it $as 9braham &incoln $ho
issued it and it $as to "ree slaves#
1eacher: <=hat is one thing that stood out to you in the video6>
o 4ave a "e$ students $ho volunteer share their ans$ers $ith the class#
1eacher: 4as anyone ever heard o" the Civil Rights 9ct be"ore and $hat do you
thin! it means>6
o ?se this as a guideline "or a suggested ans$er:
2e"ore *@5+ and *@A+ not everyone had the same privileges and
rights# 1he color o" your s!in decided $hether or not you could go
to a certain school, restaurant, movie theater, and even $hat $ater
"ountains you $ere allo$ed to use# 2e"ore the Civil Rights
movement, 9"rican 9mericans $ere loo!ed do$n upon as in"erior
to $hites and $ere not treated as e-ual citi/ens# 9"rican 9mericans
didn0t have voting rights and $ere "orced to abide by la$s they had
no say in creating or changing# 1he Civil Rights movement $as
the response to this un"air treatment o" 9"rican 9mericans# 9"ter
many protests, speeches, and rallies, the Civil Rights 9ct $as
passed to outla$ discrimination against 9"rican 9mericans# :t
became illegal to deny someone rights based on the color o" s!in,
such as the right to vote, attend a certain school, and use public
1eacher: Does anyone !no$ $hat segregation means6
o egregation is the "orced separation o" 9"rican 9mericans "rom $hites#
Examples are the separate schools, $ater "ountains, etc# described above#
1eacher: =ho is Rosa ;ar!s6
o 1he 9"rican 9merican civil rights activist $ho "ought alongside %artin
&uther 'ing (r# he is most "amous "or re"using to give up her seat on a
public bus "or a $hite person#
9s! students to volunteer and share something they $ould "ight "or Beither a right
they currently have or one they $ish they hadC ,ust as Rosa ;ar!s and %artin
&uther 'ing (r# did#
o ;rovide an example, such as the students could say <: $ould "ight "or my
right to have a recess a"ter lunch each day#>
Dnce there is a *+Eminute discussion revie$ing the video, end $ith as!ing the
students i" they !no$ $ho %artin &uther 'ing (r# is and $hat role he played in
the Civil Rights 9ct# Btudents $ill be able to identi"y $ho %artin &uther 'ing (r#
$as and the important role he played in the segregated outh by completing an
online scavenger huntC#
Explain to students that they $ill be spending the next F+ minutes learning more
about the li"e o" %&' through a scavenger hunt#
et students up at their computers#
4and out the $or!sheet they $ill be turning in $ith the ans$ers they "ind online#
1.1 Differentiation
*C Gor E&& students, provide $ebsites that have articles that are easier to read#
FC : $ill plan brea!s "or students $ho have :E;0s $hich state that the student has a hard
time attending to an activity "or a certain amount o" time#
1.7 $losure
9s students "inish, revie$ the importance o" $hat %&' stood "or# Read a "e$ -uotes
"rom %&'#
*C <: have a dream that my "our little children $ill one day live in a nation $here
they $ill not be ,udged by the color o" their s!in, but by the content o" their
FC <: have decided to stic! $ith love# 4ate is too great a burden to bear#>
HC <=e must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as "ools#>
&et students !no$ that $e $ill continue learning about %&' tomorro$#
1.8 3ormative/!ummative #ssessment of !tu"ents 9P.1:
3ormative assessment2 9ssess students0 ability to ans$er -uestions during
9ssess each student0s $or!sheet#
Btudents $ill be able to identi"y $ho %artin &uther 'ing (r# $as and the important
role he played in the segregated outh by completing an online scavenger hunt#C
!ummative assessment2 Exit slip Btudents $ill be able to identi"y $ho %artin
&uther 'ing (r# $as and the important role he played in the segregated outh by
completing an online scavenger hunt#C
1.; Materials/(4ui*ment
. &aptop
E martboard
E :ndividual Computers
E =or!sheet
# stu"ent materials/rea"ing resources2
1.< -echnolog'

.1 =eflection on Planning2
Dnce : !ne$ : had to $rite a lesson on connecting three southern states,
%ississippi, 9labama, and Ieorgia : thought about Civil Rights# Civil Rights $ere such a
big part o" the south it only made sense to choose this as my topic# 2eing able to cover
everything about 1he Civil Right 9ct, segregation, and all the di""erent people $ho
played an important role during the time $as going to be di""icult# 9"ter brainstorming :
came to the conclusion that : $ould "ocus on %&'#
Even though there $ere many people $ho played an important role in the outh
during that time, %&' $as a great leader $ho $as able to ma!e $orldEchanging
di""erence# 1his being said : came up $ith a lesson plan that "ocuses on %&'0s li"e and
$hat he did in the south "or 9"rican 9merican#
(/I- !LIP
)ame three things %artin &uther 'ing (r# $as "amous "or6
Content )otes
%artin &uther 'ing (r#
:# MLK
9# Early li"e
*# 2orn: (anuary *5, *@F@, 9tlanta, Ieorgia
F# Gull name: %artin &uther 'ing (r#
H# Died: 9pril 4, *@AJ in %emphis 1ennessee B9ssassinationC
4# )ic!names: Dld Ilory, the tars and tripes, and the tarEpangled 2anner
2# Gamily
*# ;arents: %artin &uther 'ing r# B;astorC K 9lberta =illiams
'ingB schoolteacherC
F# Dlder sister: Christina 'ing Garris
H# 3ounger brother: 9l"red Daniel =illiams 'ing
C# Education
*# egregated public schools
F# %orehouse College
H# Cro/er 1heological eminary $here he earned a bachelor o" Divinity degree
4# Received a doctorate in systematic theology "rom 2oston ?niversity
D# %arried li"e
*# =i"e: Coretta cott
F# Children: 3olanda Denise 'ing, %artin &uther 'ing :::, Dexter cott 'ing, and
2ernice 9lbertine 'ing
H# %arried and settled in %ontgomery, 9labama
::# >or?ing to0ar"s e4ual rights
9# Civil rights
*# 2asic rights that all citi/ens have under the la$
F# Regardless o" s!in color, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc# )obody should be
2# :mportance o" civil rights
*# ;rotects everyone
F# Doesn0t allo$ "or discrimination
H# 1reats every individual e-ually
C# *@A+0s
*# (G' $as elected president
F# 9"rican 9mericas in the outh $ere denied the right to vote, $ere sub,ect to
violence, "orbidden to use public "acilities
H# Courts $ere not providing ,ustice "or 9"rican 9mericans
4# Change $as on its $ay
:::# )overnment
9# Civil rights bill
*# Gall i" *@AH
F# ;resident (G' $as assassinated be"ore the bill $as signed
H# &yndon 2# (ohnson vice president at the time became president and signed the
4# Civil rights act $as passed
2# ;rovision o" legislation
*# ;rotect "rom discrimination in voter -uali"ication test
F# Dutla$ing discrimination in public "acilities Brestaurants, movies, hotelsC
H# En"orce desegregation in public schools
4# E-ual employment opportunities
C# Civil Rights 9ct
*# ;assed on (ulyF, *@A4
F# igned by ;resident &yndon 2# (ohnson
H# Dutla$ed segregation
4# 2anned discrimination in employment
:V. (manci*ation *roclamation
9# Declaration5Drder
*# Iiven by 9braham &incoln
F# (anuary *, *JAH
H# Greed millions o" slaves
2# 1hirteenth 9mendment
*# )either slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment "or crime $hereo"
the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist $ithin the ?nited tates, or any place
sub,ect to their ,urisdiction#
F# Congress shall have po$er to en"orce this article by appropriate legislation
V# MLK "eath
9# *@AJ
*# 9ssassinated Bshot deadC
F# %emphis, 1ennessee
H# Dn a hotel balcony ready to protest against lo$ $ages
2# Riots
*# )ational Iuards $ere brought into %emphis
F# Cur"e$ $as issued Bdus!EtoEda$n
C# 'iller
*# (ames Earl Ray
F# Gound in &ondon years later
H# ;leaded guilty and $as sentenced "or @@ years
4# Died in *@@J at the age o" 7+ Bliver diseaseC
V: >hat@s going on to"a'A
9# 2lac! history month
*# tarted in *@7A
F# Gebruary
H# Celebrates the contribution 9"rican 9mericans have made to 9merica
4# Celebrates "reedom, and e-uality
5# *@JA congress passed ;ublic &a$ @@EF44 designating Gebruary 2lac! 4istory



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