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DIAN. The Correlation Between Calori Intake and Nutritional Status in Elderly in RW
01, Kebalen Village of Babelan Sub-District, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 2013. Under guidance
of dr. MARLINA DEWIASTUTI, M.Kes dan dra. KRISTINA, MBiomed

Age will be accompanied by a decline in function and metabolism and body composition.
It can give impact toward the needs of elderly nutrition. The nutrition status of elderly is
influenced by several factors including age, gender, calori intake, degenerative disease,
infection, and physiological change of the body due to aging. Nutritional problems that
often afflict the elderly is related to the problem of lack of nutrition (malnutrition) and
excess of nutrition (obesity). Changing needs and nutritional intake should be anticipated
with the right nutrition so as not to cause problems or to worsen nutritional physical
condition elderly. The aims of this research is to find the correlation of calori intake
towards nutritional status of elderly in RW 01 Kebalen Village of Babelan District,
Bekasi, Jawa Barat 2013. The research method is descriptive analytic by using cross-
sectional design and primary data. The research population is the entire elderly in RW 01
Kebalen Village of Babelan District, Bekasi, Jawa Barat who were present during the
examination, with total amount of 40 respondents. The sample is selected by using total
sampling method. Data from subjects are general data, anthropometric data, and food
consumption interview data using the FFQ method. The data is analyzed by Chi square
method with = 0.05 and 95% confidence level. Result the majority of the nutritional
status of elderly normal with an average BMI of 22,4, the relatively more elderly calori
intake of 30%, which is sufficient for 61,7%, and 8,3% less. Statistically there is a
correlation between calori intake and nutritional status in elderly in RW 01 Kebalen
Village of Babelan Sub-District, Bekasi, Jawa Barat (p=0,000).

Keywords : Calori Intake, Nutritional Status, Elderly

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