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Russian Reform and Revolution after Catherine II

Liberal Open to new behavior, wants to change, but legally.

Radical Those who want great change and dont mind doing it illegally (Terrorists).

Conservative- They want to keep everything the way it is, holds to traditional ways.

Domestic vs. Foreign matters The liberal movement that influenced other European nations but made little
progress in Russia.

Autocratic Leader hold all of the power.

Divine Right theory The right to rule derived directly from God.

Russification Russification forced the non- Russians to use the Russian language, accept the Orthodox
religion, and adopt the Russian customs.

Pan-Slavism The union of all Slavic people under Russian leadership.
Emancipation Edict - Freed all serfs in 1861 by Alexander II.
Peoples Will Russian radicals turned to this movement of violent actions.

Pogroms Revived and intensified Russification in heavy handed discrimination against minority groups and
sponsored massacres of Jews in riots.
Nihilists An idea that all beliefs and tradition are meaningless and have no say in society.

Social Democratic Labor Party Imitation of the German Social Democratic Party which grew increasingly

Duma Upper-class meeting of boyers.

Answer the following questions:
1. Summarize Ideas:

a. Explain how liberalism affected Russias domestic policy.

The liberal political developments in Europe started to affect the Russian autocracy. Nationalist ideas appealed to
the Russian minorities, then later the liberalism ideas began to attract the educated members of the Russian
Autocracy. The Tsars took measures to try and prevent the liberalism, he began Russification forced the non-
Russians to use the Russian language, accept the Orthodox religion, and adopt the Russian customs.

b. Describe two features of Russias foreign policy.

1) In the Balkans, Russia promoted Pan-Slavism the union of all Slavic peoples under Russian leader ship.
2) Russia began to continue Expansion, east into Asia and south toward the Ottoman Empire. Expansion
towards the south was halted with the Crimean War, Russia ended up losing territory.

2. Organizing Ideas:

a. List the liberal reforms that Alexander II accomplished in Russia.

Reform the surfs (Emancipation Edict). Allowed rural areas to elect zemstvos and he reformed the courts.

b. What did he do with regard to the serfs?

He wasnt one to help the serfs out a lot, but he sold some of the land that the previously owned but he sold it at a
higher price.

2. Analyzing Ideas:

a. Why did the Revolution of 1905 fail to overthrow the monarchy?

The army remained loyal, the French lent money, and revolutionary groups were divided by goals

b. How did Nicholas II respond to the Revolution of 1905?

He issued a decree called the October which was a manifesto giving individual liberties and provides for election of
the parliament.

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