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Name: _________________________________________________ Period: ___________ Date turned in: ____________

Finish The Story: A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry

After finishing the story A Retrieved Reformation, many students were upset. How are we supposed to know what
happens after Ben Price walks away? Will he continue to watch Jimmy? Will Jimmy and Annabel get married still?
What will Annabels father think? Does Jimmy end up giving his tools away? What does he tell everyone in that room
when he turns back around- or does he continue to walk out that door?
There are one million questions that the author leaves us with, but your job is to finish up what O. Henry started. Leave
the reader with an ending that better fits the story. Complete your ending on a separate sheet of paper.

Use the following checklist to make sure you receive the best score possible!

To get 100%, I need to










The rubric we design together is coming!
Finish The Story: A Retrieved Reformation

Name: _____________________________________________________ Period: _______ Turned in: _________

Above Standard At Standard
Working toward
Below Standard
- Has a clear focus on the
text of the story; includes
key details relevant to
- Stays true to the story;
continues without break
- Dialogue believable and
shows characters traits
- Adds to the suspense of
the story
- Focus on the text of the
story; includes details from
- The story seems to
continue from where it left
off; story believable
- Character dialogue
- Adds to the story overall
- The text is used as a guide,
but trails off at times; some
details included
- The transition from the
story to the new ending is
confusing or
- Character dialogue does
not add to the continuation
- Somewhat adds to the
- Little or no evidence that
the text was used to guide
- The transition from the
story to the new ending is
non-existent or vague
- Character dialogue does
not add to the continuation
- Somewhat adds to the
- Sentence variety and
skillfully written
- Language appropriate for
story, matches the style of
O. Henry
- More than 3 paragraphs

- Sentences variety
- Language suitable for the
story, but may not match
the style of O. Henry
- Story is 3 paragraphs
- Some sentences lack
- Language slightly choppy,
but suitable for story
- Story is 2 paragraphs or
paragraph length is
- Sentences show no variety
- Language is choppy and
difficult to understand
- Story is less than 2
Grammar and
- Zero mistakes in grammar
and punctuation
- Indented where
- Name, date, and period
- Neat handwriting or typed
- 1-2 mistakes in grammar
and punctuation
- Name, date, and period
- Legible handwriting

- 3-4 mistakes in grammar
and punctuation
- Name, date, and period
- Handwriting is not neat,
but still readable
- Mistakes in grammar and
-Name, date, and period
- Illegible handwriting

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