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Spanish Language Training Courses

SPAN 1010, 1040, 2010, 2020: Elementary to Intermediate Spanish These

courses taught the fundamentals of Spanish grammar and vocabulary. They built a
foundation for learning more advanced Spanish through oral and written
assignments, projects, and presentations.
SPAN 3020: Intermediate Spanish Grammar & Composition An intensive
course focusing on Spanish structure, idioms, verbs, and vocabulary. Studies of
Spanish syntax and stylistics completed through free and controlled composition.
SPAN 3050: Spanish Composition I This course focused on spoken Spanish with
an emphasis on vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, and comprehension. Includes
written work as well as spoken-language lab assigments.
SPAN 4990: Spanish Language 4 (transfer) This course at the University of
Aberdeen developed further Spanish language skills, both receptive and productive.
Classes on grammatical and linguistic analysis, as well as separate self-study
program reinforced lessons on Spanish speaking skills.

Culture & Literature Courses

SPAN 3080: Hispanic World: Latin America This course focused on studies of
culture and history of Spanish-American countries. Emphasis was placed on the
political, economical, geographical, social, and artistic aspects of these countries
from the indigenous period to the present.
SPAN 3110: Survey of Spanish-American Literature Study of the literary
movements, authors, works, and political/cultural influences in literature from the
Colonial Period to the present in the Americas.
SPAN 3180: Spanish through Culture Conversation course that combines
Spanish language learning with studies of a wide range of artistic manifestations in
the Hispanic World.
SPAN 3990: Spain: A Cultural History (transfer) This course focused on cultural
history in the Iberian Peninsual from the early medieval period to the present day.
We explored key cultural, social, and political issues that affected the course of
Spanish history through a variety of written and visual texts. These included
narrative fiction, poetry, film, painting, and architecture.
SPAN 4070: Hispanic Film (transfer) This course at the University of Belgrano in
Argentina focused on the critical analysis of acclaimed Hispanic films. The films
were examined from cultural and political perspectives, with further focus on the
unique cinematographic techniques of Hispanic filmmakers. It introduced how film
represents the realities of the Hispanic World
SPAN 4980: Independent Culture Studies (transfer) This course at the
Equinoccial Escuela de Espaol is Ecuador focused on the cultural history of the
indigenous Quechua peoples of the Andes Region of Latin America. Oral discussions
and written compositions reinforced a closer understanding of the lives of these
indigenous groups.
SPAN 4990: Argentine Literature (transfer) - This course offered at the
University of Belgrano in Buenos Aires analyzed historically significant literature
that gave insight into the political issues that dominated 20
Century Argentina.
ENGL 1030: Accelerated Composition Training in composing correct and
effective expository and argumentative essays.
ENGL 2130: British Literature This course focused on the critical analysis of
British literature from the Middle Ages to World War II
ENGL 3999: British Literature II (transfer) This course continues the critical
analyses of British Literature after World War II.
ENGL 4350: Literary Criticism This course offered instruction in critical
approaches to Western literature.
LANG 3710: Language & Culture A study of linguistic anthropology through a
survey of key topics, theories, and methodological approaches. Examined the
complex relationships among language, culture, and communicative behavior.

Other Courses Applicable to Major

SPAN 3160: Spanish for International Trade I This Spanish course focused on
commercial Spanish. The study of written and spoken language, protocol, and
cultural environment of the Spanish business world led to a better understanding of
business vocabulary, business and cultural concepts, and situational practice of the
professional world.
SPAN 4160: Spanish For International Trade II A continuation of SPAN 3160.
This course studied more complex business vocabulary, cultural concepts, and the
business environment of Spanish-speaking nations and markets. Economics,
marketing, management, and communication principles were analyzed through a
global and local perspective.
MGT 2010: Principles of Management Study of the management, principles of
organization, and behavior in organizations.
MKT 3010: Principles of Marketing Study of principles and concepts involved in
planning, pricing, promoting, and distributing of goods and services.
MKT 3020: Consumer Behavior Examined individual and group behavioral
science concepts and how they affect consumer decision making.
MKT 4270: International Marketing Study of marketing from an international
standpoint. Focused on the differences between individual environments of foreign
markets that require modification in marketing techniques and plans.
ECON 2110: Principles of Microeconomics Study of economic reasoning
through the study of the behavior of consumers and business firms.
ECON 3100: International Economics Studies of international commerce and the
theories of trade, exchange rates, institutional and legal environments, and current
policy issues.
PRTM 3250: Global Perspectives in Recreation A study of the multicultural and
global perspective of leisure, recreation, and tourism.
PRTM 3420: Introduction to Tourism A survey of travel and tourism in the USA.
PRTM 3460: Heritage Tourism A study of tourism attractions that are related to
significant heritage sites and cultural tours.
LIT 1270: Introduction to Language & International Trade Survey of the
nature of international trade and related career opportunities.
MUSC 3170: Womens Glee (fine arts req) Three years of singing in the Clemson
Womens Choir.
HIST 4710: Studies in Modern European History A look into World War I and
the political, social, cultural, and economic effects it had on an global level.
COMM 1500: Introduction to Human Communication - Focused on theoretical
approaches to the study of communication, from interpersonal, intercultural, and
public communication.
MTHS 1020: Introduction to Math Analysis An intuitive approach to the
concepts and applications of calculus.
BIOL 1030: General Biology I Study of the evolutionary approach to cells,
cellular activity, genetics, and animal diversity.
BIOL 1050: General Biology Lab I Hands-on study of biology and evolution.
PHSC 1070: Introduction to Earth Sciences Survey of topics ranging from
geology, meteorology, astronomy, and oceanography.
NUTR 2030: Introduction to the Principles of Human Nutrition Study of the
nutrient functions and requirements, food choices, dietary adequacy, and role of
nutrition in physical fitness.

Minor Requirement

ANTH 2010: Introduction to Anthropology A cross-cultural examination of
contemporary human society, the physical evolution of humans, the development of
societies in the archaeological record, and the environmental impact of human
societies today.
ANTH 3010: Cultural Anthropology An exploration of human cultural diversity
and current global issues. Studies of food production, economic distribution,
political organization, marriage, family, and religion systems in contemporary
cultures increased the understanding of human culture.
ANTH 3990: Anthropology: Society & Nature I (transfer) This course examined
the division between society and nature, where this diversity came from, and how it
informs many understandings of humans and the environment. Lectures as well as
small tutorial groups held twice and week led to open discussions and debates on
these topics.
ANTH 3990: Anthropology: Society & Nature II (transfer) - This course
continued the examination of the division between society and nature, where this
diversity came from, and how it informs many understandings of humans and the
environment. Lectures as well as small tutorial groups held twice and week led to
open discussions and debates on these topics.
GEOG 3400: Geography of Latin America A look into the physical, economic,
political, and human/cultural geography of Latin America with special focus on
regional unity and diversity and the historical interaction of man and environment.
PSYC 3060: Human Sexual Behavior Study of human sexual behavior from a
psychophysiological, behavioral, and cultural approach. Evolutionary, historical, and
cross-cultural perspectives were examined.
SOC 2010: Introduction to Sociology Study of contemporary groups,
organizations, and societies in terms of social behavior, social change, social
structure, and social institutions.

Other Significant Courses

HIST 3990: Introduction to Scottish History A study of Scottish history from the
medieval to modern period.
AAH 2050: Art History & Theory Analysis of the stylistic developments and
specific art movements from a social, political, and religious perspective.

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