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Name: Amber Kordes Date: 10/30/14

Content Area(s) Math/Social Studies Five Frame Addition Grade(s):K5
(What do I know about the students in this
class that will help me plan the lesson?)
This lesson is in follow up to an introduction to the use of the five frames.
Students have continued to deepen their understanding of number sense and
cardinality. Some students have a clear understanding of their numbers other
are still needing higher levels of support. In this lesson we are introducing the
use of story problems to understand the real life application of addition using
numbers with in 5. This lesson is planned under the theme of fire safety which
is an ongoing social studies theme through the month of October. Students
will be engaging in a review of five frames, a small mini lesson and an
application with the use of manipulatives.
Lesson Domain(s)
WMELS, Kostelnick
Aesthetic - singing and finger play to open
Cognitive Understanding of mathematical concepts
Physical fine motor skills are used to move the manipulatives into the egg

Learning Goal(s)/
Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect
counting to cardinality.

Count to answer "how many?" questions about as many as 20 things
arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things
in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1-20, count out that
many objects.

Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images,
, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations,
expressions, or equations.

Fluently add and subtract within 5.

Instructional Objectives
(observable behaviors

- Students will interpret the given number from a five frame flash card.
- Students will identify alternative ways to create the number five.
- Students will represent the number five through manipulative
- Students will solve addition story problems using the five frame within

(Criteria/Look Fors)

- Students identify the given number on the five frame flash card.
- Students identify alternative ways to create the number 5 by showing
alternative finger combinations.
- Students represent numbers up to five through manipulative in the
egg carton five frame.
- Students solve addition story problems using the five frame within

( Concepts & Academic
Language Focus)
WMELS, Curricular Resource)

Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to create the number 5
through the use of addition with the assistance of a five frame.
(Kostelnick, Based on lesson, goals,
knowledge of students)

- Do you agree on the thinking that there is only one way to make the
number 5?
- Is the number ___ the same if I show it in this way _______________?
- What number is shown on the card?

Instructional Strategies
(Kostelnick May include but are not limited
to: Task Analysis, Scaffolding, Behavior
Reflections, Paraphrase, Modeling,
Effective Praise, Telling, Explaining,
Questioning, and Turn &Talk/Pair Share.)

- Questioning
- Modeling
- Turn and talk
- Whole Group Instruction
- Use of manipulatives

- White Board and Markers
- Five Frames one for each student ( egg carton or picture)
- Manipulative for each student. ( Bag of 5 firemen and 5 hats)
Instruction Procedures
(w/Time - Total & by section Kostelnick)

Introduction: (Finger Play)
With Students sing the finger play Five Little Fireman
Five Little Firemen
Five little firemen standing in a row,
1 2 3 4 5 lets go.
Jump on the engine with a SHOUT,
As quick as a wink the fire is out.

Four little firemen standing in a row,
1 2 3 4 shhh lets go.
Jump on the engine with a Shout
As quick as a wink the fire is out.

Three little firemen standing in a row,
1 2 3 shhh shhh lets go.
Jump on the engine with a Shout
As quick as a wink the fire is out.

Two little firemen standing in a row,
1 2 shhh shhh shhh lets go.
Jump on the engine with a Shout
As quick as a wink the fire is out.

One little firemen standing in a row,
1 shhh shhh shhh shhh lets go.
Jump on the engine with a Shout
As quick as a wink the fire is out.
Choose five children to be the firemen.
Shout the SHOUTand fingers to lips to whisper shhh
(Video for Tune and Example: )
After the song : Today we are going to continue our thinking about
numbers by using our five frames. Im going to hold up a five frame
and I would like you to think of what number it represents. When you
know give me a thumbs up under your chin.
o Call on a few students each card, repeat.

I was told the other day something about number that I was thinking
about and I wonder if everyone here can help me in my thinking. I
was told that this was the only way that I can make the number 5.
Hold up one hand with five fingers up.
Do you agree or disagree with what I was told? Talk with your elbow
partner if you agree or disagree agree that this is the only way that I
can make the number 5. Ask students to share their thinking.
Together explore what that would look like on the five frame.
Explain to the students that addition is when we add other two
numbers or things to make a new number of how many we have
Explain that addition can be often explained in a story.
Provide a story problem and demonstrate for the students how to use
the five frame in explaining the problem.
On our fire truck we are going to take 2 hats and 1 hose. How many
thing have we put on our truck on all? Demonstrate how we have
added the items to the truck (five frame) and how we got to the
o Repeat if needed.

Have students move to their tables where they each have a set of
manipulative and an egg carton five frame.
Allow students the change to look at the manipulative and try to make
a few numbers in the five frame. Ex: 4 hats, 2 hoses
Give the students a story problem in which they first add one item
then another to their frame. Have students discuss the answer step by

Give students a story problem in which they first add one item then
another item to their frame. Observe students in their application of
the correct number of manipulatives. Have students again share in
their counting.

(Summarize the lessons learning, connect
to objectives, foreshadow next day)
To close have students complete an exit slip of their final problem. This exit
slip will demonstrate a picture of their five frame, the problem and the
Student Accommodations
(Modifications to support students who are
challenged to understand the content or
For students that have an advanced understanding of the concept have them
work in a small group where they would be rolling a dice to determine the
numbers and adding for larger numbers. ( use a ten frame and a dice 0-5)

have an advanced understanding)
For students that need further assistance in number sense have the numbers
1-5 written in the bottom of the five frame.

For students whom need accommodations with fine motor skills needed for
the hands on application use larger items such as bean bags and buckets.

(How well did my lesson support students
understanding relative to the objectives?
What worked, did not work? What
adjustments might be made in the future?)

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