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Essential Learning Area : Science and English

Focus : Germination

Area : Living World, Speaking, Writing, and Presenting

Achievement Objectives
Science Level 2
Living World
Life processes:
Recognise that all
living things have
requirements so
they can stay alive

Science Level 3
Living World
Life processes:
Recognise that
there are life
processes common
to all living things
and that these occur
in different ways.

Excellence producing good quality daily journal entries.
Innovation, enquiry, and curiosity by thinking critically,
creatively and reflectively.
Care for the environment thinking of ways to help our school
and wider communities.

English Level 2
Organise texts, using
a range of structures.
- uses knowledge of
word and sentence
order to communicate
meaning when
creating text;
- organises and
sequences ideas and
information with
some confidence;
- begins to use a variety
of sentence structures,
beginnings, and

English Level 2
Organise texts, using
a range of appropriate
- Organises written
ideas into paragraphs
with increasing
- Organises and
sequences ideas and
information with
increasing confidence;
- Uses a variety of
sentence structures,
beginnings, and

Key Competencies:
Thinking students will use critical and creative processes to
make sense of information and the experience they have with
their learning.
Participating and contributing students will demonstrate.
Using language, symbol, and texts students will use language
and text to understand and present their findings, including ICT.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

Understand the importance of sunlight, water, warmth, and soil for the proper germination of seeds
through prediction and observation.
Reflect and keep a record using pictures and sentences to show the daily changes of germination.
Experience an EOTC day where seeds are sort and looked after to preserve native trees and to learn
about education others.
Present our understanding and findings of the germination conditions and cycle.
- Youtube/apple tv
- Book creator app
- Blog site

Class trip to McLaren falls

Key Vocabulary:

Carbon dioxide


Teacher observations
Students read and share their predictions in small groups. Encourage students to give constructive
feedback using Buddy Writing guidelines - two positives first and then Maybe you could....... Perhaps
next time you might like to .....
Rubric for presentations

Learning Experience 1:


W.A.L.T - Understand the importance of sunlight, water, warmth, and soil for the proper
germination of seeds through prediction and observation.

-Ipads with book


Have students complete a K.W.I.Q chart on germination.

Define germation as starting to grow.

Watch youtube video about the germination of seeds:

-Three different seeds

per group
-Three clear plastic
cups per student

In co-operative groups of three come up with the ideal conditions for a plant to
germinate spoken in the youtube clip. (water, temperature, carbon dioxide,

-Paper towels

sunlight, nutrients).

-Watering can

Give each group a different condition to discover its meaning and report back to
the class. (L2 in a few key words/ L3 in a sentence).

-Apple TV

Provide softened seeds which cut in half to observe the seed coat, stored ford,

-Name labels

-Blog site

and embryo.

Hand out 3 different seeds per group with equipment needed.

L2 -Using book creator on ipads, take a picture and write key words of findings
each day.

L3 Using a blog page, create a daily blog using pictures and a paragraph of
findings each day. (changes, colour, sunlight, environment)

For their first page have students predict what they think might happen (timing,
differences in conditions etc)

We will be successful when we:

Understand what germination means.
know at least 3 ideal conditions for a plant to germinate.
are able to predict what might happen.
Home learning: have students watch a video each night about how different seeds
need different conditions.


Learning Experience 2:
W.A.L.T - Reflect and keep a record using pictures and sentences to show the daily
changes of germination.

Recap on previous lesson word meanings and conditions for seeds to germinate
successfully. (draw out science language).

Have students get into groups of 3 and have them talk about a video they watch
for home learning. (encourage the use of scientific language).

Ask a few students to share.

Before todays video have students predict and think, pair, share what Doug
might mention about the types of conditions use for germination.

Watch Doug Smittys Video:


Where did Doug grow his seeds?

What types of conditions did Doug talk about?

Which seasons did Doug talk about?

How might you change your environment for your seeds?

What will you need to watch for?

Put students into groups for EOTC experience.

Have them come up with 4 questions they want answered from the park ranger
which include the words sunlight, water, environment, nutrition, soil, warmth.

Allow time for daily photos and write up observations.

We will be successful when we:

Able to participate and contribute to group discussions by asking questions and
sharing thoughts.
Write 4 questions using the words of germination to ask the park ranger.


-youtube clip
-EOTC groups
-Paper for questions

Learning Experience 3:


W.A.L.T - Experience an EOTC day where seeds are sort and looked after to preserve
native trees and to learn about education others.

Take students to McLaren Falls and have the park ranger show them different
seeds, how we find them, how they might be moved from one place to another
(conditions etc)

Students will then work in their previously organised groups to help the ranger
plant some of these seeds for sale.

Have students work in groups to present (through drama or using lego movie
app) a step by step plan to help others in the community find and grow seeds at
home. Remember to encourage language about environment, water, soil, light,
warmth etc)

We will be successful when we:

Explain using key words (L2) or sentences (L3) how seeds might be moved
from place to place.
Provide a step by step plan to encourage others in community to grow seeds at

Leaning Experience 4:


W.A.L.T Present our understanding and findings of the germination conditions and

Have students present their learning of germination to the class through a

-K.W.L.Q charts

poster, comic strip or using keynote on ipads. (using key words learnt)

Discuss our predictions (were they right/wrong, why were they right/wrong, what

Have students complete their K.W.L.Q chart on germination.

We will be successful when we:

Present our new knowledge of the conditions needed for germination using
pictures, key words (L2), sentences (L3) and diagrams.

Compare and contrast
different conditions for
germination and explain
why/why not they would be

Describe the basic
conditions that are needed
for successful germination.

List the basic conditions that
are needed for successful

What do I

What do I Want What I have

to find out

What questions
do I still have

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