Anda di halaman 1dari 2


waver vary with alternating tendencies undulate change unsteadily
-tepid drinks
tepidity lukewarm
tepidarium a warm room
popular rule
the people
demos the people
articulus a joint part
enunciate clearly
jointing of sounds
embarrassed confused
-comport yourself properly
conduct behave
-fiscal uncertainty
financial collection and expenditures of taxes
fisc state treasury
fiscal relates to the finances of a government or a state
-abdicates his right
renounces to resign surrender withdraw
non transparent allowing no vision
opaque is opposite of transparent
-unusually morose
ill humored sullen gloomy bitter unsociable
-can never petrify
harden to turn to stone paralyze with fear
petrology the study of rocks
peaceful calm still smooth tranquil mollifying
pacific ocean named by magellan
-the dial of the clock
face as a sundial graduated disk of anything
dies day
-synthetic rubber
artificial manufactured factitious not natural
syn together
-pleasant potion

drink draught dose of medicine in liquid form

-effrontery to ask
impudence boldness audacity shamelessness
affront insult outrage offend
-the boy sauntered
walked idly amble stroll aimlessly ramble
ramble here and there
saunter to move in one direction
-they rushed into the breach
opening broken through a wall fissure split rift break
fray means exchange of blows
breach is a quarrel but not blows
-pirouetted by
danced whirl about in a toe dance spin twirl
sleep producing
l. Somnus sleep
somnolent sleepy
stimulating is its opposite

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