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Reading Response Log 3

Chalk Dust pages 60-90


The only thing I know for that we all have to learn to deal with our problems
openly and honestly (pg. 61)
Why should I have to prepare your young children for such adult situations and
choices? Put more plainly, why do you allow your kids to attend parties where theres
alcohol. (pg. 63)
Unfortunately, we had no special classes for Miguel. Indeed, given our limited funding,
we struggled just to maintain our existing program for immigrants (pg. 79)


Why do some parents leave it up to the schools to teach students about drugs and
Should all students be required to do some type of community service in order to
How do you react when students act like your job is the same thing every year and has
little meaning?

Points of Interest

Pg. 80 talks about a teacher whose only focus was to move up as an administrator and
didnt care about teaching
Pg. 78 talks about English Language Learners and how programs arent beneficial and
they end up falling even more behind or drop out.
Pg. 74 Gives an idea that doing some type of community service or volunteer work is
essential for students in order to grow as a person
Pg. 82 Its important to know how to help students cope when they lose a friend or
loved one
Pg. 86 There is a former student Mr. Ellison runs into years later and they student asks if
hes still teaching the same thing at his school like his job is mundane and repetitive

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