Anda di halaman 1dari 2

1. Jesus gave His Sacrifice because our sins, Jesus loves us.

2. Remember, to keep goodness to every ones.

3. Jesus said, I am always with you and then come back to Father.
4. Take your time with kindness.
5. Be smart, because we understand His Words.
6. Live with wisely, use your time!
7. Jesus death for sins people by Gods time.
8. Remember, there is a time that a person hates Christ. This is the last time.
9. Teach them with Gods words to you.

God always with us forever more.


I thank to God because everything is good.


Jesus gives Himself. Thats witness.


There is a time, which Jesus hears and saves us.


Time had been entire which Kingdom Heaven is close.


Repent and believe to His Words, because the time is coming.


God knows, that in the time you will eats and your eyes open.

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