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Pada awal perjalanan, tekanan udara dalam ban motor adalah 406Pa
dengaqn suhu

C . Setelah berjalan dengan kecepatan tinggi , tekanan

ban motor berubah menjadi 461 Pa , Tentukan suhu udara sekarang

A. 25C
B. 47C
C. 77C
D. 84C
E. 54C

At the beginning of the journey , the air pressure inside the tire is 406Pa with
C. After ride with high speed , the pressure of the tire become 461 Pa ,
determine the temperature of the tire after the ride
A. 25C
B. 47C
C. 77C
D. 84C
E. 54C

Known :

T1 = 15C
P1 = 406 Pa
P2 = 461 Pa


Answer :

P1/T1 =P2/T2
T2 = P2 . T1/P1
T2 = 327 K
T2 = 54C

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