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Physical Development:

Observation Form
Date of Observation:_____22 April 2014____
Time of Observation:___9:00-9:45_____ (approximately 30 minutes)
Age of Child Observed:___5 years __ (ages 4-6)
Domain Observed (physical, social/emotional or cognitive): __Physical __
Type of Setting: Class just left circle time, they are now outdoors, play space is compact, no
room for bike riding and running around, no grass to sit upon, very thrown together.
Identify which Informal Narrative Assessment Tool that you used: _Running Record__
(Please use Running Record found on p.51 textbook.)
Include your observation notes and comments here: (This part need to be about page.)

She cuts a straight line in and shapes out of

the paper
Child waits at the fence for her classmate
she grabs hand of classmate and run to the
play school kitchen sink
they use buckets to fill sink up with dirt
and mulch
She goes under shelter and gathers another
friend (girl)
the three of them go back to the kitchen
they continue to play in that area
pretending to bake sweet treats
her friends leave and go play with other
children, she leaves and goes to play catch
with the teacher
she includes herself in the game after
asking to play
one student misses the catch, her and him
race to get the ball
he gets the ball and she tattles on him for
not letting her get the ball.
Teacher lets her know that it is more than
one ball, she can go play with another ball
she picks a blue ball and kicks it into the
fence (repeatedly)
she takes ball and rolls it down the slide to
catch it


I asked to see if she could perform this

stood calling friends name to go play
They pretend to make snacks most of the
time the class stayed outdoors. They made
up their own games that were fun to them.
The three of them play together a lot, she
tells them what to do, and how to make the
the girls walked away and she wandered
with a lonely look on her face towards the
teacher who was playing with some of the
other students
She caught more balls than her peers, but
she becomes bothered if the other students
do not want her to have what they have

What milestones did you observe in this specific domain?

The milestones I have observed were improved body function; yet still can fall easily. She was running
and tripped over her own feet in a game of tag. She enjoyed small cooperative games, she played with a
few students more so than she did the others. She also had some well developed hand-eye coordination
when she played catch with her friends.

Observation Form
Date of Observation:_____23 April 2014___________
Time of Observation: 2:00-2:30 (approximately 30 minutes)
Age of Child Observed: 5 years (ages 4-6)
Domain Observed (physical, social/emotional or cognitive): Social/Emotional
Type of Setting: They were just getting up from nap, and had eaten snack, and were in
centers. 9 children total in classroom. Her friends that she mainly played with were
gone. She is in fine motor center.
Identify which Informal Narrative Assessment Tool that you used: Running Record
(Please use Running Record found on p.51 textbook.)
Include your observation notes and comments here: (This part need to be about page.)

She builds structures with lego's and tells

the teacher look what I made!
takes it apart, using same blocks to make
something different and asks teacher to
look to see what she did.
Does this repeatedly until the teacher asks
her to do something different within her
she packs away he blocks and gets out the
lacing activity the teacher suggested
she tells teacher she did it and teacher
gives her praise by saying awesome
she smiles and does all the lacing kits in
the bin she got it out of (3 lacing kits)
She asks to switch to a different center
She goes to books, boy in books does not
want her in his center as he called it
she tells the teacher the issue teacher
regulates and student stays in books
she moves slowly over to the couch to sit
down, then has a seat
she gets back up to get a book and moves
slowly back to the couch to take her seat
she flips through book and asks to go to a
different center
she goes to blocks and plays by herself


She seeks the attention of her teacher

frequently as if looking for a pat on the
back for everything she does
she never added to the structures she built
she just reconstructed them
teachers tone goes from excitement
unenthusiastic after about the fifth time of
her saying look what I made
She does the lacing patterns and smiles
when she is done, as if she is pleased with
the work she had just done
she timidly goes to have a seat beside the
boy who verbally said that This is my
center, no girls allowed They show no
interest in trying to read or be cordial to
each other
she feels unwelcomed an asks to go
somewhere else

What milestones did you observe in this specific domain?

I noticed she was very eager to receive adult praise, she enjoyed exploring new activities, and she is
learning to cooperate with others, although she at times is selfish.

Observation Form
Date of Observation: 24 April 2014
Time of Observation: 11:30-12p (approximately 30 minutes)
Age of Child Observed:5 years (ages 4-6)
Domain Observed (physical, social/emotional or cognitive): Cognitive
Type of Setting: In the classroom at circle time. Class size 15 students
Identify which Informal Narrative Assessment Tool that you used: Running Record(Please
use Running Record found on p.51 textbook.)
Include your observation notes and comments here: (This part need to be about page.)

Teacher calls on her and asks what day is it

she hunches shoulders, teacher gives clues,
she remains silent (teacher moves on)
student begins messing in the blocks
teacher asks her to please pay attention
students leaves blocks alone and pays
attention for a few seconds
turns and starts messing in blocks again,
teacher asks her to pay attention
Class goes over alphabets and phonemics
teacher holds up letter R and asks her what
letter is it
student hunches shoulders, teacher asks
class as a whole, class responds
teacher holds up letter S and asks what
letter is it, student hunches shoulders again
They go over entire alphabet and put it
away. Moving on to reading stories
Teacher reads story, student is messing
with art on the wall, she rips it.
Teacher asks her why did she do that, how
would she feel if someone ripped her
Student hunches shoulders and does not
respond to any of the questions being
They move on through the book and are
getting ready for centers


Student does not answer any questions

directed towards her
Her focus are in the things around her and
not the information being covered at circle
Teacher has looks of of frustrations when
the student does not answer but
continuously hunches her shoulders
Student does not know when her birthday
is, this was a question posed by teacher to
release the other students to centers. If
they got it correct they went to centers, if
not they were asked another question
After covering the days of the week and
what day that it was for them, student still
did not know what day it was
seems as though information is boring or
not challenging enough for student to stay

What milestones did you observe in this specific domain?

She spoke language better than she understood it, although speech needs some work; this was the only
milestone I have noticed that she has reached on this day of my observation.

Asia Kiniel
27 April 2014
EDU 145 N01
Child Development II
Observation Summary
The child I observed is a five year old female, she attends a child development center and is in the
preschool class. She comes from a home that consists of a mother, a father, and a little brother, who
attends the development center as well. The brother has developmental delays but has not been tested.
He recently turned two years old and he is not speaking, cannot sit in a chair without being strapped in,
and has not started potty training. The mother is a person who you have to be careful of how you
deliver information to concerning the developmental level of her children. She has placed blame on the
center and the caregiver's, but will not get the children tested, to proceed with early intervention. This
student in particular is the oldest of the two. She talks back to the grandmother in hasty tones, and
beats on the brother, leaving bruises in visible places such as the face and arms (information delivered
by parents to caregivers). In class she does not hit but rather tattles and involve herself in situations that
are not her concern. She is not meeting the requirements to go on to kindergarten and caregiver shows
great concern for her well being. Parents do not work with her on important tasks such as alphabets,
numbers, and writing, it is also believed by caregivers that she has speech delays due to the fact that
she does not speak very well to be a five year old. This child is operating in the pre-operational stage,
she does think of everything only on how it relates to her as well as taking words for their literal
meaning based upon her comments recorded in the cognitive development observation. Within this
stage, she is also at the egocentrism stage, meaning that she only see's things from her point of view
(Theories of Childhood, pages 69-71). Throughout this entire observation, she has not answered for her

wrong doings, but responds with random tid bits of information about her life as she sees it. For
example, the children were sitting down at lunch and were discussing the new spider-man episode they
had seen, she tells the class she has a new kitty. This information may not have been on one accord
with what they were discussing but the fact that the episode was new, she made the connection to her
new kitty. Her physical development appears to be her most advanced domain. She is has a well
developed sense of hand-eye coordination compared to those in her class, from observing her play
catch, she caught more balls than the other children who were playing. Her fine motor skills on
developed she still needs a reminder of how to hold scissors when cutting but she is able to cut on the
straight line. Her large motor are developed she can use large motions to do things such as kick and
climb and jump (
She shows the lowest development in the cognitive domain. She does not seem to process information
well nor is she able to recollect information that was just told to her for example her birthday, and the
day of the week. She also does not speak clearly or follow two or three step commands well
( I would choose activities and
manipulatives based on counting and alphabets to prepare her for kindergarten. She would do more
letter, sound patterns and recognition. Her social/emotional development is the most typical, according
to Developmental Characteristics and Interests of School-Age Children, and my observations she is
eager for adult praise, she prefers to play in small groups, and is learning to play with others while, at
times, still being selfish. For example in my observation, she was outside playing and another student
had the ball she wanted the ball and tattled on the student for having the ball first. I would play the
happy, sad, angry, glad game. This game focuses on emotions and the names to go with them to
enhance the language skills, and able them to tell when their friends are not so happy by their facial
expressions. I feel the parents could become more involved in the education and development of the
children, respectfully they should get the children tested for developmental delays. If early intervention
is in process the children, specifically the child I observed, may have been more prepared for

kindergarten, and the caregiver's will be able to help the brother succeed in class.

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