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Circles INVESTIGATION 5A AREA AND CIRCUMFERENCE Pace For You to Explore 1. One way to estimate the area of a blob is to copy it onto ‘grid paper and count the number of squares inside the blob, estimating the fractional pieces. Another way is the “coloring method.” At a regular pace, shade ina figure whose area you know, and time yourself. Then shade in the blob, at the same pace, and time yourself again. The ratio ofthe times should approximate the rato of the areas. 2. One way to estimate the perimeter of a blob isto approximate the curve with line segments and measure them, Another way is to fit a piece of string along the border and then measure the length ofthe string. You could also use a “tracing method.” Moving a pencil at a ‘constant rate, trace a figure whose perimeter you know, and time yourself. At the same rae, trace the perimeter of the blob, and time yourself. The ratio of the times should approximate the rato ofthe perimeters. 3. Estimates will depend on the blob and method used. (On Your Own 4. (a) There are 5 squares inside the figure. (b) Each square has an area of } square inch, The area of the blob is definitely greater than $ square inches. 5. (a) There are 27 squares contained by or touching the figure. () Each square has an area o the blob is definitely less than square inch, The area of 2 square inches, Maintain Your Skills 6, Since the square measures 2 em on a side, i 4m? After the square has been scaled, its area has decreased by a factor of 4, so the final area is | em* 7. The octagon measures 1m on a side. If you draw segments cutting the octagon up into eight triangles, all ‘meeting atthe center, you can measure the height of one of these triangles to be about 1.2cm. The area of each of the eight triangles is then about 4(1.em)(1.2cm) = 0.6em?, so the total area is about 4.8cm?. After the ‘octagon has been sealed, its area has increased by a factor of 4, so the final area is about 19.3.em2 pages 117-141 8. Since the base of the parallelogram is 2 cm and its height, is Lem, its area is 2em?, After the parallelogram has been sealed, its area has decreased by a factor of 9, so the final area is about 0.22 em®. ee Ren cesT Check Your Understanding 1, Because a circle is symmetric, you can use the mesh to approximate the area of half of the circle, and then ‘multiply by 2 to estimate the total area (or use the mesh to approximate the area of one fourth of the circle, and ‘multiply by 4). As you use finer meshes, your area estimates should be approaching a value a little bit larger than 3 square inches. Fxpect there to be variation between which squares some people call “inside” and which they call “touching, (@) The area of a mesh square is 4 square inch, There are about 4 squares inside, fora total of 4% 4 square inch = 1 square inch, There are about 16 squares partially overlapping or inside the circle, fora total of 16 x } square inch = 4 square inches () The area ofa mesh square is 45 square inch, There are about 32 squares inside, fora total of 32 x 4 square inch = 2 square inches. There are about 60 Squares partially overlapping or inside the cree, for 2 otal of 60 >< square inch = 3.75 square inches. (©) The area of a square is 4; square inch. There are bout 164 squares inside for a total of 164 x 4, square inc square inches. There are about 354 squares partially overlapping or inside the circle, fora toal of 24 x zy square inch = 3.5 square inches (@) The area of a square is 34g square inch. There are 732 squares inside, fora total of 732 25 square inch ~ 2.86 square inches. There are about 836 squares partially overlapping or inside the circle, fora total of 856 x sie square inch ~ 3.34 square inch As the mesh gets finer, the area ofthe squares inside the circle gets closer to the area of the squares that are partially overlapping or inside the circle, and both of these estimates get closer to the actual area of the circle, 2. (a) Answers may include the idea of placing the blob on, 4 grid, finding how many squares are completely nside the blob (the inner sum), finding how many squares are either inside or partially overlapping the blob (the outer sum), and using these two numbers as, Geometry Solutions Manual © Chapter, page 117 ‘range within which the actual area must fall. To ‘make better and better estimates, you use a finer and finer mesh as the grid (smaller squares). (©) The area of a3 right triangle is 6 square inches. (© A first approximation, using a 1 in. x 1in. grid, will probably lace the area between 3 and 9 square inches. A second approximation, using a } in. x } arid, will probably place the area between 1S square inches = 4.5 and 2 square inches = square inches. Finer grids give even better approximations. ‘3. The ratio ofthe area ofthe smaller crescent moon to that of the larger one is (38)°, which is about 0.605. 4. (@) The scale factor is 3. So the area of the larger circle is 3°, or 9 times the area of the smaller circle. (&) The scale factor is $. So the area of the larger circle is (3)?, or § the area of the larger circle. 5. See solution to Exercise 8. 6. See solution to Exercise 8. 7._ See solution to Exercise 8. 8. This table is filled out using the pictures in the Student Edition. If you used your own pictures, your numbers ‘may vary from those shown below. Remember, whenever ‘measurement is involved, answers are only approximations! Number of sides | Outer perimeter | Inner perimeter | Difference 4 204em 144em_ ‘Gem e 160m 1S2em, L.6em 16 T6em 15Sem, OSem, The circles perimeter is between 16.5cm and 16.9cm. ‘The average of the upper and lower bounds is not the true perimeter but it gives a reasonable estimate of 16.7 cm. 10. As the number of sides of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons increase, the difference between the outer and inner perimeters gets smaller. As the perimeters of the polygons are both getting closer and closer to the circle’s circumference, they must also be getting closer and closer to each other. (On Your Own 11, (@) Estimates depend on the blob you have drawn. Your {nner and outer estimates should be closer (both to each other and to the actual area ofthe blob) when using the finer mesh. (©) The number of squares of !-in, con the blob you started with, but should be approximately 4 times as many as the estimate for the original blob measured with the 4 When you use !-in, mesh to measure the scaled blob, the number of squares should be about four times as many as with the }-in. mesh, because each square is one-fourth the size of the }-in. squares. ‘When you use the 1-in. mesh to measure the scaled blob, you will get about one-fourth the number of squares as when you used the 4-in. mesh, because each of the squares is four times the size. (©) You should find that the number of squares that best approximates the area of the original blob when using 4-in. graph paper is about the same as the number of squares you found for the best estimate of the area of the scaled blob using 1-in. graph paper. Similarly, the number of squares that best approximates the area of the original blob when using 4-in. graph paper is about the same as the ‘number of squares that best approximates the area of the dilated blob using 4-in. graph paper. (@ When you stretch a grid and the blob drawn on it uniformly in all directions, the squares that belong to the inner sum still belong. In the same manner, the squares that belong to the outer sum still do. ‘Therefore the inner and outer sums, in terms of ‘numbers of squares, remain constant. So the estimated area, in terms of numbers of squares, remains constant for whatever factor the blob and arid are scaled by. 12, Take It Further. (@) The squares become rectangles with one side twice as Jong as the other. () The new shape (rectangle) has twice the area of each original square. (© The areaof the new blob is twice the area of the old blob. (@ No. The original blob is only stretched in one direction, For the stretched blob to be a scaled copy of the original, it would have to be stretched equally in both directions. 13. The curve is approximately 7} inches long. 14. (a) You might compare your finger to the scale of the ‘map and see that your pinky, from its tip to the first knuckle, is about 10 miles. Then if you count pinky-tip-to-knuckle steps along your route and ‘multiply the number of such steps, you can approximate the distance you have to travel. (b) The distance you compute will vary depending on where your hometown is. 15. Let the radius of the circle be r. Then the length of one side of the cizcumscribed square is 2r and the length of ‘one side of the inscribed square is /2r. The perimeter of the circumscribed square is 8r and the perimeter ofthe inscribed square is 4/2r. The ratio of the perimeters is digs = fy = V2 The comect answers A. Maintain Your Skills 16. (a) The new side length is 2cm. (b) The old faces all had area 1 cm?. The new faces all, have area 4em?. (©) The old volume was 1 cm?. The new volume is 8cm?. Geometry Solutions Manual © Chapter 5, page 118 17. (a) The new side length is 3em. (®) The new faces all have area 9em?, (©) The new volume is 18, (a) The new side length is } em. (©) The new faces have area } cm? (©) The new volume is { cm?. 19, (a) The new side length is r cm. (b) The new faces have area r? cm*, (©) The new volume is r? cm’. 20, When you scale a three-dimensional blob by a factor ofr, its volume changes by a factor of r?. necting Area and Circumference Check Your Understanding 1. IfC = 6.25mandr = 1m, you can substitute into the formula A= }Cr to find A = 3.125 m?. 2. (a) The radius of the circle is half ofthe square’s diagonal, soit is half of V2? +2 = 2/3 or, simply, Vem. (&) Now use the formula A = Cr to find the area. You will get A = 4(8.9cm)V/Zem * 6.29 em’. 3. An angle with its vertex a the center ofthe circle and whose sides go through the endpoints of one of the sides ofthe hexagon has a degree measure of 2° = 60" — LY The triangle 4AOB (in the figure above) is isosceles, because OA © OB (they are radi ofthe circle). Therefore, the angles ZOAB and ABO are congruent and equal in measure to half of 180° — 60° = 120", which means they ae both congruent to ZAOB. Thus, AAOB is equilateral. ‘Therefore, the radius ofthe circumscribed circle is ‘congruent to the side ofthe inscribed regular hexagon. 4, Remember that the side ofa regular hexagon isthe same Jength asthe radius of its circumscribed circle. So, the hexagon’s perimeter is 6in. The apothem of the inscribed hexagon is the height of an equilateral triangle with 1 as a side. Therefore itis #8. (You can find using the Pythagorean Theorem and an altitude of the equilateral triangle.) Now use the formula A = Pa to find the hexagon’s area. This is }(6in.)(*2 in.) 2.6in2, The shaded area is the area ofthe circle minus the area of the hexagon. Therefore, the area of the circle is about 0.54 in + 2.6in., or 3.14in2, Now use the formula A= Cr to find the circumference. 2A _ 2G.1 r Tin, ‘On Your Own 5 @) Step sigs have gh sides, (Since circhmeenter divides ach median iat wo segments of which one is double the other, the apothem is 1 cm. To find the side ofthe triangle, you ccan use the small right triangle pictured atthe side. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to get s? + 1 4s = V3. But is only half the side of the triangle. So the side of the triangle is 2/3, and its perimeter is 63. To find the area, use A = } Pa = 3(6V/3)(1) 33. 6. You cannot use A = } Pa for irregular polygons, In developing that formula, you divide a regular polygon into n congruent triangles 50 that each triangle has an area sa, where is the sidelength of the polygon. In an inregular polygon, these triangles will not all be congruent, there will be different sidelengths and 4ifferent heights at each side. So you cannot use the formula. ‘7. ‘The shortest distance you have to push the toy car isthe length of the circumference of the wheel. Use the formula ‘A= $Cr to find this circumference. 2A _ 2(5cm*) | = Ta6em = 79" 8 Use the formula A = Cr. A = }(264mm)(42mm) = '3544em?, The correct answer is C. 9. ‘As the pipes make one revolution, the horizontal distance that they travel isthe same as their circumference, 8 inches. It is tempting, then, to say that the shed moves 8 inches. But in fact, the shed moves more than that. As the shed is pushed, it slides along the pipes. How much does it slide? Eight inches, since this is how far the pipes move. Thus, the total distance the shed moves isthe sum of the distances traveled by the pipes and by the shed sliding along the pipes. The total distance the shed moves is 48 inches. 10, Let s be the sidelength ofthe regular polygon with sides inscribed in a circle of radius 1. Let f be the sidelength of the regular polygon with 2n sides inscribed in the same circle. You want to show that Va-Vi=a Notice that in each polygon, the vertices are evenly spaced along the circle. Suppose you have already drawn the polygon with n sides. Take two consecutive vertices, Geometry Solutions Manual « Chapter, page 119 A and C, and look atthe arc of the circle they span. Find the midpoint ofthis ar, and call it B. Then A, B, and C will be consecutive vertices of the polygon with 2n sides. By adding new vertices in between the “old” ones in this ‘way, you create the 2n vertices you need for the new polygon: tf Now draw segment OB. Because you are working with ‘evenly spaced points on the circle, this segment bisects 4A0C, s0 mLAOB = mLCOB __Let D be the point of intersection of OB with the side ‘AC. By the SAS congruence test, AOD = ACOD. ‘This means that Now look at AOAD, and let x = OD. By the Pythagorean Theorem, ae(y fF Now look at ADB, and let y = DB. Again, apply the Pythagorean Theorem: pe 7+(5) : Because OB radius, you know that you know that si ee ‘Substituting this expression for y? in the equation for ¢ above gives ‘This is exactly what you wanted to show. Maintain Your Skilis 11. (@) Check student's work. (b) » LBKO = 90°. “KOB LOBK = 60" LION = 60°. (NIO = 90°. (©) The triangles are congruent by ASA. You have proved that all angles are congruent and OB © OW because they are radi ofthe same circle. Geometry Solutions Manual » Chapter 8, page 120 (@ Since the triangles are congruent, al oftheir corresponding sides are congruent. In particular, OK corresponds with NJ, and therefore they are ‘congruent. (©) The tiangle’s apothem is OR. This isa side of one of the two congruent triangles. Its corresponding sie is NJ, which is also half the side ofthe equilateral triangle inseribed in the circle. Therefore, the hexagon’s apothem is half ofthe equilateral tiangle’s side 5A_MATHEMATICAL REFLECTIONS 1. The technique referred to is the one described in Lesson 5.2. Itconsists of approximating the curve with segments that have common endpoints on the curve. Then the sum of the lengths ofthe segments is an approximation of the perimeter of the curve. The shorter each segment is, the better the approximation is. 2 Cover the blob with graph paper and compute the inner ‘and outer sums. Find the difference between them, Make the mesh finer and repeat the process. The difference between the two sets of measurements should permit you to make reliable estimate of the area. 3. ‘The area of the regular octagon is, 1 i A= 5Pa= 5(124in,)-8- (Sin) 4, You have to remember that a regular hexagon’s side is equal to the length of the radius ofthe circle thatthe hexagon is inscribed in. So, to find the apothem, all you have to do is calculate the height of an equilateral triangle with side the side of the hexagon. By using the Pythagorean Theorem, you find thatthe height (apothem of the hexagon) is 322, so the area of the hexagon is 1 3V3 _ 27V3 A=5Pa +5 744i em? ‘5. The area of the pool is given by (12.6 fet) (2 fet) = 12.6 square fet 1 A=35Cr 6. You can calculate the area of a blob approximately by using the inner and outer sum techniques. To do this you use grid paper to count the number of squares strictly inside the blob (inner sum) and the number of squares touching the edge of the blob or outside it (outer sum). In both cases, multiply the number of squares by the area of a single square to get an estimate forthe area of the blob. ‘The estimate you get from the inner sum is less than the blob’s area and the estimate you get from the outer sum is greater than the blob's area. This gives you a range in which the actual area of the blob must fall. If you use a finer mesh, you can narrow the range further and get a better estimate. 7, The circumference of a circle is its perimeter—the 4Cr, where ris the radius of a circle, relates the circle’s area, A, to its circumference, C. INVESTIGATION 5B CIRCLES AND 3.1415926535897932984626... 4 Getting Start For You to Explore 1. Take the circle with radius 12 and seale it by $. One way todo this is to perform a dilation. Scaling the circle by § will give another circle with radius 30, since all circles are similar. 2, Ingenera,ifa circle of radius r is scaled by a factor of, &, the image formed will be a circle of radius R. ‘3. Imagine that each ofthe polygons is inscribed in acircle. ‘As the numberof polygon sides increases, the length ofthe apothem approaches the radius, r, ofthe circumscribed circle, and the polygon's perimeter approaches the circumference ofthis circle (2xr). Thus, the value ofthe perimeter divided by the length ofthe apothem approaches 25" =27., which is approximately 6.283. Number of sides | Ferieter a 3 Gg 6928 3 6627 16 6.365 32 6.303 4 6.288 128 6.288 On Your Own 4, The perimeter of the whole shape includes } the circumference of a circle with radius 1m and a total of four sides of the equilateral triangles. Therefore, the total perimeter is £2 cm + 1(4em) = 5.57em. 8. The apothem of a square is half its side, so the square’s area is ((2)(2cm)}? = 16cm”, The shaded area is the area of the circle minus the area of the square, so 25.1em? — 16cm? = 9.1em?, Maintain Your Skills 6. Estimates will depend on the. of the graph paper used, and on which squares are judged tobe inside or touching the circle. Measurements shown in the table below are based on approximate areas forthe circles provided in the Student Edition, which have radii as follows: EF ~ 1.3m, WX ~ 0.6cm, YZ * 1.9, and GH * 2.7. To find the circumference C for each circle, use the formula A = 4Cr with your estimates for the area and radius of each circle. Circle of radius A 4 c wig EF_[ SSem? |3.25| 86cm | 26cm | 3.25 Wx | 1.15em™ [3.19 | 3.83em | 120m [3.19 ¥Z_[ 15cm? [3.19 | 12.11em| 38cm | 3.19 GH [22.75em*™ [3.12 | 16.85em | 5.4em | 3.12 Goometry Solutions Manual © Chaptor 5, page 121 The ratio in the columns for 4 and £ appears tobe ‘constant and it is about double the ratio in Exercise 3. rag POR Check Your Understanding 1. The area, A, of a circle is given by Azar where 7 is its radius. (@) Ifa circle has a radius of 10 inches, its area will be 100% square inches. () Iacircle has a radius of 5 centimeters, its area will be 25m square centimeters. (©) Acircle with a diameter of 3 feet has a radius of 3 fect, so its area is 27 square feet. (@) The scaled circle has a radius of 10 inches, so its area is 100% square inches. 2 (a) 45° is 4 or { of the total central angle, so the wedge of the total circle, (©) Aveige = far?) = § (@ Using x © 2, you get Avaige © $1 ~ 0.3929. Using x © 3.14, you get Awedge © 0.3925. 3. (a) This wedge is formed by a 90° central angle, so its area is one-fourth the area of the circle. The circle has a radius of 10, hence an area of 1007. It follows that the area of the wedge is 1 (2) tte ase 0) Te mle of eisai Bie ade reer Scocimerenasrsegetae a ep of the triangle are radii of the circle, so they are congruent). ‘\ Since the wedge is one fourth of the circle, and the radius ofthe circle is 12, the area of the wedge is <= 36 ‘The right triangle has an area of 1 30129012) = 72 ‘Thus, you can subtract to see that the area of the shaded region is 36x — 72 On Your Own 4. (@) The area of the circle is 257. The area ofthe shaded region is 3 = 13, (©) The area of the big circle is 367. The area of the small circle is 16x. The area ofthe shaded region is 36m — 16x = 20x ~ 63. 5. (a) The apothem a of an equilateral triangle is } ofits height (which i also a median because the triangle is equilateral), so = 3 ( 2 ) a Similarly, you can see thatthe radius ofthe circumscribed circle for an equilateral triangle is 3 of its height. Here isa sketch: 1S V3 = 2em = (©) The segment rin the picture isthe radius of the circle. Ifyou have not used the fact that the radius is 4 of the height ofthe triangle, you can find it using this right triangle: 3.45 em 7? = 2+ 3.45)? & 15.9807 dem ‘That would make the area of the circle approximately 16x em? (©) The area of the triangle is 4 Pa. The perimeter is 3(6.9 cm) = 20.7 cm. The apothem is 2m. So the area is 20.7 cm?. (You might also have found the area using the base ofthe triangle (6.9 cm) and its height cm)) ‘The area of the region you shaded willbe the area of the circle minus the area of the triangle, or (16x ~ 20.7) cm? ~ 29.6cm?. 6. (a) The side of the square is 6 cm. The area of the square is 36cm?, The area of the circle is 9a cm? (that is the shaded region). The area of the white region is (86 -9x)em? = 7.7em?. (©) The area of the square is 36 cm?. The radius of each semicircle is 3cm. The area of each semicircle is % cm?. Together, their area is 9x cm? (that is the shaded region). The area of the white region is. (6 — 9x) em? = 7.7em?. Geometry Solutions Manual » Chaptor 6, pago 122 1 (©) The areas of the shaded and white regions were the same. If you cut either picture vertically through the ter of the square, you could rearrange the pieces to reproduce the other picture exactly. ‘The side of the square is twice its apothem, so its area is 16cm, The circle’s radius is half of the square's diagonal, s0 itis }/42-+ cm = 23cm. The shaded area is (x(2v2)? — 16)em? = (8x — 16)cm? = 9.13 m2, Tigers pea tha -inch diameter is 14-inch diameter is x (# in. of last year's cake had an area o a“ serving ofthis year's cake has an area of +h) -49n in? of 2 in? Since hy this year is 8 times larger than his serving last year. The correct answer is D. ‘The following are examples of proofs of equivalence of the different definitions of z. aint (@) To show that x = 4 <> 3 = Ay, you need to show first that x = 4 = x = Ai. In other words, ifit is true that = 4 for any circle, does that mean it must bbe true that sr = A, Yes, that is true, because if r=landx = 4, then Ay =2. ‘To show x =A; => = 4, youneed to show that if isthe area of the unit circle, then it will also equal the area of any circle divided by the square of radius. Ifyou think of every circle as being a scaled copy of the unit circle, A = Ay(r)*, because the scale factor you use to get a circle of radius r by You know that dilating the unit circle is, in fact, AL Exercise 3 on page 375. To understand remember that x is never “reached” until £ “becomes” £ for an infinite number of sides (an actual circle). xx is half the circumference of the unit circle is implied by the definition x = £. If, instead, you assume that = $2, you can show that x = £, because the circumference C of any circle can be expressed in terms of the circumference C of the unit circle. Think again of drawing any circle of radius r by dilating the unit circle by a scale factor of +. This tells you that C = Ci(r),s0 Ci = ©... (©) You can show that is the circumference of the circle with a unit diameter is equivalent to the previous result. Think of the unit-diameter circle as a scaled copy of the unit circle, with a scale factor of }. ‘That means that the circumference of the unit-diameter circle is half the circumference of the unit circle. Since 2 is half the circumference of the unit circle, it must be equal to the circumference @ Maintain Your Skits 10. (a) The area of this sector is &. (©) The area of this sector is (©) The area of this sector is (@ The area of this sector is %. (©) The area of this sector ( The area of this sector is $. ‘As the angle grows by 10°, or 2; of the complete angle around the center of the circle, the area ofthe sector ‘grows by & each time. (Check Your Understanding 1. Since 60° is one sixth of the circle, it follows thatthe length of the smaller arc is one-sixth the circumference of the circle, The radius of the circle is 2, so at te C=2"Q)= implying thatthe small arc has length 4x _ 20 Fa FX 200m Since the two ares together form the entire circle, you ‘know that their lengths must add up to the circle’s circumference. Therefore, the length of the longer arc is 2m _ 100 — 7% 21 2 10.47em an Fas 2. Since 30° is one twelfth of the circle, it follows that the length of the smaller arc is one twelfth the circumference of the circle. As in the previous exercise, Caan so the small arc has length 4x a= FT bosom ‘The length of the longer arc is lx A ws 11.52em 3 3, Since 45° is one eighth of the circle, it follows that the length of the smaller arc is one eighth the circumference of the circle. As in the previous two exercises, Can so the small arc has length ane & ok wi stem Serene ‘The length of the longer arc is x _ In 4x —F = Zs 109m 4, Sure. For any circle, the ratio of its circumference to its, diameter is exactly x since Goometry Solutions Manual © Chapter, page 123, On Your Own 5, [Radius | Diameter | Area | Circumference 6 3 i i eae eae 6. The canister is a cylinder. Imagine a cross section of a canister containing three tennis balls: te] > Jats | g If you call the radius of each ball , then the height of the canister is 6r. The circumference of the container should be equal to the circumference of any one of the balls. This circumference is equal to 27rr, which is just a bit bigger than Gr, since 3 is just abit bigger than 3, Thus, the circumference is larger than the height—a somewhat surprising result! 7. This exercise also involves a cylinder. The paper for the can’s label will be inthe shape of a rectangle. Its height will be equal to the height ofthe can, which is 5 inches. Its length must be equal to the circumference of the top of the can, since the label must completely wrap around the can. Since the can has a diameter of 3 inches, its circumference is 3. Thus, the piece of paper has. dimensions Sin, x 3mrin, ‘8 Eartha’s equator is (12.535 m) long. The diameter of | the satellite's orbit is 2m + 12.5351, herefore the circumference of the orbit is (2m + 12.535 m). The 2a This means that gt > 3 = x. 5B_ MATHEMATICAL REFLECTIONS: 1. Because of the formula C = 2zrr, which we derived by combining the formulas A = 1Cr and A = xr? 2 1 yer sar 2 c=t42 = anr 2, The perimeter of a circle with diameter 2.5, xd =25zin. ‘3. The area of the composed figure is half the area of a circle with radius 4m plus the area of a square with sidelength 2 x 4em = 8em. So x(4em)? is 2er = A + Gem)? = (8x + 64) cm? 4, The radius of the circle is 5. The area of the sector is exactly } circle, because 4, = }. So, the area of the sectors (Qem)*x 8 Which is about 10.1 cm? 6. Pi (7) is the numerical value of the area of a circle whose radius is 1. Itcan also be defined in other ways including as the ratio ofthe circumference of a circle to its diameter. Goomotry Solutions Manual » Chapter, page 124 7. You can use the formula A = zr? for the area, A, of a rele of radius r and the formula C = 2a forts circumference, C 8. The exact area ofthe figure is (2em)? + $r(2em)? = 22+) cm*. MID-CHAPTER TEST 1. (@) 34x () 34% Gin? (©) 34x (4) in? @ 34x Gin? = 2 2. The formulas ae the ones contained in Lesson 5.3 A= }Paand A= Cr, where the first formula is for the area of a regular polygon of apothem a and perimeter , while the second formula is for the area of a circle of radius r and circumference C. The first formula works for regular polygons with any number of sides. A circle ‘can be seen as a regular polygon with an infinite number of sides. The apothem has therefore become the radius and the perimeter is alled circumference, thus the formula A = 4Cr is true for circles. 3. The area of (@) a regular pentagon with side 4.52 in, and apothem 3.1Lin. is A=4.52in..5-3.11in. = 70.286in?, (©) an equilateral triangle of apothem 2em is A=23em-/# — 2 cm = 6V 12cm? (© a regular hexagon with apothem V/5 is 1 6.25 g_4.10 A=5-6-=-V5=3- == 20 V3 v3 12V3.em?, (b) The side of the square is area of the shape is, (2s GY ents SE emt + 9 oma Dem? + Soren? + 2 em? + Zen _ (141 9) > = (Geet) ew 5. You have to divide the distance travelled by the circumference ofthe wheel. This gives 2, which is approximately 4.3. So the mark touches the ground four times after its starting position. 6, ‘The hexagon’s side, (you have to remember thatthe side ofthe hexagon i equal tothe radius ofthe circumscribed circle), is 23 in, So the perimeter is 2/3 -6in 4V3in. The area is A= $Pa = $4V3-1in? 2V3in 7. You need to find the sidclength ofthe hexagon. Remember that a regular hexagon’s side is equal tothe radius of the circle in which it is inscribed. Therefore, the protien nines tnt asta cr engi oat ere ieee Von oat Srliga cen Ess Gey Seal tnt ddeingt and hte eit the folowing is true: h = 55, So, the "$8 cm. Therefore, side of the hexagon is 43;¢m Ifthe wheel goes around exactly once along a distance of, rr (r is the radius of the wheel). So the 7 feet, then 7 radius must be r= Lif. feet long, which is approximately 1. The area of one of the six equilateral triangles that make up the hexagon must be V3. You can use the relationship between the side and the height of an equilateral triangle = 1°) to determine the side of the hexagon, which i ‘equal to the radius of the circle that itis inscribed in, Lets call this sidelength r. You can obtain an equation in rrby writing the area of one ofthe six equilateral triangles intwo ways. Now the area ofthe shaded region is equal to the area of a sector ofthe circle in which the hexagon is inscribed. ‘This sector has an angle of 120°, which is 2°. Goometry Solutions Manual © Chapter 5, page 125 INVESTIGATION 5C_ CLASSICAL RESULTS ABOUT CIRCLES a) Came) For You to Explore 1. Itis possible for a line and a circle to intersect in 0, 1, or 2 points as shown below. JO O_& 2, ‘Two circles can intersect in 0, 1, or 2 points as shown below. OD CO & ‘Two circles can also have an infinite number of points of intersection if they coincide. 3. (a) AB gets longer and shorter and changes its orientation as point B moves around the circle. The segment disappears when point B coincides with A. (&) ABis longest when the center ofthe circle (0) is on ‘AB. In this case, the length of the segment isthe diameter ofthe circle. (©) The distance from AB to the center of the circle is largest when AB has collapsed to a single point. Then the distance is equal to the radius of the circle. The distance from AB to the center of the circle is smallest when AB contains the center of the circle. ‘Then the distance from the segment to the center is 0. 4, The points P; and P; in the drawing have PA = PB, because in each case, PA and PB are radii of the congruent circles. eee ceee ‘You may also have noticed that the line through P and is the perpendicular bisector of segment AB. All the points that are equidistant from A and B are on this perpendicular bisector. ‘One way to construct the perpendicular bisector of a ‘segment with compass and straightedge is to choose a large enough radius and draw two circles with that radius ‘centered on the endpoints of the segment in question, ‘Then connect the two points of intersection of the circles using the straightedge. The line you draw ts the perpendicular bisector. 5. The two circles below have radii ry and rp respectively. (@) The points P atthe intersection ofthe two circles have PA + PB = ra +rp because for any point on the circle with center A, PA = r4. Similarly, for any point on the circle with center B, PB = rg. The two intersection points are the only points for which this is true, (©) The locus of all points P for which PA + PB = ra 1 isan ellipse. Visualize a string of length ra + re With its ends tacked down at points A and B. If you ‘move a pencil around, everywhere stretching this string so that iis tight, the pencil will trace this ellipse. On Your Own 6. (a) P traces the perpendicular bisector of AB. (b) P traces the circle centered at A with radius 5. (©) P traces an ellipse. (‘See the solution for Exercise 5 for more about this.) (@ P traces the circle with AB as a diameter (minus the points A and B). You can see this more clearly if you ‘construct any line, ¢, through A and then construct its perpendicular, m, through B. Now trace the intersection, P, of lines ¢ and m as you move line & around. P will trace out a circle with diameter AB. (©) P’s path i the union of two arcs with endpoints A and B. The arcs are from the circles through A, B, C1 and A, B, Cz, where C; and Cz are vertexes of an ‘equilateral triangle with AB as a side. Q Geometry Solutions Manual © Chaptor 8, page 126 (® P's pathis the union of two ares with endpoints A ‘and B. The arcs are ofthe two circles through A, B, Cy and A, B, Co, where Cy, B, Cz are on the line perpendicular to 4B through B and such that the segments C;B and CzB are heights of equilateral triangles with AB as half of the base. [y 7. (@) In Exercise 6 on page 390 you saw that such a triangle will be a right triangle with mZAPB = 90°. (b) The diameter of the circle is AB, therefore the center of the circle is the midpoint of this side ofthe triangle. © If @ lies outside the circle, then mZAQB < 90°. If Q is inside the circle, then m£AQB > 90°, ‘Tie the string to a tack and to a pencil. Fix the tack toa piece of paper and pull the pencil to make the string tight. ‘Keep the string tight and move the pencil around the tack, drawing as you go. The string keeps the distance between the tack and the pencil constant, so the pencil draws a circle centered atthe tack with radius equal to the length of the string between the tack and the pencil. Maintain Your Skills 9. AABD is the image after reflection about AB of ABC, so AABD © AABC. Asa consequence, AC = AD and “CAB % LDAB. APC and AAPD contain the congruent segments and angles mentioned above, and they both contain AP. This means that they are congruent by SAS. From this congruence you know that LAPC © LAPD by CPCTC, and since those two angles are also supplementary, they must each have measure 90°. Now you know that CD is perpendicular to AB. This means that the three triangles ABC, AAPC and ACPB are all right triangles. They are also all similar, because AABC and AAPC also have {CAP in common and ABC and PBC have CBP in common. You can, in particular, consider the two similar triangles AAPC and ABPC. 10. ‘The ratios of their corresponding sides is constant, so AP _ CP cP PB 3em _ CP cae CP = 15em So CD = 2CP = 2/5 cm*. ‘The argument is the same as for Exercise 9. But now, you will be substituting unknowns instead of known numbers. AP _ CP CP PB aie 78 aad Soc = Jab. Peer Rec reU) Check Your Understanding L (a) ABis a diameter. (©) OBis a radius. (©) ODisaradivs. @ CDisachord. (© LCODis a central angle. ( LAOCis a central angle. (8) @Disanarc. (h) ABis an are. You might also call ita semi-circle, since AB is a diameter. 2. m£MON = 60°, MN = 1 in., OH = in. 3. (a) mLAOB = 60" (©) m£COD = 30° (©) mAC = 45° @ mCB = 15° (©) méCoB = 15° (®) m a tangent angle is an angle that Geometry Solutions Manual * Chapter 5, page 132 intercepts the same arc (AC) as all the angles LABC where B is a generic point on the circle. 14, Theorem 5.11 can be considered a special case of ‘Theorem 5.13 and of Theorem 5.14, In fact these two theorems give the same result when P is on the circle. P=C=D D In the case of Theorem 5.13, P coincides with C and B(mCB = 0°), 50 LAPD = x 0m'D) ‘Theorem 5.14 becomes: mLAPD = SoD) because C, B, P coincide. Par Check Your Understanding 1. The point P inside the circle is chosen to have its power, equal to 12. To build a rectangle with an area of 12 square feet, you need two sidelengths whose product is 12. Take a stick of wood and lay it with one end on the circle’s circumference, so that somewhere it passes through P. Cut the stick where it intersects the circle, and also cut it at the point that hits P. By cutting the stick, you are making it a chord of the circle that is divided into two pieces whose lengths multiply together to equal 12. Now uta second stick into two pieces of the same size and use these four pieces to make a rectangle. To build another rectangle, take another stick and use it to form a different chord of the circle passing through P. You will then get two lengths whose product is 12, but they will probably be different from the lengths of the first rectangle. 2. 11(P) = (SP)(PT) and SP + PT = ST. From the first equation, you can substitute to get 112 = (SP)(32), 90 you know that SP = 3.5. From the second equation, you can substitute to get 3.5 + 32 = 35.5 = ST. (Gr) GS T1(0) would just be (A0)(OE) = (r)(7) If the power of a point were defined for points not inside the circle, II(E) would be (AE)(EE) which would be like multiplying (2r)(0), so TI(E) should equal 0. You can also see that as you find the power of points getting closer and closer to E, the result is getting smaller and smaller. (On Your Own 4. One way to make a constant area triangle is to slightly change the rectangle construction. Once you have two perpendicular sides that have a constant product, finish the sketch as a right triangle instead of as a rectangle. This will give a constant area right triangle. Below is a construction using the power of a point. P is fixed inside the circle. The points on the circle can move, but the product ab is fixed. These lengths were copied to make the right triangle atthe side. ‘Can you alter this method to create more general triangles? 5. (a) Thece aro inscribed angles in the same are of the same circle. Earlier, you found that the measure of an inscribed angle depended only on the arc. Geometry Solutions Manual » Chapter 5, page 133 6 2 () Vertical angles (©) AA similarity @ Corresponding sides of similar triangles are in proportion (©) Here is a paragraph-style proof: Because they are both inscribed in arc ABD, LABE © DCE. Because they are vertical angles, LAEB = DEC. These two facts show that AABE ~ ADCE by the AA similarity test for triangles. ‘Since the triangles are similar their corresponding sides are in proportion. Specifically, AE _ BE DE ~ CE ‘You can multiply both sides by CE and by DE to see that (AE)(CE) = (BE)(DE). ‘You know that II(P) = (AP)(PB), so 126em? = (21cm)(PB) and PB = 6cm. To find CP, you'll need to use the fact that [1(P) = (CP)(PD) as well as the fact that CP + DP = CD = 25cm, Then you know 126 em? = (CP)(25 ~ CP), so (CP)? — 25(CP) + 126 em? = 0. You can either factor this quadratic ‘equation or use the quadratic formula to find CP = 7em or 18cm. Then you know that DP = 18cm or 7em. ‘You know that I(P) = (AP)(PB) and AP + PB = AB = Tem. So PB = 7m —3cm = 4em, 11(P) = Gem)(4 cm) = 12cm?. Then using 11(P) = (CP)(PD) as well asthe fact that CP + DP = CD = 13m. You can ‘write the quadratic equation 12 em? = (CP)(13 — CP), so (CP)? — 13(CP) + 12. cm? = 0. You can either factor this quadratic equation or use the quadratic formula to find CP = 12cm or lcm. Then you know that DP = lemor 12cm. Since CD = 7em and CP = 3m, PD = CD ~ CP 4m. Therefore the power of point P is = [2cm?, and FP = ge = em? 2dem.The conect answerisB. ‘Take It Further Suppose you take a point P inside a circle with center 0, along with a chord AB passing through P. Draw any diameter of the circle (the dashed line inthe picture below), and reflect AB and P about this diameter, obtaining a new point P’, and a new chord A’B". a Since reflection preserves distances between points, it follows that PA=P'A' and PB=F'B This implies that (PA)(PB) = (PA')(P'B') so P and P’ share the same power. Therefore, any such reflection about a diameter produces a point with the same power. Notice that op =o0P ‘again due to the distance-preserving reflection. This ‘means that P and P’ lie on the same concentric circle inside the original circle. So you now know that given any point, a reflection about the diameter will produce another point with the same power, and this point will lie on the circle centered at O with radius OP. ‘Thus if you were to perform all possible reflections of point P across a diameter, you would obtain the circle ‘centered at O with radius OP. All points on this circle share the same power-of-a-point value as P. ‘The angle ZAPC is common to both triangles, and LPAD © LPCB, because they insist on the same arc. ‘Therefore, all angles of APAD and APCB are congruent and so the triangles are similar. The following proportion is true. 10. PD: PA= PB: PC So, (PA)(PB) = (PD)(PC). Therefore, this product is constant, because the lines through A, B and C, D are any lines through P that intersect the circle. Maintain Your Skills UL. T1(P) = (PA)(PB), so 6em? that PB = 2cm and AB = Sem, (PA)(PB), 80 91? = (AP)(10 — AP). So JO(AP) + 9in? and AP = 9in. or Lin? and in. or 9in, 13. T1(P) = (PA)(PB), s0 28cm? = (AP)(16 — AP). So (AP)? ~ 16(AP) + 28 cm? and AP = 2cm or 14cm and PB = 14cm or 2cm. T1(P) = (PA)(PB), 50 a(AP) +k =O and AP = or vice versa. (Gcm)(PB). This means 2 4. 5C_MATHEMATICAL REFLECTIONS: 1, For Theorem 5.9, OM is perpendicular to AB. Therefore, ‘AOM is a right triangle. 2, Because any right triangle can be inscribed in a circle with a diameter as its hypotenuse (corollary of Theorem 5.11). Therefore the median through B will always be a Geometry Solutions Manual » Chaptor 8, page 134 radius, so its length will always be half the length of the diameter. 3. ‘The measures are (@) £A0c = 62° (b) cD AB> CD 7. Theorem 5.8 guarantees that H is the midpoint of chord ‘4B. Therefore, since by the Pythagorean Theorem, AH = J5?— 31 = 4, AB = 2AH =8. 8 (@) mLADC = 26° by Theorem 5.11 (b) mZAOC = 52° by the definition of arc measure (©) mLCEA = 26° by Theorem 5.11 @ mLACF = 90° by Corollary 5.2 (©) mLAFC = 26° by Theorem 5.11 (® mLOCF = 26°, because AFOC is isosceles. 9. ‘The power of a point P is the product PA x PB if AB ‘chord though P. I1(P) in the figure is PA x PB 15%3.2=48, 10. 2.4g 2st ale Geometry Solutions Manual © Chapter S, page 141

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