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Basic Information
Full Name: Elizabeth Ehrnfelt
UC Email:
College: College of Nursing
Major: Nursing
Title of Project: We Arent Just Athletes
Thematic Area (choose only one): Creative Arts
Expected Project Start Date: August 2015
Expected Project End Date: November 2015
Project Information
1. Provide a detailed abstract of your proposed honors experiential learning project.
Being a college athlete, I want to show people what collegiate athletes actually do
everyday since there is a huge misconception. We dont just go to practice and
have our homework done for us; we put in countless hours in the classroom and
study tables to keep our GPAs up, we volunteer in the community, and help teach
younger kids our various sports. Everyone thinks that athletes get a free ride to
college because we can throw or kick a ball, but we have to study just as much, if
not more, than the average student since we have to miss class for games, we have
certain expectations from coaches about our grades, and even have to take exams
and various things early. Yes, we may get a lot of our tuition paid for, but the time
and effort we put in to our sport and academics is well worth it since we bring in a
lot of money and recognition to our school.
To accomplish this, I would be creating a blog that depicts the daily life of a
collegiate athlete. Between 6 am practices, 3 hours of classes, and study tables,
there really is not very much time for us to do anything else. I would have daily
photos and an entry after each day to talk about the various things that were
required of us during the course of the day.

Clearly and thoroughly address how each of the following elements will be exhibited
in your work:
2. Connection to Learning Outcomes within the Honors Thematic Area (identified

While working on this, I will be able to embrace contradictions and integrate

alternate, divergent, or contradictory perspectives. Because being a student athlete
has perks that the regular student body does not receive, we are thought of as
spoiled and getting to go here for free for being able to throw or kick a ball. Since I
know that is how certain people feel, I can integrate other peoples perspectives
since I know of specific people that have told me that athletes do not deserve the

scholarships they are receiving. With so many different opinions on collegiate

athletics, I can show the various viewpoints and integrate those into how I show
how much athletes do for the school.

The other learning outcome is that I would demonstrate/take appropriate risk in

successfully completing project (going beyond original parameters of assignment,
introducing new materials and forms, tackling controversial topics, advocating
unpopular ideas or solutions, etc.). Since collegiate athletics is already a very
controversial topic, I would not be afraid to integrate those into the blog because I
feel that it is important for everyone to see both sides of the argument. Some of
those controversial topics include how much scholarship money athletes get and if
they should get paid or not.

3. Connection to Goals and Academic Theories (include reference list, as appropriate)

A. By doing this project, it really lets me demonstrate two of my passions:
soccer and photography. Since I have played the game of soccer my whole
life, I know so much about it. But since I have only played college soccer
for one season, there is still so much I do not know about what happens
behind the scenes. By incorporating my love for photography, it is letting
me show other people that athletes are not just a bunch of jocks. We
actually study and help out in the community, which is something that
people do not quite see all the time. Many people see us going to practice
and skipping class, but that is not the case, which is something I want to
show people since there are so many that do not know. And because I may
want to coach some day, this would be a perfect opportunity to learn more
about what goes on behind the scenes as well as show others what the life of
a college athlete is.

B. There are many readings that talk about how collegiate athletes do not
deserve the scholarships they receive. I have read quite a few before
coming to college since they were talking about me in a way. There is a
specific article from U.S. News that talks about the top 7 misconceptions
when it comes to athletic scholarships in college. Another article I have
found talks about how much the average scholarship is actually worth.
Most people think every college athlete gets a full ride, but that is not even
close to the truth. By reading these articles and many like it, it will help me
to see the misconceptions and get the truth out about it.

4. Initiative, Independence, and/or Creativity

Because I am already involved in the athletic program at the University of

Cincinnati, I already have connections that can help me spread the word that
college athletes are not just jocks. Because I am actually on one of the teams and
have friends on the other teams, I can get different perspectives based on the
different sports that are playing here. Since each sport is different from each other
with scholarship amounts and expectations from coaches, being able to talk to
players and discover the difference is very important.

5. Reflection
Bettering ourselves on and off of the field is a huge part of the athletic program here at
the University of Cincinnati. Because we represent the university wherever we go,
they want to make sure we are prepared to work with everyone in the real world after
graduation. Especially with womens soccer, our coach really tries to teach us lessons
and make us tougher for the careers we choose after graduation. Since I meet with him
quite often to talk about more than soccer, I will take notes and think about how our
conversation really changed my outlook on the various topics we talk about because I
do have different views and opinions on life and soccer whenever I leave the office.
Some of the reflection questions would include:
How can I use the information Neil gives me to make myself see the game and
life in a different perspective?
How will I integrate being a student athlete to help me with relationships
outside of athletics?
How does being a student athlete effect how I lead in the community?
What have I learned about the athletic program and how they try to better the
student athletes?

6. Dissemination
To get the word out about what college athletes do during the year, I will create the
blog so other people can access it. The audience I want to reach is other college
students, parents of other college students, and future college students. Since these
are the people that are directly affected by college athletes, it is important for them
to see why athletes get the scholarships they do. I know that parents of college
students get mad that athletes get most of their school paid for while their child
does well in school but has to pay for most of their schooling.

7. Project Advisor(s)

Keri Thoman

o Athletics-Student Athlete Support, Asst. Director Academic Director,

Academic Svs
o 513-556-3934

Neil Stafford
o Athletics- Womens Soccer Head Coach
o 513-556-0567

Mike Bohn
o Athletics- Administration, Director Athletics
o 513-556-0626

8. Budget (if applicable)


No budget applicable

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