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The only person who visits Rapunzel in her tower is the witch who calls "Rapunzel,

Rapunzel, let down your hair!" One day, a prince tries this trick and she lets him up. They fall
in love and plan their escape. The witch learns of this and casts Rapunzel away, throwing the
prince from the tower and blinding him. He wanders through the woods and hears Rapunzel
singing and crying. Her tears heal his eyes and they live happily ever after.
1. 1. Who visits Rapunzel in her tower?
1. a. A witch
2. b. Her brother
3. c. A cat
2. 2. What does Rapunzel do to get the witch up?
1. a. Lets down her hair
2. b. Throws down a key
3. c. Lets down a ladder
3. 3. Whose tears heal the prince?
1. a. Rapunzel's
2. b. The cat's
3. c. The witch's

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