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Reflection Upon Personal and Professional Growth

Personal and professional growth has been intertwined throughout my student teaching
experience. The Olean Bullard Beeson School of Education has provided me with wide variety
of information both in and out of the classroom, but nothing can prepare you for the world of
education until you experience it first hand. Growth occurs as you are challenged, and the
experiences embodied in student teaching can certainly be defined as a challenge. Through this
opportunity, I have learned how to pursue and accomplish certain tasks that cannot be taught by
a book. The student teaching experience brought my fears to the front and allowed my personal
and professional growth to increase far beyond my expectation.
In order to become a professional, one must recognize their personal identity and growth.
I began student teaching with fears of what students or teachers might think of me. My
confidence was not extremely high because of this fear. As I more opportunities were given to
know students and lead in the class, my comfort zone expanded. My confidence soared as I
realized the reward of this profession and conquered my fears hands-on. Patience has been a
quality I have carried my whole life, but student teaching increased my patience as well as
flexibility. Creating a lesson on paper and actually implementing it the way desired are two
completely different situations. Almost always, time becomes an obstacle and things do not
always run according to the plan on paper. Throughout this experience, there has been teaching
errors, technology errors, low-performing students, and interruptions that have challenged me to
practice flexibility. I have also grown in patience as I learned more about students situations.
Another personal growth that has emerged from student teaching is organization. As a teacher, I
care for my profession as well as my students success. If I fail to be organized, lessons wont
run smoothly nor will disorganization benefit the student. A component of organization is time
management. Student teaching has taught me efficiency both in and out of the classroom. I have
had to balance my personal and professional life, grading papers and writing papers.
Personal growth influences professional growth. Before my first day as a student teacher
at Bumpus Middle School, I attended a three-day ARI training course. The material given and
taught empowered me to think more critically about content and lesson planning. Consequently,
I have cared more about my profession as a teacher. ARI training carried into both my
placements as I implemented and shared strategies with my cooperating teachers and the class.
As I plan for lessons, I think of ways to use literacy strategies and apply interdisciplinary
content. In my first placement, I had to opportunity to observe several parent meetings and
grade-wide meetings with administrators. Parent conferences allowed for interaction with other
adults and the opportunity to formulate an action plan to help students achieve. Big Team
Meetings, as they were called, introduced me to teaching methods that expand upon national
and state standards. My understanding of school districts at all levels developed at a higher level.
Once I greater understood the importance standards, my appreciation for teaching heightened
and my lessons strengthened.

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