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Unit Plan for Spanish 1

Student Teacher: Amy ONeill
Grade: 7th Grade
Lesson Plan Dates: September 29th- October 3rd
Theme/ Topic: Learning the Basics: numbers, Time, Alphabet, e-mail and the days of the week, months
and seasons in Spanish
Communication 1.1- interpersonal communication- students can engage in conversations, provide and
obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Communication 1.3- Presentational communication- students can present information, concepts, and
ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Cultures 2.1- Practices and Perspectives: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship
between practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
Comparisons 4.1- comparing language- students are able to demonstrate understanding of the concepts
of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
The purpose of the unit is to teach students their numbers, how to tell time, understand the alphabet
and learn the months, days of the week and seasons in Spanish.
Students will be able to count from 1-30.
Students will be able to give telephone numbers.
Students will be able to ask what time it is and how to respond to the question.
Students will learn the Spanish Alphabet and how it is different from English Alphabet.
Students will be able to use the alphabet to ask and give e-mail addresses.
Students will learn the days of the week, months and seasons.

Lesson plan for Numbers:

1. Demographics:
Teacher: Amy ONeill with Cooperating teacher Stephanie Peltier
Grade: 7th Grade
Date: September 29th & September 30th
Topic: Spanish Numbers 1-30 and Time
2. Rationale: Spanish I students will be able to count in Spanish from 1 to 30. Using their numbers, they
will then learn about time.
3. Outcomes/ Standards:
Students will be able to count from 1-30.
Students will be able to talk about Phone Numbers
Students will be able to ask what time it is and how to respond to the question.
Communication 1.1- interpersonal communication- students can engage in conversations, provide and
obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Comparisons 4.1- comparing language- students are able to demonstrate understanding of the concepts
of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
4. Assessment/ Evaluation:
A. I will assess students by oral, written and speaking assessments that will be on going during
the lesson.
B. The assessments will be evidenced by related activities which will allow students to practice
the topic as I walk around and listen to each student speak. During my lecture, I will ask a
question and students will give thumbs up for understanding and thumbs down if they are still
unsure. I will also do exit cards.
5. Materials:
Smart board with presentation
Textbook- for in-book activities

Handouts/worksheets provided by teacher

6. Teacher procedure:
A. Introduction: I will start by using PowerPoint presentation with the Spanish numbers 1-30. I
will say them aloud and then have students repeat after me. I will then play a YouTube video
which says the Spanish numbers. I will then have activities for students to complete to help with
B. Methods/Procedures: Teaching strategy includes class discussion of varied forms. Students
will work both individually, with a partner/group and listening to a short lecture to help with
successful completion of the task. I will use a varied approach of both direct and indirect, and
cooperative learning. Questions that are asked are not limited to: does anyone know how to
count in Spanish already? If so, how far? Students will take notes, complete various assignments
to help with remembrance.
Essential Question- What are the Spanish number 1-30? How do you ask and give telephone
numbers? How do you tell time in Spanish?
Over the span of two days, students will complete:

Number notes with the numbers presentation

Numbers song from YouTube
Activity 21 in textbook on page 18 (what number do you think of when you hear these
Learn about telephone numbers (be able to ask for and give phone numbers by doing
short interviews with 5 other students in the room)
Time notes with the time presentation
A short smart board activity with time
Time worksheets (total of 2)
Practice with time using small phone clocks (completed as a class)

C. Closure: Students will have to complete a small skit to demonstrate the concepts of numbers
as it relates to telephone numbers and telling time.
7. Technology Use
I used the Smart board along with its various functions that make class activities interactive. Both in
creating and presenting the topic allowed students to be engaged both physically and mentally.
8. Accommodations/ Adaptations
First I will look at the IEP of students and see what special needs are to be given. 504 will also be
reviewed. A few students must sit in the front row to help learn material (ADD/ADHD) I will use group
and individual work time, allow extra time to work and ask questions. Seat changes may be made. There
are only a few concerns, the students with ADD or ADHD and one diabetic student. I use a variety of

accommodations such as grouping kids so that high students can help low students, sitting students in
the front, allowing extra time and monitoring student diabetic state.
9. Teacher Reflection
The last few days teaching this was successful I believe. Students were able to quickly grasp the numbers
1-30 as they follow a pattern and were then able to apply it to telephone numbers. There were some
issues with telling time as it is different than in English. I had to add a few more minutes on to the third
day to ensure students grasped the time in Spanish as it is a large section on their exam. I had only a few
students who were off task but was able to get them on task. I feel that even having to add some time
onto Wednesday, students learned all they were supposed to (my objectives).

Lesson Plan for Alphabet and E-mail

2. Demographics:
Teacher: Amy ONeill with Cooperating teacher Stephanie Peltier
Grade: 7th Grade
Date: October 1st and October 2nd
Topic: Spanish Alphabet and asking and giving e-mail address
3. Rationale: Students will be able to identify and memorize the Spanish alphabet and the sounds of the
letters. This will be helpful in pronunciation and spelling of words/phrases in Spanish.
4. Outcomes:
Students will learn the Spanish Alphabet and how it is different from English Alphabet.
Students will be able to use the alphabet to ask and give e-mail addresses.
Comparisons 4.1- comparing language- students are able to demonstrate understanding of the concepts
of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
Communication 1.1- interpersonal communication- students can engage in conversations, provide and
obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
5. Assessment/ Evaluation:
A. I will assess students by oral, written and speaking assessments that will be on going during
the lesson.
B. The assessments will be evidenced by related activities which will allow students to practice
the topic as I walk around and listen to each student speak. During my lecture, I will ask a

question and students will give thumbs up for understanding and thumbs down if they are still
unsure. I will also do exit cards.
6. Teacher procedure:
A. Introduction: I will start the lesson by using PowerPoint presentations about the alphabet. I
will say the letter have them repeat the letter. I will then say a word (animal) that uses that
letter sound and have them repeat again. I will then play a Spanish alphabet song from YouTube.
I will then have them into groups
B. Methods/Procedures
Materials: Smart board with presentation
Textbook- for in-book activities
Handouts/worksheets provided by teacher
My teaching strategy includes class discussion of varied forms. Students will work both
individually, with a partner/group and listening to a short lecture to help with successful
completion of the task. I will use a varied approach of both direct and indirect, and cooperative
learning. Questions that are asked are not limited to: Can anyone recite the Spanish alphabet?
If so, how far? Students will take notes, complete various assignments to help with
Essential Question- What are the letters of the Spanish alphabet? How do you ask and give email addresses? How do you spell names/ places in Spanish?
Over the span of two days, students will complete:
Recite the Spanish Alphabet
Alphabet song from You Tube
Alphabet notes
Spell names
Ask and answer- e-mail addresses
Connect the dot speaking activity
Alphabet toss
C. Closure: Students will play the game pop it (students are in pairs, I say the letter and they
have to be the first to pop it, they will color in the circle with the letter if they win. Winners
receive candy.
7. Technology Use

I used the Smart board along with its various functions that make class activities interactive. Both in
creating and presenting the topic allowed students to be engaged both physically and mentally.
8. Accommodations/ Adaptations
First I will look at the IEP of students and see what special needs are to be given. 504 will also be
reviewed. A few students must sit in the front row to help learn material (ADD/ADHD) I will use group
and individual work time, allow extra time to work and ask questions. Seat changes may be made. There
are only a few concerns, the students with ADD or ADHD and one diabetic student. I use a variety of
accommodations such as grouping kids so that high students can help low students, sitting students in
the front, allowing extra time and monitoring student diabetic state.
9. Teacher Reflection
Overall, I believe that these two days learning the alphabet was enough time and I feel that majority of
the students could respond and recognize the letter and the sound if they say it or heard it. There are
only a few letters that I am concerned with, the pronunciation of both Ns E, I, A and the LL. This is
because these are the letters that are most different than the English alphabet.

Lesson Plan for Days of the week, Months and Seasons

2. Demographics:
Teacher: Amy ONeill with Cooperating teacher Stephanie Peltier
Grade: 7th Grade
Date: October 3rd and October 6th
3. Rationale: Students will use the alphabet to help with pronunciation and spelling in learning the Days
of the week, months and seasons in Spanish.
4. Outcomes:
Students will learn the days of the week, months and seasons.
Communication 1.1- interpersonal communication- students can engage in conversations, provide and
obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Communication 1.3- Presentational communication- students can present information, concepts, and
ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Comparisons 4.1- comparing language- students are able to demonstrate understanding of the concepts
of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

5. Assessment/ Evaluation:
A. I will assess students by oral, written and speaking assessments that will be on going during
the lesson.
B. The assessments will be evidenced by related activities which will allow students to practice
the topic as I walk around and listen to each student speak. During my lecture, I will ask a
question and students will give thumbs up for understanding and thumbs down if they are still
unsure. I will also do exit cards.
6. Teacher procedure:
A. Introduction: I will start the lesson by using PowerPoint presentations about the months,
season and the days of the week. I will say the season, month or day aloud and have them
repeat after me. I will then make a point to mention the masculine and feminine articles to help
avoid confusion later. I will then play a Spanish song from YouTube which covers all three areas
(basho and friends).
B. Methods/Procedures:
Smart board with presentation
Textbook- for in-book activities
Handouts/worksheets provided by teacher
My teaching strategy includes class discussion of varied forms. Students will work both
individually, with a partner/group and listening to a short lecture to help with successful
completion of the task. I will use a varied approach of both direct and indirect, and cooperative
learning. Questions that are asked are not limited to: Can anyone recite the months, days or
seasons in Spanish? Students will take notes, complete various assignments to help with
Essential Question- What are the seasons, months and days of the week in Spanish?
Over the course of two days, students will complete:
Smartboard activities (2)
Listen to a song that incorporates all three topics
Play a domino matching game with the three topics
Textbook page 21 #28
Complete 2 worksheets

C. Closure I will have exit cards that ask three questions: What is summer in Spanish? What is
January in Spanish? What is Thursday in Spanish?
7. Technology Use
I used the Smart board along with its various functions that make class activities interactive. Both in
creating and presenting the topic allowed students to be engaged both physically and mentally.
8. Accommodations/ Adaptations
First I will look at the IEP of students and see what special needs are to be given. 504 will also be
reviewed. A few students must sit in the front row to help learn material (ADD/ADHD) I will use group
and individual work time, allow extra time to work and ask questions. Seat changes may be made. There
are only a few concerns, the students with ADD or ADHD and one diabetic student. I use a variety of
accommodations such as grouping kids so that high students can help low students, sitting students in
the front, allowing extra time and monitoring student diabetic state.
9. Teacher Reflection
Overall, I think that this went well. I do believe that students need more than two days to learn this
material, but that is all the time that I was allotted to teach them the material. However, with that said,
for the amount of time that was allotted, I do believe that students were able to grasp the concept more
with the homework and extra studying outside of class.

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