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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

Key: SW = Students will | TW = Teachers will | SWBAT = Students will be able to | HOTS = Higher Order Thinking Skills

SIOP Lesson Title: Math: Measurement

Grade: Second

Content Standard(s):
Measure the length of an object to the nearest inch, foot, centimeter, or meter by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers,
yardsticks, measuring sticks, and measuring tape.
Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another, expressing the length difference in terms of a standard length unit.
Generate measurement data by measuring lengths of several objects to the nearest whole unit or by making repeated measurements or
the same object. Show the measurements by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in whole-number units.

Key Vocabulary:
Content: Subject Specific and Technical Terms:
General Academic: Cross-Curricular Terms/Process &
Line plot

Supplementary Materials:

Measuring Tape
Yard Sticks
Actual Size, By: Steve Jenkins
Prehistoric Actual Size, By: Steve Jenkins

Word Parts: Roots and Affixes:


2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1


Think outside of the box to complete the homework for

Create a line plot

Explicit Connections to Prior Knowledge and Experiences/Building Background:

Ask the students how many inches they think an elephants foot is. Or how long a hyenas tongue?
Students may write in their native language.
Students are grouped for measuring activity, and will also be grouped for the writing activity to help get ideas flowing.
Student will be given a chart that lists the metric to English conversions, if they get confused.

Explicit Connections to Past Learning:

After this I will instruct the students on how to make a line plot. I will draw one for them on the Smart Board and show them how to graph
and label their results.
Student will be given a metric system ruler if this is the only way they know how to measure.

Content Objective(s):

Meaningful Activities: Sequence

After reading Steve Jenkins books, Actual
Size, and Prehistoric Actual Size, students
will be able to measure various objects
around the room to practice their
measuring skills for a later activity, by
selecting the correct measuring tools with
80% accuracy.
After practicing their measuring skills,
students will be able to measure animals
and animals body parts in Steve Jenkins
books, Actual Size, and Prehistoric Actual
Size, and collect their data, with 100%
After measuring the animals in Steve
Jenkins books, Actual Size, and

1. Today we are going to be measuring

animals of today and prehistoric animals
using Steve Jenkins books, Actual Size,
and Prehistoric Actual Size. We will also
be comparing the prehistoric animals to
animals of today, and generating a line plot
of our measurements.
2. First read the two books to the students.
(They are very short.) Read Actual Size,
through the YouTube video and read
Prehistoric Actual Size out loud to the
students. This will allow the students to
have different experiences with each book.

The students will be formatively assessed by
observing the students throughout the
activities to determine understanding and
record participation.
The students will be summative assessed by
the completion of the line plot. Students
must include all aspects of the line plot.

3. After reading the books to the students

2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

Prehistoric Actual Size, students will be
able to use the data they collected and
create a line plot, with 85% accuracy.

Language Objective(s):
After completing their line plots, students
will be able to complete a writing activity
where they write about how they can use
literature to help them in other subjects like
we did today with measuring, including at
least the 2 required paragraphs.

have them practice their measuring skills

by breaking the students into groups of
three and have them select the correct tool
to measure various items around the room
(desks, chalkboard, chair, computer,
pencil, etc.) Once they have practiced their
measuring skills, switch up the groups a
little and begin the measuring fun!
4. Have the students measure each animal
(or animal body part) from each of the
books and document their measurements
in their notebooks, along with the name of
each thing they are measure. Once
everyone has measured the animals in the
books, we will have a class discussion on
the groups results and talk about how the
animals from prehistoric times resemble
some of the animals we have today, how
they differ and talk about size differences.
5. After I have shown the students how to
make a line plot and graph their data, the
students will create their own line plots.
Their scale will be in increments of 10
inches/ (10, 20, 30, ) Students will then
graph the data they collected on their line
plots. (This is an individual activity, each
student will have his or her own line plot.)
6. Once the students are done we will do a
writing activity about how we can use
literature for many different things, just like
we did for this measuring lesson. Students
will write a paragraph about how they used

2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

Steve Jenkins book to help them learn to
measure, and another paragraph with an
idea of how they can use another one of
Steve Jenkins books to help them with
another subject.


Tell the students to go home and think about objects they can measure at home and graph on a line plot to discuss in class the next day.
Encourage the students to think outside of the box and attempt to be creative. Challenge the students to think of objects they can measure at
outside of their house and graph on a line plot to discuss in class the next day.

(Developed by Melissa Castillo & Nicole Teyechea. Used with permission.)

(Reproduction of this material is restricted to use with Echevarria, Vogt, and Short, 2013. Making Content Comprehensible for English
Learners: The SIOP Model.)

2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

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