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Romam Sit Destruenda

Snow; just when things could not have gotten any worse, now it was snowing. They were
fourteen days into their march and there had been no snow in the mountains until now. It had been five
months since Hannibal had departed from Iberia with his army, consisting of nearly 40,000 men and
close to 8,000 cavalry including war elephants. His men were exhausted, most were not used to this
sort of weather, these men had come from Carthage's warm sands and Iberia's temperate climate.
Worse, many had seen their friends and comrades fall from the treacherous paths or killed by barbarian
skirmishers. He took one last look at the mountains, their imposing size and sharp peaks a reminder of
where he had been as well as where he must go. They were quite beautiful, these mountains; shame
they were so close to Roman territory.
He turned to face the column marching up. Looks of exhaustion were everywhere. Men stared
at the ground to distract from the long journey ahead. Where once there was an eagerness, a lust for
glory, was now a clear desire to just be done with it all. Hannibal called a stop, the land was relatively
flat here. This was as good a place to camp as any they would find. After his tent was constructed,
thanks to his personal guard, he went inside to the brown wooden desk and stared at his map. The same
map he had starred at for the past five months. He made special note of his home, Carthage, sitting on
the northern coast of Africa and that of his most hated enemy, Rome, on the central coast of the Italian
peninsula. Rome had a slit from where he had stabbed down a knife to show his officers where they
were going. Hannibal hated Rome. He had hated them ever since he was a child. The memory of his
fathers return after the first war with the Romans was still seared into his memory. His father had been
staring at a roaring fire that seemed to wield as much fury as his father. He had never forgiven the
politicians in Carthage for surrendering to Rome.
They are fools, his father, Hamilcar, had said. Old men too afraid to grasp the glory that was

right in front of them! My army was almost entirely intact and undefeated! If they had provided
reinforcements instead of wasting time, money and men in Utica, I could have secured Sicily and
pushed into Italia proper. His father seemed to notice his son for the first time and motioned him to
step forward. Swear to me, my son. Swear to me that you will never be a friend to Rome, that you
shall never show good will to ANY Roman.
Hannibal considered a moment. I, Hannibal Barca, son of Hamilcar Barca, do swear to never
be a friend to Rome nor show any goodwill to their people and as soon as age permit, I will use fire and
steel to arrest the destiny of Rome. This, I swear!
His father only smiled and put an arm around his shoulder as they watched the fire together.
That was twenty years ago. The memory always made him feel confident. If ever there was a doubt in
his mind about where he was or what he was doing. He need only think of his father. His thoughts were
interrupted by one of his officers. He entered the room with an uncertain, worried face. Sir, beg your
pardons, but...
What is it? Hannibal replied. Have the Romans discovered our position? Do they move to
meet us in the valley below?
No sir, it's the men. As you know some have been...discontent with the current situation. Many
have died from barbarians, cold, or even these damn cliffs. I...think you should speak to them sir. Try to
boost their spirits.
Hannibal considered the man, then nodded, So be it. He left the tent to find the army already
assembled. Nearly 50,000 men all looking to him. Hannibal stared out into the sea of faces, all hoping
for some encouragement, some hope that they were almost done.
Men! he started. We have come a very long way. Some of you from Iberia, most of you even
further from Carthage herself! These mountains have been truly terrible to us I will not deny it. But I
promise you we are nearly through. It is almost over! He turned sideways to face southeast. Over

there beyond that peak. Do you know what lies behind it? I will tell you. IMMORTALITY! If we
continue this march we will meet the Romans in battle and I would take any ONE of you over ten
thousand of those uncivilized, brutish men called Romans! He said Romans as if it were a curse, some
foul word that would bring ruin and disgust upon any who were to be called it. By now many had
begun to shout their approval and those not shouting had let a smile creep onto their face. The army
was reinvigorated. They were almost through the mountains. Rome awaited.

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