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(Complete all strands that apply. This section is worth 5 points.)

STANDARD: RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support
comprehension. (Benchmark Reading Test)

BOX SUB HEADING: Key Ideas and Details

STANDARD: RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding
of their central message or lesson. (Benchmark Reading Test)

BOX SUB HEADING: Phonics and word Recognition

STANDARD: RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in
decoding words. ( ABC Assessment)

BOX SUB HEADING: Conventions of Standard English
STANDARD: L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
L.1.2e Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling


Objectives: (What will students know and/or be able to do as a result of this lesson?) (5 points)
Evaluations: (You must be able to measure the demonstrated objective.) (5 points)
(Example: The students will correctly label the layers of the earth with at least 80% accuracy.)


TSW read a benchmark level book with appropriate accuracy (90-94%), Fluency (at least level
1), and comprehension (at least satisfactory level). (Benchmark Reading Test)
TSW correctly spell words on the primary spelling Inventory scoring at least at the Early LetterName alphabetic stage (spelling test)
TSW name and produce the sound for all upper and lower case letters with 100% accuracy.
(ABC assessment)

MATERIALS: [List all materials for the teacher and students that are needed to accomplish the
lesson. (3 points)

Paper for spelling test; benchmark reading forms and book, ABC assessment letters and
recording form, community guidelines typed up, Ipad and extra work sheets

LESSON INTRODUCTION: *Share Objectives (in kid language) for todays lesson.+ (2 points)

Today we are going to start off with a fun activity to get us warmed up. Then we will go over
our letters and spell some words! Then we are going to review are community guidelines. And
last we are going to read a book!

THE PLAN: [Your plan must include the following items: Review of the Learning Community Guidelines, a
fun activity of your choice to re-establish a comfortable learning environment, ABC assessment, Reading
Assessment, and Writing OR Spelling Assessment. It doesnt matter which order they are accomplished
as long as all items are completed within the practicum time frame. If you have more than one student,
you should have other items for the student to be working on while you are testing the other student.
Below, list the order in which you will complete the activities and describe (be specific!) the process you
will use in conducing these activities. Also remember that good teachers are always prepared with extra
learning activities in case there is time left over. Be sure to have at least one extra activity ready to use.]
(28 points)

Fun Activity:
o Play I Spy for 5 mins
Community Guidelines:
o Ask the student if they remember any of the guidelines that we mad together last week.
o Then bring out the typed up community guidelines and read over them with the student
ABC Assessment:
o Hand children the list of letters
o Ask children what are these? if the respond incorrect tell them they are letters
o Have them tell you the letter names and sounds (covering the lines of letters below with
a piece of paper)
Spelling Assessment:
o Read the script that is provided for you
o Have children spell the words and when they get 5 incorrect in a row you can stop
Reading Assessment:

Have the child read the book that is at there level

Use the recording form to mark down any Errors or self-corrections as the student
o After reading use the recording form to go over comprehension
Extra Activity:
o Option of doing worksheets or educational game on the Ipad

CLOSURE: [Review learning/Assess/Motivational ending, etc.] (2 points)

Talk about and go over everything that we did, asking the student what their favorite part of
the hour was.

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