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Universidad Catlica de la Santsima Concepcin

English Pedagogy
Teaching Practice


N of SS:



Aim: Learning Outcome: SWBAT ask and answering for lost objects


Pre service Teacher: Daniela

Melipilln Michael Ruiz

Assumed knowledge: Demonstrative Pronouns, the use of verb to be,

vocabulary of the family members. Wh questions. Yes/ No questions.
Possessive form.

REF to Planes y Programas

Exponent: Your book is on my mothers desk

To ask and answering about elements that they usually
lose in their houses.
Know how to respond or ask for lost elements in their
houses to their mothers / fathers
Target Language:
- Parts of a house (vocabulary)
- Prepositions
Anticipated problems

Ss may mispronounce some words such as : kitchen.

Ss may confuse the words bathroom and bedroom.

Ss may confuse the meaning of on and above


We are going make drilling activities with


We are going to clarify the difference

between the 2 word by showing pictures
and making the students repeat the

- Power point
- Images of houses and
daily elements.
- Youtube url:


PROCEDURE (What T and SS are going to




Introduction of topic + elicitation of previous


5 min

T. shows the ss pictures of different parts

and elements in a house and checks
vocabulary (T. ask CCQs in order to check


Greeting ss: hello, how are you today? Good

Today we are going to work in how to ask and
answer for lost objects. Really useful dont you
Ok. So now we are going to see a ppt and I will ask
you about the places and elements you see in there
Does anyone know the name of this room? Is it a
Is the kitchen the place where you sleep?
Is the bathroom the place where you eat?

T. also shows in the ppt the prepositions and

their use. (CCQS to check understanding)

10 min
Present them the elemental key words
writing them on the board and showing them
their respective meanings

What Im going to say

Ok. In the following ppt we can see different

prepositions of place. (T. explains the use of each
In in front of on behind- under - above between
next to)
I am in front of the desk or behind?
Who is between Maria and Juan?

Ask if any of them knows the meaning and

what is it?

Who knows what does this word mean?

In = en (they translate when teacher ask for

Drilling (pronunciation)

When do we use this word?

(to give directions or to say where an object is.)

T. Uses a power point that shows the words

with series of drawings with their respective

You are going to repeat after me (T. Names the

prepositions written)


As you can see, here it is explain the use of any of

these prepositions.
- We show the pictures explaining the meaning
of the prepositions

T. provides the instructions

Activity 1:
10 min
T. gives a list of elements that usually get
lost in a house (clock, shoes, cell phone,
remote control) to the half of the class and
places where to find the elements to the
other half.

Now we are going to play a game, I will give you

just one of these pieces of paper to every one of you.
As you can see, one of you only have one element on
the paper, this is something that you lost. But some
of your classmates have on their papers two things,
the element that you lost and the place in your house
where you can find it.
Now, you are going to be divided: the students with
the answers on the left and the seekers the ones
that are seeking or looking for their lost elements on
the right.
Now, you are going to look for some elements that
you lost inside of your own houses. Lets go!

Activity 2:


Once all of them have found their partners,

they will work with him/her in another
activity. Together they will have to observe a
video and then comment it with each other
and at the end of the activity with the rest of
the class

15 min

T. asks the students to make a list of objects

that can be easily lost and the places where
those objects can be found ( according to
their own experience). Then T. asks the
students to compare the list with a

15 min

T. models the activity

Now that you have found your partner, please watch

this video and then we are going to discuss it all
together as a group.
(ss watch the video )
Teacher ask ss the tips mentioned by the boy in the
Teacher ask if some of this tips have worked with
them in any particular case
Teacher ask if someone can explain a case in which
this tips have work with him/her
Ok. The last activity will consist on you making your
own list of the objects that you usually lose in your
houses with the places where those objects can be.

5 Min
T. closes the class

(For example. I lost my keys, they are on my desk.

You have 10 minutes.
Now, compare you list with a classmate and discus it
with him/ her.
The lesson is about to end, can someone tell me what have
you learn today?
Goood. See you next week, and remember to study every
day a little bit.

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