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2 Final Exam Study Guide

Unit 7 A
Vocab - p.68
Friendly - Somebody who makes friends easily. Somebody who is kind.
John is really friendly he has lots of friends.
Generous - Somebody who gives money or gifts to other people.
James is really generous, he always buys nice presents and often treats me to dinner.
Patient - Somebody who is good at waiting for things. They remain calm in stressful situations.
Sarah is really patient. She is always calm and never gets angry.
Reliable / Depend on - A friend is reliable when you can trust them to do the right thing.
Paul is always reliable. You can depend on him
Optimistic - Somebody who is very positive. They think that life is good
Steve is always optimistic. He is very happy about his life.
Organized - Somebody who plans there time well.
Sharon is very organized. She always plans her time carefully
Smart - Intelligent / Smart
Nick is very intelligent. He usually gets A+ on this exams.
Honest - Somebody who doesn't tell lies.
David is very honest. He never tells lies.

Grammar - p.70Expressing Ability

Positive Sentence:
Subject + can + base verb + (noun)
I can play the piano
Yes / No Question:
Can + subject + base verb + (noun)?
Can you play the piano?
Wh Question:
Wh + (noun) + can + subject + base verb?
What sports can you play?
What languages can you speak?

Negative Sentence:
Subject + can't + base verb + (noun)
I can't play basketball.
Yes / No Answer:
Yes, + subject + can / No, + subjet + can't.
Yes, I can / No, I can't.
Wh Answer:
(See postivie answer above)

Be Good At
subject + be (am,is,are) + good at + verb + ing
I am good at cooking
He is good at speaking English
Key Verbs:
sing, play speak a language, cook, drive, talk, draw, balance, hear, run, swim, dance, ride, understand, work,

Unit 7B
Grammar P. 72-73Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of manner tell us how the verb is done. They are made by adding ly or ily to the adjective.
Most adjectives = Add ly
Adjectives Ending y - Delete y
Slow = slowly
add ily
Good = Well
Quiet = quietly
Happy = happily
Fast = Fast
Noisy = Noisily
Hard = Hard
Adverbs for the test:
slowly, quickly, beautifully, quietly, badly, funnily, noisily, happily, fast, well.
Subject + can / cant + base verb +____ + adverb
Paul can play soccer beautifully
I cant sing well
Subject + present verb + _____+ adverb
I run fast
Paul runs fast

Subject + dont / doesnt / base verb + _____+

I dont run slowly
Paul doesnt run slowly

Unit 8A
Vocabulary and Grammar P78-79
See book for list of clothes.
Singular nouns = One = This / That
A shirt, a coat, a dress, a jacket etc

Plural Nouns = Two or Many = These / Those

Shoes, sneakers, pants, gloves, glasses etc.

We use This / These:

Holding, wearing, touching, near
We use That / Those:
Far from the speaker.

Unit 8B
Vocabulary P81 Adjectives for Describing Gadgets (Technology)
attractive it looks good, looks nice
up-to-date modern , new
user-friendly easy and simple to use
compact small
versatile it can do many things or it has many uses
expensive not cheap!
powerful it has a lot of memory
cheap not expensive!

Grammar P82-83 Comparative Adjectives

We use comparative adjectives to compare two things:

To write comaparitives we need to know how many syllables are in the adjective:
fast, small, cheap = one adjective
compact (com-pact), easy (ea-sy) = two adjectives
expensive (ex-pen-sive), powerful (po-wer-ful) = three adjectives
One Syllabe Adjectives
A bicycle is cheaper than a car
noun + is/are + adjective + r/er + than + noun
Jaguars are faster than turtles
Two Syllable Adjectives Ending Y
noun + is/are + adjective + y + ier + than + noun
Three + Syllable Adjectives
noun + is/are + more / less + adjective + than +noun.
Exceptions / Irregular adjectives
bad = worse
good = better

Comedies are funnier than dramas

A lion is noisier than a mouse
My computer is more expensive than my watch
Smart phones are more versatile than DVD players.
My teacher is worse than your teacher.
Walking is better than driving.

Unit 9
unit 9 will not be on the test!

Unit 10 Past Tense

Grammar P98
See page 98 for list of past tense verbs that will be in the test

Grammar P101
Past Tense - Verb Be
Positive Statement:
Negative Statement:
Subject () + be (was / were) + (noun /
Subject () + be not(wasnt / werent) + noun /
preposition / adjective)
preposition / adjective
His wife was Marie Curie
His wife wasnt Beyonce
I was born in Busan.
I wasnt born in Seoul
He was happy
He wasnt sad
Question Yes / No:
Yes / No Answer:
Yes, + subject + be (was / were) - Yes, I was / Yes, he
Be (was / were) + subject ( ) + noun() /
was / Yes, they were
preposition () / adjective ()?
No, + subject + be not (wasnt / werent)- No, I wasnt
Were you a doctor?
/ No, he wasnt / No, they werent
Was he in school?
Were they happy?
Wh Question:
Wh Answer:
(See positive and negative statements above)
Wh + be (was / were) + subject ( ) ____?
When were you born?
What was his hobby?
Who was his friend?

Positive Statement:
Subject () + PAST VERB!

Past Tense Verbs - Action Verbs

Negative Statement:
Subject () + Didnt + BASE VERB

I went to America
I studied English last week
I watched the movie with my friend
Yes / No Question:
Did + subject ( ) + BASE VERB____?
Did he go to class?
Did you play soccer?
Wh Question:
Wh + did + subject ( ) + BASE VERB___?
Where did you go on vacation?
When did you study English?
Who did you watch the movie with?

I didntgo to England.
I didntstudy Japanese.
I didntwatch the movie with my mother.
Yes / No Answer:
Yes, + subject + did - Yes, I did
No, + subject + didnt - No, I didnt
Wh Answer:
(See postive and negative statements above)

When using action verbs it is only when using a POSITIVE statement that we use the PAST VERB (WENT, SAW, ATE,
WATCHED ETC.) Example: I went to the beach
When asking a QUESTION we use DID with the BASE VERB (GO, SEE, EAT, WATCH ETC.) Example: Did you go to the
When making a NEGATIVE statement we use DIDN'T plus BASE VERB. Example: I didn'tgo to the movies.

Vocabulary P103Past Time Expressions:

Yesterday =
Ago ()
number + time(s) + ago
Last ()

I met my friend yesterday

I went to France one year ago.
I played soccer 3 days ago
Last year I went to France

In + month / year

I was born in September

I went to France in 2012
Once I went to Hong Kong
I tried scuba diving once.

Once = One time only

Vocabulary P100_ed / _ing adjectives

ed = How you feel (inside)
ing How you feel about something (it)
I feel bored. Studying is boring
The concert was reallyamazing. I was amazed.

Unit 11A
Grammar P109 Simple Past using When
When clause:

We can write it two ways. Both mean the same.

When, + Result
Result + When
When I was sick, I went to the doctor
I went to to the doctor when I was sick.
When we use when at the beginning use a comma between the two clauses
When I was sick, I went to the doctor
When we use when in the middle of the sentence dont use a comma.
I went to to the doctor when I was sick.
Little = Young = Younger

Vocabulary P110
Be born

Grow up
Get a job

Get married

Have children


I was born in 1985

I was born in Busan
I was born in September
I was born on September 15
He grew up in Busan
She graduated in 2010
She graduated from Tongmyong University
I got a job in 2001
I got a job as a teacher
I got a job with Samsung
They got married in 2005
They got married in Busan
They got married in July
They got married on July 10
They had children in 2009
They had a child
They had 2 children
He retired in 1985
He retired from Samsung
He died in 2005
He died in Busan
He died in March
He died on March 1

Unit 11B
Grammar P112 Object Pronouns
See P143 for list of object pronouns
Subject = The person doing the verb
Object The person receiving the verb

Sarah met Paul = She met him

David and Susan met Paul and Sarah = They met them.

Sarah met Paul

David me James and I = He met us.
Sarah = Subject

Paul = Object

Vocabulary P113 Historical Events

won independence Korea won independence from Japan on August 15, 1945
explored (a place) Marco Polo explored China
built (something) The Egyptians built the pyramids
invented (something) Steve Jobs invented the iPhone
discovered (something) Marie Curie discovered radium
wrote (a book/a poem) Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet
fought (a battle) Yi Sun Shin fought the Japanese
composed (a piece of music) Beethoven wrote Fr Elise

Unit 12A
Grammar P118 Present Progressive as Future
Present Progressive can be used for actions we are doing now AND for actions we will do in the future.
Positive Statement:
Negative Statement:
Subject + be + verb + ing +(time expression)
Subject + be not + verb + ing+(time expression)
He is watching TV tonight
Im not playing soccer next weekend.
Yes / No Question:
Yes / No Answer:
Be + subject + verb + ing + (time expression)?
Yes, + subject + be -Yes, they are.
Are they eating dinner later?
No, + subject + be not - No, they arent
Wh Question:
Wh Answer:
Wh + be + subject + verb + ing +(time expression)?
(see positive and negative statementsabove.)
What are you doing tomorrow?

Vocabulary P120 Activities with go + gerund

Gerund =Verb+ing (running, walking, shopping, setting, watching)
See page 120 for activities
go out to meet friends
I go out most weekends. I usually meet my friends at a bar.
Go out of town to go on a trip, to leave town
I am going out of town this weekend. I am going to Namhae
Go out to eat To go to a restaurant
I went out to eat last night. I went to Outback.
Time Expressions:
Question = How often do you + verb
Answer = I + verb + frequency expression

Everyday =
Once a week = one time in one week
Twice a month = two times in one week.
Three times a year = three times in one year

Unit 12B
Grammar P121 Going to
Going to = Future =
Positive Statement:
Subject + be + going to + base verb +(time
He is going to watch TV tonight.
Yes / No Question:
Be + subject + going to + base verb___?
Are you going to study English next year?
Wh Question:
Wh + be + subject + going to + base verb_____?
What are they going to study?

Negative Statement:
Subject + be not + going to + base verb +(time
She isn't going to play soccer this weekend.
Yes / No Answer:
Yes, + subject + be - Yes, I am
No, + subject + be not - No, I'm not
Wh Answer:
(see positive and negative statements above.)

Vocabulary P122 Start / Stop + Gerund

See page 122 for activities
We can use with going to OR want to
Going to

Im going to start setting goals

Hes going to stop worrying

Want to

I want to start setting goals

He wants to stop worrying

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