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Grays Classroom Constitution



If you are in my classroom then you are

studying US History, US Government, or
Introduction to Law. All three subjects require
critical thinking and participation, to include
I will do my part to make the class interesting
and challenging. It is your job to learn. I want
every student to succeed and I absolutely
enjoy giving out As. However, if a student
chooses not to succeed I have no fear of
helping that student earn an F.
The instructions on this handout and on your
syllabus are your Constitution. They explain
what you can expect from me and what I will
expect from you. We will both hold each other
A nation is only as strong is its citizenry. Below
are the guiding principles of a good citizen in
this classroom:
1. We disagree with ideas, not individuals. If
you do not agree with someones opinion
do not attack that person. Focus on the
idea. Likewise, if your opinion is being
debated do not take it personally.
2. Do your part. This is a participatory
democracy. Come to class prepared to
discuss the material and stay engaged.
Failure to do so will hurt your grade.
3. With any luck the class will get rowdy from
time-to-time. However, we cannot let the
situation devolve out of control into
anarchy. When the gavel is banged, the
class WILL come to order!
4. If the situation warrants, the class (led by
yours truly) will develop new rules and
penalties as needed.

You hate doing it and I hate grading it, but it is

very important. Most worthwhile endeavors
are not enjoyable.
Failure to complete
homework will not only negatively impact your
grade, but it will also put you at a disadvantage
in our classroom.
I do not assign busy work. Each and every
homework assignment will serve a purpose.
Homework assignments and due dates will be
posted on the Assignments board in the
classroom (and online if available).
assignments are due at the beginning of class
and are to be turned in via the appropriate inbox at the front of the class.
Late homework is always accepted, but at a
50% reduction in grade.
Homework will be returned via student folders
in the back of the room.
Missed Work/Quizzes/Exams
Excused absences guarantee your right to turn
in missed work and complete missed quizzes
and exams.
I understand things can stack up when you are
ill. Therefore, you have a two-day grace period
for every day you are excused. If you miss one
day you have two days to turn in the
assignment. If you missed two, then you get
four, etc.
Missed Homework: Turn it in by the adjusted
due date to me personally.
Missed Quizzes/Exams: Must be taken either
during lunch, during my prep period, or after
school. Please coordinate with me at least one
day in advance.


Writing Assignments

If you are not ready to learn when I am ready

to teach then you are tardy. At the beginning
of the year that means be in your seat with
required materials ready when I start taking
attendance. As the year progresses youll be
able to gauge your freedom a little better.

Effective written communication is absolutely

critical for success in this world. There will be
an emphasis on essay questions in exams and
at least one paper due per semester. I will
read any rough draft given to me well in
advance of the due date and provide
appropriate feedback. Good citizens must be
able to organize their thoughts and
communicate their ideas effectively. If the
thought of writing a 10-page paper with
footnotes scares you, then see me ASAP.

Freedom of Movement
If you need to sharpen a pencil or get a book,
please just do so without disturbing the class.
If you need to leave the classroom to use the
restroom or get a drink of water, please just
grab the pass and do so (again, without
disturbing the class). There is only one pass,
so be considerate of your classmates.
If you, as an individual, abuse this freedom, it
will be revoked.
We will start the year with a seating chart so I
can learn to match names with faces. After the
first two weeks you are free to sit where you
want. Again, abuse of this freedom (e.g. rowdy
corner) will result in its loss.
Every Monday is a quiz day. After attendance
you get ten minutes to review your notes.
Quizzes will cover both material from class
covered the previous week and assigned
reading in preparation for the coming week.
See syllabus for details.
Open Door
I am paid by the tax payers of the school
district to teach you a broad range of academic
standards. I take that oath very serious. If you
are having difficulty please come talk to me
and we will help you succeed.
Parents are also welcome.

Extra Credit
There will be times when even your brilliant
teacher does not have the answer to a
question. When I admit that I dont know that
is an immediate extra credit opportunity.
Research the question (Wikipedia is not
accepted) and turn it in as homework the next
day. I may, or may not, point out the extra
credit opportunity.
Its up to you to pay
I said in the opening paragraph that dissent is
an important part of our classroom. However,
it needs to be expressed appropriately. There
are times when opinions and interpretation of
the facts is open for debate. If you do not
agree with the text or with me, I want you to
speak up. However, take a minute to organize
your thoughts and construct an argument.
Particularly effective arguments, the basis for
appropriate dissent, are deserving of extra
About Me
I am a 20-year veteran of the US Air Force and
father of five. I have been to all 50 states, five
continents, and over 30 countries. I strive to
continue learning, despite my age, and am
devoted to my family and my students. I am
proud to be your teacher!

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