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PS/MS 498X

The Van Nest Academy for Environmental Health

Sciences & Technology
1640 Bronxdale Avenue
Bronx, NY 10462
Ph.(718) 409-3001 Fax (718)409-3002
Carol Ann Gilligan, Principal

Ann Reynolds, Assistant Principal

Megan Gundogdu, Assistant Principal

Dear VNA Parents and Guardians of Incoming 4th Graders,

On September 4, 2014 your child will start a very important year in their educational career4th
grade! We hope to make your childs learning experience a fun and exciting one, and we hope to
instill a love of learning that will last throughout your childs years of schooling and beyond.
We recognize how difficult change can be, especially the transition of summer to the start of a
new school year; however, we believe that with us working together, this will be a most
enjoyable and memorable year. It is a time of curiosity, learning, and growing. We look
forward to having your child in our classroom and working with you to make this an extra
FANTASTIC year in your childs life! We understand that you and your son/daughter may have
met this day with excitement or apprehension, or a little of both! But, we hope this letter will
explain some of the procedures that we will use throughout the year in our classroom.
As the school year begins, we are sure that you have many questions regarding our classroom
routines and procedures. We hope the following information is helpful:
Parent/Teacher Relationships: We believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is important
for maximum school success. Throughout the year, we will communicate with you through
notes, telephone calls, emails, and the weekly communication folders. We are always available
if you have any questions or concerns; you may call us at (718) 409-3001. An even better way to
reach us is via email (address will be given out once the year begins.) We will be sure to get
back to you as soon as possible.
Behavior Policy: This year students will obtain a daily grade/mark on a section sheet, which will
follow the class through out the day. Students may obtain marks on the section sheet for

exceptional behavior and work as well as for negative behavior and/or no work. If a child
receives 3 negative marks on the section, throughout the day, they will have to stay for Mandated
Study Hall/Detention that day. You will receive a phone call to inform you.
Changes in Transportation: If you plan to pick up a child who normally rides the bus, or if
your child is going home with someone they do not usually go home with you must send a
written note to me that morning. If we do not receive a written note or phone call, then we must
send your child home by his/her usual mode of transportation. Only adults listed on the
Emergency Blue Card will be permitted to pick up your child and they must have a valid ID with
them in order to do so.
Homework: Homework is a reinforcement of the days work or review of previously taught
work. If your child is having a difficult time understanding the work, let them make an attempt,
but do not stress out or get frustrated. Stick a post-it to the work with a brief explanation.
Planner: Each student is required to have a VNA planner in which they are to write their daily
homework in. Planners are $7.00 and are available to purchase in September. Please check your
childs planner daily, as it will be their responsibility to write their daily homework and keep
track of their assignments in an organized fashion.
Reading: Your child will be expected to read independently and/or read to somebody for at least
40 minutes each night. Throughout the year, they will have access to books in the classroom and
library. Each student will have a book baggie that goes home with them nightly and must be
brought back to school the next day.
Folders: Please check your childs homework folder daily. Completed work and notices will be
going home on a regular basis. Please empty out the papers or childrens work that can now stay
Class Grading Policy: There will be a grading policy on a scale of 1-4. This will be based on
areas such as reading, participation, projects, attendance, homework, behavior, tardiness, etc.
This will be explained more in the depth at Open House in September.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Our partnership will go a long way in sending a
positive message to your child, the importance of their education. By working together, we can
make this an exciting and rewarding year for your child. As always, feel free to contact us if you

have any questions or concerns regarding your child. Together we can make a difference!
4th Grade Teachers

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