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There are millions of unsolved mysteries revolving around the world.

But the one

mystery that seems to astonish us is the human skeletal system. The skeletal system consist of
206 bones. Each bone connected to another bone through ligament or tendon. Giving every bone
in the body a purpose in helping the human system function properly. The bones tend to vary in
the functions they daily perform from providing nutrients to helping protect organs, bones are
essential to the human life.
Bones are often stereotyped as being simply a protective and supportive framework. Not
only do they provide protection and support they also provide movement. Out of the two hundred
and six bones in the human skeletal system there bones that protect important and vital organs
and therefore become the most important bones in the skeletal system. The skull is a bony
framework which gives shape to your head, protects the brain and the eyes, nose, and ears. The
ribs are shaped like crescents, with one end flattened and the other end rounded which connect to
the back of the backbone. It protects the heart, lungs, and other vital organs. The backbone, also
known as the spine, protects the spinal cord, nerve roots and several of the body's internal
organs. The backbone also provides structural support and balance to maintain an upright posture
and enables flexible motion. The last major bone, the femur, protects internal reproductive
organs,the urinary bladder, and the lower part of the digestive tract. Furthermore the pelvis also
also protects the womb of the females.
Though it may perform these functions the bone is an essential organ that constantly
remodels and changes shape to adapt constant forces and pressures placed upon it. Bone contains
bone marrow which produces blood cells, called red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells:
they also tend to produce blood cells that nourish the body which play an enormous role in
helping the body fight infections. Many different nutrients are required for the growth,
development and maintenance of healthy bones. These nutrients include: Calcium, vitamin D,
phosphorus, magnesium and protein which can be stored in the bone. Diet is an important factor
in ensuring the development of bones. Not only is a healthy diet a factor, but so are genetics;
where some ethnic groups have stronger bones than others. Gender is also important, as women
tend to have a lower bone mass than men. Physical activity, especially weight bearing exercises
such as walking and running are very important to build bone strength. Body weight also tends to
affects bone strength, as heavier people tend to have stronger bones due to the extra weight they
are required to carry.
The skeletal system consist of 206 bones. Each bone connected to another bone through
ligament or tendon. Giving every bone in the body a purpose in helping the human system
function properly. Bones tend to vary in the functions they daily perform from providing
nutrients to helping protect organs, therefore bones are an essential to the human life. Which
never stop to amaze us.

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