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Alisa Edwards
English 2010
Sarah Orme
Assignment #2: Report
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is an issue that affects every society. It does not discriminate against
race, religion, social status, or gender. The media would like you to believe that domestic
violence only affects minorities, low income populations, and only women. This just simply
isnt the case. What are the statistics of domestic violence? What can an individual do if
someone they know is being abused? How does domestic violence affect children? This report
will address these questions.
What are the statistics of domestic violence?
The following diagrams are national statistics as of September 25, 2014:

Percentage of Abuse Victims by






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National Percentages


Domestic Violence Crimes Actually Reported to
Teens Who Know Someone Who Has Been Hit
Those Who Abuse Their Partners and Also
Abuse Their Children

How can people bring awareness to this epidemic?

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) is a non-profit
organization of people dedicated to eliminating domestic violence. This organization also helps
to empower victims, and educate communities about domestic violence. This is one way of
bringing awareness to cities and communities nationwide. A very powerful project that brings
consciousness to domestic violence is the Remember My Name project. In 1994, the NCADV
partnered with Ms. Magazine to create a registry of women who have died because of domestic
violence. They produce a poster each year and display it every October for Domestic Violence
Awareness Month. The NCADV also promotes other organizations that help with the issues that
domestic violence brings. The organization offers resources for individuals to bring information
into their own community. An individual can request materials from the NCADV that pertain to
their community and its needs specifically. (NCADV, 2014)

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What can someone do if someone close to them is being abused?

Dr. Elaine Weiss has written many books on ways to help victims of domestic violence.
The Family and Friends Guide to Domestic Violence: How to Listen, Talk and Take Action
When Someone You Care About is Being Abused will be the focus of this section. In this
guide, Dr. Weiss first talks about understanding domestic violence. The patterns, tactics, and
trying to comprehend the incomprehensible. Manipulation, mind games, isolation, control,
blame, and physical abuse are all examples of these. (15-21). It is not always easy for the victim
to see the patterns because they are living it this is the incomprehensible. Understanding where
the victim is coming from can help family members try to understand why their loved one is
staying in such a violent relationship. (21-34). Weiss also discusses into how to take action and
how to talk to your loved one. (64-68). There is even a section on how to support your loved one
after they have left the relationship. It is not over when the relationship is terminated. This is
the beginning of a whole new healing process for the victim. They must now learn how to live
on their own without the control from someone else. The book also includes numerous checklists
that can be helpful. Even if someone is not able to help their loved one escape a violent
relationship, they can help them to be safer through safety plan checklists.
How does domestic violence affect children?
According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Domestic violence poses a
serious threat to children's emotional, psychological, and physical well-being, particularly if the
violence is chronic. Short term effects of domestic violence in children include: increased
aggression, generalized anxiety, sleeplessness, intense worry about the safety of their parent, and
difficulty concentrating. Long term effects are more serious, and can happen even if the child
wasnt exposed to violence for a long period of time. These effects include: physical health

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problems, behavioral problems in adolescence, and emotional problems in adulthood. The long
term effects are the most worry some. Children victims are often referred to as the hidden or
silent victims. Parents typically wont disclose that a child witnessed the abuse, for fear the
protective services will get involved. Professionals often overlook children for fear of how to
address the parent or caregiver. It is in this case, that children are never linked up with services
that could help them work through the issues, before they manifest later in life. Individual and
group therapies are an excellent way for children to process what is going on. A lot of the time,
children blame themselves, or think that there is something they could be doing to stop the abuse.
Many domestic violence shelters offer therapy for victims of domestic violence including
children. This helps develop a strong relationship between the child and the non-offending
parent. A strong emotional bond between parent and child is important for healing and future
Hopefully, this report has brought awareness to domestic violence. The more people who
become educated, the better. Domestic violence affects more individuals than people realize.
Almost everyone knows someone who has been or is being abused. With education, victims can
start to get the help they so desperately need.

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Works Cited
"Domestic Violence / Abuse Statistics." Statistic Brain RSS. : U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of
Justice Statistics, 5 Sept. 2014. Web. 11 Oct. 2014.
"National Child Traumatic Stress Network - Child Trauma Home |." National Child Traumatic Stress
Network - Child Trauma Home |. U.S. Department of Human Services, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.
"National Coalition Against Domestic Violence." National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.
Weiss, Elaine. Family & Friends' Guide to Domestic Violence: How to Listen, Talk, and Take Action
When Someone You Care about Is Being Abused. Volcano, CA: Volcano, 2003. Print.

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