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Alrashed 1

Mariam Alrashed
Prof. Dylan Altman
English 113A
17 November 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Alkerwi, Alaa. "Nutrition." Diet Quality Concept 30.6 (2013): 613-18. Scientific. Web. 14
Nov. 2014.
Alaa talks about the history of diet and what were the reasons behind coming up with
diets. Adding to that, she points out what has changed between the old concept of
dieting and the most recent one. This is a credible resource because Alaa had had her
Ph.D. degree in CRP sant, which is a public research center for health. According to
their website, it is the leading public organization for basic, pre-clinical and clinical
research in life sciences in Luxembourg. It is a In order to make my points clear I
should provide the history of my main idea which is diet, I believe that I will be able
to achieve that by using this journal. At first I thought that dieting has been around
recently but it seems that it has been here for a while. The methods of dieting have
also changed throughout the years.
"Low-carb Diet: Can It Help You Lose Weight?" Mayo Clinic. 20 Sept. 2014. Web. 14 Nov.
This article illustrates the actuality of a low-carb diet, the steps to follow this kind of
diets, studies about this diet and its side effects on our health. Mayo clinic is a
nationally ranked hospital and a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical car as it is
written in their website. Mayo Clinics goals are to understand human needs and
create affordable healthcare for everyone. They are not biased towards any kind of

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diet because they do not emphasize one kind of a diet over the other. However, they
include some studies regarding each diet to show the effectiveness of the diet. I
choose to include this source because it specializes in health related researches and
medicine. It helped me to think about which diet is better for our health and how to
choose what suits our bodies and life style. Moreover, it helped in directing my way
of thinking about the topic to think deep into the effects and future results of
following a diet.
McCaffree, Jim. "Low-fat diets: One size may not fit all." Journal of the American Dietetic
Association 101.9 (2001): 990. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 15 Nov. 2014.
This is an interview that had been conducted by Jim McCaffree between Journal
American Dietetic Association (JADA) and Michael Lefevre and Wahida Karmally,
which are both specializing in food research. They compare the effectiveness of a
low-fat diet depending on the genetic makeup of a humans body. Adding to that, they
are pointing out the role of nutritionists and dietitians in choosing a proper diet for
each patient. This is an interview that allows us to have a look into what do researches
think about diets. It also shows that dieting does not only depend on the diet itself but
it also depends on our genetic makeup and our digestion system as individuals. The
researchers had made it clear that each individual has his own nutritional needs, and
that it is not necessary that a certain diet would work on all individuals with the exact
same results. It has increased my conviction with the fact that diets differ from person
to person and that one type of diet will not benefit all individuals equally.
Taubes, Gary. "What If It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?" The New York Times. 7 July
2002. Web. 14 Nov. 2014.
This article talks about how people are obsessed with diet plans either to maintain,
lose or gain weight. It also shows some of the diets that nutritionists have come up

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with and how they run against each other. Also, he clarifies that most people tend to
choose low-fat diets over low-carb diets on lest of increasing risks of heart disease.
The New York Times is a very useful website. This website includes all kinds of
articles credible and non-credible- and with that said, I have looked for the sources
that has been used in this article and it seems that they are trustworthy. Taubes insists
that low-fat diets are not useful for humans and seemingly in his life too. I did not
know the difference between both low-carb and low-fat diet and what are their effects
on our health. However, after reading Taubes article I had to look for the definitions
of both diets and their features, which made me want to take side to support one of the
diets that I find useful and effective.
Vander Wal, Jillion S. "Moderate-carbohydrate Low-fat Versus Low-carbohydrate High-fat
Meal Replacements for Weight Loss." International Journal of Food Sciences and
Nutrition 140.10 (2007): 769-77. Web of Science. Web. 14 Nov. 2014.
This research compares between two different types of diets. It studies the effects of
low and high-fat diets and also compares the long-term effects. They have included
several types of diets, one of them is Atkins diet that has been mentioned in Gary
Taubes article. I find this useful because it has compared types of diets. It is a scholar
research that has been peer reviewed. It supports the low-fat diet because it doesnt
affect the cardiovascular risk unlike the low-carb and high-fat diet but it doesnt help
in losing weight. I will use this source to prove that no matter what kind of diet you
follow you will notice that diet does not completely help in reducing weight, however,
people should follow diet plans in order to maintain a healthy cardiovascular health.

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