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Integrating Instructional Technology

Times have changed and is consistently evolving, so society must keep up to avoid
getting left behind. Traditional ways are obsolete, and being replenished with 21st century
strategies, especially in the field of education (Shelly, G., Gunter, G., & Gunter, R., 2012).
Out with the old educational practices, and in with the new and effective techniques to assure our
scholars develop into productive and responsible citizens in todays high-tech society (Shelly et
al., 2012). This generation of school aged students were born and raised in the technology era,
so we, as teacheres, must equip them with the necessary tools to be well rounded and
technology-prepeared adults. It is impossible to achieve this goal without the fundamental basics,
which influence my website Blog at While
teaching basic reading and math skills to special needs students grades Kindergarden to 4th ,
technology would be used to facilitate and enhance instruction in the classroom through
computers, digital media, and electronic devices.
Screen Readers
Reiterating, reinforcement, and repetition are the three Rs necessary to achieve
comprehensive and higer leaarning, in both General and Special Education. Basic literary and
mathematical skills should be introduced and mastered within my target grade levels to ensure
a bright and promising future for themselves and society. Some special needs scholars need
Assistive Technology devices to achieve these basic skills. These products provide additional
support to students who are physically or cognitively challenged. For example, screen readers
verbalize the text viewed on the computer screen in a computerized voice aloud (Microsoft,
2014). This device is geared towards blind users, but is also beneficial to users with minimum

basic reading skills. Some students tend to grasp a better perspectie of literature through audio
and visual (Microsoft, 2014).
Sip-and-Puff System
The Sip-and-Puff System is of many alternative input devices that allows students to
independently control their computer through means outside of the standard keyboard
(Microsoft, 2014). This particular form of digital media is activated by inhaling and exhaling to
translate student responses. Some individuals are physically and verbally impaird, which makes
it to communicate with them. This software is specifically designed for non-verbal and verbally
challenged individuals to learn and express their thoughtsand comprehension of the lesson. It
also promotes social skills, which increases their self-esteem by creating a comfortable
environment for them to feel included and normal, especially amongst their peers.
Ipods are transportable electronic devices that are capable of accessing educating Podcasts.
Podcasts are audio or video programs formatted to be played on these electronical devices for
free or purchased on the Internet (Costello, 2014). I will use this form of technology by
referencing academic audio and videos to promote and einforce basic literary and math skills.
There are several audio-based academic programs that can asist with bridging the gap of where a
student is assessed and where they should be to achieve higher learning. Working at a high
school provides first hand exposure to the severity of re-routing students to the basic
fundamental skills in math and reading. Users should only trust the lessons taught by educators
or experets, and must distinguish them amongst the amateurs to assure acurate instructions.

Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Learning

Using technology to facilitate learning has its advantages and disadvantages. The Internet
or World Wide Web permits students and teachers to communicate with their peers globally to
share ideas and resources (Shelly et al., 2012). Technology will impact my classroom in several
ways. Students will use note taking applications to dictate and organize notes on tablets (Shelly
et al., 2012). I will use educational applications to assess my students learning styles, strengths,
and weaknesses (Shelly et al., 2012). This will assist me with bridging the academic gap of
where they are, where they should be, and beyond. This promotes creativity for both parties to
teach and learn, especially as time evolves. Although the Internet is the gateway of access
millions of resources, it can also be used for unauthorized purposes. Cyber criminals depend on
the web to access others personal information and collect victims, such as children. School age
students are easy targets because they tend to be nave and careless when inputting their personal
information on the web. Some adults are capable of persuading children to do anything they
want, which makes them the perfect prey. Unfortunately, most children are unaware they are
being victimized at the time. Some cyber criminals are school aged children themselves, and do
not know they are committing a crime. It is my duty as a parent, educator, and adult to
implement internet ethics in class, and promote their families to continue proper etiquette at
home as well.
Wired and Wireless Classrooms
Technology has forced traditional wired classrooms into extinction, and replaced them
with modern wireless equipment (Shelly et al., 2012) wired and wireless classrooms are both
effective, but they both have advantages and disadvantages. Wired classrooms are restricted,
meaning they have minimum or no mobility. Examples of wired technology includes, but are not

limited to, projectors, computers, and smartboards. Wireless classrooms show how the wireless
revolution has advanced since its integration into the educational curriculum. Examples of
wireless digital equipment are laptops, iPads, and cellular phones. Wireless equipment allows
studentss, teachers, and the global community to communicate, teach, and learn inside and
outside of the normal classroom environment (Shelly et al., 2012). These two access methods
will impact my teaching and student learning process by enabling us to make new discoveries
together, obtain resources, and collaborate with our peers globally.
The use of technology to facilitate student learning has advantages and disadvantages, but
the consequences of the disadvantages outweigh the good. The danger lies within responsible
usage and Internet security. Students should learn how to use all digital equipment appropriately
to prevent damages. This means being cautious of eating food and drinking liquids while
utilizing school property. School districts invest a lot of money in the technology tools they allow
us to use, so teachers, students, staff, and faculty should treat them with care. If students and
teachers appreciate the equipment outside of their homes, they will treat their personal technical
equipment in the same manner. Internet security is a more serious disadvantage to the usage of
digital equipment because it can damage lives. It is imperative to teach and practice Internet
security at school, as well as home to protect our scholars from being cyber victims and/or cyber
preditors. It is impossible to supervise every student at all times while on the computer, so it is
important to teach, practice, and honor the implemented rules. I was not raised in the era of
technology, so these specifics were not as much of an issue as they are today. I received an
adequate education without technology, but I feel lost without having the exposure that exists
today. This generation of scholars were born and raised in the digital era, so they have a better

opportunity of being successful wel rounded adults adults that can effectively contribute to our
technology-based society.

Shelly, G., Gunter, G., & Gunter, R. (2012). Communications, networks, the internet, and the
world wide web. Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology in a
Connected World, Seventh Edition. Received on November 30, 2014 from:

Shelly, G., Gunter, G., & Gunter, R. (2012). Integrating educational technology into the
curriculum. Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology in a
Connected World, Seventh Edition. Received on November 30, 2014 from:

Microsoft. (2014). Types of assistive technology products-Microsoft. Microsoft accessibility

productsResearch a minimum of three to five articles that can be used in support of
your content. You cannot have references listed here without having in-text citations
stating where you used these references in the body of your paper.
Costello, S. (2014). Definition of a podcast. About Technology. Retrieved on November 30,
2014 from:

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