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NAME(S): Molly Dincher and Carter Tyzinski






P1. Students will be able to perform body
L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
weight exercises by doing push-ups, planks
and squats.

L2.P.1 The student will be able to perform

squats and pushups during the instant

P2. Students will be able to perform free

weight exercises by doing bicep curls,
shoulder presses and arm extensions.


L3.P.1 The student will complete two

rounds of a body weight circuit by
participating at each station.
L4.P.1 The student will complete two
rounds of a free weight circuit by
participating at each station.

P3. Students will be able to perform a free

weight and body weight circuit.

L3, L4, L5

L3.P.1 The student will complete two

rounds of a body weight circuit by
participating at each station.
L4.P.1 The student will complete two
rounds of a free weight circuit by
participating at each station.
L5.P.1 The student will perform their own
exercise circuit based on previous
exercises done in prior lesson.

C1. Students will be able to complete a
peer assessment by observing their peer on
proper etiquette, form, safety and clean up.


C2. Students will be able to identify the

benefits of muscular strength and

L2, L3

C3. Students will be able to analyze the

differences between muscular strength and
muscular endurance while working on
body weight exercises and free weight

L1, L2, L3, L4 L5

L4.C.1 The student will be able to

complete peer assessments by observing
their partner on proper form, etiquette,
safety, and clean up.
L3.C.1 The student will be able to
complete an entry slip on their knowledge
of the benefits of muscular strength and
L1.C.1 The student will be able to
complete a worksheet based on their
knowledge of what exercises are muscular
strength and muscular endurance.
L5.C.1 The student will be able to
complete an entry slip based on body
weight and free weight exercises.

A1. Students will use proper weight room
etiquette by washing off equipment before
and after use, and putting the equipment
back where they got it.


L4.A.1 The student will use proper

etiquette and safety while in the weight
room by cleaning the equipment, and
returning it after use.

A2. Students will use proper safety

protocols by spotting their partners when
needed, not running with weights, and
placing weights down safely where they
need to be.

L1, L2, L3,L4,L5

L3.A.1 The student will use proper

etiquette and safety while in the gym.

A3. Students will be able to perform a

weeks worth of exercises outside of the


L4.A.1 The student will use proper

etiquette and safety while in the weight
room by cleaning the equipment, and
returning it after use.
L5.A.1 The student will be able to use
muscular strength and endurance outside

classroom to complete their exercise logs.

of class by completing a week long

exercise log.

Overall after looking back at the Lesson Objectives Congruence Form, overall we were able to align our lesson content to help
our students reach the overall unit goals. For the first psychomotor goal, all five of our lessons were able to meet that goal for the unit.
More specifically, in lesson 2 and 3 the psychomotor objectives are directly related to the unit goal. Along with this, lessons 4 and 5
are aligned with three of our psychomotor goals. For P1 our overall goal is for the students to perform body weight exercises such as
planks and pushups. In L2.P1 and L3.P1 the objective for these students are to work on body weight exercises and mainly in L3.P1 is
to complete an overall circuit. For P2 the only lessons that met the objectives are lesson 4 and 5 since these two lessons focus on free
weight exercises. The last psychomotor goal for our unit is for students to complete a free weight and body weight circuit; we are able
to meet these in our L3.P.1, L4P.1, and L5.P.1. For the cognitive goals we were able to meet all of these throughout our unit. To start,
our first cognitive goal is for students to complete a peer assessment on proper form, safety and etiquette in the fourth lesson. If we are
to redo this lesson again, we would implement more peer assessments throughout the unit. The next cognitive goal was for students to
understand the benefits of muscular strength and endurance, which was met in lessons 2 and 3. In lesson L3.C1 the students complete
an entry slip on the benefits of muscular strength and endurance. Our final cognitive goal is analyzing the differences between
muscular strength and endurance, this was met in all of our lessons. We planned throughout our lessons to review previous lessons and
to check for understanding on the content. In our Affective goals, we were able to meet it throughout all of our lessons. Our first
affective goal was to have students wash equipment, and return equipment from where they got it, this was met in lessons 3, 4 and 5.
For lesson 4 specifically, the students are working on putting the equipment back away and are being graded by a peer on their skill
execution and etiquette performance. Our second affective goal focuses on safety throughout the whole unit. This was met for all five
of our lessons. The last affective goal was for the students to complete a week long exercise log. The only lesson that met this criteria
was in lesson five. L5.C.1 was for the students to complete the week long exercise log. If we did this again, it would be best to
implement the exercise log at the beginning of the unit, this way we could have the students write weekly journals based on their

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