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One of the most major, common, andwell known discriminatory factors amongst the
Latin minority group are illegal immigrants. Immigration has been a part ofAmericas culture
even before the land we walk on was known as the UnitedStates.Inthepastourlaborforce
was built off immigrants that came to America looking for better opportunities that fell under
both religious and economical reasons. The relevancy of that isstillprevalentnow,theillegal
immigrants coming from Mexico and other countries areallcominginto America fortheexact

This subject is carried by two sides, those for it, and those against it. It is so well
known that if someonewere topsychologically evaluate someonewithwordassociation,and
said the word Mexican lots of people could respond with border. This is due toracism,
generalization, discrimination, and what has been taught and has been seen by many
generations.Whether it isfroma racist family, or seen on populartelevision.Oneexampleis
the satirical comedy, South Park. Many episodes deal with those of Hispanic origins and
immigration. First, we have to realize that it isnt wrong to emigrate from one country to
another we must recognize everyones backgrounds, and reasons why they are coming to
new land. Everyone is allowed a shot for a better life, and equal opportunity. After all wasnt
that written in our constitution, amendments and commonly believed through the American

Second, we must recognize theterms Hispanic or Latino, and that theyre not insults
or have any negative meaning but that they are just names given to associate a group of
people, the same with White, Asian,Caucasian it is up to us and how weuse these words,
negatively, positively,or have no meaning just neutral. We have torememberthateveryone
is the same, that we are all just people. Now I know these are quite big and can be
misunderstood and that racism is something that can't be abolished. But, discrimination is
something that canalsobetaughtagainst.Lets teachtoloveallinstead.Myproposalisntfor
a utopia, to love all brothers and sisters, but to simply provide fairness for immigrants.
Because the case isntabout how these immigrants are Latino orHispanic,eventhoughthat
is the general focus, butthe fact that there are peopletryingtocomeinwithhopeforabetter

The plan to do this would be through allowing the chance for illegal immigrants inthe
United States tobeabletobecomenonillegal,givencitizenshipandresidency.Because they

are already living in the U.S. working, but they are not paying taxes, so all the money the
taxpayers aregettingaregoingtothemfortheireducation,welfare,healthcarethewholelot.
And to benefit both them and the country would be for them to start paying their taxes.
Something that Obama is already trying to put intoeffect,asitwashehimselfwhosaid:Our
immigration system is broken and everybody knows it. (BBC News) From already turning
these illegal immigrants into newfound citizens, this would obviously decrease the rate of
illegal citizens and lower the rate of more illegal citizens trying to come in and live illegally
within the states. But in turn it would increase the U.S. population and such, meanwhile it
would be effective to relax theborder system we have in place, whileputtingmoreeffortand
giving harsh penalties to employers who are hiring illegal immigrants. Solve the problems
The plan of penalties to thosewhohireimmigrants,grantingcitizenshiptoimmigrants,
and relaxing border control would not only help immigration problems but it wouldalso help
document anyunknownpeoplewhoareactive forcriminalactivity suchasmurderersorthose
associated with drug cartels. Solving or even just slightly fixing the problemsof immigration
will help a very large nation in the long run,youcantcontrolsomethingsolarge,butyoucan

That being said, recently in 2014, the United States and China have both mutually
agreed to increase the work and tourismvisaupto 10years.Themaximumpossibleofyears
allowed under U.S. law. For a student visa it is 5 years. In 2013 alone 1.8 million Chinese
travellers came to visit the U.S. and have contributed 2.1 billion dollars tothe economy. Not
only that but they are supporting 109,000 American jobs (Chodrow Law Offices). That sure
seems like a lot of success, but what about all the success Latino and Hispanic immigrant
workers brought? What about the 11.6 million currently residingin Americatoday?Whydoes
Mexico only havea 4year maximum work visa while China has 6 years more? What makes
the Chinese better thantheseimmigrants?Thatsthe thing,nothingdoes.Perhapsitcouldbe
history and discrimination. But, theyre both just people from two different places, ones not
better thanthe other. Is it because of U.S.relations,favoring onenationovertheother?Oris
it because China is apowerhouse of money right now, and America wants apieceofthatas

Now with that thought in mind, Iwouldliketoproposeasimpleplanthatcouldchange

the way thingsare greatly. Insteadofcontinuously tighteningsecurityontheborders,Ithinkit
should be more lax justas the U.S. did with China, giving out 10year work visas and easy
access for them tobeshippedtoAmerica.Itshould bethesamefortheimmigrantsbelowthe
border. Instead of pushing them away and causing them more suffering than what they
escaped from to come to America. But why should security be more relaxed? Why should
these immigrants be allowed access? Well lets take a look at the history. For examplethe
Mexican Repatriation of 1932. This was when the U.S. began deporting around 300,000 to
500,000 immigrantsout of America, while it was America themselves who had brought them

in the first place to replace able bodied workers who were at war during WWI. But once

It happens againin1947.TheU.S.discussed withMexicotheideaofjoiningtheAllies

during WWII, and the Bracero Program.The U.S. allowed many casesofcontractworkersto
work the soil of theU.S.whilemostoftheirmenwereatwar.Theseworkerswerealloverthe
country, except for Texas who didnt allow Braceros due to the mistreatment of Mexican
laborers throughout time there.During this timetheBraceroshadtoendureharshconditions.
For example, in September 1963 a bus accident killed 32 people and injured25,allof whom
were mostly Braceros, it wastheworstrecordedaccidentinhistoryatthispointintime.Itwas

Only a year later in 1964 the program had been voted out of existence. They easily
used the people for their own benefit and tossed them out as soon as they were done with
themoras soonasitcrossedwiththeirowninterests.Timeand timeagain,theywereluredin
by the dreamonlytobethrownoutagainand again.Itiswellabouttimetorepaytheiractions
and onceagain allow a certain amount of immigrants yearly intothestates.Tohavethemdo
the jobs that most Americans are refusing to do, making ittheirownfault,astheyresittingat
home living off welfare. Wouldnt it be more deserving to the people who actually worked
hard to make their lives better? Pushing them further instead of beingcomplacentwithnever
having to work and livinglife on the minimum? After all they are willing todothejobsnoone
else wants to do. This proves the perseverance and determination these people have,
pushing them to get what they want, thisshowsthequalitiesmostemployerswouldwantina
worker. And it shows how deserving they are for all this, after being mistreated for solong
only to follow in history to keep on trying letting history repeat itself. Its about time changes

Theres also the fact that the use of Latinos and Hispanics are not just for manual
labor, or used in the workforce ofAmericabuttheyhavebeen thelargestethnicgroupwithin
the United States Army since WWII.Withpeoplelike MarioGarciawhowasthefirstMexican
national to havehadreceivedtheU.S.CongressionalMedalofHonor.MarioGarciawasthen
refused service in the popular Oasis Cafe near his own home in Texas. How about the
Mexican Veterans who had been provided settlements due to the passing of the 1944
Servicemen'sReadjustment Act. ItjustsohappensthatMexicanVeteranshadthedifficultyof
actually receiving said settlements. What about the right of burial? In 1948, Pvt. Felix Z.
Longoria was declined burial in Texas and was only allowed burial until Senator Lyndon B.
Johnson scheduled Longoria with burial at the famousArlingtonNationalCemetery.Allthese
people do great things for America, fight in their wars, work to strengthen their nation,
agriculture, and economy yet they still face the hardships of discriminationandthe rights to

The United States in 2014, from January to March has had a 6.7% unemployment
rate. Which is certainly better than ithasbeenbefore.In2010theU.S.hadexperienceda9

10% unemployment rate. Buttherateshavebeenlowerinpreviousyears,suchasthe34%

of unemployment of2000to2001(RIDepartmentof LaborandTraining).Nowyoumightask,
what is the relevancyof allthis?Wellonthe21stofDecember 2000theU.S.signedtheLIFE
Act, other wise known as the Legal Immigration and Family Equity Act. Theseacts provided
immigration benefits, works visas, and corrected any previous issues that immigrants have
had. The main priority of LIFE was to help certain people become residentswithin the U.S.
while working as a nonresident instead of waiting in their home country before allowing
admittance intothe U.S.Butitdidnotauthorizeanimmigranttoworkit onlyauthorizedthose

While in 2010theImmigrationReformActtoughened and strengthenedthebordersas

well as security making it made it harderfor immigrants to go through. During thisyear,11.2
million illegal immigrants came into the U.S. a higherrateofillegalimmigrantsfromtheyears
before. Then it started to decline, but it may start rising again in 2014, as thehouseisfailing
to make any immigration reformation. The effect of them twiddling their thumbs is causing
them to lose 37 million lost ineconomic benefits everyday, and the fact that real people are
suffering as they have to face family separation (Center for American Progress) not just
numbers. Whilethingsareimproving,andimmigrationisgettingbettertheratesseemtobeat
conflict, goingfromhightoloweverynowandagain.Onethingyoumaynoticein2010isthat
when security had tightened up more illegal immigrants had gone through the borders. This
may be because ofhowtoughitistomakeitthroughthegates,howmuchlongeritmaytake,
or simply out of fear. Itis crucial to rememberto nevermakeanyone whoissufferingtowait,
as it only prolongs the pain, only then to find out that your mother, brother, or daughter
couldnt make it across with you, causing familial separation. It is just likehowchildrenact,if
you make the rules more strict and tellthemtheymustneverleavethehouseandgoventure
out outside the more theyd feel the urge to do it, the more theyd want to escape the
boringness of the indoors and escape into the outdoors. Only for themto be brought inside
scolded and have it happen all over again. And to fix this, the U.S. must focus on the
problems within their nation and not on whats on the outside. The same thing will happen
with the borderpatrol,andwemustn'ttreattheseimmigrantslikechildren,wemusttreatthem

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