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Vicencio , Nicole Anne S.


1.What led Lt. Dan Kaffee to plead not guilty for the two accused marines?

2. Why do we need fairness and justice in society?

First of all we cannot live in a world wherein people treat other people like they
are nothing , that's just inhumane . Second justice is another term for peace . One
does not commit a crime to a victim without having to pay for it . Third it is a human
right .

Is code red part of societys norm or just a military lingo? Why?

Code Red is like a universal warning when something terribly wrong or something bad
happens . It originally came from military times but became a slang when something
terribly wrong or something bad happens .

4. How does we handle

the TRUTH nowadays?

We tend to over react nowadays. And with the addition of social media , we tend to
spill out the truth in a more violent way , because of this more and more people get
involved .
5. Who is your ultimate TRUTH?
I am my selfs ultimate truth . Only I know what I've done and only I can choose to
tell it or not. And I make my own choices.
6. What is the meaning of You dont have to wear patch on your arm to have honor in
This means that you don't have to be anybody to be somebody . You can be an
honorable person just as long as you know where to plant your feet and stand for what
is right and fight for what you believe in .

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