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Aldo Rojas

The University of Texas at El Paso

December 2014

Abstract... 3
Introduction. 4
review/Background. 4
Procedure/ Methodology
Data collection
Interviews.. 6
Surveys 6
Document analysis.. 6
Site observations.. 7

Results/ Discuss
Interviews. 8
Surveys. 9
Site observations.. 11
Data coding... 13

Conclusion... 16
Appendix A.. 17
Appendix B.. 18
Appendix C.. 19
References 20

In order to better understand what drives student to be successful in the nursing field, the best
method to approach to a mastery and a high level of satisfaction in nursing is through the
students, educators, and professionals who have achieved, at a desirable level, a vast and rich
experience within the discipline. To meet this goal, I conducted surveys, interviews, site
observations, and document analysis with the purpose to discover what is required for students to
become successful nurses in the discourse community. The surveys revealed students striving for
excellence. The interviews demonstrate passionate students, educators, and professionals for the
nursing field. The site observations created a feeling of the importance in space in the nursing
field. While the document analysis has shown lack of information towards certain themes,
students within the nursing program need to maintain a GPA higher than 3.25 in order to be
considered competent. According to the research, organization is another crucial skill for nursing
students in order to succeed. Nursing students are subject to heavy work-load in their courses,
since there is so much material to learn. They are subject to an immense pressure to learn the
material in the best possible way. The students who want to become a successful nurse in the
discourse community need to be devoted to it because students experience pressure, fatigue, and
other severe adversities.

Nursing is a profession in the health care sector concentrated mainly on the care of individuals,
families, and communities, hence they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and
quality of life. The nursing discipline is incorporated within the College of Nursing at UTEP,
which employees 34 professionals as full-time faculty. The nursing graduation rate at UTEP is
approximately 576 undergraduate and graduate students per year, also including the College of
Health Sciences. Lastly, the College of Nursing is located in the southeast region of the UTEP
campus; right across the library.
I am performing this research in order to inquire what process I must follow in order to become
an active and successful nurse of the discourse community. The dilemma I am confronting is the
impotency I have felt previously at times of sorrow; when my relatives and friends faced
dreadful diseases. Moreover, the main issues to discuss are the phases and requisites to enter
nursing school. Consequently, I will conduct the research to obtain a deeper understanding on the
discipline at UTEP. In the same context, I am a nursing student prospectus. My purpose was to
discover through the research the elements composing a successful nurse of the discourse
community. In addition to this, the primary question to debate within the research is, What are
the requisites to become a successful member of the nursing community? The question inquiries
into a variety of other questions, which are:

How long will it take me to get a nursing degree?

How am I going to prepare for the work-field?

What will be the cost of my nursing education?

Will I be able to control all the study I have to go through?

What will be the tools I am going to need during nursing school?

How will I relate to patients and treat them adequately?

What if I do not get accepted into the nursing program?

The questions I have assigned as guiding tools to conduct the research will cover all the aspects
complemented in the nursing career. It is my conviction that the questions are to most optimal to
inquire more profoundly into the nursing discipline.
Literature Review/Background
I have examined several works published in previous years, which are significantly different
form recent publications. I personally believe that the method in which nursing has been
imparted and taught at the full length of history has improved exceptionally. The treatment
towards patients has definitely changed over time. Before, it was not a crucial thing, but as
modernity came closer, it became a priority for nurses. I concluded, that knowing how to treat
the patient correctly and politely is the most fundamental trait a nurse must have. Now, they have
every kind of commodity they might need in any circumstance presented. I think, this feature is
the most important change from the past to the present, besides of the new medical

Next, I will provide some articles and books I have scrutinized carefully about my intended
discipline, alongside with their distinctive citations:
Kermode, M. (2014). Five healthy reasons to study nursing. CareerFAQs. Retrieved September
23, 2014, from
The online article explains the benefits a person can obtain by choosing a nursing career. It
covers the modifications that the nursing career has suffered from the past to a modern
perspective. Also, there are implemented some traits a nurse must possess because not everyone
has the ability to be one.
Plutnicki, J. F. (June 06, 1960). Curriculum Implications of Expressed Views of Selected Staff
Nurses as to What Results in Effective Teaching of Patients. Nursing Research, 9, 2.)
The intended purpose of this article is to provide a basis, in which nurse practitioners and
professionals personal can compare data about the methods of teaching in this distant era. In this
manner, nursing faculty and the programs implemented in the nursing schools curricula could be
modify, into a more appropriated and convenient curriculum.
Rogers, H. V., & Oklahoma State Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education, Stillwater.
Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center. (1976). Nursing III. A Course of Study.
Health Occupations Education. Oklahoma State Department of Vocational-Technical
Education, Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center, 1515 West 6th Avenue,
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 ($20.00.)
This source states the implications faced by the nurses, who are at an advanced level of
education. It includes the scenarios and situations a nurse has to confront in their practices in
depth, so it can be comprehensible. Besides, it contains material that can overall be seen as
cognitive for learning and practices that need to be done, how they need to be done, and the
complications that can be presented. The source pretty much covers some of the subjects that
nurses must revise to perform this particular kind of practices.
Young, L. E., & Paterson, B. L. (2007). Teaching nursing: Developing a student-centered
learning environment. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
This book inquires in the complexity of learning and teaching of nurses. It deals with the
foundations of the learning by identifying methods, which are supposed to be helpful for nursing
students, so they can apply it in real life situations. Furthermore, it describes the problems and
controversies in the implemented pedagogy of nursing. Finally, it addresses the way in which the
learning has been shaped throughout history.
I concluded that all these articles have failed to mention what it requires from a person to
become a nurse. They just mention partially how to act in front of certain circumstances as a
nurse, subjects in the field, and methods to teach, but not the entire concept on how to become a
nurse. I intend for this project to enlighten people. I want to ameliorate the lives of folks who
want to seek a nursing degree and facilitate them the search by narrowing their options and steps.
I think it is extremely an optimal idea to create this research, so I and other will be in a sense,
more successful and active nurses of the discourse community.

I conducted a series of research methods, in which I obtained substantial information for the
research in interview, survey, site observations, and document analysis form.
Data collection
I have collected three interviews from a nursing student and professionals in the field:
The first interviewed was Jacqueline Olivares, a freshman nursing prospectus student. I decided
to interview her, because I wanted to have a perspective other than mine about the sentiments
expressed about the nursing career, when you just started. The interview lasted about 15 minutes
and it was conducted at the universitys east union. Finally, she studies nursing because she
wants a better understanding of medicine in all sense. After nursing school, she plans to apply to
a medical school. Jacqueline believes nurses must be professional and maintain an appropriated
hygiene at work.
The second individual interviewed was Luis Rodriguez, a professor of pathophysiology at the
Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez. The principal reason to interview this faculty
professor was to obtain an overview of the nursing discipline from a professional view. I wanted
to observe the behaviors and ideals from a person, who has been in the nursing field for a long
period of time. The interview was conducted in person at the institution. The professor of nursing
had really interesting ideas of what the concept of nursing means. He has been in the field for a
long time, therefore he is really passionate for it. Besides, he knows how a nurse must act and be
dressed perfectly.
Finally, the last person interviewed was Maria Sanchez; a nurse in Juarez. I interviewed Maria in
order to acquire an international perspective, since El Paso is a border city, where there are many
Mexicans inhabiting it. The interview took place at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social,
which lasted approximately 10 minutes. She blamed the inefficiency of the Mexicain health due
to government issues. She does not agree with a sanity uniform and an adequate relation with the
I conducted the surveys through an online page called surveymonkey. I distributed them inside
the College of Nursing at UTEP in the afternoon. In total, I have received 15 responses from
individuals in the nursing field. All nursing students from all academic classifications. I included
relevant questions for people to respond, thus I was able to acquire a background about the topics
covered within my research. Thus, I created a survey with specific questions related to the
categories I have assigned that are time, preparation for the work-field, cost, study, tools/
equipment, relations, and failure that people demonstrate towards this particular discipline.

Document analysis
I revised and analyzed four different sources of hand-written and online books, articles,
interviews, etc. Then, I collected information for my investigation; including my cited and
quoted sources. I needed to perform this research in order to expand my comprehension about
the nursing discipline. Therefore, I will be able to provide a convenient and pertinent research
about my intended discipline. Moreover, I scrutinized the degree plan a nurse must follow, to
gain an insight about the expectations and struggles in the process of my intended career. The
following are the documents, which I analyzed the importance of their content:

Nursing degree plan- The function of the nursing degree plan is to provide
guidance to students, and facilitate the school path they need to go through. It is
necessary for students to be able to register for the indicated and required
classes, so they can graduate.
Nursing center (Website) - It carefully analyzes fundamental components that
compose this complex and complicated career, before and after you obtain a
nursing degree. It is used by nursing students and professionals as well. I
believe, it is crucial for students to be informed about actual news and
investigations about the nursing discipline.
Institution and program description documents (pamphlets) - The functions of
the document are to provide a detailed explanation of UTEPs history. This
document is important for nursing students and prospect, because it reveals all
the benefits and contribution the college of nursing can provide. Along, with
detailed description of the installations of the school of nursing.
Course syllabi (NURS 3604) - The function of the course syllabus is to give an
overview to the student about content and purpose of the class. I implemented
this document for the analysis, because every student will be in the circumstance
where they will need to refer to the course syllabi in order to comprehend the

Site observations
I conducted observations and analysis in different institutions that had relation with the nursing
field. The objective was to observe complements, attitudes, and objects that are crucial to
perform nursing activities.

The first destination on the site observation for the research was Las Palmas
Hospital Pediatrics section, in which I spent only 30 minutes. I changed positions
from sitting to standing when it was necessary. I was in front of the nursing
pediatrics reception. The observations were the following:

The space is hygienic.

The institute is organized.
Nurses are attentive, and demonstrate an adequate level of care towards patients.
Individuals within the medical center irradiate sentiments of satisfaction and
happiness due to the service provided by nurses.


The second destination to observe in my research was a classroom from the college
of nursingWhere I spent 40 minutes deeply analyzing it in a standing position at the
back-left corner of the room. I was able to provide an adequate analysis of the room:

Nurses response to emergencies are rapid and effective.

Each person has a particular space to occupy.
There are no advertisements displayed about health.
Medical equipment seems to be sanitary and appropriated.
There are no medicines that can be perceived by the eye in the clinic.

Students communicated non-verbally most of the times.

The students mentioned medical terms when communicating.
There are no advertisements about health.
Students are expected to know what to do during medical procedures (minimal
help from the instructor).
Space is arranged, so students can be assigned their own area.
There are stretchers in the classroom, but no chairs to sit, except for the one the
instructor possess.
Students manifest a certain level of mastery on their field.
There are some sort of plastic figure to practice and ameliorate their nursing

The third institution I visited was the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. I spent
45 minutes analyzing the components of it. In order to be able to provide an
accurate analysis I had to be standing up in the corner of the room, where I had a
complete view of the room. These are the observation I was able to conclude;

The medical office and institution are unsanitary.

The medicine is limited, it is almost scarce.
I had to get permission from the director of the department, luckily I knew him.
People need to ask for basic services, like tissues, condoms, etc.
Nurses are condescending, aggressive, and rude.
Nurses attend all variety of people within a same room.
There are many health prevention advertisements.
If you do not have a medical insurance, you will not get nursed.
Used medical material is deposited, along with regular trash, in a common trash

Interview questions- Result analysis

Why did you choose nursing as a career?

The results reveal those interviewed were passionate for the medical field from an
early age. They knew it was going to be hard, but afterwards rewarding. They had in
common a love for health sciences.

How long have you been involved in the nursing field?

The ages of experience in all individuals vary, mainly because they are encountering
different stages in the nursing field. Jacquelyn as a brand new UTEP nursing student
has no experience with the discipline whatsoever. Unlike Jacquelyn Olivares, Luis
Rodriguez has an incredible experience in the field with more than 20 years as a
registered nurse and leader of the clinical department. Besides, he is the professor of
pathophysiology at the UACJ. Last, Maria Sanchez has been in the field for more
than 35 years and works as the director of the nursing department.

How are you preparing to work on your intended discipline?

Jacquelyn is studying to be a nurse. Luis is a professor in the nursing department
and works as a Registered Nurse. Maria is the leader of the nursing area in a private

How must a nurse behave?

All the interviewed agreed that nurses must be professional and polite when they are
with any patient or within the workplace.

How is the process of applying to the nursing program?

According to Luis and Maria, the process to apply to the nursing program is very
arduous and complex, because only a few applicants are accepted in it. Jacquelyn
could not responded to the question, since she has not apply to the program yet.

What uniforms do nurses must wear?

The interviewed agreed that nurses must wear their corresponding uniforms, looking

If you could change anything in the nursing department what would it be? Why?
Jacquelyn Olivares is content with the implementations in the department. She does
not think there should be any major change made in the nursing department. On the
other hand, Maria and Luis have complains in the entire system in which health is
based. They say that they are missing a lot of resources to take care of the patients
and the installations of the hospital need a lot of restore.

What are the benefits of the nursing program?

Jacquelyn established a very good point, she declared that by being part of the
program there could be benefits like obtaining a job rapidly, recognition, pride, and
academic achievements. Maria and Luis were not able to provide an adequate
response to describe the benefits of their nursing program, except for the fact that it
is hard.

How do you contribute to the nursing discourse community?

Jacquelyn Olivares said she contributes to the nursing discourse community by
preparing to become an excellent and successful nurse. Luis Rodriguez established
that he provides education to future nurses, besides of working in the field to help ill


people. Finally, Maria contributes to the nursing discourse community by guiding

all nurses to perform their appropriated job.

What are your future plans?

Jacquelyns future plans are to graduate from the nursing school, and afterwards
attend a Medical School and receive an M.D. Luis Rodriguez is working really hard
to open his own clinic and hospital to help people. Maria Sanchez is looking ahead
for her retirement from a successful career in nursing.

Survey questions- Result analysis

Question #

Observations and Reflections

I was able to collect information from all academic levels of the nursing
discipline. The responses were more predominantly provided by juniors with a
33.33% of a 100% responses. The survey results, demonstrate a single graduate
nursing student responding to the survey.
The survey revealed that most of the students who are pursuing a career in
nursing, maintain a Grade Point average from 3.0 to 4.0, in which 93.33%
declared to maintain a GPA with this characteristic. The main reason for this
action might be, because students need to have a GPA superior to 3.5 in order to
be considered competitive.

The majority of the students have applied to the nursing program. The freshmen
students do not apply, because they are not qualified and have not fulfilled the
pre-requisites yet. Only one student has said that he has not applied.

All students, except for one, have been accepted into the nursing program. The
rest do not apply yet to practice such task. This increased the feeling of success
within myself, since only one student was not accepted into the program.

The extra-curricular activities are an important factor in the process of evaluating

adequate candidates for the nursing program. In which, the students who were
accepted in the program maintained a balanced performance inside and outside
class activities. This factor might shape the decision of who is accepted and who
is not. Arts and Academic organizations have the most students enrolled with a
53.66%. Not involved in any extra-curricular activities is located in the last spot
with a 20% of the students.

The hardest class that the students have ever taken depend on their level of study.
The majority of the freshmen state that Math for Social Sciences I, is the hardest
course. Sophomore establish that General Chemistry is the most difficult class.
Juniors and seniors along with the graduate students declare that Research and
Statistics is the most difficult course to take in the nursing curriculum.
In the list of traits that must compose the nursing students and professionals, there


is clear trend. The trend starts on the upper-right side declining horizontally to the
left. This trend demonstrates a linear function in which patience is the most
important followed by respect and so forth.

The three main obstacles nurses confronted, were time, money, and the last one is
debated between energy and motivation. The lower level classification students
like freshmen and sophomore listed energy or lack of energy. This is because
they are not used to the intense work-load that someone experiences at college.
While, the upper level classification students such as, junior, senior, and graduate
reveal a struggle with motivational purposes. This might be, because of all the
pressure they are subject to.

The question reveals interesting facts about the nursing career. The level of
difficulty depends on the academic classification the student is located in.
Strangely, while more advanced in the career, people believe it is most difficult.
While, freshmen believe is regular perhaps of the courses they take that are
mostly basic core classes.


The last category describes the level of satisfaction with their respective careers,
in which all of them are enrolled in nursing. The level of satisfaction seems to
disappear as the student approaches to upper levels. For example, some students
revealed that they are somewhat satisfied of satisfied with the career, while
freshmen and sophomores are mostly very satisfied.

Site Observation -Result analysis

Site #1 Las Palmas Hospital

The space is hygienic.

The institute is organized.
Nurses are attentive, and demonstrate
an adequate level of care towards
Individuals within the medical center
irradiate sentiments of satisfaction and
happiness due to the service provided
by nurses.
Nurses response to emergencies are
rapid and effective.
Each person has a particular space to
There are no advertisements displayed
about health.
Medical equipment seems to be

Nurses demonstrate different behaviors, depending
on the age and circumstance of the patient being
Nurses maintain excellent communication skills, in
order to provide an effective job.
There are no advertisements in this particular
space, because the patients must not be
overwhelmed by an excessive quantity of
The experience made me realize how I should treat
patients in a well-manner.
Many of the activities that nurses must perform are
not easy to do, hence by now I acknowledge the
deeds I would have to confront sometime future in
my life.
The space is designed and limited to a certain type


sanitary and appropriated.

There are no medicines that can be
perceived by the eye in the clinic.

of people, which in this case is only available to

individuals who just conceived a children.
A magnificent experience that made me connect
more with the real nursing environment.

Site #2 College of nursing classroom

Students communicated non-verbally The classroom is intended for nursing students,
therefore not every student is allowed into the
most of the times.
The students mentioned medical
Students practice everything on their own, so they
terms when communicating.
can retain more information useful for the
There are no advertisements about
assignments and tests.
There is a good interaction between the plastic
Students are expected to know what
figure and the nursing students, because they need to
to do during medical procedures
learn how to relate and care for others.
(minimal help from the instructor).
Space is arranged, so students can be I learned some of the practical activities I will have to
perform in order to be a successful nurse on the
assigned their own area.
There are stretchers in the classroom, discourse community.
Students do not doubt about the action they are
but no chairs to sit, except for the
performing, because they need to be under control
one the instructor possess.
every time they perform a job with the patient.
Students manifest a certain level of
The time in the classroom impacted the perception I
mastery on their field.
had towards nursing students, it was very educative
There are some sort of plastic figure
and crucial for the process of becoming a nursing
to practice and ameliorate their
nursing skills.

Site #3 Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social

The medical office and institution The room I inspection was some sort of preventing
illnesses area, there were no section titles displayed.
are unsanitary.
The medicine is limited, it is almost The service performed in the hospital is horrible, the
main factor provoking this might be amount of money
I had to get permission from the nurses earn, which is minimal.
director of the department, luckily I The space in which the individuals are located is
segregated and restricted by a curtains, where only
knew him.
People need to ask for basic certain people can enter.
services, like tissues, condoms, etc. The space is subject to those who qualify to make use
condescending, of it, like people who maintain a stable job.


aggressive, and rude.

Nurses attend all variety of people
within a same room.
There are many health prevention
If you do not have a medical
insurance, you will not get nursed.
Used medical material is deposited,
along with regular trash, in a
common trash can.

There is noticeable distinction of people that depends

mainly on influences and economic status.
All the attitudes exhibited in this space provide an
insight of what not to do and how not to behave, when
you become a registered nurse.

Data coding- Result analysis

Knowledge and power
University of Texas at El Paso, College of Nursing. Nursing degree plan. UTEP 2014. Web.
The purpose of this determined document is to educate students more extensively on their
discipline, therefore they can excel and succeed on the nursing discourse community.
The degree plan is designed for students as an aid to guide them and acquire knowledge or
orientation about mandatory and recommended classes to get involve into. Within the document,
there is the expectancy of the institution towards individuals who pursue nursing as their career;
what is required for them in order to be recognized and prepared to graduate and be successful on
their distinctive communities. The document is composed of its diverse phases or stages, within
each category, it appears the courses a person fulfill entirely all the requirements for their degree.
In conclusion, the function of the nursing degree plan is to provide guidance to students, and
facilitate the school path they need to go through. It basically intends to aid people to choose the
correct, or more beneficial courses for them in order to acquire a nursing degree.
In Las Palmas Hospital pediatrics area. The space is designed and limited to a certain type of
people, which in this case is only available to individuals who just conceived a children.
On the other hand, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, the medicine is limited, it is almost
scarce. Moreover, I had to get permission from the director of the department in order to enter
the place, I luckily knew him.
The space is subject to those who qualify to make use of it, like people who maintain a stable job
and are able to obtain the necessary insurance. In the same context, there Isa clear distinction of
people, which depends mainly on the influences and economic status they possess. Besides,
nurses are condescending, aggressive, and rude. The service performed in the hospital is horrible.
In my opinion, the main factor provoking these behaviors might be the amount of money nurses
earn, which is very minimal compared to what American registered nurses earn. Finally, if you
do not have a medical insurance, you will receive nursing attention. The interviews demonstrate
a certain desire to become someone and being able to have certain power over some activities.
Values and traditions


Wilborn, Tameka Latrice. 3604 Nurse Care of the individual. UTEP, 2014. Web. University of
Texas at El Paso.
I am analyzing this document in order to create an expectancy or exigency of how my future
courses will be. The course overview will provide me an assurance of the work-load, material,
and difficulty of the class. The purpose of a course syllabus is to work as a commitment between
professor and student, to be constantly checking the material, doing the activities, and get
informed about important dates in the class. Also, it is considered to be a permanent record
tattoo, which will have to follow throughout the time you spent in that class. Finally, the course
syllabus is designed to be seen as a learning tool where students can revise the content and
acquire knowledge about the course.
In the college of nursing, students are expected to know what to do during medical procedures
(with minimal help from the instructor). Students do not doubt about the action they are
performing, because they need to be under control every time they perform a job with the patient.
In Las Palmas Hospital Nurses responses to emergencies are rapid and effective. They need to
maintain excellent communication skills in order to provide an effective job. There are no
advertisements in this particular space, because the patients must not be overwhelmed by an
excessive quantity of propaganda.
Unlikely, in the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, there are many health prevention
advertisements. The room I inspection was of preventing illnesses area, there were no section
titles displayed inside the entire building.
Customs and habits
Wolters Kluwer. (2014, January 1). Better resources for better care. Retrieved October 21, 2014,
I conducted an analysis to determine the functionality of the website for nursing students. The
Nursing center is considered to be a prominent online resource that attempts to inform nurse
prospectors and professionals. The purpose of this online database is to inform students and
professionals about the life nurses need to confront. The roles performed within the online
document are the scrutinized analysis of the resources available for people involved in the
nursing field. In the same context, a major argument would be the determination if the
information portrayed is convenient and reliable for all nursing individuals in a discourse
community. The structure of the website is really simple, where the information is located under
tabs at the top of the page. It is categorized as an online database catalog, where the information
comes from diverse sources. It provides you with all type of information, such as, career articles,
journal articles, e-books, blogs, and sources related to nursing. In conclusion, it was founded to
contribute valuable advises and tips for current and future nursing students. Within the college of
nursing at UTEP, the students regularly communicate using medical terms, which demonstrate
abilities in the nursing discipline.


In Las Palmas Hospital, the nurses are attentive, and demonstrate an adequate level of care
towards patients. Furthermore, many of the activities that nurses must perform need a certain
level of mastery, therefore they are not easy to do, and hence I acknowledge the deeds I would
have to confront sometime future in my life.
On the other hand, in Mexico, people need to ask for basic services, like tissues, places to sit, and
even for an adequate attention. The used medical material is deposited, along with regular trash,
in a common trash can.
In the College of Nursing students manifest a certain level of mastery on their field. Besides, they
practice everything on their own, so they can retain more information useful for the assignments
and tests. I learned some of the practical activities I will have to perform in order to be a
successful nurse on the discourse community.
Individuals within the medical center, Las Palmas, irradiate sentiments of satisfaction and
happiness due to the service provided by nurses. They demonstrate different behaviors,
depending on the age and circumstance of the patient being treated. The experience made me
realize how I should treat patients in a well-manner. It made me connect more with the real
nursing environment.
The nursing interviews reveal that nurses must behave in a professional manner. They all agree
there should not be changes between the departments because the program is well- structured.
Nursing students and professionals feel prepared to encounter and face any sudden emergency
appear during the discipline.
In the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, medical offices and institution are unsanitary.
Nurses attend all variety of people within a same room. The space in which the individuals are
located is segregated and restricted by curtains, where only certain people can enter.
On the other hand, in the College of Nursing space is arranged, so students can be assigned their
own area. There are stretchers in the classroom, but no chairs to sit, except for the one the
instructor possess. Furthermore, there are some sort of plastic figure to practice and ameliorate
their nursing skills. There is a good interaction between the plastic figure and the nursing
students, because they need to learn how to relate and care for others. The classroom is intended
for nursing students, therefore not every student is allowed into the facilities. The time in the
classroom impacted the perception I had towards nursing students, it was very educative and
crucial for the process of becoming a nursing student.
In Las Palmas Hospital the space is hygienic. The institute is organized. Each person has a
particular space to occupy. There are no advertisements displayed about health. Medical
equipment seems to be sanitary and appropriated. There are no medicines that can be perceived
by the eye in the clinic. Nursing students agree in their interviews that they want to study nursing
in order to occupy a certain place that nurses can only access.


The nursing career is extremely complex. A really minimal portion of students are invited to
apply to the program, but only a few are accepted. The most important skills, according to the
investigation are organizational skills, patience, and motivation. If you do possess these skill,
you are more than likely to be able to become a successful nurse. People in the U.S. do believe in
the health care system, while there are some contrary ideas in different foreign countries.
Therefore, there were fluctuations presented at the time to determine conclusions about the
research, since there was an international perception of the nursing field, both systems work very
differently. The themes and categories can expand in my opinion. For example, culture affect the
perception of certain things, in this case nursing. Moreover, the research provided me a deeper
understanding on the career, how it works, why it is important, and what are the necessary steps
to succeed in the nursing discipline. I truly believe it forged the emotions I have towards the


Appendix A

What is your academic classification?



What is your current GPA?


Less than 2.0

2.0- 3.0
3.0- 4.0
Prefer not to respond
Have you applied for the nursing program?

a. Yes
b. No
c. N/A

If so, have you been accepted?



What type of extra-curricular activities are you involved in?



I am waiting for an answer

Student Government
Academic organizations
Not involved in extra-curricular activities
What is the most difficult course you have taken?

a. Free response


Appendix B
Rank the importance of the qualities of nursing students and professional; from 1 to 9.
(1= least important, 9= most important)

Patience... 1-9
Respect 1-9
Communication... 1-9
Empathy.. 1-9
Attention to details.. 1-9
Problem solving skills. 1-9
Quick response 1-9
Physical endurance.. 1-9
Interpersonal skills.. 1-9
Flexibility 1-9


Name three obstacles you have confronted throughout your career.

a. Free response
b. Free response
c. Free response


How would you rate the nursing career?

Very easy
1.1. Easy
1.1.1. Regular


Very hard

Are you satisfied with your current career?

1. Unsatisfied
1.1. Somewhat satisfied
1.1.1. Satisfied
Very satisfied


Appendix C
Interview Questions

Why did you choose nursing as a career?


How long have you been involved in the nursing field?


How are you preparing to work on your intended discipline?


How must a nurse behave?


How is the process of applying to the nursing program?


What uniforms do nurses must wear?


If you could change anything in the nursing department what would it be? Why?


What are the benefits of the nursing program?


How do you contribute to the nursing discourse community?


What are your future plans?


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