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Introduction to Game

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

What is a game?
 H o p sco tch R u le s :

 Use chalk to draw a

hopscotch pattern on
the ground or use
masking tape on a
floor .

 C re a te a d ia g ra m w ith 8
se ctio n s a n d n u m b e r
th e m .

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

 E a ch p la y e r h a s a m a rk e r
su ch a s a sto n e ,
What is a game?
Rotate sections of the Rubik’s Cube so that each face
is a solid color.

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

What is a game?


[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

What is a game?
A game is a form of
entertainment where
players must
challenges, by taking
actions that are
governed by rules, in
order to meet a
victory condition.


[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]
Games History
an earliest history about :

Space Invaders … Pong … Max Payne …

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]


[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

People play…with rocks and sticks.

Sports and physical competition are


Board and card games originate.

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

1889 : The Marufuku Company is
founded in Japan to make playing cards.
The company will later change its name
to Nintendo.

1933 : Williams builds Contact, the first

electro-mechanical pinball machine.

1954 : David Rosen begins importing

photo booths to Japan; his company will
eventually become Sega.

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

The Dawn of

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

S p a ce w a r
 MIT student
on a
 2 Ships
by 4
 Rotate left,
[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department fire ]
of Informatics
A d v e n tu re

Te x t- b a se d a d v e n tu re

“ Y o u a re in a m a ze o f

tw isty little p a ssa g e s ”

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Pong 1972

Bushnell starts Atari.

Al Alcorn creates PONG
 First arcade hit
 Home version of Pong

By 1977 the fad has

died and the

videogame market
experiences its first
“hardware crash.”

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

The Atari Era
 the Golden Age of Arcades

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]
Computers Arrive
1979 Flight Simulator released for the Apple II and TRS-

1979 Roberta and Ken Williams found On- Line Systems,

which will eventually become Sierra Entertainment.

1980 Zork is released for the Apple II.

1980 Richard Garriott codes Akalabeth on Apple IIe; the

Ultima series is born.

1982 Trip Hawkins founds Electronic Arts.

1983 EA's One-on-One featuring Julius Erving and Larry

Bird becomes the first licensed sports videogame.

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

The End of the
Atari Era
1982 Shigeru Miyamoto repurposes old Radar Scope
arcade cabinets into Donkey Kong. The game is
the first appearance of Mario and becomes an
improbable hit for Nintendo.

1982 Retailers return millions of unsellable E.T. and

Pac-man cartridges for the Atari 2600. The cost
of absorbing the returns is identified as one of the
causes of the second videogame crash.
1983-85 Second videogame crash.
Too many low-quality games result
in a rapid drop in software prices. I
n 1982, industry revenues sat at $3 billion;
1985 they decline to $100 million.
Atari alone loses $539 million in 1983.

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

The 8-Bit
The Return of the

1984 Alexei Pajitnov

creates a computer
version of Tetris
1985 The American

version of the Famicom,

the Nintendo
Entertainment System
(NES). Super Mario Bros.
1986 - 1991 The NES is

a huge hit worldwide,

selling over 60 million
units and dominating
the home videogame
[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]
The 16-bit

1989 Sega launches

the Genesis, the first
16-bit game console.
Interest in the NES
starts to decline.

1989 Nintendo

launches the Game Boy

with Tetris packed in.

1991 The Super

Entertainment System
(Super NES) is
[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]
T h e P C S trik e s
B a ck

1989 Will Wright

cre a te s S im C ity .

 Myst is released
fo r th e M a cin to sh a n d
b e co m e s th e first m a jo r
v id e o g a m e to p u sh C D -
R O M te ch n o lo g y a n d
h ig h - e n d m u ltim e d ia .

 1993 D o o m is
re le a se d fo r th e P C .

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

The Next
Generation and
1994 The Sony PlayStation and Sega
Saturn are launched in Japan.

1995 The Saturn and PlayStation are

released in North America.

1996 The Nintendo 64 launches

1999 Sega launches the Dreamcast.
First system with a built-in modem.

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

2000 Sony launches the PlayStation 2
2000 The Sims launches and goes on to become
the biggest selling PC game of its era.

2001 Dreamcast pulled from the market, Sega

leaves the hardware business to become a
third-party software publisher.

2001 Nintendo's Game Boy Advance and

GameCube are both released.

2001 Microsoft launches the Xbox and loses a

reported $1.5 billion in the first 18 months.

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

The Rise of the MMO
massively - multiplayer online game

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

MMO’s era

 2002 Microsoft launches

Xbox Live; millions of
gamers pay a fee for the
premium online service.

2002 The Sims Online


2003 Star Wars Galaxies,

an MMO set in the Star

Wars universe, ships.

2004 World of Warcraft

ships, goes on to dominate

the MMO market with over
8 million subscribers.

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]
The High - Definition
( The Next Next Generation )

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Nintendo DS
 2004
 the first dual-screened
portable, launches.

The touchscreen-

enabled device grows

from curious gaming
oddity to top-selling
portable system.

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

 2004
 Sony launches its long-
theorized handheld

The all-purpose device

plays movies, games,

and music, and can
connect to the Internet

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Xbox 360
support for 720p

resolution in every

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

B ra in A g e (2 0 0 6 )
 Tra in Y o u r B ra in in M in u te s a D a y o n th e N in te n d o
generates a new level of mainstream interest in
g a m in g .
[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Latest War (2006)
PlayStation 3 Nintendo's Wii

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

What next ?
virtual reality , augmented reality , … ?

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

What will
VR Games look

like ?
Inside a room Inside a helmet 

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Games !
 ☺ . games and their genres . ☺

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]
2D Action Games
Shoot the horde of aliens

Space Invaders, Galaga,


Mario Bros,

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

1 st Person
3D Shoot the horde of aliens

Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, Half-Life,

Max Payne

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Follow the trail

Solve puzzles

Nice scenery



Examples: Zelda, Metroid, Myst,


[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Short games
Stress reliever, flow experience
Social hierarchy “determiner”

Arcane knowledge
Limited virtual space
Follow-on real violence ?(vs. social
Clone factor

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Solving the puzzle is the primary goal

Gives feelings of mastery

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

First past the post

Fairly strong simulation element

Fine motor control

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

3rd person adventure

Strong story component (potentially)

Learn the virtual world/environment

Players are free to act within the world’s


[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Flight Sim

SimAnt, SimCity, ...

Focus on details

Training could be the goal

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Armchair coach

Abstract war

Abstract team fighting games

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Same components as Sim games

Historical simulation

Puzzles may play a part

A light story element

No twitch in turn-based strategy

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

“Name that Tune”

Repeat a piece of music that the game

plays for you

Play along musically

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Dance Dance Revolution

Dance kiosk type games

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Artificial Life
Tamagotchi, Creatures, Black & White

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Quiz Show
You Don’t Know Joko ! , Do you know
Monique ? , etc

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

Others ?¿
may be it couldn’t be specified by
previous genres ,
then write down your own suggestion
genre ! ☺

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

☺ ~ See You Later
Next episode : Game Development Overview

[ Hadziq Fabroyir . Department of Informatics ]

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