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Infancy/Toddlerhood Development

1. Explains at least two physical developmental milestones that typically developing

children should attain during this period of development.
During the infancy stage a lot of physical development is happening. During this stage of
development an infants weight and height will increase if the child is growing at a
normal rate and/or speed. Another physical development that you will see occurring
during this stage is that the babys facial features may change from day to day, the baby
will begin to look differently, this is normal. During the toddler stage children are
growing at a rapid rate. They are getting taller during this stage and may have gained
weight or even loss weight at this stage because now they are more active. Their physical
features continue to change, their hair may be getting longer or their hair color or texture
may be changing during this time.

2. Explains at least two language developmental milestones that typically developing

children should achieve in this period of development.
During this stage babies are speaking however, it is not the normal words that they are
speaking. It is that of cooing and babbling. This is baby talk, its their way of
communicating with their mommy. Crying is also another way that infants communicate
their needs or that something is wrong. During this stage children are still babbling, they
may be able to speak simple words such as momma or da da. In order to help them with
the articulation of their words it is important for parents to read to their children because
this exposes them to new words and helps them with the correct pronunciation of the
3. Explains at least two cognitive developmental milestones that typically developing
children should achieve in this period of development.
Cognitive development is important during this stage. According to Piaget, cognitive
development is where infants gain cognitive understanding primarily through their senses
and movements, which are coordinated trough reflexes. When an object is placed into
infants hands, their immediate reflex is to grasp the object and close their hand. They may
then later combine grasping the object and placing it into their mouth to suck on it.
During this stage they are integrating the behavior of sense and movement together.
During this stage cognitive development is important. A toddler will exhibit healthy
cognitive development by when an object is placed into infants hands, their immediate
reflex is to grasp the object and close their hand. They may then later combine grasping
the object and placing it into their mouth to suck on it. During this stage they are

integrating the behavior of sense and movement together. According to the CDC, by the
age of twelve months a child should be able to:

Get to a sitting position without help

Pull up to stand, walks holding on to furniture (crusing)
May take a few steps without holding on
May stand alone

4. Explains at least one sign that may signal atypical development during this period of
During this stage some atypical development would be if the infant does not cry, does not
exhibit normal behavior such as eating cooing, and movement of the arms and legs. By
six months an infant should respond to sounds by making sounds. If they are not this
could indicate atypical development and the childs doctor should be informed (
During this stage if a child is not holding up his or her own head or grasping at objects I
believe this to be atypical behavior. By the time a child is a toddler they should definitely
exhibit some form of control over their body movements.
5. Describes at least one strategy that families can use to influence their childrens
learning and development during this period of development.
Families can ensure development by reading to their child, talking to their child, kissing
and hugging their child. This will create the necessary love and bond that a child needs in
order to development socially and emotionally. To influence learning at this stage I would
incorporate lots of building blocks, books, and puzzles. These are all things that will
stimulate the brain and help with cognitive development.
6. Incorporates at least two images that relate to physical, language, or cognitive
development for this period of development to enhance the visual appeal of your fact

7. Explains at least two cognitive developmental milestones that typically developing

children should achieve in this period of development.
During this developmental stage an infants way of communicating that something is
wrong to their mother or caregiver is through crying. If a mother or caregiver ensures that
when an infant cries their needs are met and they soothe the child and calm them down
this is creating a much need bond and trust between them which is important for healthy
social-emotional development. Another milestone that an infant will encounter during
this age is sucking on their hands and becoming aware of how to move their arms and
legs. During this stage children really begin to play interactively with their peers, pretend
play builds language, thinking, and social skills when children take on roles and develop
their own ideas and stories. During this age children are also capable of showing empathy
for others.

8. Explains at least two moral reasoning/self-regulation developmental milestones that

typically developing children should achieve in this period of development.
It is important for infants needs and to be met right away because this helps them to trust
the fact that their mother will feed them when their hungry, change their diaper when
their wet, and love and cuddle with them. All of this leads to a happy, healthy baby both
physically and mentally. During this age children are able to control their emotions
somewhat and soothe themselves. They also understand no.

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